999 resultados para Terrazas (Geología)
La identificación automática de las fases minerales visibles en probetas pulidas mediante un sistema experto es un pre-requisito indispensable para la aplicación de las técnicas tradicionales de microscopía a los problemas industriales con un elevado rendimiento. Para su consecución, ha sido necesario obtener una óptima y homogénea calidad de pulido en las muestras utilizadas, lograr la puesta a punto del equipo de Análisis digital de imagen -ADI- y aplicar un análisis multiespectral sobre la imagen en color (RGB) obtenida en origen. Para este estudio inicial fueron analizadas un conjunto de probetas de menas sulfuradas con los minerales más comunes: la colección Rehwald, descrita por Randohr (1980) y estudiadas de nuevo para este objetivo específico.
The Chonta Mine (75º00’30” W & 13º04’30”S, 4495 to 5000 m absl), owned by Compañía Minera Caudalosa, operates a polymetallic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type, hosted by cenozoic volcanics of dacitic to andesitic composition (Domos de Lava Formation). Veta Rublo, one of the main veins of the system, is worked underground to nearly 300 m. It strikes 60-80º NE and dips 60-70º SE; its width varies between 0.30 and 2.20m, and it crops out along 1 km, but is continued along strike by other veins, as Veta Caudalosa, for some 5 km. Typical metal contents are 7% Zn, 5% Pb, 0.4% Cu and 3 oz/t Ag, with quartz, sericite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, fahlore as main minerals, and minor carbonate and sulphosalts.
Technological and environmental problems related to ore processing are a serious limitation for sustainable development of mineral resources, particularly for countries / companies rich in ores, but with little access to sophisticated technology, e.g. in Latin America. Digital image analysis (DIA) can provide a simple, unexpensive and broadly applicable methodology to assess these problems, but this methodology has to be carefully defined, to produce reproducible and relevant information.
Ophiolites, as a class, have been currently under-estimated as potential gold targets, although they have been the subject of major scientific research. Their resources have also attracted investors producing Cr, Cu (massive sulphides), Co, Ni (laterites), industrial rocks and minerals (serpentinites, emeralds), etc. They are also potential PGE sources.
The Be- and emerald deposits of the Emerald Mines region, in the central part of the Upper-Paleozoic Uralian orogen (Russia), are related to a major shear zone of N-S direction, where both Be-rich S-type granitoids (Carboniferous to Permian) and Cr-rich rocks (ophiolitic dunites and peridotes, Silurian to Devonian) are present.
La minería ha pasado en unas pocas décadas de ser deseada como fuente de ingresos y motor de progreso a ser rechazada, en nuestro entorno europeo, como actividad indeseable, degradante para el medio ambiente o nociva para la salud. En otros ámbitos culturales, la situación puede ser más variada pero la visión negativa que ahora domina en Europa suele ser más o menos perceptible igualmente, al menos en germen y a veces incluso en forma de conflictos violentos.
The Esperanza Zn-Pb-Ag vein, owned by Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., lies over 4000 to 4650 masl in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Central Andes. The Esperanza low sulphidation epithermal vein trends ~E-W along 1500 m; it dips to the South and can be followed to 350 m depth. As other veins of the district, like Teresita and Bienaventurada, it is hosted by intermediate to felsic volcanics (andesitic to dacitic compositions) of the Huachocolpa Group (Middle Miocene to Upper Pliocene). The mineralisation occurs mostly as open space filling related to fracture development during the Quechua III deformational event. Main ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and Ag and Pb sulfosalts; quartz, barite and calcite are the main gangue minerals. Current production grades are ~5% Zn, ~8Oz/t Ag, ~3% Pb; usually very low Cu (mean ~0.04%).
As a result of the variscan collision, several allochtonous complexes were emplaced on the Iberian margin in Devonian times, among them the Cabo Ortegal Complex comprising the Moeche ophiolitic sequence. Copper has been won from several mines (Piquitos I & II, Barqueira, Maruxa) from disseminated ores and thin massive sulphide layers in the Moeche Unit, a strongly deformed meta-volcanic sequence comprising mainly quartz-chlorite schists and mylonites, which defines the top of the ophiolite. The ores were metamorphosed and strongly deformed under brittle conditions (for pyrite), but their textures are often apparently post-deformational, due to very common solution-transfer processes; they are composed mostly of pyrite and chalcopyrite, with minor sphalerite, pyrrhotite, etc., and with traces of native gold and PGE. The geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the orebodies relate closely to VMS of the Cu-Zn (Cyprus) type. Fluid inclusion studies allowed an estimation of metamorphic conditions at pressures of 2/2’5 kb and T 325/350ºC. New determinations using the chlorite geothermometer yield temperatures around 320 ºC, corresponding to pressures near 2 kb according to the isochores deduced from the fluid inclusion study, although in the Barqueira mine higher temperatures, up to 350 ºC, are found, corresponding to presssures up to 2’5 kb. Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite point to a double source of Pb, i.e. a main mantle and a subordinate crustal source. The values for 87SR/86Sr in pyrite support this interpretation, but some results suggest later mobilization in an open system, corresponding to solution-transfer. Age determinations of pyrite deduced from the Pb isotope uranogenic graph, ≈ 480 Ma, do not fit with the metamorphic ages published for the Moeche Unit, and might point to the age of Pb extraction from the mantle.
The Bienaventurada mine operates a polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu, Au) vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type. Fluid inclusions, FI, are abundant in quartz, sphalerite and adularia. FI petrography demonstrates typical primary growth zoning which occurs frequently in crystalline quartz, and defines the most common primary FI. These are usually very small, but several types of primary, P, and secondary, S, FI Assemblages (FIAs) comprising FI of measurable size (3 to > 100 μm) can also be identified through careful petrographic work. The fluids are aqueous and undersaturated, and no evidence of CO2 was found; the degree of fill is usually high (~70-80 %) in the L-rich inclusions, but extremely low in V-rich inclusions. The measured microthermometric values are very consistent in the FIAs selected; they are for the most part roughly similar in the P and S assemblages: the median is typically ~258ºC for total homogenization temperatures, Th, and -1.5 ºC for ice melting temperatures, Tm (corresponding to 2.57 wt% NaCl eq). The widespread occurrence of L-rich and V-rich FI in the same FIA and the consistent Th values point to an extensive boiling system along the vein. In these conditions, Th equals T of trapping, and the ores are assumed to have been precipitated from an aqueous low salinity boiling fluid, of likely meteoric origin, at some 250-280º C, under ~500 m hydrostatic head.
Mining in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), the biggest VMS metallogenetic province known in the world to date, has to face a deep crisis in spite of the huge reserves still known after ≈5 000 years of production. This is due to several factors, as the difficult processing of complex Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag- Au ores, the exhaustion of the oxidation zone orebodies (the richest for gold, in gossan), the scarce demand for sulphuric acid in the world market, and harder environmental regulations. Of these factors, only the first and the last mentioned can be addressed by local ore geologists. A reactivation of mining can therefore only be achieved by an improved and more efficient ore processing, under the constraint of strict environmental controls. Digital image analysis of the ores, coupled to reflected light microscopy, provides a quantified and reliable mineralogical and textural characterization of the ores. The automation of the procedure for the first time furnishes the process engineers with real-time information, to improve the process and to preclude or control pollution; it can be applied to metallurgical tailings as well. This is shown by some examples of the IPB.
This work is part of the project CAMEVA for the development of an expert system aimed at the automatic identification of ores [1, 2]. It relies on the measure of their reflectance values, R, on digital images. Software for calibration, acquisition and analysis of the multispectral data was designed by AITEMIN [3]; the research was also assessed by H.J. Bernhardt and E. Pirard [1].
A joint research to develop an efficient method for automated identification and quantification of ores [1], based on Reflected Light Microscopy (RLM) in the VNIR realm (Fig. 1), provides an alternative to modern SEM based equipments used by geometallurgists, but for ~ 1/10th of the price.
La pequeña minería puede beneficiarse de una forma muy directa de los recientes avances en el campo de la mineralogía aplicada y técnicas relacionadas. La definición tipológica y la modelización de yacimientos han alcanzado tal nivel que pueden permitir derivar conclusiones de alcance práctico, para exploración o incluso para la consecución de créditos, con estudios petrológicos y mineralógicos relativamente sencillos y baratos. Igualmente la aplicación rigurosa de técnicas como el análisis digital de imagen a la microscopía de menas metálicas proporciona, con un coste muy limitado, gran cantidad de información que puede ser vital para controlar la eficiencia del proceso mineralúrgico y para la protección ambiental. Las investigaciones en curso en el Laboratorio de Mineralogía Aplicada muestran la utilidad de estos estudios en diversos casos prácticos en Iberoamérica. Un ejemplo puede ser la pequeña minería de Zaruma-Portovelo (Ecuador), con una tradición secular de beneficio de menas polimetálicas y de metales preciosos.
En la actualidad está plenamente reconocida la importancia de la caracterización mineralógica en el ámbito de la minería. Su aplicación es fundamental no sólo durante la etapa de diseño del circuito de concentración mineral, sino que se extiende también al control de calidad de los concentrados, al ajuste del circuito frente a variaciones de composición a medida que avanza la extracción en la mina, e incluso a la prevención de contaminación medioambiental. Tradicionalmente, el mineralogista se ha apoyado en el microscopio óptico y el contador de puntos para llevar a cabo la caracterización mineralógica. Sin embargo, una industria minera cada vez más exigente junto con la paulatina desaparición de expertos mineralogistas ha contribuido en gran medida al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de análisis y a la evolución de las ya existentes. A menudo estas técnicas se apoyan en instrumentos costosos y de difícil mantenimiento (como el microscopio electrónico de barrido y la tecnología QEMSCAN), solo al alcance de grandes compañías mineras. Por todo ello, parece evidente que es necesaria una técnica que pueda realizar una caracterización mineral completa de manera más fiable y rápida que los métodos tradicionales, pero con un coste al alcance de la pequeña y mediana industria minera. El proyecto CAMEVA demuestra que esto es posible mediante un sistema automatizado de caracterización mineral basado en el análisis digital de imagen aplicado a la microscopia óptica de reflexión
Recent research has discovered high-grade Au ores in NNE-SSW trending shear zones in metamorphic proterozoic and palaeozoic terranes, some 40 km NW of Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain). The orebodies are bound to late-stage Hercynian structures, mainly due to brittle deformation, which are superimposed on earlier ductile shear zones, cutting through various catazonal lithologies, including ortho- and paragneisses, amphibolites, eclogites, and granites. Ore mineralogy, alteration, and ore textures define a frame whose main features are common to all prospects in the area. Main minerals are arsenopyrite and pyrite - accompanied by quartz, adularia, sericite, + (tourmaline, chlorite, carbonates, graphite), as main gangue minerals - with subordinate amounts of boulangerite, bismuthinite, kobellite, jamesonite, chalcopyrite, marcasite, galena, sphalerite, rutile, titanite, scheelite, beryl, fluorite, and minor native gold, electrum, native bismuth, fahlore, pyrrhotite, mackinawite, etc., defining a meso-catathermal paragenesis. Detailed microscopic study allows the author to propose a general descriptive scheme of textural classification for this type of ore. Most of the ores fill open spaces or veins, seal cracks or cement breccias; disseminated ores with replacement features related to alteration (mainly silicification, sericitization, and adularization) are also observed. Intensive and repeated cataclasis is a common feature of many ores, suggesting successive events of brittle deformation, hydrothermal flow, and ore precipitation. Gold may be transported and accumulated in any of these events, but tends to be concentrated in later ones. The origin of the gold ores is explained in terms of hydrotherreal discharge, associated with mainly brittle deformation and possibly related to granitic magmas, in the global tectonic frame of crustal evolution of West Galicia. The mineralogical and textural study suggests some criteria which will be of practical value for exploration and for ore processing. Ore grades can be improved by flotation of arsenopyrite. Non-conventional methods, such as pressure or bacterial leaching, may subsequently obtain a residue enriched in gold.