993 resultados para Temporal aggregation


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We consider a collision-sensitive secondary system that intends to opportunistically aggregate and utilize spectrum of a primary system to achieve higher data rates. In such opportunistic spectrum access, secondary transmission can collide with primary transmission. When the secondary system aggregates more channels for data transmission, more frequent collisions may occur, limiting the performance obtained by the opportunistic spectrum aggregation. In this context, dynamic spectrum aggregation problem is formulated to maximize the ergodic channel capacity under the constraint of collision tolerable level. To solve the problem, we develop the optimal spectrum aggregation approach, deriving closed-form expressions for the collision probability in terms of primary user traffic load, secondary user transmission interval, and the random number of sub-channels aggregated. Our results show that aggregating only a subset of sub-channels will be a better choice, depending on the ratio of collision sensitivity requirement to the primary user traffic.


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TAP pulse responses are normally analysed using moments, which are integrals of the full TAP pulse response. However, in some cases the entire pulse response may not be recorded due to technical reasons, thereby compromising any data analysis due to moments generated from incomplete pulse responses. The current work discloses the development of a function which mathematically expands the tail of a TAP pulse response, so that the TAP data analysis can be accurately conducted. This newly developed analysis method has been applied to the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane over Co–Cr–Sn–WOx/α-Al2O3 and Co–Cr–Sn–WOx/α-Al2O3 catalysts as a case study.


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The widespread availability and demand for multimedia capable devices and multimedia content have fueled the need for high-speed wireless connectivity beyond the capabilities of existing commercial standards. While fiber optic data transfer links can provide multigigabit- per-second data rates, cost and deployment are often prohibitive in many applications. Wireless links, on the contrary, can provide a cost-effective fiber alternative to interconnect the outlining areas beyond the reach of the fiber rollout. With this in mind, the ever increasing demand for multi-gigabit wireless applications, fiber segment replacement mobile backhauling and aggregation, and covering the last mile have posed enormous challenges for next generation wireless technologies. In particular, the unbalanced temporal and geographical variations of spectrum usage along with the rapid proliferation of bandwidth- hungry mobile applications, such as video streaming with high definition television (HDTV) and ultra-high definition video (UHDV), have inspired millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications as a promising technology to alleviate the pressure of scarce spectrum resources for fifth generation (5G) mobile broadband.


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There is a strong northern bias in Europe as regards enchytraeid community ecology, particularly in urban settings. We approached the enchytraeid assemblages of urban holm oak stands in Naples and Siena adopting a high intensity sampling that, for the first time in the Mediterranean climate zone, would ensure that the data collected be representative of the target populations. Structural parameters (diversity and evenness, biomass, size classes, aggregation) were compared across different spatial (regional, urban district, within habitat) and temporal scales (season and year). Species richness was found to change significantly only at regional scale; background data suggest that this may depend on the higher environmental heterogeneity occurring at Naples. Differences in size class structure were significant only on a seasonal scale and within either city separately. With one exception (Fridericia bulbosa s.s.), the patterns of spatial aggregation of the common species were fairly robust and the total range of patchiness was consistent with previous studies, despite the different sampling methodologies. The size of the sampling unit, the number of replicates per plot and the number of plots proposed in this study appear suitable to obviate the difficulties of evaluating Mediterranean enchytraeid communities.


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Numbers of Tufted Ducks Aythya fuligula wintering at Lough Neagh declined dramatically following the winter of 2000/01. The abundance and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates, their main food source, declined significantly between the winters of 1997/98 and 2010. Therefore, information on recent diet was required to determine if there had been any significant changes before and after the observed declines in numbers of both macroinvertebrates and birds. Here, we used oesophageal content analysis to characterise the contemporary diet of Tufted Ducks at Lough Neagh during 2010-12. Out of 75 shot ducks, only three individuals had prey items in their oesophagi while all four ducks that accidentally drowned in gill nets contained prey items. Oesophageal contents were then compared with data collected during a study conducted in the late 1990s. Contemporary diet of Tufted Ducks was dominated by Asellus aquaticus (48%), but molluscs (14%), grain (13%) and chironomid larvae (11%) were also consumed. Between 1998-99 and 2010-12, the contribution of Asellus aquaticus to the diet significantly decreased while the proportions of chironomid larvae, grain, Gammarus spp. and Mysis spp. increased. Alternative methods of dietary analysis, for example stable isotope analysis, are recommended in future studies of diving duck diet at Lough Neagh.


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This paper provides an outline of the development of temporal thinking that is underpinned by the idea that temporal cognition shifts from being event dependent to event independent over the preschool period. I distinguish between three different ways in which it may be possible to have a perspective on time: (1) a perspective that is grounded in script-like representations of repeated events; (2) a more sophisticated perspective that brings in an fundamental categorical distinction between events that have already happened and events that are yet to come; and (3) a mature temporal perspective that involves orienting oneself in time using a linear temporal framework, with a grasp of the distinctions between past, present, and future. I propose that, with development, children possess each of these types of perspective in turn, and that only the last of these involves being able to represent time in an event-independent way.


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– The purpose of this paper is to explore and explain the change process in Northern Ireland policing through an analysis of temporally bracketed change phases and key change delivery themes ranging from 1996 to 2012.

– The research approach adopted is process based, longitudinal and multi-method, utilising “temporal bracketing” to determine phases of change and conjunctural reasoning to unravel the systematic factors interacting over time, within the case.

– The paper identifies and temporally brackets four phases of change: “Tipping point”; “Implementation, Symbolic Modification and Resistance”; “Power Assisted Steering”; and “A Return to Turbulence”, identifies four themes that emerge from RUC-PSNI experience: the role of adaptive leadership; pace and sequencing of change implementation; sufficient resourcing; and the impact of external agents acting as boundary spanners, and comments on the prominence of these themes through the phases. The paper goes on to reflect upon how these phases and themes inform our understanding of organisational change within policing organisations generally and within politically pressurised transition processes.

– The contribution of the paper lies in the documentation of an almost unique organisational case in an environmentally forced change process. In this it contains lessons for other organisations facing similar, if less extreme challenges and presents an example of intense change analysed longitudinally.


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In order to address road safety effectively, it is essential to understand all the factors, which
attribute to the occurrence of a road collision. This is achieved through road safety
assessment measures, which are primarily based on historical crash data. Recent advances
in uncertain reasoning technology have led to the development of robust machine learning
techniques, which are suitable for investigating road traffic collision data. These techniques
include supervised learning (e.g. SVM) and unsupervised learning (e.g. Cluster Analysis).
This study extends upon previous research work, carried out in Coll et al. [3], which
proposed a non-linear aggregation framework for identifying temporal and spatial hotspots.
The results from Coll et al. [3] identified Lisburn area as the hotspot, in terms of road safety,
in Northern Ireland. This study aims to use Cluster Analysis, to investigate and highlight any
hidden patterns associated with collisions that occurred in Lisburn area, which in turn, will
provide more clarity in the causation factors so that appropriate countermeasures can be put
in place.


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Soil aggregation has received a lot of attention in the last years; however, the focus was mostly on soil microorganismsor larger soil fauna, especially earthworms. The impact of the large group of microarthropods, e.g. Collembola and Acari, is nearly unknown and hence underrepresented in the literature. Here we propose and discuss potential direct and indirect mechanisms of how microarthropods could influence this process with the focus on collembolans, which are in general a relatively well studied taxon.Indirect mechanisms are likely to have larger impacts on soil aggregation than direct effects. The variety of indirect mechanisms based on the provision of organic material like faecal pellets, molts and necromass as food source for microorganisms is high and given available evidence we propose that these mechanismsare the most influential. We highlight the need for overcoming the challenges of culturing and handling of these animals in order to be able to design small scale experiments and field studies which would enable us to understand the role of the different
functional groups, their interaction with other soil faunaand the impact of land use practices on soil aggregation.


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The crowned sifaka (Propithecus coronatus) and Decken’s sifaka (Propithecus deckenii) are Endangered lemurs endemic to west and central Madagascar. Both have suffered habitat loss and fragmentation throughout their ranges. The goal
of this study, conducted in the Mahavavy-Kinkony Wetland Complex (MKWC) in northwestern Madagascar, was to assess the effects of historical change in the species’ habitats, and to model the potential impact of further land-use change on their habitats. The IDRISI Andes Geographical Information System and image-processing software was used for satellite-image classifiation, and the Land Change Modeler was used to compare the natural habitat of the species from 1973 to 2005, and to predict available habitat for 2050. We analyzed two forests in the MKWC occupied by P. coronatus (Antsilaiza and Anjohibe), and three forests occupied by P. deckenii (Tsiombikibo, Marofandroboka and Andohaomby). The two forests occupied by P. coronatus contracted during the period 1949–1973, but then expanded to exceed their 1949 area by 28% in 2005. However, the land change model predicted that they will contract again to match their 1949 area by 2050, and will again lose their corridor connection, meaning that the conservation gains for this species in the complex are at risk of being reversed. The three forests occupied by P. deckenii have declined in area steadily since 1949, losing 20% of their original area by 2005, and are predicted to lose a further 15% of their original area by 2050. Both species are therefore at risk of becoming even more threatened if land-use change continues within the complex. Improved conservation of the remaining forest is recommended to avoid further loss, as well as ecological restoration and reforestation to promote connectivity between the forests. A new strategy for controlling agriculture and forest use is required in order to avoid further destruction of the forest.


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Grid operators and electricity retailers in Ireland manage peak demand, power system balancing and grid congestion by offering relevant incentives to consumers to reduce or shift their load. The need for active consumers in the home using smart appliances has never been greater, due to increased variable renewable generation and grid constraints. In this paper an aggregated model of a single compressor fridge-freezer population is developed. A price control strategy is examined to quantify and value demand response savings during a representative winter and summer week for Ireland in 2020. The results show an average reduction in fridge-freezer operating cost of 8.2% during winter and significantly lower during summer in Ireland. A peak reduction of at least 68% of the average winter refrigeration load is achieved consistently during the week analysed using a staggering control mode. An analysis of the current ancillary service payments confirms that these are insufficient to ensure widespread uptake by the small consumer, and new mechanisms need to be developed to make becoming an active consumer attractive. Demand response is proposed as a new ancillary service called ramping capability, as the need for this service will increase with more renewable energy penetration on the power system.


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During the 1950s and 1960s, excavations by the Sarawak Museum at Niah Cave in northwest Borneo produced an enormous archive of records and artefacts, including in excess of 750,000 macro- and micro-vertebrate remains. The excellent state of preservation of the animal bone, dating from the Late Pleistocene (c. 40 kya) to as recently as c. 500 years ago had the potential to provide unparalleled zooarchaeological information about early hunter-gatherer resource procurement, temporal changes in subsistence patterning, and the impact of peoples on the local and regional environment in Island Southeast Asia. However, the coarse-grained methods of excavation employed during the original investigations and the sheer scale of the archaeological record and bone assemblages dissuaded many researchers from attempting to tackle the Niah archives. This paper outlines how important information on the nature of the archaeological record at Niah has now finally been extracted from the archive using a combination of zooarchaeological analysis and reference to the extensive archaeological records from the site. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We investigate a collision-sensitive secondary network that intends to opportunistically aggregate and utilize spectrum of a primary network to achieve higher data rates. In opportunistic spectrum access with imperfect sensing of idle primary spectrum, secondary transmission can collide with primary transmission. When the secondary network aggregates more channels in the presence of the imperfect sensing, collisions could occur more often, limiting the performance obtained by spectrum aggregation. In this context, we aim to address a fundamental query, that is, how much spectrum aggregation is worthy with imperfect sensing. For collision occurrence, we focus on two different types of collision: one is imposed by asynchronous transmission; and the other by imperfect spectrum sensing. The collision probability expression has been derived in closed-form with various secondary network parameters: primary traffic load, secondary user transmission parameters, spectrum sensing errors, and the number of aggregated sub-channels. In addition, the impact of spectrum aggregation on data rate is analysed under the constraint of collision probability. Then, we solve an optimal spectrum aggregation problem and propose the dynamic spectrum aggregation approach to increase the data rate subject to practical collision constraints. Our simulation results show clearly that the proposed approach outperforms the benchmark that passively aggregates sub-channels with lack of collision awareness.


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Aim: Impacts of invasive species may vary across invasion gradients, owing to trait-based sorting of individuals through dispersal: those aggregating at invasion fronts may be more aggressive and voracious. We examine, in the field and laboratory, variation in the predatory impacts of an invasive Ponto-Caspian crustacean Hemimysis anomala G.O. Sars, 1907 at two sites along a spatio-temporal gradient of invasion.

Location: Republic of Ireland.

Methods: We used reciprocal transplant field-deployed mesocosms to compare predation rates of invasion front and well-established H. anomala on natural zooplankton assemblages. In the laboratory, we measured the functional response (relationship between predation rate and prey supply) of H. anomala from both sites, for a per capita mechanistic comparison of predation efficiency. We also assessed prey selectivity of H. anomala in the mesocosm experiments to further compare feeding behaviour. Finally, we used a correlative approach to assess the community impact of H. anomala across sites, including a nearby uninvaded site, by comparing zooplankton diversities and densities.

Results: Invasion front H. anomala had higher predation rates than well-established H. anomala at high in situ zooplankton densities. Invasion front H. anomala also had higher functional responses - in particular showing higher 'attack rates' - indicating a heightened ability to locate and capture prey. Prey selectivity was consistent across the spatio-temporal contrast, with positive selection for cladocerans. Zooplankton diversity and density declined with time since H. anomala invasion, both being maximal at the uninvaded site.

Main conclusions: Our study, for the first time, (1) reveals differences in predatory per capita effects and associated behavioural traits between two sites along a spatio-temporal invasion gradient and (2) shows a negative community-level impact of the invasive H. anomala in natural water bodies. Further spatio-temporal comparisons of predatory per capita effects of invaders are needed to assess the generality of these results.