984 resultados para Tegakouita, Catherine, 1656-1680


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Le but de cette étude est de mesurer ainsi que de qualifier l'impact de l'implication des proches aidants de patients hospitalisés dans des unités de soins psychiatriques aigus sur eux-mêmes. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé est celui du fardeau des familles de Schene (1990). Il différencie les parties objectives et subjectives du fardeau familial. La récolte de données a été réalisée à l'aide de l'Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les proches aidants souffrent d'un niveau d'inquiétude élevé, 3.8 sur une échelle de Likert à 5 questions, ainsi que d'un niveau de tension à 2.44 sur une échelle de Likert à 5 questions. Des associations ont été trouvées. L'augmentation de la durée du trouble diminue l'inquiétude, avec une valeur ρ de 0.048. Le fait d'être habitué à la situation a également un impact en diminuant la tension, avec une valeur ρ de 0.002. Plus on est « habitué à la situation », avec une valeur ρ de -0.021, moins le proche est inquiet par rapport à la situation du patient. Ainsi que, plus le patient est jeune, plus le proche aidant ressent de tension, avec une valeur ρ de 0.008. Ces résultats, peu généralisables au vu du petit échantillon (n=24), pourraient toutefois impliquer une réflexion approfondie sur l'accueil, la place et le soutien des proches aidants de patients souffrants de troubles psychiatriques hospitalisés dans une unité de soins aigus de la part des infirmières.


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Long recognized as the standard general reference in the field, this completely revised edition of Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology provides all the information that a trainee needs to master to successfully take their professional certification examinations as well as providing the practicing radiologist with a refresher on topics that may have been forgotten. Organized along an organ and systems basis, this resource covers all diagnostic imaging modalities in an integrated, correlative fashion and focuses on those topics that really matter to a trainee radiologist in the initial years of training


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Hyperpolarization by dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a versatile technique to dramatically enhance the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal intensity of insensitive long-T1 nuclear spins such as (6) Li. The (6) Li longitudinal relaxation of lithium ions in aqueous solutions strongly depends on the concentration of paramagnetic species, even if they are present in minute amounts. We herein demonstrate that blood oxygenation can be readily detected by taking advantage of the (6) Li signal enhancement provided by dissolution DNP, together with the more than 10% decrease in (6) Li longitudinal relaxation as a consequence of the presence of paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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De la sociologie de l'immigration vers les études transnationales? Les multiples approches de la sociologie des migrations en France.


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Inferior vena cava anomalies are rare, occurring in up to 8.7% of the population, as left renal vein anomalies are considered. The inferior vena cava develops from the sixth to the eighth gestational weeks, originating from three paired embryonic veins, namely the subcardinal, supracardinal and postcardinal veins. This complex ontogenesis of the inferior vena cava, with multiple anastomoses between the pairs of embryonic veins, leads to a number of anatomic variations in the venous return from the abdomen and lower limbs. Some of such variations have significant clinical and surgical implications related to other cardiovascular anomalies and in some cases associated with venous thrombosis of lower limbs, particularly in young adults. The authors reviewed images of ten patients with inferior vena cava anomalies, three of them with deep venous thrombosis. The authors highlight the major findings of inferior vena cava anomalies at multidetector computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, correlating them the embryonic development and demonstrating the main alternative pathways for venous drainage. The knowledge on the inferior vena cava anomalies is critical in the assessment of abdominal images to avoid misdiagnosis and to indicate the possibility of associated anomalies, besides clinical and surgical implications.


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Abstract Objective: To propose a protocol for pulmonary angiography using 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (64-MDCT) with 50 mL of iodinated contrast material, in an unselected patient population, as well as to evaluate vascular enhancement and image quality. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 29 patients (22-86 years of age). The body mass index ranged from 19.0 kg/m2 to 41.8 kg/m2. Patients underwent pulmonary CT angiography in a 64-MDCT scanner, receiving 50 mL of iodinated contrast material via venous access at a rate of 4.5 mL/s. Bolus tracking was applied in the superior vena cava. Two experienced radiologists assessed image quality and vascular enhancement. Results: The mean density was 382 Hounsfield units (HU) for the pulmonary trunk; 379 and 377 HU for the right and left main pulmonary arteries, respectively; and 346 and 364 HU for the right and left inferior pulmonary arteries, respectively. In all patients, subsegmental arteries were analyzed. There were streak artifacts from contrast material in the superior vena cava in all patients. However, those artifacts did not impair the image analysis. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that pulmonary angiography using 64-MDCT with 50 mL of iodinated contrast can produce high quality images in unselected patient populations.


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Tsekkiläissyntyinen protestanttinen teologi ja kasvatustieteilijä Johann Amos Comenius julkaisi 1600-luvun puolivälissä kuuluisan oppikirjansa Orbis sensualium pictus (Näkyvä maailma). Kirja oli tarkoitettu latinan kielen alkeiden opiskeluun. Sen käänteentekevä metodi pohjautui havainnollisiin kuviin, joiden pienet, numeroin varustetut yksityiskohdat viittasivat niihin liittyviin selittäviin teksteihin ja sanoihin. Taivaankappaleet, luonto, liikennevälineet, käsityöt, maailmanuskonnot, tavat ja moraali, ihmiskehon rakenne – sanalla sanoen koko luomakunta kaikkine vivahduksineen kuvattiin Comeniuksen kirjan kömpelön kulmikkaissa, mutta havainnollisissa puupiirroksissa. Kuvat ja käsitteet yhdistävänä "pienoisensyklopediana" se pyrki muuttamaan kiduttavan päähän pänttäämisen lapsille hauskaksi tiedon hankkimiseksi. Orbis sensualium pictus levisi kaikkialle Eurooppaan ja ilmestyi myös Suomessa 1680-luvulla useana latinalais-ruotsinkielisenä painoksena. Kirja painettiin Turun piispan Johannes Gezelius vanhemman kirjapainossa, ja sen puupiirrosten painolaatat oli leikattu Turussa käyttäen esikuvana alkuperäisteoksen saksalaisia varhaispainoksia.


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Samlingen med signum HF Rom finns vid Humanistiska biblioteket i anslutning till ämnet Franska. I samlingen ingår litteratur om fransk språkvetenskap och litteraturvetenskap liksom en del fransk skönlitteratur. Endel fransk vitterhet har kommit till akademibiblioteket som donation från franska ambassaden i Helsingfors. Några privata donatorer kan nämnas som prof. Sigurd Frosterus, rektor C.M. Runeberg, fru Olga von Gerich, med.lic. Eva Gadolin Lagerwall, friherrinnan Greta von Julin, fru Catherine Boman, FK Thora Gripenberg och fröknarna Annie och Berta Edelfelt. Inköp har kompletterat samlingen. Litteraturen i samlingen söks i Alma med sökfunktionen Signum och söktermen HF Rom.


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This article focuses on the study of the treatment of eroticism in some of the poetic compositions from Francesc Fontanella (1622-1682/3). The paper studies fiften literary epistles whisch Fontanella dedicated to the nuns of the convent of Els Àngels and Jerusalem of Barcelona during the 1640s. It is divided into two parts; to first, the compositions under study are identified and presented briefly, and some issues related to the transmission of these textes are clarified. The second part discusses in detail all erotic references present in text. This analysis, on one hand, allows to present an interpretation of the meaning of the whole story contained in the letters. Moreover, it allows to present a characterization of the erotic vision of Fontanella. This is done by comparing this vision with the usual one at the time of baroque, as well as by analyzing the rhetorical strategies and the representation strategies that the author uses in the treatment of eroticism


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Con este artículo queremos exponer una experiencia didáctica interdisciplinar con la intervención de las áreas de expresión visual, literaria y musical, y, al mismo tiempo, rendir homenaje a una parte pequeña, pero no por eso menos significativa, de nuestro autor: sus canciones para niños.Apel·les Mestres, figura polifacética y en estrecha comunión con su tiempo, nos dejó un amplio legado en todas las áreas o disciplinas que cultivó: la música, la literatura, el dibujo, la poesía, etc