963 resultados para Tectónica de Placas
Objetivo: o objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da nova formulação do Cimento Portland (CPM) comparando-o ao MTA Angelus na viabilidade celular e liberação de IL-1b e IL-6 em fibroblastos de rato. Métodos: tubos de polietileno preenchidos com os materiais estudados foram colocados em placas de cultura celular de 24 poços com fibroblastos de rato. Tubos vazios foram utilizados como controle. Após 24 horas, ensaio MTT foi utilizado para avaliar a viabilidade celular. Para o ensaio de citocinas, fibroblastos de ratos foram incubados em placas de fundo plano de 24 poços com discos dos materiais no fundo, ou sem material, como controle. Após 24 horas, o meio de cultura foi coletado para a avaliação das citocinas pelo ELISA. Resultados: o CPM e MTA Angelus não inibiram a viabilidade celular. Ambos os materiais induziram liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b e a quantidade foi estatisticamente significativa se comparada ao grupo controle. Conclusão: ambos os materiais não foram citotóxicos em cultura de fibroblastos e induziram a liberação de IL-6 e IL-1b.
Lichenoid lesions are mucocutaneous disease of chronic inflammatory origin. Can produce side effects to drugs, dental materials, affecting 0.5 to 1% of the world population mainly in women in the fourth decade of life. The history and meticulous clinical servation may clarify the reactive nature, but the clinical diagnosis will only be conclusive when associated with tests such as histopathology. Therefore the objective of the study is to report a case of a woman of 55 years old, complaining of "white spots sore". Reported being allergic to metals, chocolate, acidic foods and certain types of clothes. From accurate intraoral clinical examination, white plaques were found in the dorsum of the tongue, hard palate and buccal mucosa, inaccurate and rough limits, and ulcerations throughout the labial edge and upper palate. Histopathology revealed a lichenoid reaction. Was instituted as pharmacological treatment, the use of systemic corticosteroids. Clinical follow-up of one year showed reduction of clinical symptoms, allowing to conclude that the clinical follow-up of this disease is necessary since its dubious malignant potential and diagnostic difficulty. Thus, early recognition of this disease allows instituting appropriate treatment with relief of anxiety of the patient and their family.
Cryptococcosis is an opportunistic fungal infection caused by Cryptococcus yeasts, especially C. neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii. The fungus is found in substrates of animal and vegetable origin, and infection occurs through inhalation and seedlings present in the environment. The present study aimed to investigate the existence of microfocus Cryptococcus sp. from the environmental samples of Araçatuba city, São Paulo, featuring new niches, by decoupling the direct relationship between fungus and host in order to minimize the risk of contamination of man and animals, understanding the ecoepidemiology of Cryptococcus. Fifty samples from hollows and tree trunks were harvested (Cassia sp., Ficus sp., Caesalpinea peltophorides) from ten representatives in the urban perimeter. The samples were immediately sent to the Laboratory of Bacteriology and Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Araçatuba - Unesp where they were processed and plated on Petri dishes containing agar seed Niger and Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol, incubated at 30ºC for a period of no less than 5 days. Afterwards they were subimitted to biochemical tests: urease production, thermotolerance at 37°C and quimiotipagem in CGB agar (L- Canavanine-Glycine-Bromothymol blue). The results showed that 17 (34%) cultures were positive for Cryptococcus, 9 (18%) for Cryptococcus gattii and 8 (16%) for Cryptococcus neoformans. Other yeast correlated as Rhodotorula sp. and Candida sp. were isolated. We conclude that the infectious propagules of Cryptococcus are dispersed in nature and constitute an environmental microfocus, not necessarily being bound to a single host.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The granitic massif Capão Bonito is located in the southwest of the State of São Paulo and is associated with Neoproterozoic evolution of Central Mantiqueira Province. Its rocks outcrop along the edge of the Paraná Basin in a body with elongated shape whose major axis has a general NE-SW, covering an area of approximately 110km2. Occurs in intrusive epimetamorphic rocks of Votuverava Formation, Acungui Group and granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex and their placement is related to a brittle tectonics of NE-SW direction shear zones. In metasediments, when preserved from deformational features imposed by mylonitic deformation, preserve up textures and mineralogy of contact metamorphism with development of mineral in albite-epidote and hornblende hornfels facies. The Massif Capão Bonito consists of red syenogranites, holo-leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, medium to coarse inequigranulars and isotropic lightly mylonitic and / or cataclastic in marginal regions. Commercially are called Vermelho Capão Bonito and for export as Ruby Red Granite. Rocks belonging to the calcium-alkaline high potassium to shoshonitic series or the series subalkaline potassic and metaluminous to peraluminous character. The magmatism is compatible with granite type A, tardi-orogenic to anorogenic of intraplate environment, from the crust material with lower melting emplacement associated with correlated transtensive structure to shear zones in an extensional environment at the end of collisional event of Orogênese Ribeira. Metamorphism occurred in the region in the greenschist facies, low to medium, generating quartzites, phyllites, schists, and calcium-silicate metabasics
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Contexto:A tinha incógnita é infecção fúngica cutânea causada por dermatófito e agravada por tratamento incorreto. Os principais medica-mentos envolvidos são os corticosteroides tópicos, sistêmicos e aplicação tópica de imunomodulador. Nessa enfermidade, as lesões perdemo formato anular ou circinado típico com atividade clínica periférica, manifestando-se clinicamente como máculaseritemato-descamativascom pústulas ou placas e nódulos eritematosos infiltrados, mimetizando diversas doenças cutâneas.Descrição do caso:Relatamos o casode paciente feminina, de sete anos de idade, caucasiana, com lesões eritemato-descamativas pustulosas e história clínica dedois meses.Foi tratada previamente com antibióticos (cefalexina via oral), corticosteroides tópico e injetável, com piora progressiva do quadro. Estabe-leceu-se o diagnóstico de tinha incógnita pelo exame clínico e micológico direto. Houve cura das lesões após tratamento com terbinafina viaoral, 125 mg/dia, e antimicótico tópico por oito semanas.Conclusões:A tinha incógnita, pela apresentação clínica atípica, requer atenção.Assim, o médico deve conhecê-la e pesquisar os fungos dermatófitos em lesões cutâneas faciais com distribuição atípica, recalcitrantes elocalizadas muitas vezes no couro cabeludo.Palavras-chave:Tinha do couro cabeludo, tinha, micoses, fungos, corticosteroides
Lentinus strigosus (Schwein.) Fr. is an exploitable edible mushroom occurring in the Brazilian Amazon, being part of a huge diversity of edible mushrooms which are little grown. The use of regional waste is recommended to reduce production costs of any kind of edible mushroom. Thus, the mycelial growth of L. strigosus in culture media based on regional wood waste extract by using substrates based on Protium puncticulatum, Cariniana micrantha and Caryocar glabum sawdust, supplemented with 20% of wheat bran (Triticum aestivum), corn bran (Zea sp.) or rice bran (Oryza sp.) was observed. Eucalyptus (Eucaliptus sp.) sawdust was used for comparison with the other wood wastes because it is commonly used in the cultivation of edible fungi. The experimental design employed was totally randomized, in 4 x 3 factorial scheme (sawdust x bran), adding up 12 treatments with 5 repetitions, being that each repetition corresponded to a Petri dish, totalizing 60 dishes, incubated at 35 ºC. The diameter of the colony was daily evaluated until the fungus reached the borders of the Petri dish in one of the treatments. After that period, the media based on P. puncticulatum sawdust obtained thebest results of mycelial growth, showing potential to be used as an alternative residuein a future production of L. strigosus in the state of Amazonas.
The objective of the work was to evaluate the in vitro mycelial growth of five A. blazei strains (ABL-05/53, ABL-04/49, ABL-03/44, ABL-99/30 and ABL-02/51) when submitted to the temperatures of 20 and 25 ºC. In a laminar flow chamber, discs of the strains were inoculated in the middle of Petri’s plates containing CA (compost-agar) medium and incubated in BOD. After 48 hours, measurements of the mycelial growth began, with the help of a ruler with scale in millimeters, by means of four equidistant measurements, until the moment when the fungal colony reached near the edges of the Petri’s plate in one of the treatments. The experimental design was totally randomized, in 5 x 2 factorial design. Each treatment consisted of seven repetitions, corresponding to one Petri’s plate, totalizing seventy experimental units. We verified that A. blazei growth is influenced by incubation temperature, being that the temperature of 25 ºC was more favorable for the mycelial growth of all A. blazei strains tested, with attention for ABL-04/49 and ABL-03/44 strains, which obtained the highest averages for mycelial growth under this temperature condition at the end of the cultivation cycle.