998 resultados para Tecnologia da informação


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One tool that has been in evidence, especially among young people, is Facebook. It can be classified as a synchronous communication tool that allows communities of people with similar interests to discuss and exchange experiences in real time, promoting the sharing of information and the creation of collective knowledge, even if they being in different parts of the globe. In this paper we show that Facebook can be used as an educational tool to aid the work done in the classroom and the impact of creating closed groups in online social networking for educational purposes. The survey was conducted with a group of students at a private school in Bauru/SP. We investigated the interaction profile of students with a closed group created on Facebook and through a questionnaire analyzed whether students use virtual environments for personal or educational. The survey reveals students perceptions about relevant aspects and the potential use of this tool as teaching-learning strategy


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEG


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Os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1997) um documento que procura auxiliar o professor na execuo de seu trabalho na escola, e dentre os temas contemplados neste documento encontramos a temtica da sade. Desde a origem deste documento, a sade um tema considerado importante de ser ensinado na escola, mas atualmente tem recebido destaque nas mdias, chamando a ateno de toda populao para o desenvolvimento de um estilo de vida saudvel, ao mesmo tempo em que, existe uma crescente preocupao quanto sade das crianas relacionada obesidade e sedentarismo. Desta forma, o presente estudo procurou organizar materiais didticos em forma de tecnologias da informação e comunicao que fiquem a disposio dos professores para ensinar alguns temas relacionados sade. Para a organizao desses materiais, foi necessria uma reviso da literatura e em especial uma reviso documental dos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais no que diz respeito sade, que resultaram em quatro eixos de contedos a serem desenvolvidos, sendo eles: higiene pessoal, alimentao, atividade fsica e padres de sade e beleza apresentados pelas mdias. A tecnologia de informação e comunicao foi escolhida como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento das aulas, pois utilizada com prazer pelos estudantes. Conclui-se que este material importante, principalmente para os professores de Educao Fsica escolar, que encontram uma escassez de materiais didticos na rea e sobre as possibilidades de utilizao da tecnologia de informação e comunicao em ambiente escolar, e principalmente, que mais estudos sobre a sade so necessrios, pois o mesmo proporciona muitas possibilidades e formas de abordagens


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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The collection of prices for basic goods supply is very important for the population, based on the collection and processing of these data the CLI (Cost Living Index) is calculated among others, helping consumers to shop more rationally and with a clearer view of each product impact of each product on their household budget, not only food, but also cleaning products and personal hygiene ones. Nowadays, the project of collection of prices for basic goods supply is conducted weekly in Botucatu - SP through a spreadsheet. The aim of this work was to develop a software which utilized mobile devices in the data collection and storage phase, concerning the basic goods supply in Botucatu -SP. This was created in order to eliminate the need of taking notes in paper spreadsheets, increasing efficiency and accelerating the data processing. This work utilized the world of mobile technology and development tools, through the platform".NET" - Compact Framework and programming language Visual Basic".NET" was used in the handheld phase, enabling to develop a system using techniques of object oriented programming, with higher speed and reliability in the codes writing. A HP Pavilion dv3 personal computer and an Eten glofish x500+ handheld computer were used. At the end of the software development, collection, data storing and processing in a report, the phase of in loco paper spreadsheets were eliminated and it was possible to verify that the whole process was faster, more consistent, safer, more efficient and the data were more available.


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Ps-graduao em Cincia da Computao - IBILCE


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEG


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Nowadays the companies generate great amount of data from different sources, however some of them produce more data than they can analyze. Big Data is a set of data that grows very fast, collected several times during a short period of time. This work focus on the importance of the correct management of Big Data in an industrial plant. Through a case study based on a company that belongs to the pulp and paper area, the problems resolutions are going to be presented with the usage of appropriate data management. In the final chapters, the results achieved by the company are discussed, showing how the correct choice of data to be monitored and analyzed brought benefits to the company, also best practices will be recommended for the Big Data management


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Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems


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Ps-graduao em Engenharia de Produo - FEG


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Nowadays the companies generate great amount of data from different sources, however some of them produce more data than they can analyze. Big Data is a set of data that grows very fast, collected several times during a short period of time. This work focus on the importance of the correct management of Big Data in an industrial plant. Through a case study based on a company that belongs to the pulp and paper area, the problems resolutions are going to be presented with the usage of appropriate data management. In the final chapters, the results achieved by the company are discussed, showing how the correct choice of data to be monitored and analyzed brought benefits to the company, also best practices will be recommended for the Big Data management


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Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems


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Na sociedade contempornea o ser humano se v inserido ou invadido em ambientes cada vez mais configurados por complexos recursos tecnolgicos. o ciberespao, onde as imagens inundam o cotidiano e se traduzem em valor, o corpo adquire novo status imaterial e as noes de lugar e tempo se transformam e quase se anulam. O cinema pensa e produz tambm uma desterritorializao da imagem em movimento desde os seus primeiros tempos de imagem-mquina. Este trabalho reflete sobre as transformaes da ordem social que implicam a emergncia de uma iconomia a partir dos espaos simblicos, tomando trs momentos crticos na histria do cinema como ndices de uma convergncia entre material e imaterial que se consolida a partir da emergncia do ciberespao. O quase-mtodo metaprico mobilizado como ferramenta de reconstruo metodolgica desses cones da histria do cinema relacionados desconstruo do Homo faber. O outro lado do ciberespao, abrindo continuamente novos espaos-tempos de criao de valor, identifica-se a uma iconomia em que as projees narrativas tornam-se fontes paradigmticas de valor e de mais gozar.