887 resultados para TRANSISTORS


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The transistor laser is a unique three-port device that operates simultaneously as a transistor and a laser. With quantum wells incorporated in the base regions of heterojunction bipolar transistors, the transistor laser possesses advantageous characteristics of fast base spontaneous carrier lifetime, high differential optical gain, and electrical-optical characteristics for direct “read-out” of its optical properties. These devices have demonstrated many useful features such as high-speed optical transmission without the limitations of resonance, non-linear mixing, frequency multiplication, negative resistance, and photon-assisted switching. To date, all of these devices operate as multi-mode lasers without any type of wavelength selection or stabilizing mechanisms. Stable single-mode distributed feedback diode laser sources are important in many applications including spectroscopy, as pump sources for amplifiers and solid-state lasers, for use in coherent communication systems, and now as TLs potentially for integrated optoelectronics. The subject of this work is to expand the future applications of the transistor laser by demonstrating the theoretical background, process development and device design necessary to achieve singlelongitudinal- mode operation in a three-port transistor laser. A third-order distributed feedback surface grating is fabricated in the top emitter AlGaAs confining layers using soft photocurable nanoimprint lithography. The device produces continuous wave laser operation with a peak wavelength of 959.75 nm and threshold current of 13 mA operating at -70 °C. For devices with cleaved ends a side-mode suppression ratio greater than 25 dB has been achieved.


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This thesis presents the achievements and scientific work conducted using a previously designed and fabricated 64 x 64-pixel ion camera with the use of a 0.35 μm CMOS technology. We used an array of Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (ISFETs) to monitor and measure chemical and biochemical reactions in real time. The area of our observation was a 4.2 x 4.3 mm silicon chip while the actual ISFET array covered an area of 715.8 x 715.8 μm consisting of 4096 ISFET pixels in total with a 1 μm separation space among them. The ion sensitive layer, the locus where all reactions took place was a silicon nitride layer, the final top layer of the austriamicrosystems 0.35 μm CMOS technology used. Our final measurements presented an average sensitivity of 30 mV/pH. With the addition of extra layers we were able to monitor a 65 mV voltage difference during our experiments with glucose and hexokinase, whereas a difference of 85 mV was detected for a similar glucose reaction mentioned in literature, and a 55 mV voltage difference while performing photosynthesis experiments with a biofilm made from cyanobacteria, whereas a voltage difference of 33.7 mV was detected as presented in literature for a similar cyanobacterial species using voltamemtric methods for detection. To monitor our experiments PXIe-6358 measurement cards were used and measurements were controlled by LabVIEW software. The chip was packaged and encapsulated using a PGA-100 chip carrier and a two-component commercial epoxy. Printed circuit board (PCB) has also been previously designed to provide interface between the chip and the measurement cards.


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This thesis describes a collection of studies into the electrical response of a III-V MOS stack comprising metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers as a function of fabrication process variables and the findings of those studies. As a result of this work, areas of improvement in the gate process module of a III-V heterostructure MOSFET were identified. Compared to traditional bulk silicon MOSFET design, one featuring a III-V channel heterostructure with a high-dielectric-constant oxide as the gate insulator provides numerous benefits, for example: the insulator can be made thicker for the same capacitance, the operating voltage can be made lower for the same current output, and improved output characteristics can be achieved without reducing the channel length further. It is known that transistors composed of III-V materials are most susceptible to damage induced by radiation and plasma processing. These devices utilise sub-10 nm gate dielectric films, which are prone to contamination, degradation and damage. Therefore, throughout the course of this work, process damage and contamination issues, as well as various techniques to mitigate or prevent those have been investigated through comparative studies of III-V MOS capacitors and transistors comprising various forms of metal gates, various thicknesses of GaGdO dielectric, and a number of GaAs-based semiconductor layer structures. Transistors which were fabricated before this work commenced, showed problems with threshold voltage control. Specifically, MOSFETs designed for normally-off (VTH > 0) operation exhibited below-zero threshold voltages. With the results obtained during this work, it was possible to gain an understanding of why the transistor threshold voltage shifts as the gate length decreases and of what pulls the threshold voltage downwards preventing normally-off device operation. Two main culprits for the negative VTH shift were found. The first was radiation damage induced by the gate metal deposition process, which can be prevented by slowing down the deposition rate. The second was the layer of gold added on top of platinum in the gate metal stack which reduces the effective work function of the whole gate due to its electronegativity properties. Since the device was designed for a platinum-only gate, this could explain the below zero VTH. This could be prevented either by using a platinum-only gate, or by matching the layer structure design and the actual gate metal used for the future devices. Post-metallisation thermal anneal was shown to mitigate both these effects. However, if post-metallisation annealing is used, care should be taken to ensure it is performed before the ohmic contacts are formed as the thermal treatment was shown to degrade the source/drain contacts. In addition, the programme of studies this thesis describes, also found that if the gate contact is deposited before the source/drain contacts, it causes a shift in threshold voltage towards negative values as the gate length decreases, because the ohmic contact anneal process affects the properties of the underlying material differently depending on whether it is covered with the gate metal or not. In terms of surface contamination; this work found that it causes device-to-device parameter variation, and a plasma clean is therefore essential. This work also demonstrated that the parasitic capacitances in the system, namely the contact periphery dependent gate-ohmic capacitance, plays a significant role in the total gate capacitance. This is true to such an extent that reducing the distance between the gate and the source/drain ohmic contacts in the device would help with shifting the threshold voltages closely towards the designed values. The findings made available by the collection of experiments performed for this work have two major applications. Firstly, these findings provide useful data in the study of the possible phenomena taking place inside the metal/GaGdO/GaAs layers and interfaces as the result of chemical processes applied to it. In addition, these findings allow recommendations as to how to best approach fabrication of devices utilising these layers.


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Conventional Si complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling is fast approaching its limits. The extension of the logic device roadmap for future enhancements in transistor performance requires non-Si materials and new device architectures. III-V materials, due to their superior electron transport properties, are well poised to replace Si as the channel material beyond the 10nm technology node to mitigate the performance loss of Si transistors from further reductions in supply voltage to minimise power dissipation in logic circuits. However several key challenges, including a high quality dielectric/III-V gate stack, a low-resistance source/drain (S/D) technology, heterointegration onto a Si platform and a viable III-V p-metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET), need to be addressed before III-Vs can be employed in CMOS. This Thesis specifically addressed the development and demonstration of planar III-V p-MOSFETs, to complement the n-MOSFET, thereby enabling an all III-V CMOS technology to be realised. This work explored the application of InGaAs and InGaSb material systems as the channel, in conjunction with Al2O3/metal gate stacks, for p-MOSFET development based on the buried-channel flatband device architecture. The body of work undertaken comprised material development, process module development and integration into a robust fabrication flow for the demonstration of p-channel devices. The parameter space in the design of the device layer structure, based around the III-V channel/barrier material options of Inx≥0.53Ga1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As and Inx≥0.1Ga1-xSb/AlSb, was systematically examined to improve hole channel transport. A mobility of 433 cm2/Vs, the highest room temperature hole mobility of any InGaAs quantum-well channel reported to date, was obtained for the In0.85Ga0.15As (2.1% strain) structure. S/D ohmic contacts were developed based on thermally annealed Au/Zn/Au metallisation and validated using transmission line model test structures. The effects of metallisation thickness, diffusion barriers and de-oxidation conditions were examined. Contacts to InGaSb-channel structures were found to be sensitive to de-oxidation conditions. A fabrication process, based on a lithographically-aligned double ohmic patterning approach, was realised for deep submicron gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) scaling to minimise the access resistance, thereby mitigating the effects of parasitic S/D series resistance on transistor performance. The developed process yielded gaps as small as 20nm. For high-k integration on GaSb, ex-situ ammonium sulphide ((NH4)2S) treatments, in the range 1%-22%, for 10min at 295K were systematically explored for improving the electrical properties of the Al2O3/GaSb interface. Electrical and physical characterisation indicated the 1% treatment to be most effective with interface trap densities in the range of 4 - 10×1012cm-2eV-1 in the lower half of the bandgap. An extended study, comprising additional immersion times at each sulphide concentration, was further undertaken to determine the surface roughness and the etching nature of the treatments on GaSb. A number of p-MOSFETs based on III-V-channels with the most promising hole transport and integration of the developed process modules were successfully demonstrated in this work. Although the non-inverted InGaAs-channel devices showed good current modulation and switch-off characteristics, several aspects of performance were non-ideal; depletion-mode operation, modest drive current (Id,sat=1.14mA/mm), double peaked transconductance (gm=1.06mS/mm), high subthreshold swing (SS=301mV/dec) and high on-resistance (Ron=845kΩ.μm). Despite demonstrating substantial improvement in the on-state metrics of Id,sat (11×), gm (5.5×) and Ron (5.6×), inverted devices did not switch-off. Scaling gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) from 1μm down to 70nm improved Id,sat (72.4mA/mm) by a factor of 3.6 and gm (25.8mS/mm) by a factor of 4.1 in inverted InGaAs-channel devices. Well-controlled current modulation and good saturation behaviour was observed for InGaSb-channel devices. In the on-state In0.3Ga0.7Sb-channel (Id,sat=49.4mA/mm, gm=12.3mS/mm, Ron=31.7kΩ.μm) and In0.4Ga0.6Sb-channel (Id,sat=38mA/mm, gm=11.9mS/mm, Ron=73.5kΩ.μm) devices outperformed the InGaAs-channel devices. However the devices could not be switched off. These findings indicate that III-V p-MOSFETs based on InGaSb as opposed to InGaAs channels are more suited as the p-channel option for post-Si CMOS.


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The performance, energy efficiency and cost improvements due to traditional technology scaling have begun to slow down and present diminishing returns. Underlying reasons for this trend include fundamental physical limits of transistor scaling, the growing significance of quantum effects as transistors shrink, and a growing mismatch between transistors and interconnects regarding size, speed and power. Continued Moore's Law scaling will not come from technology scaling alone, and must involve improvements to design tools and development of new disruptive technologies such as 3D integration. 3D integration presents potential improvements to interconnect power and delay by translating the routing problem into a third dimension, and facilitates transistor density scaling independent of technology node. Furthermore, 3D IC technology opens up a new architectural design space of heterogeneously-integrated high-bandwidth CPUs. Vertical integration promises to provide the CPU architectures of the future by integrating high performance processors with on-chip high-bandwidth memory systems and highly connected network-on-chip structures. Such techniques can overcome the well-known CPU performance bottlenecks referred to as memory and communication wall. However the promising improvements to performance and energy efficiency offered by 3D CPUs does not come without cost, both in the financial investments to develop the technology, and the increased complexity of design. Two main limitations to 3D IC technology have been heat removal and TSV reliability. Transistor stacking creates increases in power density, current density and thermal resistance in air cooled packages. Furthermore the technology introduces vertical through silicon vias (TSVs) that create new points of failure in the chip and require development of new BEOL technologies. Although these issues can be controlled to some extent using thermal-reliability aware physical and architectural 3D design techniques, high performance embedded cooling schemes, such as micro-fluidic (MF) cooling, are fundamentally necessary to unlock the true potential of 3D ICs. A new paradigm is being put forth which integrates the computational, electrical, physical, thermal and reliability views of a system. The unification of these diverse aspects of integrated circuits is called Co-Design. Independent design and optimization of each aspect leads to sub-optimal designs due to a lack of understanding of cross-domain interactions and their impacts on the feasibility region of the architectural design space. Co-Design enables optimization across layers with a multi-domain view and thus unlocks new high-performance and energy efficient configurations. Although the co-design paradigm is becoming increasingly necessary in all fields of IC design, it is even more critical in 3D ICs where, as we show, the inter-layer coupling and higher degree of connectivity between components exacerbates the interdependence between architectural parameters, physical design parameters and the multitude of metrics of interest to the designer (i.e. power, performance, temperature and reliability). In this dissertation we present a framework for multi-domain co-simulation and co-optimization of 3D CPU architectures with both air and MF cooling solutions. Finally we propose an approach for design space exploration and modeling within the new Co-Design paradigm, and discuss the possible avenues for improvement of this work in the future.


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In the last three decades, there has been a broad academic and industrial interest in conjugated polymers as semiconducting materials for organic electronics. Their applications in polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs), polymer solar cells (PSCs), and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) offer opportunities for the resolution of energy issues as well as the development of display and information technologies1. Conjugated polymers provide several advantages including low cost, light weight, good flexibility, as well as solubility which make them readily processed and easily printed, removing the conventional photolithography for patterning2. A large library of polymer semiconductors have been synthesized and investigated with different building blocks, such as acenes or thiophene and derivatives, which have been employed to design new materials according to individual demands for specific applications. To design ideal conjugated polymers for specific applications, some general principles should be taken into account, including (i) side chains (ii) molecular weights, (iii) band gap and HOMO and LUMO energy levels, and (iv) suited morphology.3-6 The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact that substitution exerts on the molecular and electronic structure of π-conjugated polymers with outstanding performances in organic electronic devices. Different configurations of the π-conjugated backbones are analyzed: (i) donor-acceptor configuration, (ii) 1D lineal or 2D branched conjugated backbones, and (iii) encapsulated polymers (see Figure 1). Our combined vibrational spectroscopy and DFT study shows that small changes in the substitution pattern and in the molecular configuration have a strong impact on the electronic characteristics of these polymers. We hope this study can advance useful structure-property relationships of conjugated polymers and guide the design of new materials for organic electronic applications.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Ambipolar organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), which can efficiently transport both holes and electrons, using a single type of electrode, are currently of great interest due to their possible applications in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-like circuits, sensors, and in light-emitting transistors. Several theoretical and experimental studies have argued that most organic semiconductors should be able to transport both types of carrier, although typically unipolar behavior is observed. One factor that can compromise ambipolar transport in organic semiconductors is poor solid state overlap between the HOMO (p-type) or LUMO (n-type) orbitals of neighboring molecules in the semiconductor thin film. In the search of low-bandgap ambipolar materials, where the absence of skeletal distortions allows closer intermolecular π-π stacking and enhanced intramolecular π-conjugation, a new family of oligothiophene-naphthalimide assemblies have been synthesized and characterized, in which both donor and acceptor moieties are directly conjugated through rigid linkers. In previous works we found that oligothiophene-napthalimide assemblies connected through amidine linkers (NDI derivates) exhibit skeletal distortions (50-60º) arising from steric hindrance between the carbonyl group of the arylene core and the sulphur atom of the neighbored thiophene ring (see Figure 1). In the present work we report novel oligo- and polythiophene–naphthalimide analogues NAI-3T, NAI-5T and poly-NAI-8C-3T, in which the connections of the amidine linkage have been inverted in order to prevent steric interactions. Thus, the nitrogen atoms are directly connected to the naphthalene moiety in NAI derivatives while they were attached directly to the thiophene moiety in the previously investigated NDI-3T and NDI-5T. In Figure 1 is depicted the calculated molecular structure of NAI-3T together with that of NDI-3T showing how the steric interactions are not present in the novel NAI derivative. The planar skeletons in these new family induce higher degree of crystallinity and the carrier charge transport can be switched from n-type to ambipolar behaviour. The highest FET performance is achieved for vapor-deposited films of NAI-3T with mobilities of 1.95x10-4cm2V-1s-1 and 2.00x10-4cm2V-1s-1 for electrons and holes, respectively. Finally, these planar semiconductors are compared with their NDI derivates analogues, which exhibit only n-type mobility, in order to understand the origin of the ambipolarity in this new series of molecular semiconductors.


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In recent decades, electrospinning of nanofibers has progressed very rapidly in both scientific and technological aspects, and electrospun nanofibers have shown enormous potential for various applications. In particular, electrospun nanofibers have significantly enhanced the application performance of many electronic devices, such as solar cells, mechanical-to-electric energy harvesters, rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, sensors, field-effect transistors, diodes, photodetectors, and electrochromic devices. This chapter provides a comprehensive summary on the recent progress in the application of electrospun nanofibers in electronic devices.


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Catering to society’s demand for high performance computing, billions of transistors are now integrated on IC chips to deliver unprecedented performances. With increasing transistor density, the power consumption/density is growing exponentially. The increasing power consumption directly translates to the high chip temperature, which not only raises the packaging/cooling costs, but also degrades the performance/reliability and life span of the computing systems. Moreover, high chip temperature also greatly increases the leakage power consumption, which is becoming more and more significant with the continuous scaling of the transistor size. As the semiconductor industry continues to evolve, power and thermal challenges have become the most critical challenges in the design of new generations of computing systems. In this dissertation, we addressed the power/thermal issues from the system-level perspective. Specifically, we sought to employ real-time scheduling methods to optimize the power/thermal efficiency of the real-time computing systems, with leakage/ temperature dependency taken into consideration. In our research, we first explored the fundamental principles on how to employ dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) techniques to reduce the peak operating temperature when running a real-time application on a single core platform. We further proposed a novel real-time scheduling method, “M-Oscillations” to reduce the peak temperature when scheduling a hard real-time periodic task set. We also developed three checking methods to guarantee the feasibility of a periodic real-time schedule under peak temperature constraint. We further extended our research from single core platform to multi-core platform. We investigated the energy estimation problem on the multi-core platforms and developed a light weight and accurate method to calculate the energy consumption for a given voltage schedule on a multi-core platform. Finally, we concluded the dissertation with elaborated discussions of future extensions of our research.


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Today, modern System-on-a-Chip (SoC) systems have grown rapidly due to the increased processing power, while maintaining the size of the hardware circuit. The number of transistors on a chip continues to increase, but current SoC designs may not be able to exploit the potential performance, especially with energy consumption and chip area becoming two major concerns. Traditional SoC designs usually separate software and hardware. Thus, the process of improving the system performance is a complicated task for both software and hardware designers. The aim of this research is to develop hardware acceleration workflow for software applications. Thus, system performance can be improved with constraints of energy consumption and on-chip resource costs. The characteristics of software applications can be identified by using profiling tools. Hardware acceleration can have significant performance improvement for highly mathematical calculations or repeated functions. The performance of SoC systems can then be improved, if the hardware acceleration method is used to accelerate the element that incurs performance overheads. The concepts mentioned in this study can be easily applied to a variety of sophisticated software applications. The contributions of SoC-based hardware acceleration in the hardware-software co-design platform include the following: (1) Software profiling methods are applied to H.264 Coder-Decoder (CODEC) core. The hotspot function of aimed application is identified by using critical attributes such as cycles per loop, loop rounds, etc. (2) Hardware acceleration method based on Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is used to resolve system bottlenecks and improve system performance. The identified hotspot function is then converted to a hardware accelerator and mapped onto the hardware platform. Two types of hardware acceleration methods – central bus design and co-processor design, are implemented for comparison in the proposed architecture. (3) System specifications, such as performance, energy consumption, and resource costs, are measured and analyzed. The trade-off of these three factors is compared and balanced. Different hardware accelerators are implemented and evaluated based on system requirements. 4) The system verification platform is designed based on Integrated Circuit (IC) workflow. Hardware optimization techniques are used for higher performance and less resource costs. Experimental results show that the proposed hardware acceleration workflow for software applications is an efficient technique. The system can reach 2.8X performance improvements and save 31.84% energy consumption by applying the Bus-IP design. The Co-processor design can have 7.9X performance and save 75.85% energy consumption.


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Metal oxide thin films are important for modern electronic devices ranging from thin film transistors to photovoltaics and functional optical coatings. Solution processed techniques allow for thin films to be rapidly deposited over a range of surfaces without the extensive processing of comparative vapour or physical deposition methods. The production of thin films of vanadium oxide prepared through dip-coating was developed enabling a greater understanding of the thin film formation. Mechanisms of depositing improved large area uniform coverage on a number of technologically relevant substrates were examined. The fundamental mechanism for polymer-assisted deposition in improving thin film surface smoothness and long range order has been delivered. Different methods were employed for adapting the alkoxide based dip-coating technique to produce a variety of amorphous and crystalline vanadium oxide based thin films. Using a wide range of material, spectroscopic and optical measurement techniques the morphology, structure and optoelectronic properties of the thin films were studied. The formation of pinholes on the surface of the thin films, due to dewetting and spinodal effects, was inhibited using the polymer assisted deposition technique. Uniform thin films with sub 50 nm thicknesses were deposited on a variety of substrates controlled through alterations to the solvent-alkoxide dilution ratios and employing polymer assisted deposition techniques. The effects of polymer assisted deposition altered the crystallized VO thin films from a granular surface structure to a polycrystalline structure composed of high density small in-plane grains. The formation of transparent VO based thin film through Si and Na substrate mediated diffusion highlighted new methods for material formation and doping.


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Semiconductor nanowires, based on silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge) are leading candidates for many ICT applications, including next generation transistors, optoelectronics, gas and biosensing and photovoltaics. Key to these applications is the possibility to tune the band gap by changing the diameter of the nanowire. Ge nanowires of different diameter have been studied with H termination, but, using ideas from chemistry, changing the surface terminating group can be used to modulate the band gap. In this paper we apply the generalised gradient approximation of density functional theory (GGA-DFT) and hybrid DFT to study the effect of diameter and surface termination using –H, –NH2 and –OH groups on the band gap of (001), (110) and (111) oriented germanium nanowires. We show that the surface terminating group allows both the magnitude and the nature of the band gap to be changed. We further show that the absorption edge shifts to longer wavelength with the –NH2 and –OH terminations compared to the –H termination and we trace the origin of this effect to valence band modifications upon modifying the nanowire with –NH2 or –OH. These results show that it is possible to tune the band gap of small diameter Ge nanowires over a range of ca. 1.1 eV by simple surface chemistry.


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Highly doped polar semiconductors are essential components of today’s semiconductor industry. Most strikingly, transistors in modern electronic devices are polar semiconductor heterostructures. It is important to thoroughly understand carrier transport in such structures. In doped polar semiconductors, collective excitations of the carriers (plasmons) and the atoms (polar phonons) couple. These coupled collective excitations affect the electrical conductivity, here quantified through the carrier mobility. In scattering events, the carriers and the coupled collective modes transfer momentum between each other. Carrier momentum transferred to polar phonons can be lost to other phonons through anharmonic decay, resulting in a finite carrier mobility. The plasmons do not have a decay mechanism which transfers carrier momentum irretrievably. Hence, carrier-plasmon scattering results in infinite carrier mobility. Momentum relaxation due to either carrier–plasmon scattering or carrier–polar-phonon scattering alone are well understood. However, only this thesis manages to treat momentum relaxation due to both scattering mechanisms on an equal footing, enabling us to properly calculate the mobility limited by carrier–coupled plasmon–polar phonon scattering. We achieved this by solving the coupled Boltzmann equations for the carriers and the collective excitations, focusing on the “drag” term and on the anharmonic decay process of the collective modes. Our approach uses dielectric functions to describe both the carrier-collective mode scattering and the decay of the collective modes. We applied our method to bulk polar semiconductors and heterostructures where various polar dielectrics surround a semiconducting monolayer of MoS2, where taking plasmons into account can increase the mobility by up to a factor 15 for certain parameters. This screening effect is up to 85% higher than if calculated with previous methods. To conclude, our approach provides insight into the momentum relaxation mechanism for carrier–coupled collective mode scattering, and better tools for calculating the screened polar phonon and interface polar phonon limited mobility.


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This paper deals with proposal of a new dual stack approach for reducing both leakage and dynamic powers. The development of digital integrated circuits is challenged by higher power consumption. Thecombination of higher clock speeds, greater functional integration, and smaller process geometries has contributed to significant growth in power density. Scaling improves transistor density and functionality ona chip. Scaling helps to increase speed and frequency of operation and hence higher performance. As voltages scale downward with the geometries threshold voltages must also decrease to gain the performance advantages of the new technology but leakage current increases exponentially. Today leakage power has become anincreasingly important issue in processor hardware and software design. It can be used in various applications like digital VLSI clocking system, buffers, registers, microprocessors etc. The leakage power increases astechnology is scaled down. In this paper, we propose a new dual stack approach for reducing both leakage and dynamic powers. Moreover, the novel dual stack approach shows the least speed power product whencompared to the existing methods. All well known approach is “Sleep” in this method we reduce leakage power. The proposed Dual Stack approach we reduce more power leakage. Dual Stack approach uses theadvantage of using the two extra pull-up and two extra pull-down transistors in sleep mode either in OFF state or in ON state. Since the Dual Stack portion can be made common to all logic circuitry, less number of transistors is needed to apply a certain logic circuit.The dual stack approach shows the least speed power product among all methods. The Dual Stack technique provides new ways to designers who require ultra-low leakage power consumption with much less speedpower product.