996 resultados para Susceptibility testing
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) caused by Leishmania aethiopica is a public health and social problem with a sequel of severe and mutilating skin lesions. It is manifested in three forms: localized CL (LCL), mucosal CL (MCL) and diffuse CL (DCL). Unresponsiveness to sodium stibogluconate (Sb(V)) is common in Ethiopian CL patients. Using the amastigote-macrophage in vitro model the susceptibility of 24 clinical isolates of L. aethiopica derived from untreated patients was investigated. Eight strains of LCL, 9 of MCL, and 7 of DCL patients together with a reference strain (MHOM/ET/82/117/82) were tested against four antileishmanial drugs: amphotericin B, miltefosine, Sb(V) and paromomycin. In the same order of drugs, IC(50) (μg/ml±SD) values for the 24 strains tested were 0.16±0.18, 5.88±4.79, 10.23±8.12, and 13.63±18.74. The susceptibility threshold of isolates originating from the 3 categories of patients to all 4 drugs was not different (p>0.05). Maximal efficacy was superior for miltefosine across all the strains. Further susceptibility test could validate miltefosine as a potential alternative drug in cases of sodium stibogluconate treatment failure in CL patients.
Background: Research in epistasis or gene-gene interaction detection for human complex traits has grown over the last few years. It has been marked by promising methodological developments, improved translation efforts of statistical epistasis to biological epistasis and attempts to integrate different omics information sources into the epistasis screening to enhance power. The quest for gene-gene interactions poses severe multiple-testing problems. In this context, the maxT algorithm is one technique to control the false-positive rate. However, the memory needed by this algorithm rises linearly with the amount of hypothesis tests. Gene-gene interaction studies will require a memory proportional to the squared number of SNPs. A genome-wide epistasis search would therefore require terabytes of memory. Hence, cache problems are likely to occur, increasing the computation time. In this work we present a new version of maxT, requiring an amount of memory independent from the number of genetic effects to be investigated. This algorithm was implemented in C++ in our epistasis screening software MBMDR-3.0.3. We evaluate the new implementation in terms of memory efficiency and speed using simulated data. The software is illustrated on real-life data for Crohn’s disease. Results: In the case of a binary (affected/unaffected) trait, the parallel workflow of MBMDR-3.0.3 analyzes all gene-gene interactions with a dataset of 100,000 SNPs typed on 1000 individuals within 4 days and 9 hours, using 999 permutations of the trait to assess statistical significance, on a cluster composed of 10 blades, containing each four Quad-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2352 2.1 GHz. In the case of a continuous trait, a similar run takes 9 days. Our program found 14 SNP-SNP interactions with a multiple-testing corrected p-value of less than 0.05 on real-life Crohn’s disease (CD) data. Conclusions: Our software is the first implementation of the MB-MDR methodology able to solve large-scale SNP-SNP interactions problems within a few days, without using much memory, while adequately controlling the type I error rates. A new implementation to reach genome-wide epistasis screening is under construction. In the context of Crohn’s disease, MBMDR-3.0.3 could identify epistasis involving regions that are well known in the field and could be explained from a biological point of view. This demonstrates the power of our software to find relevant phenotype-genotype higher-order associations.
Asphalt pavements suffer various failures due to insufficient quality within their design lives. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) has been proposed to improve pavement quality through quantitative performance prediction. Evaluation of the actual performance (quality) of pavements requires in situ nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques that can accurately measure the most critical, objective, and sensitive properties of pavement systems. The purpose of this study is to assess existing as well as promising new NDT technologies for quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) of asphalt mixtures. Specifically, this study examined field measurements of density via the PaveTracker electromagnetic gage, shear-wave velocity via surface-wave testing methods, and dynamic stiffness via the Humboldt GeoGauge for five representative paving projects covering a range of mixes and traffic loads. The in situ tests were compared against laboratory measurements of core density and dynamic modulus. The in situ PaveTracker density had a low correlation with laboratory density and was not sensitive to variations in temperature or asphalt mix type. The in situ shear-wave velocity measured by surface-wave methods was most sensitive to variations in temperature and asphalt mix type. The in situ density and in situ shear-wave velocity were combined to calculate an in situ dynamic modulus, which is a performance-based quality measurement. The in situ GeoGauge stiffness measured on hot asphalt mixtures several hours after paving had a high correlation with the in situ dynamic modulus and the laboratory density, whereas the stiffness measurement of asphalt mixtures cooled with dry ice or at ambient temperature one or more days after paving had a very low correlation with the other measurements. To transform the in situ moduli from surface-wave testing into quantitative quality measurements, a QC/QA procedure was developed to first correct the in situ moduli measured at different field temperatures to the moduli at a common reference temperature based on master curves from laboratory dynamic modulus tests. The corrected in situ moduli can then be compared against the design moduli for an assessment of the actual pavement performance. A preliminary study of microelectromechanical systems- (MEMS)-based sensors for QC/QA and health monitoring of asphalt pavements was also performed.
The relationship between inflammation and cancer is well established in several tumor types, including bladder cancer. We performed an association study between 886 inflammatory-gene variants and bladder cancer risk in 1,047 cases and 988 controls from the Spanish Bladder Cancer (SBC)/EPICURO Study. A preliminary exploration with the widely used univariate logistic regression approach did not identify any significant SNP after correcting for multiple testing. We further applied two more comprehensive methods to capture the complexity of bladder cancer genetic susceptibility: Bayesian Threshold LASSO (BTL), a regularized regression method, and AUC-Random Forest, a machine-learning algorithm. Both approaches explore the joint effect of markers. BTL analysis identified a signature of 37 SNPs in 34 genes showing an association with bladder cancer. AUC-RF detected an optimal predictive subset of 56 SNPs. 13 SNPs were identified by both methods in the total population. Using resources from the Texas Bladder Cancer study we were able to replicate 30% of the SNPs assessed. The associations between inflammatory SNPs and bladder cancer were reexamined among non-smokers to eliminate the effect of tobacco, one of the strongest and most prevalent environmental risk factor for this tumor. A 9 SNP-signature was detected by BTL. Here we report, for the first time, a set of SNP in inflammatory genes jointly associated with bladder cancer risk. These results highlight the importance of the complex structure of genetic susceptibility associated with cancer risk.
A loss in the necessary amount of sleep alters expression of genes and proteins implicated in brain plasticity, but key proteins that render neuronal circuits sensitive to sleep disturbance are unknown. We show that mild (4-6 h) sleep deprivation (SD) selectively augmented the number of NR2A subunits of NMDA receptors on postsynaptic densities of adult mouse CA1 synapses. The greater synaptic NR2A content facilitated induction of CA3-CA1 long-term depression in the theta frequency stimulation range and augmented the synaptic modification threshold. NR2A-knock-out mice maintained behavioral response to SD, including compensatory increase in post-deprivation resting time, but hippocampal synaptic plasticity was insensitive to sleep loss. After SD, the balance between synaptically activated and slowly recruited NMDA receptor pools during temporal summation was disrupted. Together, these results indicate that NR2A is obligatory for the consequences of sleep loss on hippocampal synaptic plasticity. These findings could advance pharmacological strategies aiming to sustain hippocampal function during sleep restriction.
Predicting progeny performance from parental genetic divergence can potentially enhance the efficiency of supportive breeding programmes and facilitate risk assessment. Yet, experimental testing of the effects of breeding distance on offspring performance remains rare, especially in wild populations of vertebrates. Recent studies have demonstrated that embryos of salmonid fish are sensitive indicators of additive genetic variance for viability traits. We therefore used gametes of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta) from five genetically distinct populations of a river catchment in Switzerland, and used a full factorial design to produce over 2,000 embryos in 100 different crosses with varying genetic distances (FST range 0.005-0.035). Customized egg capsules allowed recording the survival of individual embryos until hatching under natural field conditions. Our breeding design enabled us to evaluate the role of the environment, of genetic and nongenetic parental contributions, and of interactions between these factors, on embryo viability. We found that embryo survival was strongly affected by maternal environmental (i.e. non-genetic) effects and by the microenvironment, i.e. by the location within the gravel. However, embryo survival was not predicted by population divergence, parental allelic dissimilarity, or heterozygosity, neither in the field nor under laboratory conditions. Our findings suggest that the genetic effects of inter-population hybridization within a genetically differentiated meta-population can be minor in comparison to environmental effects.
Sodium and potassium are the common alkalis present in fly ash. Excessive amounts of fly ash alkalis can cause efflorescence problems in concrete products and raise concern about the effectiveness of the fly ash to mitigate alkali-silica reaction (ASR). The available alkali test, which is commonly used to measure fly ash alkali, takes approximately 35 days for execution and reporting. Hence, in many instances the fly ash has already been incorporated into concrete before the test results are available. This complicates the job of the fly ash marketing agencies and it leads to disputes with fly ash users who often are concerned with accepting projects that contain materials that fail to meet specification limits. The research project consisted of a lab study and a field study. The lab study focused on the available alkali test and how fly ash alkali content impacts common performance tests (mortar-bar expansion tests). Twenty-one fly ash samples were evaluated during the testing. The field study focused on the inspection and testing of selected, well documented pavement sites that contained moderately reactive fine aggregate and high-alkali fly ash. A total of nine pavement sites were evaluated. Two of the sites were control sites that did not contain fly ash. The results of the lab study indicated that the available alkali test is prone to experimental errors that cause poor agreement between testing labs. A strong (linear) relationship was observed between available alkali content and total alkali content of Class C fly ash. This relationship can be used to provide a quicker, more precise method of estimating the available alkali content. The results of the field study failed to link the use of high-alkali fly ash with the occurrence of ASR in the various concrete sites. Petrographic examination of the pavement cores indicated that Wayland sand is an ASR-sensitive aggregate. This was in good agreement with Iowa DOT field service records. It was recommended that preventative measures should be used when this source of sand is used in concrete mixtures.
The Iowa Department of Transportation began creep and resilient modulus testing of asphalt concrete mixtures in 1989. Part 1 of this research reported in January 1990 was a laboratory study of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures made with O, 30, 60, 85 and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. Creep test results from Marshall specimens related well to the percent of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The objective of this research, part 2, was to determine if there was a meaningful correlation between pavement rut depth and the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor. Four and six inch diameter cores were drilled from rutted primary and interstate pavements and interstate pavements with design changes intended to resist rutting. The top 2 1/2 inches of each core, most of which was surface course, was used for creep and resilient modulus testing. There is a good correlation between the resilient modulus of four and six inch diameter cores. Creep resistance factors of four and six inch diameter cores also correlated well. There is a poor correlation between resilient modulus and the creep resistance factor. The rut depth per million 18,000 pound equivalent single axle loadings (ESAL) for these pavements did not correlate well with either the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor.
Roughly 242 million used tires are generated annually in the United States. Many of these tires end up being landfilled or stockpiled. The stockpiles are unsightly, unsanitary, and also collect water which creates the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, some of which carry disease. In an effort to reduce the number of used tire stockpiles the federal government mandated the use of recycled rubber in federally funded, state implemented department of transportation (DOT) projects. This mandate required the use of recycled rubber in 5% of the asphalt cement concrete (ACC) tonnage used in federally funded projects in 1994, increasing that amount by 5% each year until 20% was reached, and remaining at 20% thereafter. The mandate was removed as part of the appropriations process in 1994, after the projects in this research had been completed. This report covers five separate projects that were constructed by the Iowa Department Of Transportation (DOT) in 1991 and 1992. These projects had all had some form of rubber incorporated into their construction and were evaluated for 5 years. The conclusion of the study is that the pavements with tire rubber added performed essentially the same as conventional ACC pavement. An exception was the use of rubber chips in a surface lift. This performed better at crack control and worse with friction values than conventional ACC. The cost of the pavement with rubber additive was significantly higher. As a result, the benefits do not outweigh the costs of using this recycled rubber process in pavements in Iowa.
This paper develops an approach to rank testing that nests all existing rank tests andsimplifies their asymptotics. The approach is based on the fact that implicit in every ranktest there are estimators of the null spaces of the matrix in question. The approach yieldsmany new insights about the behavior of rank testing statistics under the null as well as localand global alternatives in both the standard and the cointegration setting. The approach alsosuggests many new rank tests based on alternative estimates of the null spaces as well as thenew fixed-b theory. A brief Monte Carlo study illustrates the results.
Remote sensing was utilized in the Phase II Cultural Resources Investigation for this project in lieu of extensive excavations. The purpose of the present report is to compare the costs and benefits of the use of remote sensing to the hypothetical use of traditional excavation methods for this project. Estimates for this hypothetical situation are based on the project archaeologist's considerable past experience in conducting similar investigations. Only that part of the Phase II investigation involving field investigations is addressed in this report. Costs for literature review, laboratory analysis, report preparation, etc., are not included. The project manager proposed the use of this technique for the fol lowing logistic, safety and budgetary reasons.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperature (10, 20, 30, 20/10 and 30/10ºC) and period of storage on electrical conductivity (EC) in four seed lots of corn (Zea mays L.), as well as the mineral composition of the soaking solution. EC test determines indirectly the integrity of seed membrane systems, and is used for the assessment of seed vigor, because this test detects the seed deterioration process since its early phase. The research comprised determinations of water content, germination, accelerated aging (AA), cold (CT) and EC vigor tests, and determinations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ release to the solution, after seed soaking of four corn seed lots. The evaluations were performed each four months during a period of 16 months. For statistical analysis, a completely randomized split plot design was used with eight replications. Except for seed lots stored at 10ºC, all vigor evaluations revealed a decline in vigor, but AA and CT showed more sensitiveness to declines of seed physiological quality than EC. Potassium was the main leached ion regardless of the storage temperature.
BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, 30% of HIV-infected individuals are diagnosed late. To optimize HIV testing, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) updated 'Provider Induced Counseling and Testing' (PICT) recommendations in 2010. These permit doctors to test patients if HIV infection is suspected, without explicit consent or pre-test counseling; patients should nonetheless be informed that testing will be performed. We examined awareness of these updated recommendations among emergency department (ED) doctors. METHODS: We conducted a questionnaire-based survey among 167 ED doctors at five teaching hospitals in French-Speaking Switzerland between 1(st) May and 31(st) July 2011. For 25 clinical scenarios, participants had to state whether HIV testing was indicated or whether patient consent or pre-test counseling was required. We asked how many HIV tests participants had requested in the previous month, and whether they were aware of the FOPH testing recommendations. RESULTS: 144/167 doctors (88%) returned the questionnaire. Median postgraduate experience was 6.5 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3; 12). Mean percentage of correct answers was 59 ± 11%, senior doctors scoring higher (P=0.001). Lowest-scoring questions pertained to acute HIV infection and scenarios where patient consent was not required. Median number of test requests was 1 (IQR 0-2, range 0-10). Only 26/144 (18%) of participants were aware of the updated FOPH recommendations. Those aware had higher scores (P=0.001) but did not perform more HIV tests. CONCLUSIONS: Swiss ED doctors are not aware of the national HIV testing recommendations and rarely perform HIV tests. Improved recommendation dissemination and adherence is required if ED doctors are to contribute to earlier HIV diagnoses.
Effect of Delay in Testing Asphalt Concrete Specimens for Marshall Stability, MLR-86-08, Draft, 1986
The Central Laboratory has been delaying the mix design testing of 2 1/2" X 4" Marshall specimens for stability, until the next day after molding. For example, if the mixes are made and samples molded on Friday a man would have to come in and work on Saturday to test these specimens. The reason for this is that the ASTM-01559 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixes Using Marshall Apparatus," states that "the specimens after being molded shall be carefully transferred to a smooth, flat surface and allowed to stand overnight at room temperature, before being weighed, measured and tested." The AASHTO procedure, AASHTO Designation T-245-82 "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures using Marshall Apparatus," does not say when the specimens shall be tested for stability. The IDOT Lab. Specifications, Test Method No. Iowa 502-8 and test method No. Iowa 506-C "compacting asphaltic concrete by the Marshall Method" and "Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using the Marshall Apparatus," respectively, only state that the specimens shall be cooled before testing. Due to the above conflict in specifications, a number of mix samples were tested, in the Central Lab, for stability on different days. This should furnish enough information to allow us to change the procedure and to test for stability the same day molded, or be able to delay the testing for 3 days or more.