968 resultados para Submarine canyon


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Occurrence of deep-sea dolomites has been reported from numerous settings (for discussion see Lumsden, 1988). Different authors agree that dolomite formation in the pelagic realm is a relatively early diagenetic process (e.g., Jorgensen, 1983; Shimmield and Price, 1984; Kablanow et al., 1984; Kulm et al., 1984). Baker and Burns (1985) suggest that most of the pelagic dolomites formed within a few tens of meters below the seafloor within the zone of microbial sulfate reduction. According to Fuechtbauer and Richter (1988), dolomite can form in the deep-sea at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Other deep-sea dolomites are products of fluids derived from underlying evaporites or submarine weathering of basalts (Garrison, 1981). In some cases (Mullins et al., 1985; Dix and Mullins, 1988; Mullins et al., 1988), the existence of dolomite is linked to disconformities and its formation may have resulted from circulation of seawater through the sediment during prolonged exposure (Dix and Mullins, 1988, p. 287). At Site 768 (Fig. 1), lithified carbonate layers, some containing variable amounts of dolomite, occur below 201 mbsf (Miocene). These beds alternate with unconsolidated or semi-lithified marl layers interbedded in clays and siliciclastic turbidites. The irregular depth distribution of the limestone beds and the variation in preservation and recrystallization of the calcareous microfaunas suggest that lithification of carbonates at Site 768 not only reflects burial diagenesis as described by Garrison (1981) and others, but in part may be a selective, early diagenetic process. The different types and distribution of the dolomite additionally seem to support this assumption. The purpose of this report is to document the occurrence and textural nature of the dolomite at Site 768. Methods used were analyses of stained thin sections (Alizarin S and Ferrocyanide) and studies with the scanning electron microscope. No geochemical analyses (e.g., stable isotopes) were carried out; they will be the subject of further investigations.


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The basalts in Holes 519A, 522B, and 524 were studied for intensity of natural remanent magnetization, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, stability of isothermal remanence, and thermomagnetic behavior. Some of these properties are sensitive to both the composition and the microstructure of the magnetic minerals, others to composition only. Thus it is possible to separate the two effects and to trace the variation of effective magnetic grain size and degree of alteration within a lithologic unit or over a yet larger distance or time interval. The flow in Hole 519A is highly maghemitized at the top, the degree of maghemitization decreasing with depth in the flow. Effective grain size increases with increasing depth. Electron microprobe analysis of the titanomaghemite grains in these samples provides no support for the leaching out of iron during alteration. The pillows and flows in Hole 522B are distributed among a number of cooling units, and no systematic downhole variations are apparent. The inferred magneto-petrology is consistent with the cooling and alteration history that might be expected within the units. The upper and lower sills in Hole 524 are more uniform and have a larger concentration of well-developed magnetic mineral grains than the pillows and flows in Holes 519A and 522B. Maghemitization appears to have developed from the boundaries of the sills that are in contact with the sediments between the sills.


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Detailed mineralogical investigations of high-Fe layer silicates from loose sediments (glauconite sands) of the Sado Ridge revealed that green aggregates found on submarine rises of the Japan Sea floor have different genesis. It was demonstrated that round dark green grains approximate micas in composition. Primary volcanic rocks presumably have undergone extensive secondary alterations and then were disintegrated. Their disintegration products (protoceladonite) filling pores were redeposited and buried in sediments for a long time. Angular green grains mainly represented by smectite also formed at lower temperatures during disintegration of altered volcanosedimentary rocks. These younger grains had no prolonged exposure. Pseudomorphs of siliceous microplankton consist of both hydromica and smectites. They are presumably authigenic products formed with participation of microorganisms or electrostatic processes (spherical shape), or their combination. The formation mechanism of minerals filling cavities in pyroclastics is not entirely clear.


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A brief review of various relationships connecting seismofocal zone and volcanic belts within the Kurile island-arc system is represented. Possibilities of manifestation of the submarine volcanic activity and associated relief of the hydrothermal systems on the Pacific shelf of the South Kamchatka are considered. We propose to consider Malko-Petropavlovsk zone of transverse dislocations as seismogenerating one. The phenomenon of ultrafast deformations.


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This study presents a systematic analysis and interpretation of autonomous underwater vehicle-based microbathymetry combined with remotely operated vehicle (ROV) video recordings, rock analyses and temperaturemeasurements within the PACManus hydrothermal area located on Pual Ridge in the Bismarck Sea of eastern Manus Basin. The data obtained during research cruise Magellan-06 and So-216 provides a framework for understanding the relationship between the volcanism, tectonismand hydrothermal activity. PACManus is a submarine felsic vocanically-hosted hydrothermal area that hosts multiple vent fields locatedwithin several hundredmeters of one another but with different fluid chemistries, vent temperatures and morphologies. The total area of hydrothermal activity is estimated to be 20,279m**2. Themicrobathymetrymaps combinedwith the ROV video observations allow for precise high-resolution mapping estimates of the areal extents of hydrothermal activity.We find the distribution of hydrothermal fields in the PACManus area is primarily controlled by volcanic features that include lava domes, thick andmassive blocky lava flows, breccias and feeder dykes. Spatial variation in the permeability of local volcanic facies appears to control the distribution of venting within a field.We define a three-stage chronological sequence for the volcanic evolution of the PACManus based on lava flow morphology, sediment cover and lava SiO2 concentration. In Stage-1, sparsely to moderately porphyritic dacite lavas (68-69.8 wt.% SiO2) erupted to form domes or cryptodomes. In Stage-2, aphyric lava with slightly lower SiO2 concentrations (67.2-67.9 wt.% SiO2) formed jumbled and pillowed lava flows. In the most recent phase Stage-3, massive blocky lavaswith 69 to 72.5wt.% SiO2were erupted throughmultiple vents constructing a volcanic ridge identified as the PACManus neovolcanic zone. The transition between these stages may be gradual and related to progressive heating of a silicic magma following a recharge event of hot, mantle-derived melts.


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The Middle America active continental margin is the best-sampled active plate margin to date, having been drilled during Legs 84, 67, and 66. With nine sites drilled on the continental slope of Guatemala and an additional site drilled on the Costa Rican slope, a summary of slope sediments and sedimentary processes can be made. Sediments are easily subdivided into a thick apron of Neogene and Quaternary volcanically derived hemipelagic and turbidite mud and mudstone and a thinner, more varied assemblage of mostly Paleogene mudstone, radiolarian mudstone, and limestone. This latter assemblage may contain hiatuses or be completely lacking between slope deposits and basement. Cores from the foot of the continental slope (Core 567A-19) consist of Campanian micrite. The pre-Neogene section is much thicker and of more terrigenous provenance beneath the forearc basin landward of the forearc structural high than on the continental slope. Sedimentary processes of the Neogene and Quaternary slope sediments include reworking of hemipelagic and turbidite deposits. Redeposition by slumping, plastic flow, and turbidity current-documentable through benthic foraminiferal analysis-occurs in intracanyon and canyon settings. Erosion by slumping and by turbidity current and deposition of mud or sand in canyons and in local depressions on the continental slope and different rates of sediment accumulation result in dramatic thickness variations of lithologic units over small distances in localized pockets of sand in small filled canyons on the slope or in sediment ponds, and in high-relief basement topography. The age of sediment overlying igneous basement ranges from Cretaceous to Quaternary. Gas hydrate was visible or inferred present at every site drilled during Leg 84. Nevertheless, except for a small amount in the last core, it was not recovered in sufficient quantities to be visible at Site 568, a site specifically chosen for the study of hydrate and located near Site 496, which was abandoned during Leg 67 because of the dangerous abundance of hydrates. The association of hydrate with porous, coarser sediment results in a distribution as localized and unpredictable as the slope sands off Guatemala, which do not occur in beds coherent enough to produce acoustic reflection. Although the normal lithologic section at Sites 567 and 496 limits the volume of sediment that could be part of an accretionary prism offshore Guatemala and the volume of sediment in the Trench axis is not sufficient to argue for significant accumulation of Cocos Plate sediments, the varied lithology and attenuated thickness of pre-Neogene sediment seaward of the forearc structural high do not exclude earlier accretion from the history of the Guatemalan continental margin.