974 resultados para Stingless bee honey


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Recent concern over global pollinator declines has led to considerable research on the effects of pesticides on bees1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Although pesticides are typically not encountered at lethal levels in the field, there is growing evidence indicating that exposure to field-realistic levels can have sublethal effects on bees, affecting their foraging behaviour1, 6, 7, homing ability8, 9 and reproductive success2, 5. Bees are essential for the pollination of a wide variety of crops and the majority of wild flowering plants10, 11, 12, but until now research on pesticide effects has been limited to direct effects on bees themselves and not on the pollination services they provide. Here we show the first evidence to our knowledge that pesticide exposure can reduce the pollination services bumblebees deliver to apples, a crop of global economic importance. Bumblebee colonies exposed to a neonicotinoid pesticide provided lower visitation rates to apple trees and collected pollen less often. Most importantly, these pesticide-exposed colonies produced apples containing fewer seeds, demonstrating a reduced delivery of pollination services. Our results also indicate that reduced pollination service delivery is not due to pesticide-induced changes in individual bee behaviour, but most likely due to effects at the colony level. These findings show that pesticide exposure can impair the ability of bees to provide pollination services, with important implications for both the sustained delivery of stable crop yields and the functioning of natural ecosystems.


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Bees and other insects provide pollination services that are key to determining the fruit set on coffee plantations. These pollination services are influenced by local ecology as well as human factors, both social and economic. To better understand these different factors, we assessed their effect on pollinators and coffee pollination services in Santander, Colombia. We quantified the effect of key ecological drivers on pollinator community composition, such as the method of farm management (either conventional or organic) and the surrounding landscape composition, specifically the proximity to forest. We found that ambient levels of pollination services provided by the local pollinator fauna (open pollination) accounted for a 10.5 ± 2.0% increase in final coffee fruit set, and that the various pollinators are affected differently by the differing factors. For example, our findings indicate that conventional farm management, using synthetic inputs, can promote pollinators, especially if they are in close proximity to natural forest fragments. This is particularly true for stingless bees. Honeybee visitation to coffee is also positively influenced by the conventional management of farms. Factors associated with greater numbers of stingless bees on farms include greater shade cover, lower tree densities, smaller numbers and types of trees in bloom, and younger coffee plantations. A forested landscape close to farms appears to enhance these factors, giving increased stability and resilience to the pollinating bees and insects. However we found that organic farms also support diverse pollinator communities, even if distant from forest fragments. The contribution of honeybees to pollination value (US$129.6/ha of coffee) is greater than that of stingless bees (US$16.5/ha of coffee). Since the method of farm management has a major impact on the numbers and types of pollinators attracted to farms, we have analysed the statistically significant social factors that influence farmers’ decisions on whether to adopt organic or conventional practices. These include the availability of technology, the type of landowner (whether married couples or individual owners), the number of years of farmers’ formal education, the role of institutions, membership of community organizations, farm size, coffee productivity and the number of coffee plots per farm. It is hoped that the use of our holistic approach, which combines investigation of the social as well as the ecological drivers of pollination, will help provide evidence to underpin the development of best practices for integrating the management of pollination into sustainable agricultural practices.


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In 2013, an opportunity arose in England to develop an agri-environment package for wild pollinators, as part of the new Countryside Stewardship scheme launched in 2015. It can be understood as a 'policy window', a rare and time-limited opportunity to change policy, supported by a narrative about pollinator decline and widely supported mitigating actions. An agri-environment package is a bundle of management options that together supply sufficient resources to support a target group of species. This paper documents information that was available at the time to develop such a package for wild pollinators. Four questions needed answering: (1) Which pollinator species should be targeted? (2) Which resources limit these species in farmland? (3) Which management options provide these resources? (4) What area of each option is needed to support populations of the target species? Focussing on wild bees, we provide tentative answers that were used to inform development of the package. There is strong evidence that floral resources can limit wild bee populations, and several sources of evidence identify a set of agri-environment options that provide flowers and other resources for pollinators. The final question could only be answered for floral resources, with a wide range of uncertainty. We show that the areas of some floral resource options in the basic Wild Pollinator and Farmland Wildlife Package (2% flower-rich habitat and 1 km flowering hedgerow), are sufficient to supply a set of six common pollinator species with enough pollen to feed their larvae at lowest estimates, using minimum values for estimated parameters where a range was available. We identify key sources of uncertainty, and stress the importance of keeping the Package flexible, so it can be revised as new evidence emerges about how to achieve the policy aim of supporting pollinators on farmland.


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1. Bees are a functionally important and economically valuable group, but are threatened byland-use conversion and intensification. Such pressures are not expected to affect all species identically; rather, they are likely to be mediated by the species’ ecological traits. 2. Understanding which types of species are most vulnerable under which land uses is an important step towards effective conservation planning.3. We collated occurrence and abundance data for 257 bee species at 1584 European sites from surveys reported in 30 published papers (70 056 records) and combined them with species-level ecological trait data. We used mixed-effects models to assess the importance of land use (land-use class, agricultural use-intensity and a remotely-sensed measure of vegetation),traits and trait 9 land-use interactions, in explaining species occurrence and abundance.4. Species’ sensitivity to land use was most strongly influenced by flight season duration and foraging range, but also by niche breadth, reproductive strategy and phenology, with effects that differed among cropland, pastoral and urban habitats.5. Synthesis and applications. Rather than targeting particular species or settings, conservation action s may be more effective if focused on mitigating situations where species’ traits strongly and negatively interact with land-use pressures. We find evidence that low-intensity agriculture can maintain relatively diverse bee communities; in more intensive settings, added floral resources may be beneficial, but will require careful placement with respect to foraging ranges of smaller bee species. Protection of semi-natural habitats is essential, however; in particular, conversion to urban environments could have severe effects on bee diversity and pollination services. Our results highlight the importance of exploring how ecological traits mediate species responses to human impacts, but further research is needed to enhance the predictive ability of such analyses.


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The bees of the Peponapes genus (Eucerini, Apidae) have a Neotropical distribution with the center of species diversity located in Mexico and are specialized in Cucurbita plants. which have many species of economic importance. such as squashes and pumpkins Peponapis fervens is the only species of the genus known from southern South America The Cucurbita species occurring in the same area as P fervens Include four domesticated species (C ficifolia, C maxima maxima, C moschata and C pepo) and one non-domesticated species (Cucurbita maxima andreana) It was suggested that C. in andreana was the original pollen source to P fervens, and this bee expanded its geographical range due to the domestication of Cucurbita The potential geographical areas of these species were determined and compared using ecological niche modeling that was performed with the computational system openModeller and GARP with best subsets algorithm The climatic variables obtained through modeling were compared using Cluster Analysis Results show that the potential areas of domesticated species practically spread all over South America The potential area of P fervens Includes the areas of C m andreana but reaches a larger area, where the domesticated species of Cucurbita also Occur The Cluster Analysis shows a high climatic similarity between P fervens and C. m. andreana Nevertheless. P fervens presents the ability to occupy areas with wider ranges of climatic variables and to exploit resources provided by domesticated species (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and its main component, crotoxin (CTX), have the ability to down-modulate the immune system. Certain mechanisms mediated by cells and soluble factors of the immune system are responsible for the elimination of pathogenic molecules to ensure the specific protection against subsequent antigen contact. Accordingly, we evaluated the immunomodulatory effects of CTX on the immune response of mice that had been previously primed by immunisation with human serum albumin (HSA). CTX inoculation after HSA immunisation, along with complete Freund`s adjuvant (CFA) or Aluminium hydroxide (Alum) immunisation, was able to suppress anti-HSA IgG1 and IgG2a antibody production. We showed that the inhibitory effects of this toxin are not mediated by necrosis or apoptosis of any lymphoid cell population. Lower proliferation of T lymphocytes from mice immunised with HSA/CFA or HSA/Alum that received the toxin was observed in comparison to the mice that were only immunised. In conclusion, CTX is able to exert potent inhibitory effects on humoural and cellular responses induced by HSA immunisation, even when injected after an innate immune response has been initiated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study contents a research of the Swedish temperance movements IOGT, NTO and TO:s adult education in Dalarna between 1921 and 1939. A theory that is used in this essay is the publicity theory of Jürgen Habermas. A theory in this essay is that the adult educational work of the temperance movements could bee seen as an alternative publicity because the courses that the temperance movement held in general contents a great part of the movements own literature, the participants in the courses held their own lectures to each other and it was mostly only members of the temperance movements who could join the courses. The main subject of the courses was history in literature, English, Esperanto, and knowledge about local democracy. Not many courses content the drinking issue in Sweden at this time, even thought a national referendum was held in the issue during the research period of this essay. The lack of courses in the drinking issue illustrates of the fact that the courses only was held for the members of the temperance movement, and they don’t drink alcohol in any case. It was not a big difference in the contents of the course between the organisation in the temperance movements and between different years in this research.


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El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar los rasgos humorísticos y figuras retóricas en La Colmena de Camilo José Cela. La tesina se basa en las teorías de la superioridad, de la descarga, de la incongruencia y las teorías sociológicas y antropológicas según el estudio de José Antonio Llera. Nuestra investigación ha examinado particularmente el humor negro, grotesco y la ironía presente en la obra de Cela. Hemos podido concluir y afirmar que Cela usa el humor y la ironía a través de descripciones grotescas las cuales forman parte de su critica social y como mecanismo de defensa. Hemos establecido que el autor usa el humor para reflejar su propia elección subjetiva de la realidad de la posguerra. Finalmente hemos constatado que el humor es algo añadido lo cual se muestra a través de sus comentarios omniscientes.


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The flowering patterns of 28 Victorian melliferous (honey-producing) eucalypts were investigated by using long-term observations of highly experienced, commercial apiarists. Frequency, timing, duration and intensity of flowering were determined, as were spatial differences within and among species. Data were obtained by face-to-face interviews with 25 Victorian apiarists, each of whom had operated a minimum of 350 hives for a minimum of 30 years. Flowering frequency ranged from 1 to 7 years, and most species flowered once every 2–4 years. Long-term flowering frequency, timing and duration were reported as constant, although short-term perturbations could occur. Most melliferous species flowered during spring and summer for a period of 3 months or more. Only few species had shorter flowering periods. Information provided by apiarists compared well with available published information (e.g. flowering period reported in field guides) and revealed a reliable, largely untapped source of long-term data, the use of which could benefit many ecological research endeavours.


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This paper furthers the research of Rollo, Luther and Atkinson 1999, and Rollo, Honey, Atkinson and Luther 2003, regarding the way in which building shape appears to contribute to the collection of fire-brand debris subject to ember attack. The paper will present a range of 2D fluid-mapping and 3D wind tunnel studies (Melaragno 1982) which have been correlated with the transportation characteristics of an ember laden air-field (Cheney and Sullivan 1997). Working with a range of generic building types the paper also introduces simple spatial modelling techniques which are being developed to illustrate the relationship between ember capture and changes in wind speed and air pressure.


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The segment C-terminal to the hydrophobic motif at the V5 domain of protein kinase C (PKC) is the least conserved both in length and in amino acid identity among all PKC isozymes. By generating serial truncation mutants followed by biochemical and functional analyses, we show here that the very C terminus of PKCα is critical in conferring the full catalytic competence to the kinase and for transducing signals in cells. Deletion of one C-terminal amino acid residue caused the loss of ~60% of the catalytic activity of the mutant PKCα, whereas deletion of 10 C-terminal amino acid residues abrogated the catalytic activity of PKCα in immune complex kinase assays. The PKCα C-terminal truncation mutants were found to lose their ability to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase, to rescue apoptosis induced by the inhibition of endogenous PKC in COS cells, and to augment melatonin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations revealed that the deletion of 1 or 10 C-terminal residues results in the deformation of the V5 domain and the ATP-binding pocket, respectively. Finally, PKCα immunoprecipitated using an antibody against its C terminus had only marginal catalytic activity compared with that of the PKCα immunoprecipitated by an antibody against its N terminus. Therefore, the very C-terminal tail of PKCα is a novel determinant of the catalytic activity of PKC and a promising target for selective modulation of PKCα function. Molecules that bind preferentially to the very C terminus of distinct PKC isozymes and suppress their catalytic activity may constitute a new class of selective inhibitors of PKC.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that are pivotal in cellular regulation. Since its discovery in 1977, PKCs have been known as cytosolic and peripheral membrane proteins. However, there are reports that PKC can insert into phospholipids vesicles in vitro. Given the intimate relationship between the plasma membrane and the activation of PKC, it is important to determine whether such “membrane-inserted” form of PKC exists in mammalian cells or tissues. Here, we report the identification of an integral plasma membrane pool for all the 10 PKC isozymes in vivo by their ability to partition into the detergent-rich phase in Triton X-114 phase partitioning, and by their resistance to extractions with 0.2 M sodium carbonate (pH 11.5), 2 M urea and 2 M sodium chloride. The endogenous integral membrane pool of PKC in mouse fibroblasts is found to be acutely regulated by phorbol ester or diacylglycerol, suggesting that this pool of PKC may participate in cellular processes known to be regulated by PKC. At least for PKCα, the C2–V3 region at the regulatory domain of the kinase is responsible for membrane integration. Further exploration of the function of this novel integral plasma membrane pool of PKC will not only shed new light on molecular mechanisms underlying its cellular functions but also provide new strategies for pharmaceutical modulation of this important group of kinases.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a key regulator of cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis and is one of the drug targets of anticancer therapy. Recently, a single point mutation (D294G) in PKCα has been found in pituitary and thyroid tumors with more invasive phenotype. Although the PKCα-D294G mutant is implicated in the progression of endocrine tumors, no apparent biochemical/cell biological abnormalities underlying tumorigenesis with this mutant have been found. We report here that the PKCα-D294G mutant is unable to bind to cellular membranes tightly despite the fact that it translocates to the membrane as efficiently as the wild-type PKCα upon treatment of phorbol ester. The impaired membrane binding is associated with this mutant's inability to transduce several antitumorigenic signals as it fails to mediate phorbol ester–stimulated translocation of myristoylated alanine–rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS), to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase and to augment melatonin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Thus, the PKCα-D294G is a loss-of-function mutation. We propose that the wild-type PKCα may play important antitumorigenic roles in the progression of endocrine tumors. Therefore, developing selective activators instead of inhibitors of PKCα might provide effective pharmacological interventions for the treatment of certain endocrine tumors.


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In this article, we explore the role of the C-terminus (V5 domain) of PKCvar epsilon plays in the catalytic competence of the kinase using serial truncations followed by immune-complex kinase assays. Surprisingly, removal of the last seven amino acid residues at the C-terminus of PKCvar epsilon resulted in a PKCvar epsilon-Δ731 mutant with greatly reduced intrinsic catalytic activity while truncation of eight amino acid residues at the C-terminus resulted in a catalytically inactive PKCvar epsilon mutant. Computer modeling and molecular dynamics simulations showed that the last seven and/or eight amino acid residues of PKCvar epsilon were involved in interactions with residues in the catalytic core. Further truncation analyses revealed that the hydrophobic phosphorylation motif was dispensable for the physical interaction between PKCvar epsilon and 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 (PDK-1) as the PKCvar epsilon mutant lacking both the turn and the hydrophobic motifs could still be co-immunoprecipitated with PDK-1. These results provide fresh insights into the biochemical and structural basis underlying the isozyme-specific regulation of PKC and suggest that the very C-termini of PKCs constitute a promising new target for the development of novel isozyme-specific inhibitors of PKC.