921 resultados para Steven and Dorothea Green Critics Lecture Series
Discussion of a new, innovative method for dating rocks, called laser ablation split stream (LASS) petrochronology, which is an in situ method that couples geochronological and geochemical data of minerals that remain in the rock matrix. The talk focuses on the application of this technique with U-Th-Pb dating of the phosphate minerals monazite and xenotine in metamorphic rocks. Examples from the Ruby Range in southwestern Montana and metamorphic core complexes in the northern Idaho panhandle will be explored.
Discussion on viruses from mild to wild and how using "omnics" (such as genomes, mRNA, proteins, metabolites) can help uncover unexpected biology.
This lecture, delivered at Montana Tech, documents the 2012 expedition to Mt. Everest in Nepal by Conard Anker and Dave Lageson from Bozeman, Montana. The trip commemorated the 50th anniversary of the first American assent in 1963. The climbers gathered rock samples on and near the summit and created a new educational outreach model to elementary school children.
We used the Green's functions from auto-correlations and cross-correlations of seismic ambient noise to monitor temporal velocity changes in the subsurface at Villarrica volcano in the Southern Andes of Chile. Campaigns were conducted from March to October 2010 and February to April 2011 with 8 broadband and 6 short-period stations, respectively. We prepared the data by removing the instrument response, normalizing with a root-mean-square method, whitening the spectra, and filtering from 1 to 10 Hz. This frequency band was chosen based on the relatively high background noise level in that range. Hour-long auto- and cross-correlations were computed and the Green's functions stacked by day and total time. To track the temporal velocity changes we stretched a 24 hour moving window of correlation functions from 90% to 110% of the original and cross correlated them with the total stack. All of the stations' auto-correlations detected what is interpreted as an increase in velocity in 2010, with an average increase of 0.13%. Cross-correlations from station V01, near the summit, to the other stations show comparable changes that are also interpreted as increases in velocity. We attribute this change to the closing of cracks in the subsurface due either to seasonal snow loading or regional tectonics. In addition to the common increase in velocity across the stations, there are excursions in velocity on the same order lasting several days. Amplitude decreases as the station's distance from the vent increases suggesting these excursions may be attributed to changes within the volcanic edifice. In at least two occurrences the amplitudes at stations V06 and V07, the stations farthest from the vent, are smaller. Similar short temporal excursions were seen in the auto-correlations from 2011, however, there was little to no increase in the overall velocity.
Dr. Gates traces the history of physics leading to the hunt for the Higgs particle and confirmation of its existence in March 2013.
Dr. Rossi discusses the common errors that are made when fitting statistical models to data. Focuses on the planning, data analysis, and interpretation phases of a statistical analysis, and highlights the errors that are commonly made by researchers of these phases. The implications of these commonly made errors are discussed along with a discussion of the methods that can be used to prevent these errors from occurring. A prescription for carrying out a correct statistical analysis will be discussed.
Dr. Russell Fielding of the University of Denver discusses his study of artisanal whaling traditions throughout the Atlantic, with field sites in the Faroe Islands, Newfoundland, and the Caribbean.
Dr. Richard J. Douglass has been conducting small mammal field studies since 1968. For the past 19 years he has been conducting field studies on the ecology of deer mice and hantavirus in Montana, Panama, and Argentina. He has published papers on mammals from rodents to large ungulates. He has been conducting student field trips at Montana Tech since 1983.
Elevated nitrate in groundwater is common is agricultural areas where fertilizer has been added at high rates for decades. Within the Judith River Wastershed, high native soil fertility allowed for dryland wheat production without N fertilization until the 1980s, yet elevated nitrate levels were frequently observed in shallow aquifers. Dr. Stephanie Ewing presents results for soil, groundwater and surface water analyses from a hydrologically isolated strath terrace near Moccasin, MT. In context of this uniquely well constrained field setting, these observed data, along with land use history and a simple mass balance model, revel the long term development and perturbation of native soil fertility with cultivation.
Dr. Charles Peterson, Herpetologist and Professor of Biological Sciences at Idaho State University. Curator of Ichthyology and Herpetology at the Idaho Museum of Natural History.
An overview of geologic constraints on the age and extent of the Great Falls tectonic zone, a northeast-trending set of faults identified in west-central Montana.
A century after the discovery of superconductivity, the design of new and more useful superconductors remains enigmatic. High-temperature super-conductors offer unique solutions to fundamental grid challenges of the 21st century and hold great promise in addressing global energy challenges in energy production, storage, and distribution. Traditionally guided by serendipity, researchers now endeavor to design new superconductors predictively. Advanced experimental techniques, such as point contact spectroscopy measurements, aid in identifying promising candidates.
Discussion of subduction zones that are associated with volcanic arcs and major chemical exchanges between the Earth's surface and underlying mantle.
Dan Cornell returned to Vietnam in 2012, more than 40 years after he was stationed there. From 1970-1971, Dan spent time flying around Vietnam and the neighboring countries in a large, CH-47 helicopter. There was not much time to think about what he was doing or why. In spite of this, Dan managed to become enticed bu this country so different from his own. This presentation features videos and photos from his 8-week trip.
Energy is basic to human society, like food, shelter, communication, and mobility. A new international energy landscape is emerging as developing countries create their energy infrastructures and as energy technologies move away from fossil toward more sustainable sources and uses. The 50-year time scale for significant change to the energy landscape implies that the strategic research and development choices we make now ill determine future energy and societal outcomes. The promising opportunities for science and technology discovery and development in energy will be analyzed in the context of vibrant, interactive and rapidly advancing national and global societies.