995 resultados para Spin-projected calculations


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With the frame of the time-dependent local density approximation, an efficient description of the optical response of clusters has been used to study the photo-absorption cross section of Na-2 and Na-4 clusters. It is shown that our calculated results are in good agreement with the experiment. In addition, our calculated spectrum for the Na-4 cluster is in better agreement with experiment than the GW absorption spectrum.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.


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The nucleus Cs-126 was investigated by means of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques using the Nordball detector system at the Niels Bohr Institute. Excited states of Cs-126 were populated via the Cd-116(N-14, 4n)Cs-126 reaction at a beam energy of 65 MeV. The Cs-126 level scheme was considerably extended, especially at negative parity and about 40 new levels and 70 new transitions were added into the level scheme. The previously reported negative-parity rotational bands, built on pi g(7/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi d(5/2)circle times nu h(11/2),pi h(11/2)circle times nu g(7/2), and pi h(11/2)circle times nu d(5/2) configurations, have been extended and evolve into bands involving rotationally aligned (pi h(11/2))(2) and (nu h(11/2))(2) quasiparticles. Two new rotational bands have been tentatively assigned the pi h(11/2)circle times nu s(1/2) and pi g(9/2)circle times nu h(11/2) configurations, respectively


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Excited states in Tl-188,Tl-190 have been studied experimentally by means of in-beam gamma spectroscopy techniques, and resulted in the identification of a strongly coupled band based on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) configuration with oblate deformation. The oblate band in doubly odd Tl nuclei shows low-spin signature inversion. It is the first experimental observation of low-spin signature inversion for a band associated with the oblate pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) configuration.


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Within the framework of Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach, we calculate the energy per nucleon, the pressure, the nucleon self-energy, and the single-nucleon energy in the nuclear matter by adopting two different covariant representations for T-matrix. We mainly investigate the influence of different covariant representations on the satisfiable extent of the Hugenholtz-Van Hove (HVH) theorem in the nuclear medium in the framework of DBHF. By adopting the two different covariant representations of T-matrix, the predicted nucleon self-energy shows a quite different momentum and density dependence. Different covariant representations affect remarkably the satisfiable extent of the HVH theorem. By adopting the complete pseudo-vector representation of the T-matrix, HVH theorem is largely violated, which is in agreement with the result in the non-relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and reflects the importance of ground state correlations for single nucleon properties in nuclear medium, whereas by using the pseudoscalar representation, the ground state correlation cannot be shown. It indicates that the complete pseudo-vector presentation is more feasible than the pseudo-scalar one.


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Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via fusion evaporation in the reaction Ca-40+Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by means of "p-gamma" coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, including half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emissions, and the branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei. The ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were extracted as 7(+/-) and 9/2(+/-), respectively, by fitting the experimental data with a statistical model calculation. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated by using the Woods-Saxon Strutinsky method, which indicate the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-147 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 was also calculated by using the same method. From the NPES a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with the excitation energy of 198keV were found. The calculated results are consistent with our experimental data on the decay of Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J., 2003, A16: 347-351.


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通过重离子熔合蒸发反应142Nd(32S,1p3nγ)170Re布居了缺中子双奇核170Re的高自旋激发态,识别出了该核的一条转动带并建议了其组态为πh1/2 νi13/2。基于对同中子素能级系统性、旋称反转系统性、带内B(M1)/B(E2)、准粒子Routhians、动力学转动惯量和Total Routhian Surface(TRS)等带结构特征的详细分析和讨论,进一步确认了对A=170核区目前最缺中子双奇核高自旋转动带组态、宇称和自旋值的指定。


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Recent experimental data have revealed large mirror energy differences (MED) between high-spin states in the mirror nuclei Se-67 and As-67, the heaviest pair where MED have been determined so far. The MED are generally attributed to the isospin symmetry breaking caused by the Coulomb force and by the isospin-nonconserving part of the nucleon-nucleon residual interaction. The different contributions of the various terms have been extensively studied in the fp shell. By employing large-scale shell-model calculations, we show that the inclusion of the g(9/2) orbit causes interference between the electromagnetic spin-orbit and the Coulomb monopole radial terms at high spin. The large MED are attributed to the aligned proton pair excitations from the p(3/2) and f(5/2) orbits to the g(9/2) orbit. The relation of the MED to deformation is discussed.


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Recent experiments have reached the neutron-rich Cr isotope with N = 40 and confirmed enhanced collectivity near this subshell. The current data focus on low-spin spectroscopy only, with little information on the states where high-j particles align their spins with the system rotation. By applying the projected shell model, we show that rotation alignment occurs in neutron-rich even-even Cr nuclei as early as spin 8 (h) over bar h and, owing to shell filling, the aligning particles differ in different isotopes. It is suggested that observation of irregularities in moments of inertia is a direct probe of the deformed single-particle scheme in this exotic mass region.


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The high spin levels of a very neutron-rich Zr-104 nucleus have been reinvestigated by measuring the prompt. rays in the spontaneous fission of Cf-252. The ground-state band has been confirmed. A new sideband has been identified with a band-head energy at 1928.7 keV. The projected shell model is employed to investigate the band structure of Zr-104. The results of calculated levels are in good agreement with the experimental data, and suggest that the new band in Zr-104 may be based on the neutron nu 5/2(-)[532] circle times nu 3/2(+)[411] configuration.


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The isospin dependence of the effective pairing interaction is discussed on the basis of the Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer theory of superfluid asymmetric nuclear matter. It is shown that the energy gap, calculated within the mean field approximation in the range from symmetric nuclear matter to pure neutron matter, is not linearly dependent on the symmetry parameter owing to the nonlinear structure of the gap equation. Moreover, the construction of a zero-range effective pairing interaction compatible with the neutron and proton gaps in homogeneous matter is investigated, along with some recent proposals of isospin dependence tested on the nuclear data table.


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The Landau parameters of Skyrme interactions in the spin and spin-isospin channels are studied using various Skyrme effective interactions with and without tensor correlations. We focus on the role of the tensor terms on the spin and spin-isospin instabilities that can occur in nuclear matter above saturation density. We point out that these instabilities are realized in nuclear matter at the critical density of about two times the saturation density for all the adopted parameter sets. The critical density is shown to be very much dependent not only on the choice of the Skyrme parameter set, but also on the inclusion of the tensor terms.


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Inspired by the recent experimental data [J.-G. Wang, et al., Phys. Lett. B 675 (2009) 420], we extend the triaxial projected shell model approach to study the gamma-band structure in odd-mass nuclei. As a first application of the new development, the gamma-vibrational structure of Nb-103 is investigated. It is demonstrated that the model describes the ground-state band and multi-phonon gamma-vibrations quite satisfactorily, supporting the interpretation of the data as one of the few experimentally-known examples of simultaneous occurrence of one- and two-gamma-phonon vibrational bands. This generalizes the well-known concept of the surface gamma-oscillation in deformed nuclei built on the ground-state in even-even systems to gamma-bands based on quasiparticle configurations in odd-mass systems. (c) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.


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Efforts have been made in our group to study the band structure of odd-odd nuclei in the A similar to 170 mass region. We aimed at providing new data of high-spin states and searching for the low-spin signature inversion in the 2-qp bands built on the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2) and pi i(13/2)circle times nu i(13/2) configurations. In this talk, main results of our work will be summarized, and some systematic features of signature inversion discussed. The spin and parity assignments for the pi i(13/2) circle times nu i(13/2) band in (184)An could be regarded as firm providing a good example for systematic and theoretical investigations.