966 resultados para Sperm injections, intracytoplasmic


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Although heterothermy (hibernation and torpor) is a common feature among mammals, there is debate over whether it is a derived or ancestral trait relative to endothermic homeothermy. Determination of the physiological characteristics of primitive mammals is central to understanding the evolution of endothermy. Moreover, evaluation of physiological mechanisms responsible for endothermic heat production [e.g. non-shivering thermogenesis (NST)] is key to understanding how early mammals responded to historical climate changes and colonised different geographical regions. Here we investigated the capacity for NST and heterothermy in the Hottentot golden mole, a basal eutherian mammal. NST was measured as the metabolic response to injections of noradrenalin and heterothermy by recording body temperature in free-ranging animals. We found that hibernation and torpor occurred and that the seasonal phenotypic adjustment of NST capacity was similar to that found in other placental mammals. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts, we compared measured values of NST with those obtained from the literature. This showed that all variation in NST was accounted for by differences in phylogeny and not zoogeography. These findings lend support to the observation that NST and heterothermy occur in the Afrotheria, the basal placental mammalian clade. Furthermore, this work suggests that heterothermy, rather than homeothermy is a plesiomorphic trait in mammals and supports the notion that NST mechanisms are phylogenetically ancient.


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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been found to have subtle yet profound effects on the metabolic status of the testis, the expression of numerous spermatogenic genes and is associated with increased numbers of sperm with nuclear DNA damage. The precise mechanism causing these detrimental effects remains unknown. The presence of increased levels of the most prominent member (carboxymethyllysine - CML) of the advanced glycation end product adducts and their receptor (RAGE) in the reproductive tract of DM men has provided a new avenue for research. As there are suspicions that the antibiotic (streptozotocin - STZ) employed to induce DM is also capable of causing oxidative stress and DNA damage, we compared CML and RAGE levels in the reproductive tract and sperm nDNA status of STZ mice with the levels in the Ins(2Akita) mouse to determine which more closely mimics the situation described in the human diabetic. CML was observed in the testes, epididymes and sperm of all animals. Sperm from DM mice showed particularly strong CML immunolocalization in the acrosomal cap, the equatorial region and whenever present, cytoplasmic droplets. Although increased, the level of CML on the sperm of the STZ and Ins(2Akita) DM mice did not reach statistical significance. RAGE was present on the developing acrosome and epididymal sperm of all animals and in discrete regions of the epididymes of the DM models. Only the epididymal sperm of the Ins(2Akita) mice were found to have significantly increased (p < 0.0001) nDNA damage. The Ins(2Akita) mouse therefore appears to more accurately reflect the conditions found in the human and, as such, is a more representative model for the study of diabetes and glycation's influence on male fertility.


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Objective: To determine the effects of sildenafil citrate, a cyclic monophosphate-specific type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor known to affect sperm function, on fertilization and early embryo cleavage.


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The C-type lectin langerin/CD207 was originally discovered as a specific marker for epidermal Langerhans cells (LC). Recently, additional and distinct subsets of langerin(+) dendritic cells (DC) have been identified in lymph nodes and peripheral tissues of mice. Although the role of LC for immune activation or modulation is now being discussed controversially, other langerin(+) DC appear crucial for protective immunity in a growing set of infection and vaccination models. In knock-in mice that express the human diphtheria toxin receptor under control of the langerin promoter, injection of diphtheria toxin ablates LC for several weeks whereas other langerin(+) DC subsets are replenished within just a few days. Thus, by careful timing of diphtheria toxin injections selective states of deficiency in either LC only or all langerin(+) cells can be established. Taking advantage of this system, we found that, unlike selective LC deficiency, ablation of all langerin(+) DC abrogated the activation of IFN-gamma producing and cytolytic CD8(+) T cells after gene gun vaccination. Moreover, we identified migratory langerin(+) dermal DC as the subset that directly activated CD8(+) T cells in lymph nodes. Langerin(+) DC were also critical for IgG1 but not IgG2a Ab induction, suggesting differential polarization of CD4(+) T helper cells by langerin(+) or langerin-negative DC, respectively. In contrast, protein vaccines administered with various adjuvants induced IgG1 independently of langerin(+) DC. Taken together, these findings reflect a highly specialized division of labor between different DC subsets both with respect to Ag encounter as well as downstream processes of immune activation. The Journal of Immunology, 2011, 186: 1377-1383.


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This audit of prescribing practices explores recent trends at Kitovu Hospital, Uganda. The average number of drugs prescribed per patient was 2.89 ± 0.11, of which 1.79±0.09 were generics and 0.69±0.06 antibiotics. No injections were prescribed. Patient essential drug knowledge was 100% while the adequacy of labelling was 0%. The number of drugs prescribed correlated positively with patient age, was greater for female patients, similar for doctors and clinical officers but greater in medical (3.30±0.15, n=50) than surgical (2.48±0.13, n=50) outpatient clinics. The mean consultation time was 6.56 min and 10.25 min per patient in medical and surgical outpatient clinics respectively. The patient essential knowledge indicators were greatly improved but only modest reduction in polypharmacy was evident compared to the Ugandan Pharmaceutical Sector national survey of 2002. Antibiotic prescription was high and generic prescribing was found to be low. Policy changes are required to enhance rational drug use in the health sector in Uganda.


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Behavioral effects of a novel anti-inflammatory SEN1176 were investigated. This pyrrolo[3,2-e][1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine suppresses amyloid-ß (Aß)1-42-induced macrophage production of nitric oxide, TNF-a, IL-1ß, and IL-6 in a dose-dependent fashion, an activity profile consistent with SEN1176 being a neuroinflammation inhibitor. Using male Sprague-Dawley rats, SEN1176 was examined relative to detrimental behavioral effects induced following bilateral intrahippocampal (IH) injections of aggregated Aß1-42. The rats were trained to respond under an alternating-lever cyclic-ratio (ALCR) schedule of food reinforcement, enabling measurement of parameters of operant performance that reflect aspects of learning and memory. Under the ALCR schedule, orally administered SEN1176 at 5, 20, or 30 mg/kg was effective in reducing the behavioral deficit caused by bilateral IH aggregated Aß1-42 injections in a dose-related manner over a 90-day treatment period. SEN1176 at 20 and 30 mg/kg significantly reduced lever switching errors and, at doses of 5, 10, and 30 mg/kg, significantly reduced incorrect lever perseverations, indicating a reduction of the behavioral deficit induced as a result of inflammation following IH Aß1-42 injections. When treatment with SEN1176 was instigated 30 days after IH Aß1-42 injections, it resulted in progressive protection, and withdrawal of SEN1176 treatment 60 days after IH Aß1-42 injections revealed partial retention of the protective effect. SEN1176 also significantly reduced numbers of activated astrocytes adjacent to the aggregated Aß1-42 injection sites. These results indicate the potential of SEN1176 for alleviating chronic neuroinflammatory processes related to brain Aß deposition that affect learning and memory in Alzheimer's disease.


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Red algae (Rhodophyta) are an ancient group with unusual morphological, biochemical, and life-history features including a complete absence of flagella. Although the red algae present many opportunities for studying speciation, this has rarely been explicitly addressed. Here, we examine an aspect of paternal gene flow by determining fertilization success of female Neosiphonia harveyi (Ceramiales), which retains a morphological record of all successful and unsuccessful female gametes. High fertilization rates were observed except when there were no males at all within the tidepool, or in a submerged marina environment. Small numbers of reproductive males were able to saturate fertilization rates, suggesting that limited availability of sperm may be less significant in red algae than previously thought. In another member of the Ceramiales, Antithamnion, relatively large chromosomes permit karyological identification of polyploids. The Western Pacific species Antithamnion sparsum is closely related to the diploid species Antithamnion defectum, known only from the Eastern Pacific, and appears to have evolved from it. Molecular evidence suggests that A. sparsum is an autopolyploid, and that the European species known as Antithamnion densum is divergent from the A. sparsum/defectum complex.


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Recent societal acceptance of cannabinoids as recreational and therapeutic drugs has posed a potential hazard to male reproductive health. Mammals have a highly sophisticated endogenous cannabinoid (ECS) system that regulates male (and female) reproduction and exo-cannabinoids may influence it adversely. Therefore it is imperative to determine their effects on male reproduction so that men can make informed choices as to their use. Here, an animal model was used to administer HU210, a synthetic analogue of ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and potent cannabinoid receptor (CB) agonist to determine its effects on reproductive organ weights, spermatogenesis, testicular histology and sperm motility. Its effects on the physiological endocannabinoid system were also investigated. Spermatogenesis was markedly impaired with reductions in total sperm count after 2 weeks of exposure. Spermatogenic efficiency was depleted, and Sertoli cell number decreased as exposure time increased with seminiferous tubules showing germ cell depletion developing into atrophy in some cases. Sperm motility was also adversely affected with marked reductions from 2 weeks on. HU210 also acted on the sperm’s endocannabinoid system. Long term use of exo-cannabinoids has adverse effects on both spermatogenesis and sperm function. These findings highlight the urgent need for studies evaluating the fertility potential of male recreational drug users.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the role of feedback by Ca²?-sensitive plasma-membrane ion channels in endothelin 1 (Et1) signaling in vitro and in vivo. Methods. Et1 responses were imaged from Fluo-4-loaded smooth muscle in isolated segments of rat retinal arteriole using two-dimensional (2-D) confocal laser microscopy. Vasoconstrictor responses to intravitreal injections of Et1 were recorded in the absence and presence of appropriate ion channel blockers using fluorescein angiograms imaged using a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope. Results. Et1 (10 nM) increased both basal [Ca²?](i) and the amplitude and frequency of Ca²?-waves in retinal arterioles. The Ca²?-activated Cl?-channel blockers DIDS and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid (9AC) blocked Et1-induced increases in wave frequency, and 9AC also inhibited the increase in amplitude. Iberiotoxin, an inhibitor of large conductance (BK) Ca²?-activated K?-channels, increased wave amplitude in the presence of Et1 but had no effect on frequency. None of these drugs affected basal [Ca²?](i). The voltage-operated Ca²?-channel inhibitor nimodipine inhibited wave frequency and amplitude and also lowered basal [Ca²?](i) in the presence of Et1. Intravitreal injection of Et1 caused retinal arteriolar vasoconstriction. This was inhibited by DIDS but not by iberiotoxin or penitrem A, another BK-channel inhibitor. Conclusions. Et1 evokes increases in the frequency of arteriolar Ca²?-waves in vitro, resulting in vasoconstriction in vivo. These responses, initiated by release of stored Ca²?, also require positive feedback via Ca²?-activated Cl?-channels and L-type Ca²?-channels.


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Efficient control of the illegal use of anabolic steroids must both take into account metabolic patterns and associated kinetics of elimination; in this context, an extensive animal experiment involving 24 calves and consisting of three administrations of 17 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate and 17 beta-nandrolone laureate esters was carried out over 50 days. Urine samples were regularly collected during the experiment from all treated and non-treated calves. For sample preparation, a single step high throughput protocol based on 96-well C-18 SPE was developed and validated according to the European Decision 2002/657/EC requirements. Decision limits (CC alpha) for steroids were below 0.1 mu g L-1, except for 19-norandrosterone (CC alpha = 0.7 mu g L-1) and estrone (CC alpha = 0.3 mu g L-1). Kinetics of elimination of the administered 17 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate and 17 beta-nandrolone laureate were established by monitoring 17 beta-estradiol, 17 alpha-estradiol, estrone and 17 beta-nandrolone, 17 alpha-nandrolone, 19-noretiocholanolone, 19-norandrostenedione, respectively. All animals demonstrated homogeneous patterns of elimination both from a qualitative (metabolite profile) and quantitative point of view (elimination kinetics in urine). Most abundant metabolites were 17 alpha-estradiol and 17 alpha-nandrolone (> 20 and 2 mg L-1, respectively after 17 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate and 17 beta-nandrolone laureate administration) whereas 17 beta-estradiol, estrone, 17 beta-nandrolone, 19-noretiocholanolone and 19-norandrostenedione were found as secondary metabolites at concentration values up to the mu g L-1 level. No significant difference was observed between male and female animals. The effect of several consecutive injections on elimination profiles was studied and revealed a tendency toward a decrease in the biotransformation of administered steroid 17 beta form. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodologies were evaluated for the detection and quantification of thyreostatic drug residues in cattle serum and thyroid tissue. The paper details a protocol, using a simple ethyl acetate extraction for the determination of thiouracil, tapazole, methyl thiouracil, propyl thiouracil and phenyl thiouracil in thyroid tissue. Using two sequential HPLC injections, and quantitative analysis, in two steps, all five thyreostats were detectable at concentrations greater than 2.45-4.52 ng/g. Modifications to a published method for detection of thyreostatic residues in serum involving the addition of mercaptoethanol and a freezing step are described. The modifications improved sensitivity and allowed detection of the five thyreostats at levels greater than 16.98-35.25 ng/ml. Young bulls were treated with thyreostats to demonstrate the validity of the methodologies described. Administered thyreostats were not absorbed equally by the test animals and the compounds were not all detected in the serum samples removed at 7 days following drug withdrawal. These experiments indicate the necessity to be able to detect thyreostat residues in a variety of matrices. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Levels of genetic relatedness within bat colonies are often unknown, and consequently the reasons for group formation and social organization are unclear. The Leisler's bat (Nyctalus leisleri), like most temperate bat species, forms nursery colonies in summer. We used microsatellite markers to examine identity and to attempt to estimate relatedness among females within a nursery colony, over 2 consecutive years, to ascertain whether females show kinship and natal philopatry, testing the hypothesis that this is the basis of colony formation. Parentage and relatedness of young born within a colony was assessed to investigate mating patterns via male reproductive skew and whether males achieve mating success within their natal colony. While there was evidence for female philopatry, levels of genetic relatedness within colonies were low. This suggests that kinship is not a major determinant in group formation, as roosts also comprise a large number of distant relatives or non-kin. Roost switching and gene flow are likely to be high. Both sexes reproduced in their first year, whereas males appear to be the more dispersive sex. We argue that the physical environment as well as information sharing provided by communal roosting are likely to be important factors for the formation of these large natal colonies in N. leisleri and possibly other lineages of bats. © 2012 The Author.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an important cause of severe upper and lower respiratory disease in infants and in the elderly. There are 2 main RSV subtypes A and B. A recombinant vaccine was designed based on the central domain of the RSV-A attachment G protein which we had previously named G2Na (aa130–230). Here we evaluated immunogenicity, persistence of antibody (Ab) response and protective efficacy induced in rodents by: (i) G2Na fused to DT (Diphtheria toxin) fragments in cotton rats. DT fusion did not potentiate neutralizing Ab responses against RSV-A or cross-reactivity to RSV-B. (ii) G2Nb (aa130–230 of the RSV-B G protein) either fused to, or admixed with G2Na. G2Nb did not induce RSV-B-reactive Ab responses. (iii) G2Na at low doses. Two injections of 3 µg G2Na in Alum were sufficient to induce protective immune responses in mouse lungs, preventing RSV-A and greatly reducing RSV-B infections. In cotton rats, G2Na-induced RSV-reactive Ab and protective immunity against RSV-A challenge that persisted for at least 24 weeks. (iv) injecting RSV primed mice with a single dose of G2Na/Alum or G2Na/PLGA [poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide]. Despite the presence of pre-existing RSV-specific Abs, these formulations effectively boosted anti-RSV Ab titres and increased Ab titres persisted for at least 21 weeks. Affinity maturation of these Abs increased from day 28 to day 148. These data indicate that G2Na has potential as a component of an RSV vaccine formulation.


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Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the essential infectious agent of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), one of the most important diseases of swine. Although several studies have described different biological properties of the virus, some aspects of its replication cycle, including ultrastructural alterations, remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to describe for the first time a complete morphogenesis study of PCV2 in a clone of the lymphoblastoid L35 cell line at the ultrastructural level using electron microscopy techniques. Cells were infected with PCV2 at a multiplicity of infection of 10 and examined at 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 60 and 72 h post-infection. PCV2 was internalized by endocytosis, after which the virus aggregated in intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (ICIs). Subsequently, PCV2 was closely associated with mitochondria, completing a first cytoplasmic phase. The virus entered the nucleus for replication and virus assembly and encapsidation occurred with the participation of the nuclear membrane. Immature virions left the nucleus and formed ICIs in a second cytoplasmic phase. The results suggest that at the end of the replication cycle (between 24 and 48 h), PCV2 was released either by budding of mature virion clusters or by lysis of apoptotic or dead cells. In conclusion, the L35-derived clone represents a suitable in-vitro model for PCV2 morphogenesis studies and characterization of the PCV2 replication cycle. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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To compare the efficacy and safety of ranibizumab and bevacizumab intravitreal injections to treat neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).

Multicenter, noninferiority factorial trial with equal allocation to groups. The noninferiority limit was 3.5 letters. This trial is registered (ISRCTN92166560).

People >50 years of age with untreated nAMD in the study eye who read =25 letters on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart.

We randomized participants to 4 groups: ranibizumab or bevacizumab, given either every month (continuous) or as needed (discontinuous), with monthly review.

Main Outcome Measures
The primary outcome is at 2 years; this paper reports a prespecified interim analysis at 1 year. The primary efficacy and safety outcome measures are distance visual acuity and arteriothrombotic events or heart failure. Other outcome measures are health-related quality of life, contrast sensitivity, near visual acuity, reading index, lesion morphology, serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, and costs.

Between March 27, 2008 and October 15, 2010, we randomized and treated 610 participants. One year after randomization, the comparison between bevacizumab and ranibizumab was inconclusive (bevacizumab minus ranibizumab -1.99 letters, 95% confidence interval [CI], -4.04 to 0.06). Discontinuous treatment was equivalent to continuous treatment (discontinuous minus continuous -0.35 letters; 95% CI, -2.40 to 1.70). Foveal total thickness did not differ by drug, but was 9% less with continuous treatment (geometric mean ratio [GMR], 0.91; 95% CI, 0.86 to 0.97; P = 0.005). Fewer participants receiving bevacizumab had an arteriothrombotic event or heart failure (odds ratio [OR], 0.23; 95% CI, 0.05 to 1.07; P = 0.03). There was no difference between drugs in the proportion experiencing a serious systemic adverse event (OR, 1.35; 95% CI, 0.80 to 2.27; P = 0.25). Serum VEGF was lower with bevacizumab (GMR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.41 to 0.54; P<0.0001) and higher with discontinuous treatment (GMR, 1.23; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.42; P = 0.004). Continuous and discontinuous treatment costs were £9656 and £6398 per patient per year for ranibizumab and £1654 and £1509 for bevacizumab; bevacizumab was less costly for both treatment regimens (P<0.0001).

The comparison of visual acuity at 1 year between bevacizumab and ranibizumab was inconclusive. Visual acuities with continuous and discontinuous treatment were equivalent. Other outcomes are consistent with the drugs and treatment regimens having similar efficacy and safety.

Financial Disclosure(s)
Proprietary or commercial disclosures may be found after the references.