926 resultados para Speech Recognition System using LPC


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Under the framework of the European Union Funded SAFEE project(1), this paper gives an overview of a novel monitoring and scene analysis system developed for use onboard aircraft in spatially constrained environments. The techniques discussed herein aim to warn on-board crew about pre-determined indicators of threat intent (such as running or shouting in the cabin), as elicited from industry and security experts. The subject matter experts believe that activities such as these are strong indicators of the beginnings of undesirable chains of events or scenarios, which should not be allowed to develop aboard aircraft. This project aimes to detect these scenarios and provide advice to the crew. These events may involve unruly passengers or be indicative of the precursors to terrorist threats. With a state of the art tracking system using homography intersections of motion images, and probability based Petri nets for scene understanding, the SAFEE behavioural analysis system automatically assesses the output from multiple intelligent sensors, and creates. recommendations that are presented to the crew using an integrated airborn user interface. Evaluation of the system is conducted within a full size aircraft mockup, and experimental results are presented, showing that the SAFEE system is well suited to monitoring people in confined environments, and that meaningful and instructive output regarding human actions can be derived from the sensor network within the cabin.


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We have discovered a novel approach of intrusion detection system using an intelligent data classifier based on a self organizing map (SOM). We have surveyed all other unsupervised intrusion detection methods, different alternative SOM based techniques and KDD winner IDS methods. This paper provides a robust designed and implemented intelligent data classifier technique based on a single large size (30x30) self organizing map (SOM) having the capability to detect all types of attacks given in the DARPA Archive 1999 the lowest false positive rate being 0.04 % and higher detection rate being 99.73% tested using full KDD data sets and 89.54% comparable detection rate and 0.18% lowest false positive rate tested using corrected data sets.


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This paper presents a hybrid control strategy integrating dynamic neural networks and feedback linearization into a predictive control scheme. Feedback linearization is an important nonlinear control technique which transforms a nonlinear system into a linear system using nonlinear transformations and a model of the plant. In this work, empirical models based on dynamic neural networks have been employed. Dynamic neural networks are mathematical structures described by differential equations, which can be trained to approximate general nonlinear systems. A case study based on a mixing process is presented.


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The use of n-tuple or weightless neural networks as pattern recognition devices is well known (Aleksander and Stonham, 1979). They have some significant advantages over the more common and biologically plausible networks, such as multi-layer perceptrons; for example, n-tuple networks have been used for a variety of tasks, the most popular being real-time pattern recognition, and they can be implemented easily in hardware as they use standard random access memories. In operation, a series of images of an object are shown to the network, each being processed suitably and effectively stored in a memory called a discriminator. Then, when another image is shown to the system, it is processed in a similar manner and the system reports whether it recognises the image; is the image sufficiently similar to one already taught? If the system is to be able to recognise and discriminate between m-objects, then it must contain m-discriminators. This can require a great deal of memory. This paper describes various ways in which memory requirements can be reduced, including a novel method for multiple discriminator n-tuple networks used for pattern recognition. By using this method, the memory normally required to handle m-objects can be used to recognise and discriminate between 2^m — 2 objects.


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This paper proposes a novel interference cancellation algorithm for the two-path successive relay system using network coding. The two-path successive relay scheme was proposed recently to achieve full date rate transmission with half-duplex relays. Due to the simultaneous data transmission at the relay and source nodes, the two-path relay suffers from the so-called inter-relay interference (IRI) which may significantly degrade the system performance. In this paper, we propose to use the network coding to remove the IRI such that the interference is first encoded with the network coding at the relay nodes and later removed at the destination. The network coding has low complexity and can well suppress the IRI. Numerical simulations show that the proposed algorithm has better performance than existing approaches.


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In this brief, a new complex-valued B-spline neural network is introduced in order to model the complex-valued Wiener system using observational input/output data. The complex-valued nonlinear static function in the Wiener system is represented using the tensor product from two univariate B-spline neural networks, using the real and imaginary parts of the system input. Following the use of a simple least squares parameter initialization scheme, the Gauss-Newton algorithm is applied for the parameter estimation, which incorporates the De Boor algorithm, including both the B-spline curve and the first-order derivatives recursion. Numerical examples, including a nonlinear high-power amplifier model in communication systems, are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approaches.


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Implementations of incremental variational data assimilation require the iterative minimization of a series of linear least-squares cost functions. The accuracy and speed with which these linear minimization problems can be solved is determined by the condition number of the Hessian of the problem. In this study, we examine how different components of the assimilation system influence this condition number. Theoretical bounds on the condition number for a single parameter system are presented and used to predict how the condition number is affected by the observation distribution and accuracy and by the specified lengthscales in the background error covariance matrix. The theoretical results are verified in the Met Office variational data assimilation system, using both pseudo-observations and real data.


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In recent years, there have been increasing concerns over the safety of the Chinese food supply. Although many of these have only raised concern internally within China, several major food safety issues have had international repercussions. In response, China has implemented new food safety laws and management systems to improve its national food safety control system and reduce public and international concerns. This paper has describes and discusses the components of the Chinese system using the five key elements of a national food control system identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as essential for an effective system. The latest Chinese national food safety control has made significantly improvement on its regulation framework, however, more work need to be done on standards, law enforcement, and information exchange.


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Diagnosing the climate of New Zealand from low-resolution General Circulation Models (GCMs) is notoriously difficult due to the interaction of the complex topography and the Southern Hemisphere (SH) mid-latitude westerly winds. Therefore, methods of downscaling synoptic scale model data for New Zealand are useful to help understand past climate. New Zealand also has a wealth of palaeoclimate-proxy data to which the downscaled model output can be compared, and to provide a qualitative method of assessing the capability of GCMs to represent, in this case, the climate 6000 yr ago in the Mid-Holocene. In this paper, a synoptic weather and climate regime classification system using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of GCM and reanalysis data was used. The climate regimes are associated with surface air temperature and precipitation anomalies over New Zealand. From the analysis in this study, we find at 6000 BP that increased trough activity in summer and autumn led to increased precipitation, with an increased north-south pressure gradient ("zonal events") in winter and spring leading to drier conditions. Opposing effects of increased (decreased) temperature are also seen in spring (autumn) in the South Island, which are associated with the increased zonal (trough) events; however, the circulation induced changes in temperature are likely to have been of secondary importance to the insolation induced changes. Evidence from the palaeoclimate-proxy data suggests that the Mid-Holocene was characterized by increased westerly wind events in New Zealand, which agrees with the preference for trough and zonal regimes in the models.


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Interferences from the spatially adjacent non-target stimuli evoke ERPs during non-target sub-trials and lead to false positives. This phenomenon is commonly seen in visual attention based BCIs and affects the performance of BCI system. Although, users or subjects tried to focus on the target stimulus, they still could not help being affected by conspicuous changes of the stimuli (flashes or presenting images) which were adjacent to the target stimulus. In view of this case, the aim of this study is to reduce the adjacent interference using new stimulus presentation pattern based on facial expression changes. Positive facial expressions can be changed to negative facial expressions by minor changes to the original facial image. Although the changes are minor, the contrast will be big enough to evoke strong ERPs. In this paper, two different conditions (Pattern_1, Pattern_2) were used to compare across objective measures such as classification accuracy and information transfer rate as well as subjective measures. Pattern_1 was a “flash-only” pattern and Pattern_2 was a facial expression change of a dummy face. In the facial expression change patterns, the background is a positive facial expression and the stimulus is a negative facial expression. The results showed that the interferences from adjacent stimuli could be reduced significantly (P<;0.05) by using the facial expression change patterns. The online performance of the BCI system using the facial expression change patterns was significantly better than that using the “flash-only” patterns in terms of classification accuracy (p<;0.01), bit rate (p<;0.01), and practical bit rate (p<;0.01). Subjects reported that the annoyance and fatigue could be significantly decreased (p<;0.05) using the new stimulus presentation pattern presented in this paper.


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Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) plants, like many other eucalypts, can form symbiotic associations with both arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi. To study this tripartite relationship we developed a novel nurse-pot system to allow us to investigate the extent and temporal colonisation dynamics of jarrah by two AM species (Rhizophagus irregularis (Błaszk., Wubet, Renker & Buscot) C. Walker & A. Schüßler comb. nov. and Scutellospora calospora Nicol. & Gerd.) and two putative ECM species (Austroboletus occidentalis Watling & N.M. Greg. and Scleroderma sp.) and their potential effects on jarrah growth and nutrition. Our nurse-pot system, using jarrah as both the nurse plant and test plant, was developed to establish extraradical hyphal networks of both AM and ECM fungi that act as single or dual inoculum for test plants. Mycorrhizal colonisation was described and quantified, and growth and nutritional effects measured and analysed. Mycorrhizal colonisation increased with time for the test seedlings exposed to hyphae networks from S. calospora and Scleroderma sp. The nurse-pot system was effective at initiating colonisation of functioning AM or (putative) ECM systems separately but the ECM symbiosis was inhibited where a dual AM + ECM inoculum (R. irregularis and Scleroderma sp.) was present. The presence of S. calospora, A. occidentalis and Scleroderma sp. individually significantly increased the shoot biomass of seedlings compared with non-mycorrhizal controls. The two AM isolates had different physiological effects on jarrah plants. S. calospora improved growth and micronutrient uptake of jarrah seedlings whereas no positive response was observed with R. irregularis. In addition, as an interesting observation, the non-responsive AM fungus R. irregularis suppressed the ECM symbiosis in dually inoculated plants where ECM structures, positive growth response and nutritional effects were absent. When inoculated individually, ECM isolates dominated the growth response and uptake of P and other nutrients in this dual symbiotic plant. Despite the positive growth response in the A. occidentalis treatment, ECM structures were not observed in either nurse or test seedlings. From the effects of A. occidentalis on jarrah we hypothesise that this fungus forms a functional mycorrhizal-type partnership even without forming archetypal structures in and on the root


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We assess Indian summer monsoon seasonal forecasts in GloSea5-GC2, the Met Office fully coupled subseasonal to seasonal ensemble forecasting system. Using several metrics, GloSea5-GC2 shows similar skill to other state-of-the-art forecast systems. The prediction skill of the large-scale South Asian monsoon circulation is higher than that of Indian monsoon rainfall. Using multiple linear regression analysis we evaluate relationships between Indian monsoon rainfall and five possible drivers of monsoon interannual variability. Over the time period studied (1992-2011), the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) are the most important of these drivers in both observations and GloSea5-GC2. Our analysis indicates that ENSO and its teleconnection with the Indian rainfall are well represented in GloSea5-GC2. However, the relationship between the IOD and Indian rainfall anomalies is too weak in GloSea5-GC2, which may be limiting the prediction skill of the local monsoon circulation and Indian rainfall. We show that this weak relationship likely results from a coupled mean state bias that limits the impact of anomalous wind forcing on SST variability, resulting in erroneous IOD SST anomalies. Known difficulties in representing convective precipitation over India may also play a role. Since Indian rainfall responds weakly to the IOD, it responds more consistently to ENSO than in observations. Our assessment identifies specific coupled biases that are likely limiting GloSea5-GC2 prediction skill, providing targets for model improvement.


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Allt eftersom utvecklingen går framåt inom applikationer och system så förändras också sättet på vilket vi interagerar med systemet på. Hittills har navigering och användning av applikationer och system mestadels skett med händerna och då genom mus och tangentbord. På senare tid så har navigering via touch-skärmar och rösten blivit allt mer vanligt. Då man ska styra en applikation med hjälp av rösten är det viktigt att vem som helst kan styra applikationen, oavsett vilken dialekt man har. För att kunna se hur korrekt ett röstigenkännings-API (Application Programming Interface) uppfattar svenska dialekter så initierades denna studie med dokumentstudier om dialekters kännetecken och ljudkombinationer. Dessa kännetecken och ljudkombinationer låg till grund för de ord vi valt ut till att testa API:et med. Varje dialekt fick alltså ett ord uppbyggt för att vara extra svårt för API:et att uppfatta när det uttalades av just den aktuella dialekten. Därefter utvecklades en prototyp, närmare bestämt en android-applikation som fungerade som ett verktyg i datainsamlingen. Då arbetet innehåller en prototyp och en undersökning så valdes Design and Creation Research som forskningsstrategi med datainsamlingsmetoderna dokumentstudier och observationer för att få önskat resultat. Data samlades in via observationer med prototypen som hjälpmedel och med hjälp av dokumentstudier. Det empiriska data som registrerats via observationerna och med hjälp av applikationen påvisade att vissa dialekter var lättare för API:et att uppfatta korrekt. I vissa fall var resultaten väntade då vissa ord uppbyggda av ljudkombinationer i enlighet med teorin skulle uttalas väldigt speciellt av en viss dialekt. Ibland blev det väldigt låga resultat på just dessa ord men i andra fall förvånansvärt höga. Slutsatsen vi drog av detta var att de ord vi valt ut med en baktanke om att de skulle få låga resultat för den speciella dialekten endast visade sig stämma vid två tillfällen. Det var istället det ord innehållande sje- och tje-ljud som enligt teorin var gemensamma kännetecken för alla dialekter som fick lägst resultat överlag.


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Network information identification is a “hot” topic currently. This paper designs a self-learning system using neural network algorithm for identifying the harmful network messages of both Chinese and English languages. The system segments the message into words and creates key word vector which characterizes the harmful network information. The BP algorithm is taken advantage of to train the neural network. The result of training and studying of the neural network can be applied onto many network applications based on message identification. The result of experiments demonstrates that our system has a high degree of accuracy.


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Cold bulk metal forming has made large-scale production of small complex solid parts economically feasible. Tooling used in metal forming poses many uncertainties in the preliminary cost estimation and production process and continual tool replacement and maintenance dramatically reduces productivity and raises manufacturing cost. In order to tackle this, an on-line tool condition monitoring system using artificial neural network (ANN) to integrate information from multiple sensors for forging process has been developed. Together with the force, acoustic emission signals and process conditions, information developed from theoretical models is integrated into the ANN tool monitoring system to predict tool life and provide the maintenance schedule.