946 resultados para Speckle tracking liver motion correction contrast-enhanced ultrasound


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In stroke patients, neglect diagnostic is often performed by means of paper-pencil cancellation tasks. These tasks entail static stimuli, and provide no information concerning possible changes in the severity of neglect symptoms when patients are confronted with motion. We therefore aimed to directly contrast the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients under static and dynamic conditions. Since visual field deficits often occur in neglect patients, we analysed whether the integrity of the optic radiation would influence cancellation behaviour. METHODS: Twenty-five patients with left spatial neglect after right-hemispheric stroke were tested with a touchscreen cancellation task, once when the evenly distributed targets were stationary, and once when the identic targets moved with constant speed on a random path. The integrity of the right optic radiation was analysed by means of a hodologic probabilistic approach. RESULTS: Motion influenced the cancellation behaviour of neglect patients, and the direction of this influence (i.e., an increase or decrease of neglect severity) was modulated by the integrity of the right optic radiation. In patients with an intact optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly decreased in the dynamic condition. Conversely, in patients with damage to the optic radiation, the severity of neglect significantly increased in the dynamic condition. CONCLUSION: Motion may influence neglect in stroke patients. The integrity of the optic radiation may be a predictor of whether motion increases or decreases the severity of neglect symptoms.


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Echinococcus multilocularis is an important pathogenic zoonotic parasite of health concern, though absent in the United Kingdom. Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) may act as a rare intermediate host, and so unscreened wild caught individuals may pose a potential risk of introducing this parasite to disease-free countries through translocation programs. There is currently no single definitive ante-mortem diagnostic test in intermediate hosts. An effective non-lethal diagnostic, feasible under field condition would be helpful to minimise parasite establishment risk, where indiscriminate culling is to be avoided. This study screened live beavers (captive, n = 18 or wild-trapped in Scotland, n = 12) and beaver cadavers (wild Scotland, n = 4 or Bavaria, n = 11), for the presence of E. multilocularis. Ultrasonography in combination with minimally invasive surgical examination of the abdomen by laparoscopy was viable under field conditions for real-time evaluation in beavers. Laparoscopy alone does not allow the operator to visualize the parenchyma of organs such as the liver, or inside the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, hence the advantage of its combination with abdominal ultrasonography. All live beavers and Scottish cadavers were largely unremarkable in their haematology and serum biochemistry with no values suspicious for liver pathology or potentially indicative of E. multilocularis infection. This correlated well with ultrasound, laparoscopy, and immunoblotting, which were unremarkable in these individuals. Two wild Bavarian individuals were suspected E. multilocularis positive at post-mortem, through the presence of hepatic cysts. Sensitivity and specificity of a combination of laparoscopy and abdominal ultrasonography in the detection of parasitic liver cyst lesions was 100% in the subset of cadavers (95%Confidence Intervals 34.24-100%, and 86.7-100% respectively). For abdominal ultrasonography alone sensitivity was only 50% (95%CI 9.5-90.6%), with specificity being 100% (95%CI 79.2-100%). For laparoscopy alone sensitivity was 100% (95% CI 34.2-100%), with specificity also being 100% (95% CI 77.2-100%). Further immunoblotting, PCR and histopathological examination revealed one individual positive for E. multilocularis, whilst the other individual was positive for Taenia martis.


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Experience is lacking with mineral scaling and corrosion in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) in which surface water is circulated through hydraulically stimulated crystalline rocks. As an aid in designing EGS projects we have conducted multicomponent reactive-transport simulations to predict the likely characteristics of scales and corrosion that may form when exploiting heat from granitoid reservoir rocks at ∼200 °C and 5 km depth. The specifications of an EGS project at Basel, Switzerland, are used to constrain the model. The main water–rock reactions in the reservoir during hydraulic stimulation and the subsequent doublet operation were identified in a separate paper (Alt-Epping et al., 2013b). Here we use the computed composition of the reservoir fluid to (1) predict mineral scaling in the injection and production wells, (2) evaluate methods of chemical geothermometry and (3) identify geochemical indicators of incipient corrosion. The envisaged heat extraction scheme ensures that even if the reservoir fluid is in equilibrium with quartz, cooling of the fluid will not induce saturation with respect to amorphous silica, thus eliminating the risk of silica scaling. However, the ascending fluid attains saturation with respect to crystalline aluminosilicates such as albite, microcline and chlorite, and possibly with respect to amorphous aluminosilicates. If no silica-bearing minerals precipitate upon ascent, reservoir temperatures can be predicted by classical formulations of silica geothermometry. In contrast, Na/K concentration ratios in the production fluid reflect steady-state conditions in the reservoir rather than albite–microcline equilibrium. Thus, even though igneous orthoclase is abundant in the reservoir and albite precipitates as a secondary phase, Na/K geothermometers fail to yield accurate temperatures. Anhydrite, which is present in fractures in the Basel reservoir, is predicted to dissolve during operation. This may lead to precipitation of pyrite and, at high exposure of anhydrite to the circulating fluid, of hematite scaling in the geothermal installation. In general, incipient corrosion of the casing can be detected at the production wellhead through an increase in H2(aq) and the enhanced precipitation of Fe-bearing aluminosilicates. The appearance of magnetite in scales indicates high corrosion rates.


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In sports games, it is often necessary to perceive a large number of moving objects (e.g., the ball and players). In this context, the role of peripheral vision for processing motion information in the periphery is often discussed especially when motor responses are required. In an attempt to test the basal functionality of peripheral vision in those sports-games situations, a Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) task that requires to track a certain number of targets amidst distractors, was chosen. Participants’ primary task was to recall four targets (out of 10 rectangular stimuli) after six seconds of quasi-random motion. As a second task, a button had to be pressed if a target change occurred (Exp 1: stop vs. form change to a diamond for 0.5 s; Exp 2: stop vs. slowdown for 0.5 s). While eccentricities of changes (5-10° vs. 15-20°) were manipulated, decision accuracy (recall and button press correct), motor response time as well as saccadic reaction time were calculated as dependent variables. Results show that participants indeed used peripheral vision to detect changes, because either no or very late saccades to the changed target were executed in correct trials. Moreover, a saccade was more often executed when eccentricities were small. Response accuracies were higher and response times were lower in the stop conditions of both experiments while larger eccentricities led to higher response times in all conditions. Summing up, it could be shown that monitoring targets and detecting changes can be processed by peripheral vision only and that a monitoring strategy on the basis of peripheral vision may be the optimal one as saccades may be afflicted with certain costs. Further research is planned to address the question whether this functionality is also evident in sports tasks.


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In sports games, it is often necessary to perceive a large number of moving objects (e.g., the ball and players). In this context, the role of peripheral vision for processing motion information in the periphery is often discussed especially when motor responses are required. In an attempt to test the capability of using peripheral vision in those sports-games situations, a Multiple-Object-Tracking task that requires to track a certain number of targets amidst distractors, was chosen to determine the sensitivity of detecting target changes with peripheral vision only. Participants’ primary task was to recall four targets (out of 10 rectangular stimuli) after six seconds of quasi-random motion. As a second task, a button had to be pressed if a target change occurred (Exp 1: stop vs. form change to a diamond for 0.5 s; Exp 2: stop vs. slowdown for 0.5 s). Eccentricities of changes (5-10° vs. 15-20°) were manipulated, decision accuracy (recall and button press correct), motor response time and saccadic reaction time (change onset to saccade onset) were calculated and eye-movements were recorded. Results show that participants indeed used peripheral vision to detect changes, because either no or very late saccades to the changed target were executed in correct trials. Moreover, a saccade was more often executed when eccentricities were small. Response accuracies were higher and response times were lower in the stop conditions of both experiments while larger eccentricities led to higher response times in all conditions. Summing up, it could be shown that monitoring targets and detecting changes can be processed by peripheral vision only and that a monitoring strategy on the basis of peripheral vision may be the optimal one as saccades may be afflicted with certain costs. Further research is planned to address the question whether this functionality is also evident in sports tasks.


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Empathy is a core prerequisite for human social behavior. Relatively, little is known about how empathy is influenced by social stress and its associated neuroendocrine alterations. The current study was designed to test the impact of acute stress on emotional and cognitive empathy. Healthy male participants were exposed to a psychosocial laboratory stressor (trier social stress test, (TSST)) or a well-matched control condition (Placebo-TSST). Afterwards they participated in an empathy test measuring emotional and cognitive empathy (multifaceted empathy test, (MET)). Stress exposure caused an increase in negative affect, a rise in salivary alpha amylase and a rise in cortisol. Participants exposed to stress reported more emotional empathy in response to pictures displaying both positive and negative emotional social scenes. Cognitive empathy (emotion recognition) in contrast did not differ between the stress and the control group. The current findings provide initial evidence for enhanced emotional empathy after acute psychosocial stress.


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Indoor positioning has become an emerging research area because of huge commercial demands for location-based services in indoor environments. Channel State Information (CSI) as a fine-grained physical layer information has been recently proposed to achieve high positioning accuracy by using range-based methods, e.g., trilateration. In this work, we propose to fuse the CSI-based ranges and velocity estimated from inertial sensors by an enhanced particle filter to achieve highly accurate tracking. The algorithm relies on some enhanced ranging methods and further mitigates the remaining ranging errors by a weighting technique. Additionally, we provide an efficient method to estimate the velocity based on inertial sensors. The algorithms are designed in a network-based system, which uses rather cheap commercial devices as anchor nodes. We evaluate our system in a complex environment along three different moving paths. Our proposed tracking method can achieve 1:3m for mean accuracy and 2:2m for 90% accuracy, which is more accurate and stable than pedestrian dead reckoning and range-based positioning.


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Passive positioning systems produce user location information for third-party providers of positioning services. Since the tracked wireless devices do not participate in the positioning process, passive positioning can only rely on simple, measurable radio signal parameters, such as timing or power information. In this work, we provide a passive tracking system for WiFi signals with an enhanced particle filter using fine-grained power-based ranging. Our proposed particle filter provides an improved likelihood function on observation parameters and is equipped with a modified coordinated turn model to address the challenges in a passive positioning system. The anchor nodes for WiFi signal sniffing and target positioning use software defined radio techniques to extract channel state information to mitigate multipath effects. By combining the enhanced particle filter and a set of enhanced ranging methods, our system can track mobile targets with an accuracy of 1.5m for 50% and 2.3m for 90% in a complex indoor environment. Our proposed particle filter significantly outperforms the typical bootstrap particle filter, extended Kalman filter and trilateration algorithms.


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The limitations of diagnostic echo ultrasound have motivated research into novel modalities that complement ultrasound in a multimodal device. One promising candidate is speed of sound imaging, which has been found to reveal structural changes in diseased tissue. Transmission ultrasound tomography shows speed of sound spatially resolved, but is limited to the acoustically transparent breast. We present a novel method by which speed-of-sound imaging is possible using classic pulse-echo equipment, facilitating new clinical applications and the combination with state-of-the art diagnostic ultrasound. Pulse-echo images are reconstructed while scanning the tissue under various angles using transmit beam steering. Differences in average sound speed along different transmit directions are reflected in the local echo phase, which allows a 2-D reconstruction of the sound speed. In the present proof-of-principle study, we describe a contrast resolution of 0.6% of average sound speed and a spatial resolution of 1 mm (laterally) × 3 mm (axially), suitable for diagnostic applications.


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Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), a parasitic disease primarily of the liver caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus multilocularis, is highly endemic in Switzerland. In contrast to well-established management protocols in people, little is known with regard to optimal treatment strategies in dogs. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical signs and diagnostic procedures in dogs with AE and to evaluate outcome following medical treatment alone or surgery and medical treatment. Of 23 putative AE cases between 2004 and 2014, 20 were classified as confirmed (n=18) or probable (n=2) AE, based on abdominal ultrasound, serology, cytology, histology and/or PCR. Most dogs presented with abdominal distension in an advanced stage of disease. Dogs receiving specific treatment (radical or debulking surgery together with medical treatment, or medical treatment alone) survived longer than dogs left untreated, but no difference was found between treatment types. Survival at one year was associated with absence of free abdominal fluid, absence of abdominal distension and treatment of any type. However, dogs treated with debulking surgery all faced relapse. Findings of this study suggest that in AE-affected dogs for which a therapeutic approach is regarded appropriate by owners and veterinarians, radical surgical resection and medical treatment or, if total resection is not possible, medical treatment alone should be considered. However, studies on larger numbers of dogs are necessary before definitive treatment recommendations can be made.


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Introduction Low back pain is often caused by a trauma causing disc herniation and /or disc degeneration. Although there are some promising approaches for nucleus pulposus repair, the inner tissue of the intervertebral disc (IVD) so far no treatment or repair is available for annulus fibrosus (AF) injuries. Here we aimed to develop a new method to seal and repair AF injuries by using a silk fleece composite and a genipin enhanced hydrogel. Methods Bovine (b) IVDs were harvested under aseptic conditions and kept in free swelling conditions for 24h in high-glucose DMEM containing 5% bovine serum for equilibration (1). A circular 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed Medical Center, Switzerland) was used to form a reproducible defect in the AF. For filling the defect and keeping the silk composite in place a human-derived fibrin gel (Baxter Tisseel, Switzerland) enhanced with 4.2mg/ml of the cross linker genipin (Wako Chemicals GmbH, Germany) was used. The silk composite consists of a mesh- and a membrane side (Spintec Engineering GmbH, Germany); the membrane is facing outwards to form a seal. bIVDs were cultured in vitro for 14 days either under dynamic load in a custom-built bioreactor under physiological conditions (0.2MPa load and ±2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/day) or static diurnal load of 0.2MPa (2). At the end of culture discs were checked for seal failure, disc height, metabolic activity, cell death by necrosis (LDH assay), DNA content and glycosaminoglycan content. Results Silk composite maintained its position throughout the 14 days of culture under loaded conditions. Although repaired discs performed slightly lower in cell activity, DNA and GAG content were in the range of the control. Also LDH resulted in similar values compared to control discs (Fig 1). Height loss in repaired discs was in the same range as for static diurnal loaded control samples. For dynamically loaded samples the decrease was comparable to the injured, unrepaired discs. Fig 1 LDH of repaired discs compared to control disc after 24h in free swelling conditions for equilibration and first three loading cycles. Conclusions Silk-genipin-fibrin reinforced hydrogel is a promising approach to close AF defects as tested by two degree of freedom loading. In further experiments cytocompatibility of genipin has to be investigated. References 1. Chan SC, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture. J Vis Exp 2012, Feb 2;60(60):e3490. 2. Walser J, Ferguson SJ, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Design of a mechanical loading device to culture intact bovine caudal motional segments of the spine under twisting motion. In: Davies J, editors. Replacing animal models: a practical guide to creating and using biomimetic alternatives. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 2012. p. 89-105. Acknowledgements This project is funded by the Gerbert Rüf Stiftung project # GRS-028/13 and the Swiss National Science Project SNF #310030_153411.


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OBJECTIVE Abnormal ECG findings suggestive of cardiac disease are frequent in patients with funnel chest, although structural heart disease is rare. Electrocardiographic characteristics and changes following new surgical treatments in young adults are not described so far. The aim of the study was to analyze electrocardiographic characteristics of patients with funnel chest before and after minimally invasive funnel chest correction by the Nuss procedure. METHODS Twenty-six patients with surgical correction of funnel chest using pectus bar were included. Twelve-lead ECGs before and later than one year after surgery were analyzed. RESULTS In postoperative ECGs, amplitude of P wave in lead II and negative terminal amplitude of P wave in lead V1 decreased from 0.13 to 0.10mV (p=0.03), and from 0.10 to 0.04mV (p<0.001), respectively. Mean QRS duration decreased from 108ms to 98ms (p=0.003) after correction. A pathological left and right Sokolow-Lyon index was observed in 35% and 23% of patients before, versus 8% (p=0.04) and 0% (p=0.01) after correction, respectively. In contrast, the rate of patients with J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 increased from 8% before to 42% after surgery (p=0.004). CONCLUSIONS ECG abnormalities in patients with funnel chest are frequent, and can normalize after surgical correction by the Nuss procedure. De novo J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 is a frequent finding after surgical funnel chest correction using pectus bar.


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Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a dynamic conflict of the hip defined by a pathological, early abutment of the proximal femur onto the acetabulum or pelvis. In the past two decades, FAI has received increasing focus in both research and clinical practice as a cause of hip pain and prearthrotic deformity. Anatomical abnormalities such as an aspherical femoral head (cam-type FAI), a focal or general overgrowth of the acetabulum (pincer-type FAI), a high riding greater or lesser trochanter (extra-articular FAI), or abnormal torsion of the femur have been identified as underlying pathomorphologies. Open and arthroscopic treatment options are available to correct the deformity and to allow impingement-free range of motion. In routine practice, diagnosis and treatment planning of FAI is based on clinical examination and conventional imaging modalities such as standard radiography, magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA), and computed tomography (CT). Modern software tools allow three-dimensional analysis of the hip joint by extracting pelvic landmarks from two-dimensional antero-posterior pelvic radiographs. An object-oriented cross-platform program (Hip2Norm) has been developed and validated to standardize pelvic rotation and tilt on conventional AP pelvis radiographs. It has been shown that Hip2Norm is an accurate, consistent, reliable and reproducible tool for the correction of selected hip parameters on conventional radiographs. In contrast to conventional imaging modalities, which provide only static visualization, novel computer assisted tools have been developed to allow the dynamic analysis of FAI pathomechanics. In this context, a validated, CT-based software package (HipMotion) has been introduced. HipMotion is based on polygonal three-dimensional models of the patient’s pelvis and femur. The software includes simulation methods for range of motion, collision detection and accurate mapping of impingement areas. A preoperative treatment plan can be created by performing a virtual resection of any mapped impingement zones both on the femoral head-neck junction, as well as the acetabular rim using the same three-dimensional models. The following book chapter provides a summarized description of current computer-assisted tools for the diagnosis and treatment planning of FAI highlighting the possibility for both static and dynamic evaluation, reliability and reproducibility, and its applicability to routine clinical use.


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Introduction: Although it seems plausible that sports performance relies on high-acuity foveal vision, it could be empirically shown that myoptic blur (up to +2 diopters) does not harm performance in sport tasks that require foveal information pick-up like golf putting (Bulson, Ciuffreda, & Hung, 2008). How myoptic blur affects peripheral performance is yet unknown. Attention might be less needed for processing visual cues foveally and lead to better performance because peripheral cues are better processed as a function of reduced foveal vision, which will be tested in the current experiment. Methods: 18 sport science students with self-reported myopia volunteered as participants, all of them regularly wearing contact lenses. Exclusion criteria comprised visual correction other than myopic, correction of astigmatism and use of contact lenses out of Swiss delivery area. For each of the participants, three pairs of additional contact lenses (besides their regular lenses; used in the “plano” condition) were manufactured with an individual overcorrection to a retinal defocus of +1 to +3 diopters (referred to as “+1.00 D”, “+2.00 D”, and “+3.00 D” condition, respectively). Gaze data were acquired while participants had to perform a multiple object tracking (MOT) task that required to track 4 out of 10 moving stimuli. In addition, in 66.7 % of all trials, one of the 4 targets suddenly stopped during the motion phase for a period of 0.5 s. Stimuli moved in front of a picture of a sports hall to allow for foveal processing. Due to the directional hypotheses, the level of significance for one-tailed tests on differences was set at α = .05 and posteriori effect sizes were computed as partial eta squares (ηρ2). Results: Due to problems with the gaze-data collection, 3 participants had to be excluded from further analyses. The expectation of a centroid strategy was confirmed because gaze was closer to the centroid than the target (all p < .01). In comparison to the plano baseline, participants more often recalled all 4 targets under defocus conditions, F(1,14) = 26.13, p < .01, ηρ2 = .65. The three defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 2.56, p = .05, ηρ2 = .16, with a higher accuracy as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between conditions +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .03) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p = .03). For stop trials, significant differences could neither be found between plano baseline and defocus conditions, F(1,14) = .19, p = .67, ηρ2 = .01, nor between the three defocus conditions, F(2,28) = 1.09, p = .18, ηρ2 = .07. Participants reacted faster in “4 correct+button” trials under defocus than under plano-baseline conditions, F(1,14) = 10.77, p < .01, ηρ2 = .44. The defocus conditions differed significantly, F(2,28) = 6.16, p < .01, ηρ2 = .31, with shorter response times as a function of a defocus increase and significant contrasts between +1.00 D and +2.00 D (p = .01) and +1.00 D and +3.00 D (p < .01). Discussion: The results show that gaze behaviour in MOT is not affected to a relevant degree by a visual overcorrection up to +3 diopters. Hence, it can be taken for granted that peripheral event detection was investigated in the present study. This overcorrection, however, does not harm the capability to peripherally track objects. Moreover, if an event has to be detected peripherally, neither response accuracy nor response time is negatively affected. Findings could claim considerable relevance for all sport situations in which peripheral vision is required which now needs applied studies on this topic. References: Bulson, R. C., Ciuffreda, K. J., & Hung, G. K. (2008). The effect of retinal defocus on golf putting. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28, 334-344.


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Pencil beam scanned (PBS) proton therapy has many advantages over conventional radiotherapy, but its effectiveness for treating mobile tumours remains questionable. Gating dose delivery to the breathing pattern is a well-developed method in conventional radiotherapy for mitigating tumour-motion, but its clinical efficiency for PBS proton therapy is not yet well documented. In this study, the dosimetric benefits and the treatment efficiency of beam gating for PBS proton therapy has been comprehensively evaluated. A series of dedicated 4D dose calculations (4DDC) have been performed on 9 different 4DCT(MRI) liver data sets, which give realistic 4DCT extracting motion information from 4DMRI. The value of 4DCT(MRI) is its capability of providing not only patient geometries and deformable breathing characteristics, but also includes variations in the breathing patterns between breathing cycles. In order to monitor target motion and derive a gating signal, we simulate time-resolved beams' eye view (BEV) x-ray images as an online motion surrogate. 4DDCs have been performed using three amplitude-based gating window sizes (10/5/3 mm) with motion surrogates derived from either pre-implanted fiducial markers or the diaphragm. In addition, gating has also been simulated in combination with up to 19 times rescanning using either volumetric or layered approaches. The quality of the resulting 4DDC plans has been quantified in terms of the plan homogeneity index (HI), total treatment time and duty cycle. Results show that neither beam gating nor rescanning alone can fully retrieve the plan homogeneity of the static reference plan. Especially for variable breathing patterns, reductions of the effective duty cycle to as low as 10% have been observed with the smallest gating rescanning window (3 mm), implying that gating on its own for such cases would result in much longer treatment times. In addition, when rescanning is applied on its own, large differences between volumetric and layered rescanning have been observed as a function of increasing number of re-scans. However, once gating and rescanning is combined, HI to within 2% of the static plan could be achieved in the clinical target volume, with only moderately prolonged treatment times, irrespective of the rescanning strategy used. Moreover, these results are independent of the motion surrogate used. In conclusion, our results suggest image guided beam gating, combined with rescanning, is a feasible, effective and efficient motion mitigation approach for PBS-based liver tumour treatments.