995 resultados para Southwestern Atlantic


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A goal of phylogeography is to relate patterns of genetic differentiation to potential historical geographic isolating events. Quaternary glaciations, particularly the one culminating in the Last Glacial Maximum ~21 ka (thousands of years ago), greatly affected the distributions and population sizes of temperate marine species as their ranges retreated southward to escape ice sheets. Traditional genetic models of glacial refugia and routes of recolonization include these predictions: low genetic diversity in formerly glaciated areas, with a small number of alleles/haplotypes dominating disproportionately large areas, and high diversity including "private" alleles in glacial refugia. In the Northern Hemisphere, low diversity in the north and high diversity in the south are expected. This simple model does not account for the possibility of populations surviving in relatively small northern periglacial refugia. If these periglacial populations experienced extreme bottlenecks, they could have the low genetic diversity expected in recolonized areas with no refugia, but should have more endemic diversity (private alleles) than recently recolonized areas. This review examines evidence of putative glacial refugia for eight benthic marine taxa in the temperate North Atlantic. All data sets were reanalyzed to allow direct comparisons between geographic patterns of genetic diversity and distribution of particular clades and haplotypes including private alleles. We contend that for marine organisms the genetic signatures of northern periglacial and southern refugia can be distinguished from one another. There is evidence for several periglacial refugia in northern latitudes, giving credence to recent climatic reconstructions with less extensive glaciation.


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Satellite-linked archival transmitters were used to record the movements of three ocean sunfish (Mola mola) in the North East Atlantic. Patterns of depth use and temperature experienced by individual fish were integrated into 4-hour intervals throughout the tracking period and relayed via the Argos system. Data were recorded for 42, 90 and 54 days respectively from the three fish. The first two were tagged off southern Portugal at the end of February 2007 and travelled principally northward, while the third fish was tagged off west Ireland in August 2007 and travelled southward. These patterns are consistent with seasonal migration of ocean sunfish to high latitudes and their Subsequent return south. Maximum depths recorded by the three fish were 432 m, 472 m and 320 m respectively. All three individuals showed a diel pattern in depth use, occurring deeper during the day and shallower at night, a pattern consistent with sunfish tracking normally vertically migrating prey. Sunfish sometimes remained continuously at deeper (>200 m) depths during the day, but at other times they showed extensive movement through the water column typically travelling between their maximum depth and the surface within each 4-h period. The overall pattern to emerge was that ocean sunfish travel extensively in both horizontal and vertical dimensions, presumably in search of their patchily-distributed jellyfish prey.


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Microsatellite genotyping is a common DNA characterization technique in population, ecological and evolutionary genetics research. Since different alleles are sized relative to internal size-standards, different laboratories must calibrate and standardize allelic designations when exchanging data. This interchange of microsatellite data can often prove problematic. Here, 16 microsatellite loci were calibrated and standardized for the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, across 12 laboratories. Although inconsistencies were observed, particularly due to differences between migration of DNA fragments and actual allelic size ('size shifts'), inter-laboratory calibration was successful. Standardization also allowed an assessment of the degree and partitioning of genotyping error. Notably, the global allelic error rate was reduced from 0.05 ± 0.01 prior to calibration to 0.01 ± 0.002 post-calibration. Most errors were found to occur during analysis (i.e. when size-calling alleles; the mean proportion of all errors that were analytical errors across loci was 0.58 after calibration). No evidence was found of an association between the degree of error and allelic size range of a locus, number of alleles, nor repeat type, nor was there evidence that genotyping errors were more prevalent when a laboratory analyzed samples outside of the usual geographic area they encounter. The microsatellite calibration between laboratories presented here will be especially important for genetic assignment of marine-caught Atlantic salmon, enabling analysis of marine mortality, a major factor in the observed declines of this highly valued species.


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The cosmopolitan genus Ceramium (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) is a large and systematically complex group. The taxonomy of this genus remains in a chaotic state due to the high degree of morphological variation. Culture studies, suggesting a strong influence of environment on phenotype, and the use of molecular tools have recently questioned the validity of morphological features used in species recognition. Here we compare three Ceramium taxa from Venice lagoon with samples from northwest Europe using the plastid ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene (rbcL) and the rbcL-rbcS intergenic spacer combined with morphological observations. A strongly banded species, previously identified as member of a poorly understood and misnamed group, the Ceramium diaphanum complex sensu Feldmann-Mazoyer, is probably conspecific with British samples of Ceramium diaphanum sensu Harvey, for which no valid name has been identified up to now. We show that Ceramium polyceras (Kutzing) Zanardini is a valid name for this species. A fully corticated Ceramium species morphologically resembling C. secundatum differs at the species level from Atlantic C. secundatum; a valid name for this entity is Ceramium derbesii Solier ex Kutzing, described from Mediterranean France. A third species characterized by cortical spines, previously listed as Ceramium ciliation var. robustum (J. Agardh) Mazoyer, is shown to be Ceramium nudiusculum (Kutzing) Rabenhorst, originally described from Venice.


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Two species of Osmundea Stackhouse (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) that occur in Atlantic Europe have been confused under the names Osmundea ramosissima (Oeder) Athanasiadis and Osmundea truncata (Kutzing) Nam et Maggs, regarded until now as a synonym of O. ramosissima, An epitype from its type locality (Stavanger, Norway) is selected for Osmundea ramosissima Athanasiadis, recognized here as a valid name for Fucus ramosissimus Oeder, nom. illeg. Details of vegetative and reproductive morphology of O. ramosissima are reported, based on material from France, the British Isles, and Helgoland. Osmundea ramosissima resembles other species of Osmundea in its vegetative axial segments with two pericentral cells and one trichoblast, spermatangial development from apical and epidermal cells (filament type), the formation of five pericentral cells in the procarp-bearing segment of the female trichoblast, and tetrasporangial production from random epidermal cells. Among the species of Osmundea, O. ramosissima is most similar to O. truncata. Both species have discoid holdfasts, secondary pit connections between epidermal cells, and cup-shaped spermatangial pits. They differ in that: (a) O. ramosissima lacks lenticular wail thickenings and refractive needle-like inclusions in medullary cells, both of which are present in O. truncata; (b) O. ramosissima has branched spermatangial filaments that terminate in a cluster of several cells, whereas in O. truncata the unbranched spermatangial filaments have a single large terminal sterile cell; and (c) cystocarps of O. ramosissima lack protuberant ostioles but ostioles are remarkably protuberant in o. truncata. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences of Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux and all five Atlantic European species of Osmundea, including the type species, strongly support the generic status of Osmundea. Osmundea ramosissima and O. truncata are closely related (5.2% sequence divergence) and form a well-supported clade sister to a clade consisting of O. pinnatifida (Hudson) Stack-house, O. osmunda Stackhouse and O. hybrida (A. P. de Candolle) Nam. The formation of secondary pit connections between epidermal cells is a synapomorphy for the O. ramosissima + O. truncata clade. The close relationship between species with cup-shaped spermatangial pits (Osmundea hybrida) and urn-shaped pits (Osmundea pinnatifida and Osmundea osmunda) shows that spermatangial pit shape is not an important phylogenetic character. Parsimony analysis of a morphological data set also supports the genus Osmundea but conflicts with the molecular trees in infrageneric relationships, placing O. hybrida basal within the Osmundea clade and grouping O. osmunda and O. pinnatifida but not O. truncata and O. ramosissima. A key to Osmundea species is presented.