945 resultados para Source code visualization


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Most studies involving cement-stabilized soil blocks (CSSB) concern material properties, such as the characteristics of erosion and strength and how the composition of the block affects these properties. Moreover, research has been conducted on the performance of various mortars, investigating their material properties and the tensile bond strength between CSSB units and mortar. In contrast, very little is currently known about CSSB masonry structural behavior. Because structural design codes of traditional masonry buildings were well developed over the past century, many of the same principles may be applicable to CSSB masonry buildings. This paper details the topic of flexural behavior of CSSB masonry walls and whether the Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC) code can be applied to this material for improved safety of such buildings. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000566. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Let X-1,..., X-m be a set of m statistically dependent sources over the common alphabet F-q, that are linearly independent when considered as functions over the sample space. We consider a distributed function computation setting in which the receiver is interested in the lossless computation of the elements of an s-dimensional subspace W spanned by the elements of the row vector X-1,..., X-m]Gamma in which the (m x s) matrix Gamma has rank s. A sequence of three increasingly refined approaches is presented, all based on linear encoders. The first approach uses a common matrix to encode all the sources and a Korner-Marton like receiver to directly compute W. The second improves upon the first by showing that it is often more efficient to compute a carefully chosen superspace U of W. The superspace is identified by showing that the joint distribution of the {X-i} induces a unique decomposition of the set of all linear combinations of the {X-i}, into a chain of subspaces identified by a normalized measure of entropy. This subspace chain also suggests a third approach, one that employs nested codes. For any joint distribution of the {X-i} and any W, the sum-rate of the nested code approach is no larger than that under the Slepian-Wolf (SW) approach. Under the SW approach, W is computed by first recovering each of the {X-i}. For a large class of joint distributions and subspaces W, the nested code approach is shown to improve upon SW. Additionally, a class of source distributions and subspaces are identified, for which the nested-code approach is sum-rate optimal.


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This paper addresses the problem of separation of pitched sounds in monaural recordings. We present a novel feature for the estimation of parameters of overlapping harmonics which considers the covariance of partials of pitched sounds. Sound templates are formed from the monophonic parts of the mixture recording. A match for every note is found among these templates on the basis of covariance profile of their harmonics. The matching template for the note provides the second order characteristics for the overlapped harmonics of the note. The algorithm is tested on the RWC music database instrument sounds. The results clearly show that the covariance characteristics can be used to reconstruct overlapping harmonics effectively.


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Accidental spills and improper disposal of industrial effluent/sludge containing heavy metals onto the open land or into subsurface result in soil and water contamination. Detailed investigations are carried out to identify the source of contamination of heavy metals in an industrial suburb near Bangalore in India. Detailed investigation of ground water and subsurface soil analysis for various heavy metals has been carried out. Ground water samples were collected in the entire area through the cluster of borewells. Subsurface soil samples were collected from near borewells which were found to contain heavy metals. Water samples and soils samples (after acid digestion) were analysed as per APHO-standard method of analysis. While the results of Zn, Ni and Cd showed that they are within allowable limits in the soil, the ground water and soils in the site have concentration of Cr+6 far exceeding the allowable limits (up to 832 mg/kg). Considering the topography of the area, ground water movement and results of chromium concentration in the borewells and subsurface it was possible to identify the origin, zone of contamination and the migration path of Cr+6. The results indicated that the predominant mechanism of migration of Cr+6 is by diffusion.


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When stimulated by a point source of cyclic AMP, a starved amoeba of Dictyostelium discoideum responds by putting out a hollow balloon-like membrane extension followed by a pseudopod. The effect of the stimulus is to influence the position where either of these protrusions is made on the cell rather than to cause them to be made. Because the pseudopod forms perpendicular to the cell surface, its location is a measure of the precision with which the cell can locate the cAMP source. Cells beyond 1 h of starvation respond non-randomly with a precision that improves steadily thereafter. A cell that is starved for 1-2 h can locate the source accurately 43% of the time; and if starved for 6-7 h, 87% of the time. The response always has a high scatter; population-level heterogeneity reflects stochasticity in single cell behaviour. From the angular distribution of the response its maximum information content is estimated to be 2-3 bits. In summary, we quantitatively demonstrate the stochastic nature of the directional response and the increase in its accuracy over time.


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Prolific algal growth in sewage ponds with high organic loads in the tropical regions can provide cost-effective and efficient wastewater treatment and biofuel production. This work examines the ability of Euglena sp. growing in wastewater ponds for biofuel production and treatment of wastewater. The algae were isolated from the sewage treatment plants and were tested for their nutrient removal capability. Compared to other algae, Euglena sp. showed faster growth rates with high biomass density at elevated concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) and organic carbon (C). Profuse growth of these species was observed in untreated wastewaters with a mean specific growth rate (mu) of 0.28 day(-1) and biomass productivities of 132 mg L-1 day(-1). The algae cultured within a short period of 8 days resulted in the 98 % removal of NH4-N, 93 % of total nitrogen 85 % of ortho-phosphate, 66 % of total phosphate and 92 % total organic carbon. Euglenoids achieved a maximum lipid content of 24.6 % (w/w) with a biomass density of 1.24 g L-1 (dry wt.). Fourier transform infrared spectra showed clear transitions in biochemical compositions with increased lipid/protein ratio at the end of the culture. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry indicated the presence of high contents of palmitic, linolenic and linoleic acids (46, 23 and 22 %, respectively), adding to the biodiesel quality. Good lipid content (comprised quality fatty acids), efficient nutrient uptake and profuse biomass productivity make the Euglena sp. as a viable source for biofuel production in wastewaters.


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Adaptive Mesh Refinement is a method which dynamically varies the spatio-temporal resolution of localized mesh regions in numerical simulations, based on the strength of the solution features. In-situ visualization plays an important role for analyzing the time evolving characteristics of the domain structures. Continuous visualization of the output data for various timesteps results in a better study of the underlying domain and the model used for simulating the domain. In this paper, we develop strategies for continuous online visualization of time evolving data for AMR applications executed on GPUs. We reorder the meshes for computations on the GPU based on the users input related to the subdomain that he wants to visualize. This makes the data available for visualization at a faster rate. We then perform asynchronous executions of the visualization steps and fix-up operations on the CPUs while the GPU advances the solution. By performing experiments on Tesla S1070 and Fermi C2070 clusters, we found that our strategies result in 60% improvement in response time and 16% improvement in the rate of visualization of frames over the existing strategy of performing fix-ups and visualization at the end of the timesteps.


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Identifying symmetry in scalar fields is a recent area of research in scientific visualization and computer graphics communities. Symmetry detection techniques based on abstract representations of the scalar field use only limited geometric information in their analysis. Hence they may not be suited for applications that study the geometric properties of the regions in the domain. On the other hand, methods that accumulate local evidence of symmetry through a voting procedure have been successfully used for detecting geometric symmetry in shapes. We extend such a technique to scalar fields and use it to detect geometrically symmetric regions in synthetic as well as real-world datasets. Identifying symmetry in the scalar field can significantly improve visualization and interactive exploration of the data. We demonstrate different applications of the symmetry detection method to scientific visualization: query-based exploration of scalar fields, linked selection in symmetric regions for interactive visualization, and classification of geometrically symmetric regions and its application to anomaly detection.


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The delineation of seismic source zones plays an important role in the evaluation of seismic hazard. In most of the studies the seismic source delineation is done based on geological features. In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate seismic source zones in the study area (south India) based on the seismicity parameters. Seismicity parameters and the maximum probable earthquake for these source zones were evaluated and were used in the hazard evaluation. The probabilistic evaluation of seismic hazard for south India was carried out using a logic tree approach. Two different types of seismic sources, linear and areal, were considered in the present study to model the seismic sources in the region more precisely. In order to properly account for the attenuation characteristics of the region, three different attenuation relations were used with different weightage factors. Seismic hazard evaluation was done for the probability of exceedance (PE) of 10% and 2% in 50 years. The spatial variation of rock level peak horizontal acceleration (PHA) and spectral acceleration (Sa) values corresponding to return periods of 475 and 2500 years for the entire study area are presented in this work. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) values at ground surface level were estimated based on different NEHRP site classes by considering local site effects.


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The equivalence of triangle-comparison-based pulse width modulation (TCPWM) and space vector based PWM (SVPWM) during linear modulation is well-known. This paper analyses triangle-comparison based PWM techniques (TCPWM) such as sine-triangle PWM (SPWM) and common-mode voltage injection PWM during overmodulation from a space vector point of view. The average voltage vector produced by TCPWM during overmodulation is studied in the stationary (a-b) reference frame. This is compared and contrasted with the average voltage vector corresponding to the well-known standard two-zone algorithm for space vector modulated inverters. It is shown that the two-zone overmodulation algorithm itself can be derived from the variation of average voltage vector with TCPWM. The average voltage vector is further studied in a synchronously revolving (d-q) reference frame. The RMS value of low-order voltage ripple can be estimated, and can be used to compare harmonic distortion due to different PWM methods during overmodulation. The measured values of the total harmonic distortion (THD) in the line currents are presented at various fundamental frequencies. The relative values of measured current THD pertaining to different PWM methods tally with those of analytically evaluated RMS voltage ripple.


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Buoyant jets in natural ventilation of a model room with water as the fluid medium have been studied. A constant heat flux has been maintained on the bottom surface of the room. The buoyancy causes flow to enter through the bottom opening and leave through the top opening. The shadowgraph technique is used for visualization. At the inlet, a negatively buoyant jet is observed, whereas a positively buoyant jet is observed at the outlet. The theoretical results for the centerline trajectories of these buoyant jets using both Gaussian and top-hat profiles are discussed considering the variation of the entrainment coefficient with the local Froude number and the variation of the spreading ratio of buoyancy to velocity profile with the distance from the source. The shape of the profiles is found to evolve from top-hat to Gaussian geometry.


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Opportunistic relay selection in a multiple source-destination (MSD) cooperative system requires quickly allocating to each source-destination (SD) pair a suitable relay based on channel gains. Since the channel knowledge is available only locally at a relay and not globally, efficient relay selection algorithms are needed. For an MSD system, in which the SD pairs communicate in a time-orthogonal manner with the help of decode-and-forward relays, we propose three novel relay selection algorithms, namely, contention-free en masse assignment (CFEA), contention-based en masse assignment (CBEA), and a hybrid algorithm that combines the best features of CFEA and CBEA. En masse assignment exploits the fact that a relay can often aid not one but multiple SD pairs, and, therefore, can be assigned to multiple SD pairs. This drastically reduces the average time required to allocate an SD pair when compared to allocating the SD pairs one by one. We show that the algorithms are much faster than other selection schemes proposed in the literature and yield significantly higher net system throughputs. Interestingly, CFEA is as effective as CBEA over a wider range of system parameters than in single SD pair systems.


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Optical imaging techniques have played a major role in understanding the flow dynamics of varieties of fluid flows, particularly in the study of hypersonic flows. Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques have been the flow diagnostic tools for the investigation of compressible flows since more than a century. However these techniques provide only the qualitative information about the flow field. Other optical techniques such as holographic interferometry and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) have been used extensively for extracting quantitative information about the high speed flows. In this paper we present the application of digital holographic interferometry (DHI) technique integrated with short duration hypersonic shock tunnel facility having 1 ms test time, for quantitative flow visualization. Dynamics of the flow fields in hypersonic/supersonic speeds around different test models is visualized with DHI using a high-speed digital camera (0.2 million fps). These visualization results are compared with schlieren visualization and CFD simulation results. Fringe analysis is carried out to estimate the density of the flow field.


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Many of the conducting polymers though having good material property are not solution processable. Hence an alternate method of fabrication of film by pulsed laser deposition, was explored in this work. PDTCPA, a donor-acceptor-donor type of polymer having absorption from 900 nm to 300 nm was deposited by both UV and IR laser to understand the effect of deposition parameters on the film quality. It was observed that the laser ablation of PDTCPA doesn't alter its chemical structure hence retaining the chemical integrity of the polymer. Microscopic studies of the ablated film shows that the IR laser ablated films were particulate in nature while UV laser ablated films are deposited as smooth continuous layer. The morphology of the film influences its electrical characteristics as current-voltage characteristic of these films shows that films deposited by UV laser are p rectifying while those by IR laser are more of resistor in nature.