958 resultados para Sorption Isotherm
The diffusion of styrene into linear low density polyethylene in a solution of supercritical CO2 was investigated using NMR microimaging. For both pure styrene and styrene dissolved in supercritical CO2, the diffusion was found to follow Fickian kinetics. Supercritical CO2 was found to enhance the rate and extent of diffusion of styrene into the substrate by up to three times under the conditions of this investigation, compared to pure styrene. NMR imaging was used to measure the concentration profiles of the styrene penetrants in real time, and the results were fitted to a Fickian model for diffusion. At a CO2 pressure of 150 bar and temperature of 40 degrees C, the diffusion coefficient of a 30 wt-% solution of styrene into LLDPE was calculated to be 1 X 10(-11) m(2). s(-1). This is significantly faster than the diffusion coefficient measured for pure styrene diffusion at 40 degrees C (3 x 10(-12) m(2). s(-1)). The diffusion coefficients determined by gravimetric analysis were slightly higher than those determined by the imaging method. This was probably due to residual styrene and/or polystyrene adhering to the surface of the films in the gravimetric technique.
Hydrocarbon migration pathways and organic mineral matter associations were used to identify brine pathways in Paleoproterozic to early Mesoproterozoic rocks from the Lawn Hill platform, Mount Isa. Several types of organic matter are identified, and their thermal imprints are used to reconstruct the thermal history of the northern to central parts of the Isa superbasin. Three major thermal hydrothermal episodes are recognized from the organic maturation studies. Isotherm plots on a 175-km-long structural-sedimentological north-south section of the Isa superbasin highlight specific fault systems that acted as hot fluid conduits during the geologic history of the basin. Some of these systems indicate continuing activity into the south Nicholson basin, supported by the presence of low reflectance (type B) bitumen. This bitumen has not been overprinted by later hydrothermal episodes and therefore represents the latest thermal event. Along the north-south profile a general southward increase in temperature is evident. The lowest temperatures are recorded in proximity to the basin margin on the southern flank of the Murphy inlier. Thermal processes and their sequence of events in the basin are recorded by organic maturation, subsequent hydrocarbon generation, its migration and destruction coincident with transport and precipitation of minerals. As some timing and trapping mechanisms for minerals may have analogues with hydrocarbon entrapment, relative timing of processes leading to organic maturation, hydrocarbon generation and migration are utilized in this study to enhance understanding of ore-grade mineralization. In the Proterozoic successions of the Mount Isa basin multiple hydrocarbon generation events are recognized. These events record the transient passage of potential metal-bearing fluids rather than background conductive heat flow from the basement. Such hydrothermal fluids are responsible for inverse maturation profiles in the vicinity of the Termite Range fault and extreme maturation (reflectance values) up to 6 percent Ro at the Grevillea prospect. At Century, intermediate Ro values of
Geological sequestration of CO2 is a technically feasible and potentially economic option for significantly and safely reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with CO2 injection already practiced in Canada and the USA to enhance crude oil production. The Enhanced Coalbed Methane (ECBM) process is seen as the next most economical sequestration options. The authors estimate an incremental methane recovery factor from 20% to 50%, depending on coal rank and seam depth. Others have estimated the potential to increase worldwide CBM production, utilising ECBM, by 18 Trillion cubic meters, while simultaneously sequestering 345 Giga tonnes of CO2. This paper presents technical and economic factors to consider for developing a commercial ECBM project. Technical factors include: geostructural and hydrogeological issues, geochemical reactions, stressed and competitive sorption, counter-diffusion, effective and relative 4-D coal permeability and methane recovery levels. Key economic factors are injectant acquisition price, sale price of methane and the level of carbon credits.
A study has been undertaken of the vapor-phase adsorptive separation of n-alkanes from Kuwait kerosene (Kuwait National Petroleum Company, heavy kerosene) using zeolite molecular sieves. Due to the shortage of information on the adsorption of multicomponent systems in the open literature, the present investigation was initiated to study the effect of feed flowrate, temperature, and zeolite particle size on the height of mass transfer zone (MTZ) and the dynamic capacity of the adsorbent for multicomponent n-alkanes adsorption on a fixed-bed of zeolite type-5A. The optimum operating conditions for separation of the n-alkanes has been identified so that the effluent would also be of marketable quality. The effect of multicycle adsorption-desorption stages on the dynamic behaviour of zeolite using steam as a desorbing agent has been studied and compared with n-pentane and n-hexane as desorbing agents. The separation process comprised one cycle of adsorption using a fixed-bed of zeolite type-5A. The bed was fed with vaporized kerosene until saturation had been achieved whereby the n-alkanes were adsorbed and the denormalized material eluted. The process of adsorption-desorption was carried out isobarically at one atmosphere. A mathematical model has been developed to predict the breakthrough time using the method of characteristics. The results were in a reasonable agreement with the experimental values. This model has also been utilized to develop the equilibrium isotherm. Optimum operating conditions were achieved at a feed flowrate of 33.33 x 10-9 m3/s, a temperature of 643 K, and a particle size of (1.0 - 2.0) x 10-3 m. This yielded an HMTZ value and a dynamic capacity of 0.206 m and 9.6S3 x 10-2 kg n-alkanes/kg of zeolite respectively. These data will serve as a basis for design of a commercial plant. The purity of liquid-paraffin product desorbed using steam was 83.24 wt%. The dynamic capacity was noticed to decrease sharply with the cycle number, without intermediate reactivation of zeolite, while it was kept unchanged by intermediate reactivation. Normal hexane was found to be the best desorbing agent, the efficiency of which was mounted to 88.2%.
The transamidating activity of tissue transglutaminase is regulated by the ligands calcium and GTP, via conformational changes which facilitate or interfere with interaction with the peptidyl-glutamine substrate. We have analysed binding of these ligands by calorimetric and computational approaches. In the case of GTP we have detected a single high affinity site (K (D) approximately 1 muM), with moderate thermal effects suggestive that binding GTP involves replacement of GDP, normally bound to the protein. On line with this possibility no significant binding was observed during titration with GDP and computational studies support this view. Titration with calcium at a high cation molar excess yielded a complex binding isotherm with a number of "apparent binding sites" in large excess over those detectable by equilibrium dialysis (6 sites). This binding pattern is ascribed to occurrence of additional thermal contributions, beyond those of binding, due to the occurrence of conformational changes and to catalysis itself (with protein self-crosslinking). In contrast only one site for binding calcium with high affinity (K (D) approximately 0.15 muM) is observed with samples of enzyme inactivated by alkylation at the active site (to prevent enzyme crosslinkage and thermal effects of catalysis). These results indicate an intrinsic ability of tissue transglutaminase to bind calcium with high affinity and the necessity of careful reassessment of the enzyme regulatory pattern in relation to the concentrations of ligands in living cells, taking also in account effects of ligands on protein subcellular compartimentation.
The present study attempted to identify the significant parameters which affect radionuclide migration from a low level radioactive waste disposal site located in a clay deposit. From initial sorption studies on smectite minerals, increased Kd with decreasing initial cation concentration was observed, and three sorption mechanisms were identified. The observation of anion dependent sorption was related to the existence of a mechanism in which an anion-cation pair are bound to the clay surface through the anion. The influence of competing cations, typical of inorganic groundwater constituents, depended on: (1) Ni/Co:Mn+(Mn+ = competing cation) ratio, (2) nature of M^n+, (3) total solution ionic strength. The presence of organic material in groundwater is well documented, but its effect on cation sorption has not been established. An initial qualitative investigation involving addition of simple organic ligands to Ni(Co)-hectorite samples demonstrated the formation of metal complexes in the clay interlayers, although some modified behaviour was observed. Further quantitative examination involving likely groundwater organic constituents and more comprehensive physical investigation confirmed this behaviour and enabled separation of the organic compounds used into two classes, according to their effect on cation sorption; (i) acids, (ii) amine compounds. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and Mossbauer spectroscopy were used to investigate the nature of transition metal ions sorbed onto montmorillonite and hectorite. Evidence strongly favoured the sorption of the hexaaquo cation, although a series of sorption sites of slightly different chemical characteristics were responsible for broadened peak widths observed in XPS and Mossbauer investigations. The surface sensitivity of XPS enabled recognition of the two surface sorption sites proposed in earlier sorption studies. Although thermal treatment of Fe^3+/Fe^2+-hectorite samples left iron atoms bonded to the silicate sheet structure, Mossbauer evidence indicated the presence of both ferric and ferrous iron in all samples.
As a basis for the commercial separation of normal paraffins a detailed study has been made of factors affecting the adsorption of binary liquid mixtures of high molecular weight normal paraffins (C12, C16, and C20) from isooctane on type 5A molecular sieves. The literature relating to molecular sieve properties and applications, and to liquid-phase adsorption of high molecular weight normal paraffin compounds by zeolites, was reviewed. Equilibrium isotherms were determined experimentally for the normal paraffins under investigation at temperatures of 303oK, 323oK and 343oK and showed a non-linear, favourable- type of isotherm. A higher equilibrium amount was adsorbed with lower molecular weight normal paraffins. An increase in adsorption temperature resulted in a decrease in the adsorption value. Kinetics of adsorption were investigated for the three normal paraffins at different temperatures. The effective diffusivity and the rate of adsorption of each normal paraffin increased with an increase in temperature in the range 303 to 343oK. The value of activation energy was between 2 and 4 kcal/mole. The dynamic properties of the three systems were investigated over a range of operating conditions (i.e. temperature, flow rate, feed concentration, and molecular sieve size in the range 0.032 x 10-3 to 2 x 10-3m) with a packed column. The heights of adsorption zones calculated by two independent equations (one based on a constant width, constant velocity and adsorption zone and the second on a solute material balance within the adsorption zone) agreed within 3% which confirmed the validity of using the mass transfer zone concept to provide a simple design procedure for the systems under study. The dynamic capacity of type 5A sieves for n-eicosane was lower than for n-hexadecane and n-dodecane corresponding to a lower equilibrium loading capacity and lower overall mass transfer coefficient. The values of individual external, internal, theoretical and experimental overall mass transfer coefficient were determined. The internal resistance was in all cases rate-controlling. A mathematical model for the prediction of dynamic breakthrough curves was developed analytically and solved from the equilibrium isotherm and the mass transfer rate equation. The experimental breakthrough curves were tested against both the proposed model and a graphical method developed by Treybal. The model produced the best fit with mean relative percent deviations of 26, 22, and 13% for the n-dodecane, n-hexadecane, and n-eicosane systems respectively.
Today, speciality use organoclays are being developed for an increasingly large number of specific applications. Many of these, including use in cosmetics, polishes, greases and paints, require that the material be free from abrasive impurities so that the product retains a smooth `feel'. The traditional `wet' method preparation of organoclays inherently removes abrasives naturally present in the parent mineral clay, but it is time-consuming and expensive. The primary objective of this thesis was to explore the alternative `dry' method (which is both quicker and cheaper but which provides no refining of the parent clay) as a process, and to examine the nature of the organoclays produced, for the production of a wide range of commercially usable organophilic clays in a facile way. Natural Wyoming bentonite contains two quite different types of silicate surface (that of the clay mineral montmorillonite and that of a quartz impurity) that may interact with the cationic surfactant added in the `dry' process production of organoclays. However, it is oil shale, and not the quartz, that is chiefly responsible for the abrasive nature of the material, although air refinement in combination with the controlled milling of the bentonite as a pretreatment may offer a route to its removal. Ion exchange of Wyoming bentonite with a long chain quaternary ammonium salt using the `dry' process affords a partially exchanged, 69-78%, organoclay, with a monolayer formation of ammonium ions in the interlayer. Excess ion pairs are sorbed on the silicate surfaces of both the clay mineral and the quartz impurity phases. Such surface sorption is enhanced by the presence of very finely divided, super paramagnetic, Fe2O3 or Fe(O)(OH) contaminating the surfaces of the major mineral components. The sorbed material is labile to washing, and induces a measurable shielding of the 29Si nuclei in both clay and quartz phases in the MAS NMR experiment, due to an anisotropic magnetic susceptibility effect. XRD data for humidified samples reveal the interlamellar regions to be strongly hydrophobic, with the by-product sodium chloride being expelled to the external surfaces. Many organic cations will exchange onto a clay. The tetracationic cyclophane, and multipurpose receptor, cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene) undergoes ion exchange onto Wyoming bentonite to form a pillared clay with a very regular gallery height. The major plane of the cyclophane is normal to the silicate surfaces, thus allowing the cavity to remain available for complexation. A series of group VI substituted o-dimethoxybenzenes were introduced, and shown to participate in host/guest interactions with the cyclophane. Evidence is given which suggests that the binding of the host structure to a clay substrate offers advantages, not only of transportability and usability but of stability, to the charge-transfer complex which may prove useful in a variety of commercial applications. The fundamental relationship between particle size, cation exchange capacity and chemical composition of clays was also examined. For Wyoming bentonite the extent of isomorphous substitution increases with decreasing particle size, causing the CEC to similarly increase, although the isomorphous substitution site: edge site ratio remains invarient throughout the particle size range studied.
Hydrogels are a unique class of polymer which swell, but do not dissolve in, water. A range of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate based copolymer hydrogels containing both cyclic and linear polyethers have been synthesised and are described in this thesis. Initially, cyclic polyethers were occluded within the polymer matrix and the transport properties investigated. The results indicated that the presence of an ionophore can be used to modulate ion transport and that ion transport is described by a dual-sorption mechanism. However, these studies were limited due to ionophore loss during hydration. Hence, the synthesis of a range of acrylate based crown ether monomers was considered. A pure sample of 4-acryolylaminobenzo-15-crown-5 was obtained and a terpolymer containing this monomer was prepared. Transport studies illustrated that the presence of a `bound' ionophore modulates ion transport in a similar way to the occluded systems. The transport properties of a series of terpolymers containing linear polyethers were then investigated. The results indicated that the dual-sorption mechanism is observed for these systems with group II metal cations while the transport of group I metal cations, with the exception of sodium, is enhanced. Finally, the equilibrium water contents (EWC) surface and mechanical properties of these terpolymers containing linear polyethers were examined. Although subtle variations in EWC are observed as the structure of the polyether side chain varies, generally EWC is enhanced due to the hydrophilicity of the polyether side chain. The macroscopic surface properties were investigated using a sessile drop technique and FTIR spectroscopy. At a molecular level surface properties were probed using an in vitro ocular spoilation model and preliminary cell adhesion studies. The results indicate that the polyethylene oxide side chains are expressed at the polymer surface thus reducing the adhesion of biological species.
A detailed study has been made of the feasibility of adsorptive purification of slack waxes from traces of aromatic compounds using type 13X molecular sieves to achieve 0.01% aromatics in the product. The limited literature relating to the adsorption of high molecular weight aromatic compounds by zeolites was reviewed. Equilibrium isotherms were determined for typical individual aromatic compounds. Lower molecular weight, or more compact, molecules were preferentially adsorbed and the number of molecules captured by one unit cell decreased with increasing molecular weight of the adsorbate. An increase in adsorption temperature resulted in a decrease in the adsorption value. The isosteric heat of adsorption of differnt types of aromatic compounds was determined from pairs of isotherms at 303 K to 343 K at specific coverages. The lowest heats of adsorption were for dodecylbenzene and phenanthrene. Kinetics of adsorption were studied for different aromatic compounds. The diffusivity decreased significantly when a long alkyl chain was attached to the benzene ring e.g. in dodecylbenzene; molecules with small cross-sectional diameter e.g. cumene were adsorbed most rapidly. The sorption rate increased with temperature. Apparent activation energies increased with increasing polarity. In a study of the dynamic adsorption of selected aromatic compounds from binary solutions in isooctane or n-alkanes, naphthalene exhibited the best dynamic properties followed by dibenzothiophene and finally dodecylbenzene. The dynamic adsorption of naphthalene from different n-alkane solvents increased with a decrease in solvent molecular weight. A tentative mathematical approach is proposed for the prediction of dynamic breakthrough curves from equilibrium isotherms and kinetic data. The dynamic properties of liquid phase adsorption of aromatics from slack waxes were studied at different temperatures and concentrations. The optimum operating temperature was 543 K. The best dynamic performance was achieved with feeds of low aromatic content. The studies with individual aromatic compounds demonstrated the affinity of type NaX molecular sieves to adsorb aromatics in the concentration range 3% - 5% . Wax purification by adsorption was considered promising and extension of the experimental programme was recommended.
The EU intends to increase the fraction of fuels from biogenic energy sources from 2% in 2005 to 8% in 2020. This means a minimum of 30 million TOE/a of fuels from biomass. This makes technical-scale generation of syngas from high-grade biomass, e.g. straw, hay, bark, or paper/cardboard waste, and the production of synthetic fuels by Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis highly attractive. The BTL concept (Biomass to Liquids) of the Karlsruhe Research Center, labeled bioliq, focuses on this challenge by locally concentrating the biomass energy content by fast pyrolysis in a coke/oil slurry followed by slurry conversion to syngas in a central entrained flow gasifier at 1200C and pressures above 4MPa. FT synthesis generates intermediate products for synthetic fuels. To prevent the sensitive catalysts from being poisoned the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. Trace concentrations of H2S, COS, CS2, HCl, NH3, and HCN must be on the order of a few ppb. Moreover, maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved by cleaning the gas above the synthesis conditions. (T>350C, P>4MPa). The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning process is presented. Based on HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants, an overall concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for FT synthesis in only two combined stages. Results of filtration experiments on a pilot scale are presented. The influence of temperature on the separation and conversion, respectively, of particulates and gaseous contaminants is discussed on the basis of experimental results obtained on a laboratory and pilot scale. Extensive studies of this concept are performed in a scientific network comprising the Karlsruhe Research Center and five universities; funding is provided by the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers in Germany.
Biofuels and chemicals from biomass mean the gasification of biogenic feedstocks and the synthesis via methanol, dimethylester (DME) or Fischer-Tropsch products. To prevent the sensitive synthesis catalysts from poisoning the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. The trace concentrations of S-, C1-, N-species, alkali and heavy metals must be of the order of a few ppb. Moreover maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved performing the gas cleaning above the synthesis conditions. The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning is presented. Based on the HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants a total concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for synthesis catalysts in only 2 combined stages. The experimental setup for the HT gas cleaning behind the 60 kWtherm entrained flow gasifier REGA of the institute is described. Results from HT filter experiments in pilot scale are presented. The performance of 2 natural minerals for HC1 and H2S sorption is discussed with respect to the parameters temperature, surface and residence time. Results from lab scale investigations on low temperature tar catalysts' performance (commercial and proprietary development) are discussed finally.
Two types of sodium carbonate powder produced by spray drying (SD) and dry neutralisation (DN) were studied for their compaction properties using a uniaxial compression tester. Dry neutralised sodium carbonate showed a greater resistance to compression and also produced a weaker compact when compressed to 100kPa. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) showed that both types of powder were predominantly amorphous in nature. Moisture sorption measurements showed that both powders behaved in a similar way below 50% RH. However, dry neutralised sodium carbonate had a high moisture affinity above this RH. On examining the particle structures using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), the most likely explanation for the increased tendency of spray dried sodium carbonate to form strong compacts was the hollow particle structure.
Spray-dried materials are being used increasingly in industries such as food, detergent and pharmaceutical manufacture. Spray-dried sodium carbonate is an important product that has a great propensity to cake; its moisture-sorption properties are very different to the crystalline and amorphous species, with a great affinity for atmospheric moisture. This work demonstrates how the noncontact surface analysis of individual particles using atomic force microscopy can highlight the possible mechanisms of unwanted agglomeration. The nondestructive nature of this method allows cycling of localised humidity in situ and repeated scanning of the same particle area. The resulting topography and phase scans showed that humidity cycling caused changes in the distribution of material phases that were not solely dependent on topographical changes. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Two types of sodium carbonate powder produced by spray drying (SD) and dry neutralization (DN) were studied for their compaction properties using a uniaxial compression tester. A comparison was also made with Persil washing powder. Dry neutralized sodium carbonate showed greater resistance to compression and also produced a weaker compact when compressed to 100 kPa. Spray-dried sodium carbonate had an absence of fine particles but compacted easily. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that both types of powder were predominantly amorphous in nature. Moisture sorption measurements showed that both powders behaved in a similar way below 50% relative humidity (RH). However, dry neutralized sodium carbonate had a high moisture affinity above this RH. Particle structures were also examined using scanning electron microscopy, showing the heterogeneous interior of the spray-dried particles. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.