991 resultados para Solid substrate cultivation
Previous studies showed that plants of Vernonia herbacea grown for one year under a limited nitrogen supply presented reduced growth and higher fructan content than plants treated with sufficient nitrogen supply. However, the total fructan production was similar in both plant groups due to the higher biomass of the underground reserve organ in nitrogen-sufficient (N-sufficient) plants. In the present study we aimed to evaluate if a stress growing condition under nitrogen-limited (N-limited) supply, following cultivation under N-sufficient supply would have a positive effect on fructan production. Plants cultivated during one year under N-sufficient supply (10.7 mmol L-1 N-NO3-) were separated in two groups. During the following six months, one group continued to receive the same treatment (control) while the other received an N-limited supply (1.3 mmol L-1 N-NO3-). Growth, photosynthesis and soluble carbohydrates were measured at days 0, 30, 60, 90 and 180. At day 30, plants transferred to N-limited supply showed a significant increase in growth and a decrease in fructan concentration, as a response to the stressing condition. However, in the following period growth was reduced and fructan concentration was increased, confirming the inverse relationship between nitrogen concentration and fructan content. After 180 days, although the fructan concentration in N-limited was significantly higher, with a fructan production of 6.0 g plant¹, the higher gain in rhizophore biomass after 18 months of cultivation in N-sufficient solution led to a fructan production of 8.3 g plant¹, thus surpassing the higher fructan concentration of N-limited plants.
Interphase cytogenetics, utilizing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, has been successfully applied to diffuse and solid tissue specimens. Most studies have been performed on isolated cells, such as blood or bone marrow cells; a few have been performed on cells from body fluids, such as amniotic fluid, urine, sperm, and sputum. Mechanically or chemically disaggregated cells from solid tissues have also been used as single cell suspensions for FISH. Additionally, intact organized tissue samples represented by touch preparations or thin tissue sections have been used, especially in cancer studies. Advantages and pitfalls of application of FISH methodology to each type of specimen and some significant biological findings achieved are illustrated in this overview.
Insulin stimulates the tyrosine kinase activity of its receptor resulting in the phosphorylation of its cytosolic substrate, insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) which, in turn, associates with proteins containing SH2 domains. It has been shown that IRS-1 associates with the tyrosine phosphatase SHPTP2 in cell cultures. While the effect of the IRS-1/SHPTP2 association on insulin signal transduction is not completely known, this association may dephosphorylate IRS-1 and may play a critical role in the mitogenic actions of insulin. However, there is no physiological demonstration of this pathway of insulin action in animal tissues. In the present study we investigated the ability of insulin to induce association between IRS-1 and SHPTP2 in liver and muscle of intact rats, by co-immunoprecipitation with anti-IRS-1 antibody and anti-SHPTP2 antibody. In both tissues there was an increase in IRS-1 association with SHPTP2 after insulin stimulation. This association occurred when IRS-1 had the highest level of tyrosine phosphorylation and the decrease in this association was more rapid than the decrease in IRS-1 phosphorylation levels. The data provide evidence against the participation of SHPTP2 in IRS-1 dephosphorylation in rat tissues, and suggest that the insulin signal transduction pathway in rat tissues is related mainly to the mitogenic effects of the hormone.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity and the affinity for its substrate glucose-6-phosphate were investigated under conditions similar to the physiological environment in terms of ionic strength (I: 0.188), cation concentration, pH 7.34, and temperature (37oC). A 12.4, 10.4 and 21.4% decrease was observed in G6PD B, G6PD A+ and G6PD A- activities, respectively. A Km increase of 95.1, 94.4 and 95.4% was observed in G6PD B, G6PD A+ and G6PD A-, respectively, leading to a marked decrease in affinity. In conclusion, the observation of the reduced activity and affinity for its natural substrate reflects the actual pentose pathway rate. It also suggests a much lower NADPH generation, which is crucial mostly in G6PD-deficient individuals, whose NADPH availability is poor.
Xylanase activity was isolated from crude extracts of Trichoderma harzianum strains C and 4 grown at 28oC in a solid medium containing wheat bran as the carbon source. Enzyme activity was demonstrable in the permeate after ultrafiltration of the crude extracts using an Amicon system. The hydrolysis patterns of different xylans and paper pulps by xylanase activity ranged from xylose, xylobiose and xylotriose to higher xylooligosaccharides. A purified ß-xylosidase from the Trichoderma harzianum strain released xylose, xylobiose and xylotriose from seaweed, deacetylated, oat spelt and birchwood xylans. The purified enzyme was not active against acetylated xylan and catalyzed the hydrolysis of xylooligosaccharides, including xylotriose, xylotetraose and xylopentaose. However, the enzyme was not able to degrade xylohexaose. Xylanase pretreatment was effective for hardwood kraft pulp bleaching. Hardwood kraft pulp bleached in the XEOP sequence had its kappa number reduced from 13.2 to 8.9 and a viscosity of 20.45 cp. The efficiency of delignification was 33%.
The protease ZapA, secreted by Proteus mirabilis, has been considered to be a virulence factor of this opportunistic bacterium. The control of its expression requires the use of an appropriate methodology, which until now has not been developed. The present study focused on the replacement of azocasein with fluorogenic substrates, and on the definition of enzyme specificity. Eight fluorogenic substrates were tested, and the peptide Abz-Ala-Phe-Arg-Ser-Ala-Ala-Gln-EDDnp was found to be the most convenient for use as an operational substrate for ZapA. A single peptide bond (Arg-Ser) was cleaved with a Km of 4.6 µM, a k cat of 1.73 s-1, and a catalytic efficiency of 376 (mM s)-1. Another good substrate for ZapA was peptide 6 (Abz-Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg-Gln-EDDnp) which was cleaved at a single bond (Phe-Ser) with a Km of 13.6 µM, a k cat of 3.96 s-1 and a catalytic efficiency of 291 (mM s)-1. The properties of the amino acids flanking the scissile bonds were also evaluated, and no clear requirement for the amino acid residue at P1 was found, although the enzyme seems to have a preference for a hydrophobic residue at P2.
Bioetanolin valmistus selluloosapitoisista raaka-aineista vaatii selluloosapolymeerien pilkkomisen liukoisiksi sokereiksi. Tämä voidaan toteuttaa entsymaattisella hydrolyysillä. Selluloosan pilkkomiseen tarkoitetut entsyymit, sellulaasit, ovat entsymaattisen hydrolyysin jälkeen sitoutuneet joko kiintoainefaasiin tai ovat nestemäisessä faasissa ns. vapaina entsyymeinä. Prosessin taloudellisuuden kannalta on erityisen tärkeää minimoida siinä käytettävien entsyymien tarve, sillä tehokkaat entsyymivalmisteet ovat suhteellisen kalliita. Yksi varteenotettava vaihtoehto bioetanoliprosessin saamiseksi taloudellisemmaksi on käytettyjen entsyymien talteenotto ja kierrätys. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää kirjallisuudesta, millaisia menetelmiä on kehitetty entsyymien talteenottoon ja kierrätykseen lignoselluloosasta valmistettavan bioetanolin valmistuksessa. Työssä on keskitytty tuoreisiin tutkimuksiin ja menetelmien käyttökelpoisuuteen ja taloudellisuuteen. Viime vuosina sellulaasien talteenotto- ja kierrätysmenetelmiä koskevat tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet pääasiassa käsittelemään nanopartikkelien avulla tapahtuvaa entsyymien immobilisointia, ultrasuodatusta, erilaisia desorptiomenetelmiä, kiinteän hydrolyysijäännöksen kierrättämistä, tuoreen substraatin lisäämistä sekä myös tislausvaiheen jälkeistä entsyymien kierrättämistä. Jotta kierrätysmenetelmä olisi tehokas, tulisi sen pyrkiä säilyttämään entsyymien aktiivisuuksia, sokerisaantoa menettämättä ja sisältää sekä neste-, että kiintoainefaasista tapahtuva kierrätys. Jokaisella kierrätysmenetelmällä on hyvät ja huonot puolensa. Entsyymien talteenottoastetta saadaan kuitenkin parannettua yhdistämällä erilaisia menetelmiä. Useista tutkimuksista huolimatta, taloudellisinta ja käyttökelpoisinta entsyymien talteenotto- ja kierrätysmenetelmää ei ole vielä saavutettu.
The opportunistic bacterium Proteus mirabilis secretes a metalloprotease, ZapA, considered to be one of its virulence factors due to its IgA-degrading activity. However, the substrate specificity of this enzyme has not yet been fully characterized. In the present study we used fluorescent peptides derived from bioactive peptides and the oxidized ß-chain of insulin to determine the enzyme specificity. The bradykinin- and dynorphin-derived peptides were cleaved at the single bonds Phe-Ser and Phe-Leu, with catalytic efficiencies of 291 and 13 mM/s, respectively. Besides confirming already published cleavage sites, a novel cleavage site was determined for the ß-chain of insulin (Val-Asn). Both the natural and the recombinant enzyme displayed the same broad specificity, demonstrated by the presence of hydrophobic, hydrophilic, charged and uncharged amino acid residues at the scissile bonds. Native IgA, however, was resistant to hydrolysis by ZapA.
We developed an efficient method to prepare a hybrid inorganic-organic composite based on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polysiloxane using the sol-gel disc technique. Antigen obtained from Yersinia pestis was covalently immobilized onto these discs with glutaraldehyde and used as solid phase in ELISA for antibody detection in serum of rabbits experimentally immunized with plague. Using 1.25 µg antigen per disc, a peroxidase conjugate dilution of 1:4,000 and a serum dilution of 1:200 were adequate for the establishment of the procedure. These values are similar to those used for PVA-glutaraldehyde discs, plasticized filter paper discs and the polyaniline-Dacron composite discs. This procedure is comparable to that which utilizes the adsorption of the antigen to conventional PVC plates, with the amount of antigen being one fourth that employed in conventional PVC plates (5 µg/well). In addition to the performance of the polysiloxane/PVA-glutaraldehyde disc as a matrix for immunodetection, its easy synthesis and low cost are additional advantages for commercial application.
I den första delen av den här avhandlingen presenteras en bildens genealogi. Den skildrar hur begreppen för bilden, seendet och jaget utvecklades i relation till varandra i en specifik vetenskaplig och filosofisk kontext. Berättelsen sträcker sig från den tidiga renässansen och det perspektivistiska måleriet, till fotografiets födelse och positivismen. Den här utvecklingen medförde en form av reduktionism i vilken jagets roll – betydelsen av den mänskliga psykologin, vårt omdöme, vår uppmärksamhet och vår vilja – blev förbisedd. Inom den här tanketraditionen uppstod en förskjutning, från en förståelse av bilden som en representation av det tredimensionella rummet på en tvådimensionell yta, till en uppfattning om bilden som en genomskinlig ruta, ett fönster ut mot världen. Idén om avbildningen som en neutral ”blick från ingenstans” kom att förstärka en skeptisk hållning till kommunikation, dialog och vittnesmål och därmed även undergräva vår tillit till varandra och följaktligen vår tillit till oss själva. I den andra delen erbjuder författaren ett alternativ till den tanketradition som behandlas i den första delen. Det som blev förbisett i uppfattningen om en blick från ingenstans var att bilden är ett hjälpmedel då vi bearbetar vårt synfält. Bilden hjälper oss att dela vår syn på saker. Genom den här uppgiften av att dela blir bilden riktningsgivande i våra försök att orientera oss i världen. Jag kan stå bredvid en annan människa och se vad hon ser, men jag vet inte nödvändigtvis hur hon uppfattar det vi ser. Bilden lägger till ett led i det här förhållandet eftersom den inte enbart visar vad den andra ser. När bilden fungerar som den skall visar den också hur den andra ser och på det här sättet blir bilden verksam. Den föreliggande avhandlingen kombinerar epistemologi med vetenskapshistoria och visuella kulturstudier, men dess huvudintresse är filosofiskt. Den befattar sig med filosofiska missförstånd angående avbildning som en mimetisk konstform, kunskap som domesticering och varseblivning som mottagning av data. ------------------------------------------------------ Tämän väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa selvittää kuvakäsitteen genealogiaa. Se havainnollistaa miten kuvan, näkemisen ja minän käsitteet kehittyivät suhteessa toisiinsa. Kertomus ulottuu varhaisesta renessanssista ja perspektivistisestä maalaustaiteesta, positivismin aikakauteen ja valokuvan syntyyn. Tämä kehitys toi mukanaan reduktionismin jossa minän rooli – ihmisen psykologian merkitys, meidän arviointikyky, meidän huomiokyky sekä meidän tahtomme – vaipui unohduksiin. Ajatusmaailmassa tapahtui siirtymä, kuvan merkitys vaihtui käsityksestä jossa se on kolmiulotteisen tilan representaatio kaksiulotteisella pinnalla, käsitykseen jossa kuva on läpinäkyvä ruutu, ikkuna kohti maailmaa. Ajatus kuvasta neutraalin näkökulman kantajana vahvisti skeptistä suhtautumista kommunikaatiota, dialogisuutta ja subjektiivisuutta kohtaan. Tämä skeptisyys ilmentyi myös vahvana epäluottamuksena ihmiskeskeisyyttä ja toiseutta kohtaan. Toisessa osassa tekijä tarjoaa vaihtoehdon tälle skeptiselle ajatusmaailmalle jota tarkastellaan ensimmäisessä osassa. Kuva on myös väline joka auttaa meitä jäsentämään meidän näkökenttäämme. Se auttaa meitä jakamaan meidän käsityksiä toistemme kanssa. Tämä näkemisen jakamisen käytäntö on kuvan keskeinen tehtävä. Voin seistä toisen ihmisen vieressä ja nähdä samat asiat kuin hän, mutta en välttämättä ymmärrä miten hän näkee nämä asiat. Kuva lisää jotain olennaista tähän suhteeseen. Kun kuva toimii niin kun sen kuuluu toimia, se näyttää myös miten toinen näkee, tällä tavalla kuvasta tulee välittäjä. Tämä väitöskirja yhdistää epistemologiaa, tieteen historiaa ja visuaalisen kulttuurin tutkimusta, mutta sen pääasiallinen tavoite on filosofinen. Se käsittelee filosofisia väärinkäsityksiä koskien kuvan eideettisyyttä.
Insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) is the main intracellular substrate for both insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptors and is critical for cell mitogenesis. Thyrotropin is able to induce thyroid cell proliferation through the cyclic AMP intracellular cascade; however, the presence of either insulin or IGF-I is required for the mitogenic effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) to occur. The aim of the present study was to determine whether thyroid IRS-1 content is modulated by TSH in vivo. Strikingly, hypothyroid goitrous rats, which have chronically high serum TSH levels (control, C = 2.31 ± 0.28; methimazole (MMI) 21d = 51.02 ± 6.02 ng/mL, N = 12 rats), when treated with 0.03% MMI in drinking water for 21 days, showed significantly reduced thyroid IRS-1 mRNA content. Since goiter was already established in these animals by MMI for 21 days, we also evaluated IRS-1 expression during goitrogenesis. Animals treated with MMI for different periods of time showed a progressive increase in thyroid weight (C = 22.18 ± 1.21; MMI 5d = 32.83 ± 1.48; MMI 7d = 31.1 ± 3.25; MMI 10d = 33.8 ± 1.25; MMI 14d = 45.5 ± 2.56; MMI 18d = 53.0 ± 3.01; MMI 21d = 61.9 ± 3.92 mg, N = 9-15 animals per group) and serum TSH levels (C = 1.57 ± 0.2; MMI 5d = 9.95 ± 0.74; MMI 7d = 10.38 ± 0.84; MMI 10d = 17.72 ± 1.47; MMI 14d = 25.65 ± 1.23; MMI 18d = 35.38 ± 3.69; MMI 21d = 31.3 ± 2.7 ng/mL, N = 9-15 animals per group). Thyroid IRS-1 mRNA expression increased progressively during goitrogenesis, being significantly higher by the 14th day of MMI treatment, and then started to decline, reaching the lowest values by the 21st day, when a significant reduction was detected. In the liver of these animals, however, a significant decrease of IRS-1 mRNA was detected after 14 days of MMI treatment, a mechanism probably involved in the insulin resistance that occurs in hypothyroidism. The increase in IRS-1 expression during goitrogenesis may represent an important event associated with the increased rate of cell mitosis promoted by TSH and indicates that insulin and IGF-I are important co-mitogenic factors in vivo, possibly acting through the activation of IRS-1.
Two recombinant baculoviruses were produced in order to obtain a bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) immunogen: AcNPV/E2 expressing E2 glycoprotein, and AcNPV/E0E1E2 expressing the polyprotein region coding for the three structural proteins of BVDV (E0, E1, and E2). Mice were immunized with Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculoviruses in a water in oil formulation and the production of neutralizing antibodies was evaluated. Since E2 elicited higher neutralizing antibody titers than E0-E1-E2 polyprotein, it was selected to immunize cattle. Calves received two doses of recombinant E2 vaccine and were challenged with homologous BVDV 37 days later. The recombinant immunogen induced neutralizing titers which showed a mean value of 1.5 ± 0.27 on the day of challenge and reached a top value of 3.36 ± 0.36, 47 days later (84 days post-vaccination). On the other hand, sera from animals which received mock-infected Sf9 cells did not show neutralizing activity until 25 days post-challenge (62 days post-vaccination), suggesting that these antibodies were produced as a consequence of BVDV challenge. Even when no total protection was observed in cattle, in vitro viral neutralization assays revealed that the recombinant immunogen was able to induce neutralizing antibody synthesis against the homologous strain as well as against heterologous strains in a very efficient way.
The manner by which effects of simultaneous mutations combine to change enzymatic activity is not easily predictable because these effects are not always additive in a linear manner. Hence, the characterization of the effects of simultaneous mutations of amino acid residues that bind the substrate can make a significant contribution to the understanding of the substrate specificity of enzymes. In the β-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (Sfβgly), both residues Q39 and E451 interact with the substrate and this is essential for defining substrate specificity. Double mutants of Sfβgly (A451E39, S451E39 and S451N39) were prepared by site-directed mutagenesis, expressed in bacteria and purified using affinity chromatography. These enzymes were characterized using p-nitrophenyl β-galactoside and p-nitrophenyl β-fucoside as substrates. The k cat/Km ratio for single and double mutants of Sfβgly containing site-directed mutations at positions Q39 and E451 was used to demonstrate that the effect on the free energy of ES‡ (enzyme-transition state complex) of the double mutations (∆∆G‡xy) is not the sum of the effects resulting from the single mutations (∆∆G‡x and ∆∆G‡y). This difference in ∆∆G‡ indicates that the effects of the single mutations partially overlap. Hence, this common effect counts only once in ∆∆G‡xy. Crystallographic data on β-glycosidases reveal the presence of a bidentate hydrogen bond involving residues Q39 and E451 and the same hydroxyl group of the substrate. Therefore, both thermodynamic and crystallographic data suggest that residues Q39 and E451 exert a mutual influence on their respective interactions with the substrate.
Our group established a method to culture spheres under serum-free culture condition. However, the biological characteristics and the tumorigenicity of spheres are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that sphere cells expressed high levels of the putative colorectal cancer stem cell markers CD133 and CD44. The CD133-positive rates were 13.27 ± 5.62, 52.71 ± 16.97 and 16.47 ± 2.45% in sphere cells, regular Colo205 cells and differentiated sphere cells, respectively, while the CD44-positive rates were 62.92 ± 8.38, 79.06 ± 12.10 and 47.80 ± 2.5%, respectively, and the CD133/CD44-double-positive rates were 10.77 ± 4.96, 46.89 ± 19.17 and 12.41 ± 2.27%, respectively (P < 0.05). Cancer sphere cells formed crypt-like structures in 3-D culture. Moreover, cells from cancer spheres exhibited more tumorigenicity than regular Colo205 cells in a xenograft assay. The cancer sphere cells displayed much higher oncogenicity than regular Colo205 cells to initiate neoplasms, as assayed by H&E staining, Musashi-1 staining and electron microscopy. Our findings indicated that the sphere cells were enriched with cancer stem cells (CSCs), and exhibited more proliferation capacity, more differentiation potential and especially more tumorigenicity than regular Colo205 cells in vitro and in vivo. Further isolation and characterization of these CSCs may provide new insights for novel therapeutic targets and prognostic markers.
Ricinus communis L. is of great economic importance due to the oil extracted from its seeds. Castor oil has been used for pharmaceutical and industrial applications, as a lubricant or coating agent, as a component of plastic products, as a fungicide or in the synthesis of biodiesel fuels. After oil extraction, a castor cake with a large amount of protein is obtained. However, this by-product cannot be used as animal feed due to the presence of toxic (ricin) and allergenic (2S albumin) proteins. Here, we propose two processes for detoxification and allergen inactivation of the castor cake. In addition, we establish a biological test to detect ricin and validate these detoxification processes. In this test, Vero cells were treated with ricin, and cell death was assessed by cell counting and measurement of lactate dehydrogenase activity. The limit of detection of the Vero cell assay was 10 ng/mL using a concentration of 1.6 x 10(5) cells/well. Solid-state fermentation (SSF) and treatment with calcium compounds were used as cake detoxification processes. For SSF, Aspergillus niger was grown using a castor cake as a substrate, and this cake was analyzed after 24, 48, 72, and 96 h of SSF. Ricin was eliminated after 24 h of SSF treatment. The cake was treated with 4 or 8% Ca(OH)2 or CaO, and both the toxicity and the allergenic properties were entirely abolished. A by-product free of toxicity and allergens was obtained.