998 resultados para SoC-tekniikka
Embedded sensitivity analysis has proven to be a useful tool in finding optimum positions of structure reinforcements. However, it was not clear how sensitivities obtained from the embedded sensitivity method were related to the normal mode, or operational mode, associated to the frequency of interest. In this work, this relationship is studied based on a finite element of a slender sheet metal piece, with preponderant bending modes. It is shown that higher sensitivities always occur at nodes or antinodes of the vibrating system. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4002127]
This paper presents a different roof tiles influence study on the thermal comfort for broiler housings. The research was conducted at UNESP`s Experimental Campus at Dracena, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Four prototypes in real scale were built, each with an area of 28 m(2). The prototype was covered with roof tiles made of recycled long-life packing material, ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles painted with white coating, and fiber/cement tiles. Temperatures inside the structures were recorded in the winter 2007 over a 90-day period. The results obtained indicated that recycled tile thermal behavior was similar to ceramic tiles. However for the winter period all the prototypes had presented comfort thermal index not in the broilers thermo neutral zone.
Thermal action on timber causes it to degrade through combustion of its chemical components, which leads to the release of vapors, combustible gases and surface char. This diminishes its load capacity, due to the reduction of its cross section by charring and to changes in its mechanical properties of strength and stiffness as a function of its exposure to high temperatures. This paper reports the charring rates observed on Eucalyptus structural beams and presents a numerical and experimental study of the behavior of these beams when exposed to fire, in which the properties of strength and stiffness were evaluated as a function of rising temperatures, allowing an analysis of the effect of the section factor on the internal rise in temperature of structural Eucalyptus beams.
An experimental testing program was undertaken to investigate failure mechanisms induced by the active movement of a deep rectangular trapdoor underlying a granular soil. Reduced-scale models were tested under normal gravity as well as under an increased gravitational field using a centrifuge facility. Some models were used to evaluate the performance of both flexible and rigid pipes undergoing a localized loss of support. Failure mechanisms in the longitudinal direction of the models were characterized by a single, well-defined failure surface that developed within the limits of the trapdoor. However, failure mechanisms in the transverse direction of the models were characterized by multiple failure surfaces extending outside the limits of the trapdoor. Significant dilation of the soil located immediately above the trapdoor was identified in the failure of the models. The pattern of the failure mechanisms was found to be affected by the stress level and backfill density. Higher stress levels were found to lead to well-developed failure zones. The influence of backfill density was found to be more relevant in models involving flexible pipes. Pipes embedded within loose backfill were severely damaged after loss of support, while pipes embedded in dense backfill experienced negligible deformations. These results indicate that damage to pipelines caused by ground loss of support can be significantly minimized by controlling the compaction of the fill.
Limited information is available on the interactions between environmental factors and algal growth in tropical and subtropical aquatic systems. We investigated the relationships between algal biomass (measured as chlorophyll, Chl-a) and light, total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in longitudinal zones of subtropical reservoirs. We studied the seasonal variation of water variables in Itupararanga Reservoir (Brazil) and compared the results with 16 other subtropical lakes and reservoirs. The longitudinal zones in Itupararanga Reservoir were considered statistically different (p 0.05, MANOVA). From the riverine zone to the dam region of the reservoir, Spearman Correlation Test suggested that light limitation and TP limitation tended to decrease and increase, respectively. Although nitrate concentrations were high (400 g/L), the Spearman coefficients between Chl-a and TN and the TN:TP ratios (11:1 TN:TP 35:1) indicated that nitrogen may be co-limiting algal growth in the studied water body. Putting Itupararanga in a regional context allowed assessment of potential influences of land use on trophic state. Within the subtropical dataset, TP explained a greater percentage of variance in Chl-a (R2 = 0.70) than TN (R2 = 0.17). The main land use type within the reservoirs drainage area significantly influenced the concentrations of TP, TN, and Chl-a (p 0.05, MANOVA), with different relationships between nutrients and chlorophyll in forested (R2 = 0.12-0.33), agricultural (R2 = 0.50-0.68) and urban (R2 = 0.09-0.64) watersheds. Comparisons with literature values and those from reservoirs with less altered watersheds indicated that Itupararanga Reservoir is reaching the mesotrophic-eutrophic boundary, and further nutrient enrichment could cause water quality degradation.
Mass transfer across a gas-liquid interface was studied theoretically and experimentally, using transfer of oxygen into water as the gas-liquid system. The experimental results support the conclusions of a theoretical description of the concentration field that uses random square waves approximations. The effect of diffusion over the concentration records was quantified. It is shown that the peak of the normalized rills concentration fluctuation profiles must be lower than 0.5, and that the position of the peak of the rms value is an adequate measure of the thickness of the diffusive layer. The position of the peak is the boundary between the regions more subject to molecular diffusion or to turbulent transport of dissolved mass.
This research work focuses on the analysis of hydraulic transients in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes, which are characterized by a viscoelastic rheological behavior. Transient pressure data were collected in a pipe rig consisting of a set of PVC pipes. The creep function of the PVC pipes was determined by using an inverse transient model based on collected transient pressure data and compared with that obtained by carrying out mechanical tensile tests of PVC pipe specimens. The numerical results obtained from the transient solver have shown that the attenuation, dispersion, and shape of transient pressures were well described. The incorporation of the viscoelastic mechanical behavior in the hydraulic transient model has provided an excellent fitting between numerical results and observed data. Calibrated creep function based on inverse analysis fit the one determined by mechanical tests well, which emphasized the importance of pipe-wall viscoelasticity in hydraulic transients in PVC pipes.
A round robin program zoos conducted to assess the ability of three different X-radiographic systems for imaging internal fatigue cracks in riveted lap joints of composite glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate. From an engineering perspective, conventional film radiography and direct radiography have produced the best results, identifying and characterizing in detail internal damage on metallic faying surfaces of fastened glass reinforced fiber/metal laminate joints. On the other hand, computed radiographic images presented large projected geometric distortions and feature shifts due to the angular incident radiation beam, disclosing only partial internal cracking patterns.
Several studies have shown that austenitic stainless steels are suitable for use in the final phases of orthodontic treatments, such as finishing and retention. These steels demonstrate appropriate mechanical properties, such as high ultimate tensile strength and good corrosion resistance. A new class of materials, the austenic-ferritic stainless steels, is substituting for austenitic stainless steels in several industrial applications where these properties are necessary. This work supports the hypothesis that orthodontic wires of austenic-ferritic stainless steels can replace austenitic stainless steels. The advantages are cost reduction and decrease of the nickel hypersensitivity effect in patients undergoing orthodontic treatments. The object of this study was to evaluate wires of austenitic-ferritic stainless steel SEW 410 Nr. 14517 (Cr26Ni6Mo3Cu3) produced by cold working through rolling and drawing processes. Tests were performed to evaluate the ultimate tensile strength, hardness, ductility, and formability. In accordance with technical standards the wires exhibited ultimate tensile strength and ductility suitable for orthodontic clinical applications. These austenitie-ferritic wires can be an alternative to substitute the common commercial wires of austenic stainless steels with the advantage of decreasing the nickel content.
Ternary compatible blends of chitosan, poly(vinyl alcohol), and poly(lactic acid) were prepared by an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion process. Solutions of chitosan in aqueous acetic acid, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) in water, and poly(lactic acid) (PLA) in chloroform were blended with a high shear mixer. PVA was used as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion and to reduce the interfacial tension between the solid polymers in the blends-produced. It proved to work very well because the emulsions were stable for periods of days or weeks and compatible blends were obtained When PVA was added. This effect was attributed to a synergistic effect of PVA and chitosan because the binary blends PVA/PLA and chitosan/PLA were completely incompatible; The blends were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermal mechanical analysis (TMA), stress strain tests, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicated that despite the fact that the system contained distinct phases some degree of molecular miscibility occurred when the three components were present in the blend.
Multifunctional structures are pointed out as an important technology for the design of aircraft with volume, mass, and energy source limitations such as unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and micro air vehicles (MAVs). In addition to its primary function of bearing aerodynamic loads, the wing/spar structure of an UAV or a MAV with embedded piezoceramics can provide an extra electrical energy source based on the concept of vibration energy harvesting to power small and wireless electronic components. Aeroelastic vibrations of a lifting surface can be converted into electricity using piezoelectric transduction. In this paper, frequency-domain piezoaeroelastic modeling and analysis of a canti-levered platelike wing with embedded piezoceramics is presented for energy harvesting. The electromechanical finite-element plate model is based on the thin-plate (Kirchhoff) assumptions while the unsteady aerodynamic model uses the doublet-lattice method. The electromechanical and aerodynamic models are combined to obtain the piezoaeroelastic equations, which are solved using a p-k scheme that accounts for the electromechanical coupling. The evolution of the aerodynamic damping and the frequency of each mode are obtained with changing airflow speed for a given electrical circuit. Expressions for piezoaeroelastically coupled frequency response functions (voltage, current, and electrical power as well the vibratory motion) are also defined by combining flow excitation with harmonic base excitation. Hence, piezoaeroelastic evolution can be investigated in frequency domain for different airflow speeds and electrical boundary conditions. [DOI:10.1115/1.4002785]
The flow in the automotive catalytic converter is, in general, not uniform. This significantly affects cost, service life, and performance, in particular, during cold startup. The current paper reports on a device that provided a large improvement in flow uniformity. The device is to be placed in the converter inlet diffuser and is constructed out of ordinary screens. It is cheap and easy to install. Moreover, the device does not present most of the undesired effects, such as increase in pressure drop and time to light off, often observed in other devices developed for the same purpose.
Oxy-coal combustion is a viable technology, for new and existing coal-fired power plants, as it facilitates carbon capture and, thereby, can mitigate climate change. Pulverized coals of various ranks, biomass, and their blends were burned to assess the evolution of combustion effluent gases, such as NO(x), SO(2), and CO, under a variety of background gas compositions. The fuels were burned in an electrically heated laboratory drop-tube furnace in O(2)/N(2) and O(2)/CO(2) environments with oxygen mole fractions of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100%, at a furnace temperature of 1400 K. The fuel mass flow rate was kept constant in most cases, and combustion was fuel-lean. Results showed that in the case of four coals studied, NO(x) emissions in O(2)/CO(2) environments were lower than those in O(2)/N(2) environments by amounts that ranged from 19 to 43% at the same oxygen concentration. In the case of bagasse and coal/bagasse blends, the corresponding NO(x) reductions ranged from 22 to 39%. NO(x) emissions were found to increase with increasing oxygen mole fraction until similar to 50% O(2) was reached; thereafter, they monotonically decreased with increasing oxygen concentration. NO(x) emissions from the various fuels burned did not clearly reflect their nitrogen content (0.2-1.4%), except when large content differences were present. SO(2) emissions from all fuels remained largely unaffected by the replacement of the N(2) diluent gas with CO(2), whereas they typically increased with increasing sulfur content of the fuels (0.07-1.4%) and decreased with increasing calcium content of the fuels (0.28-2.7%). Under the conditions of this work, 20-50% of the fuel-nitrogen was converted to NO(x). The amount of fuel-sulfur converted to SO(2) varied widely, depending on the fuel and, in the case of the bituminous coal, also depending on the O(2) mole fraction. Blending the sub-bituminous coal with bagasse reduced its SO(2) yields, whereas blending the bituminous coal with bagasse reduced both its SO(2) and NO(x) yields. CO emissions were generally very low in all cases. The emission trends were interpreted on the basis of separate combustion observations.
Aquatic humic substances (AHS) isolated from two characteristic seasons of the Negro river, winter and summer corresponding to floody and dry periods, were structurally characterized by (13)C nuclear magnetic ressonance. Subsequently, AHS aqueous solutions were irradiated with a polychromatic lamp (290-475 nm) and monitored by its total organic carbon (TOC) content, ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorbance, fluorescence and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). As a result, a photobleaching upto 80% after irradiation of 48 h was observed. Conformational rearrangements and formation of low molecular complexity structures were formed during the irradiation, as deduced from the pH decrement and the fluorescence shifting to lower wavelengths. Additionally a significant mineralization with the formation Of CO(2), CO, and inorganic carbon compounds was registered, as assumed by TOC losses of up to 70%. The differences in photodegradation between samples expressed by photobleaching efficiency were enhanced in the summer sample and related to its elevated aromatic content. Aromatic structures are assumed to have high autosensitization capacity effects mediated by the free radical generation from quinone and phenolic moieties.
Carbonation is one of the main concerns for concrete service life in tropical countries. The mechanism and materials that produce it have been widely studied as well as natural and accelerated methods to report and analyze it. In spite of reported investigations, there is a need for information that could allow an adequate interpretation of the results of the standardization process. This lack of information can produce variations not only in the interpretation but also in the predictions of service life. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss variables that could be sources of error, especially when performing accelerated tests. As a result, a methodologies to minimize variations when interpreting and comparing results is proposed, such as specimen geometry and preconditioning, spacing, relative humidity, and CO(2) concentration.