998 resultados para Sistema de eliminação de água residual
The determination of the rheology of drilling fluids is of fundamental importance to select the best composition and the best treatment to be applied in these fluids. This work presents a study of the rheological behavior of some addictives used as viscosifiers in water-based drilling fluids. The evaluated addictives were: Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), Xanthan gum (GX), and Bentonite. The main objective was to rheologically characterize suspensions composed by these addictives, by applying mathematical models for fluid flow behavior, in order to determine the best flow equation to represent the system, as well as the model parameters. The mathematical models applied in this research were: the Bingham Model, the Ostwald de Wale Model, and the Herschel-Bulkley Model. A previous study of hydration time for each used addictive was accomplished seeking to evaluate the effect of polymer and clay hydration on rheological behavior of the fluid. The rheological characterization was made through typical rheology experiments, using a coaxial cylinder viscosimeter, where the flow curves and the thixotropic magnitude of each fluid was obtained. For each used addictive the rheological behavior as a function of temperature was also evaluated as well as fluid stability as a function of the concentration and kind of addictive used. After analyses of results, mixtures of polymer and clay were made seeking to evaluate the rheological modifications provided by the polymer incorporation in the water + bentonite system. The obtained results showed that the Ostwald de Waale model provided the best fit for fluids prepared using CMC and for fluids with Xanthan gum and Bentonite the best fit was given by the Herschel-Bulkley one
As fontes de P mais utilizadas são os fosfatos solúveis em água, pela maior facilidade de liberação de P no solo. Entretanto, devido às características dos solos tropicais, grande parte desse P acaba adsorvida às partículas do solo, tornando-se indisponível. Os fosfatos reativos podem, inicialmente, liberar o P de maneira mais lenta; entretanto, a partir dos cultivos, este elemento poderá ser liberado de forma contínua, podendo haver menor fixação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a resposta à aplicação de duas fontes de P na cultura do triticale e o efeito residual dessa adubação no milheto, cultivados em semeadura direta, avaliando-se: fertilidade do solo; produção de matéria seca; teor e quantidade de P nas plantas e palha de cobertura; densidade de plantas; teor e quantidade de P nos grãos; e produtividade do triticale. O experimento foi conduzido em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. No mês de abril foram aplicados, a lanço, em superfície, três tratamentos: sem aplicação de P2O5; aplicação de 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5 de superfosfato triplo; e aplicação de 80 kg ha-1 de P2O5 de fosfato natural Arad. em seguida, semeou-se o triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), que foi conduzido até a colheita. em setembro, após a colheita do triticale, semeou-se o milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown), com o objetivo de elevar a cobertura de palha do solo, sendo ele dessecado no florescimento no mês de novembro. A aplicação de fosfato solúvel em superfície proporcionou lixiviação do P até a camada de 5-10 cm de profundidade do solo e melhor nutrição fosfatada do triticale cultivado em seguida, assim como maior produção de grãos. Apesar do aumento no teor de P disponível no solo, proporcionado pelo fosfato solúvel, a aplicação de P no triticale não redundou em elevação da produção de matéria seca, do teor e da quantidade de P na parte aérea do milheto cultivado em sequência.
Petroleum can be associated or not with natural gas, but in both cases water is always present in its formation. The presence of water causes several problems, such as the difficulty of removing the petroleum from the reservoir rock and the formation of waterin-oil and oil-in-water emulsions. The produced water causes environmental problems, which should be solved to reduce the effect of petroleum industry in the environment. The main objective of this work is to remove simultaneously from the produced water the dispersed petroleum and dissolved metals. The process is made possible through the use of anionic surfactants that with its hydrophilic heads interacts with ionized metals and with its lipophilic tails interacts with the oil. The studied metals were: calcium, magnesium, barium, and cadmium. The surfactants used in this research were derived from: soy oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and a soap obtained from a mixture of 5wt.% coconut oil and 95wt.% animal fat. It was used a sample of produced water from Terminal de São Sebastião, São Paulo. As the concentration of the studied metals in produced water presented values close to 300 mg/L, it was decided to use this concentration as reference for the development of this research. Molecular absorption and atomic absorption spectroscopy were used to determine petroleum and metals concentrations in the water sample, respectively. A constant pressure filtration system was used to promote the separation of solid and liquid phases. To represent the behavior of the studied systems it was developed an equilibrium model and a mathematical one. The obtained results showed that all used surfactants presented similar behavior with relation to metals extraction, being selected the surfactant derived from soy oil for this purpose. The values of the partition coefficients between the solid and liquid phases " D " for the studied metals varied from 0.2 to 1.1, while the coefficients for equilibrium model " K " varied from 0.0002 and 0.0009. The removal percentile for oil with all metals associated was near 100%, showing the efficiency of the process
The developments in formulating drilling fluids to apply in petroleum fields are based on new technologies and environmental challenges, where the technical performance of a developed drilling fluid is used to produce a minimum environmental impact, showing great economy in costs. It is well known that the potential use of oil-based drilling fluids is limited because these fluids when discharged in the sea do not disperse as much as water-based ones and may form waterproof films in the seabed, having a profound effect on plants and animals living in this environment. The current works have been made in investigating fluids called pseudofluids, which are synthetic ester-based, n-paraffin-based and other fluids formed from inverse emulsion. In this research the principal parameters involved in inverse emulsion process were studied, in laboratory scale, using esters as main component. Others commercial drilling fluids were used as comparative samples, as well as samples from laboratory and field where these drilling fluids are being applied. Concentrations of emulsifier and organophilic clay, which are viscosity donor, were varied to verify the influence of these parameters, in different oil/water ratios (55/45, 60/40, 65/35, 70/30, and 75/25). The salt concentration (NaCl) is an indicative parameter of stability and activity of an esterbased fluid. In this research the salt concentration was varied in 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000 ppm of NaCl. Some rheological properties of the produced fluids were studied, such as: initial gel, plastic viscosity, yield point, and apparent viscosity. Through the obtained rheological measures, the existence of two systems could be verified: fluid and flocculated. It could be noticed that the systems were influenced, directly, by the oil/water ratio and emulsifier, organophilic clay and NaCl concentrations. This study showed the viability to use an ester obtained from a regional vegetable product babaçu coconut oil to obtain an efficient and environmental safe drilling fluid
The tanning industries are those which transform animal hide or skin into leather. Due to the complexity of the transformation process, greater quantities of chemicals are being used which results in the generation of effluents with residual solids. The chromium in the residual waters generated by tanning tend to be a serious problem to the environment, therefore the recovery of this metal could result in the reduction of manufacturing costs. This metal is usually found in a trivalent form which can be converted into a hexavalent compound under acidic conditions and in the presence of organic matter. The present study was carried out with the objective to recover chromium through an extraction/re-extraction process using micro emulsions. Micro emulsions are transparent and thermodynamically stable system composed of two immiscible liquids, one forming the continuous phase and the other dispersed into micro bubbles, established by an interfacial membrane formed by surface active and co-surface active molecules. The process of recovering the chromium was carried out in two stages. The first, an extraction process, where the chromium was extracted in the micro emulsion phase and the aqueous phase in excess was separated. In the second stage, a concentrated acid was added to the micro emulsion phase rich in chromium in order to obtain a Winsor II system, where the water that formed in the micro emulsion phase separates into a new micro emulsion phase with a higher concentration of chromium, due to the lowering of the hydrophiles as well as the ionisation of the system. During the experimental procedure, a study was initiated with a synthetic solution of chromium sulphate passing onto the effluent. A Morris extractor was used in the extraction process. Tests were carried out according to the plan and the results were analysed by statistical methods in order to optimise the main parameters that influence the process: the total rate of flow (Q), stirring speed (w) and solvent rate (r). The results, after optimization, demonstrated that the best percentuals in relation to the chromium extraction (99 %) were obtained in the following operational conditions: Q= 2,0 l/h, w= 425 rpm and r= 0,375. The re-extraction was carried out at room temperature (28 °C), 40 °C and 50°C using hydrochloric acid (8 and 10 M) and sulphuric acid (8 M) as re-extracting agents. The results obtained demonstrate that the process was efficient enough in relation to the chromium extraction, reaching to re-extraction percentage higher than 95 %.
A podridão de raízes, causada por Pythium aphanidermatum e outras espécies de Pythium, é a principal doença da alface cultivada em sistemas hidropônicos no Brasil. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quatro cultivares comerciais de alface em relação à sensibilidade a podridão de raízes, causada por P. aphanidermatum. Os estudos foram realizados em placas de Petri contendo ágar-água com plântulas de alface das cultivares crespa (Vera e Verônica) e lisa (Regina e Elisa), infestadas ou não com o patógeno. Com as mesmas cultivares foram realizados quatro experimentos em sistemas hidropônicos (Nutrient Film Technique), sendo dois em estufa coberta com plástico e sombrite e dois em estufa coberta apenas com plástico. As plântulas, infectadas ou não com P. aphanidermatum, foram transplantadas para os sistemas infestados ou não. Foi avaliada a severidade da doença e o desenvolvimento das plantas. Todas as cultivares foram suscetíveis à podridão de raízes nos experimentos realizados in vitro e in vivo. A presença do sombrite não reduziu a podridão de raízes em cultivares de alface produzidas no sistema hidropônico. A cultivar Regina apresentou maior massa de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes, na presença ou ausência do patógeno, sendo a mais indicada para o cultivo hidropônico na época mais quente do ano.
The large investment in exploration activities offshore Brazil has generated new findings, generally in carbonate reservoirs, with different wettability conditions usually considered in the sandstone, strongly water-wet. In general, the carbonates reservoirs tend to be oil-wet, it difficult to mobilize of oil these reservoirs. These oils can be mobilized by different methods, or it may reverse the wettability of the surface of the reservoir and facilitate the flow of oil, improving production rates. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the influence of inversion on the wettability of the rock in the production and recovery of petroleum from carbonate reservoirs, using microemulsions. Three systems were chosen with different classes of surfactants: a cationic (C16TAB), an anionic (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90). Studies of the influence of salinity on the formation of the microemulsion as well as the characterization of fluids using density and viscosity measurements were also performed. To verify the potential of microemulsion systems in changing the wettability state of the chalk oil-wet to water-wet, contact angle measurements were performed using chalk of neutral-wet as surface material. Overall, with respect to the ionic character of the surfactants tested, the cationic surfactant (C16TAB) had a greater potential for reversal in wettability able to transform the rock wettability neutral to strongly water-wet, when compared with the anionic surfactant (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90), which showed similar behavior, improving the wettability of the rock to water. The microemulsions of all surfactants studied were effective in oil recovery, resulting in 76.92% for the system with C16TAB, 67.42% for the SDS and 66.30% for Unitol L90 of residual oil
The oil industry, experiencing a great economic and environmental impact, has increasingly invested in researches aiming a more satisfactory treatment of its largest effluent, i.e., produced water. These are mostly discarded at sea, without reuse and after a basic treatment. Such effluent contains a range of organic compounds with high toxicity and are difficult to remove, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, salts, heavy metals, etc.. The main objective of this work was to study the solar distillation of produced water pre-treated to remove salts and other contaminants trough of a hybrid system with a pre-heater. This developed apparatus was called solar system, which consists of a solar heater and a conventional distillation solar still. The first device consisted of a water tank, a solar flat plate collector and a thermal reservoir. The solar distillator is of simple effect, with 1m2 of flat area and 20° of inclination. This dissertation was divided in five steps: measurements in the solar system, i.e. temperatures and distillate flow rate and weather data; modeling and simulation of the system; study of vapor-liquid equilibrium of the synthetic wastewater by the aqueous solution of p-xylene; physical and chemical analyses of samples of the feed, distillate and residue, as well as climatology pertinent variables of Natal-RN. The solar system was tested separately, with the supply water, aqueous NaCl and synthetic oil produced water. Temperature measurements were taken every minute of the thermal reservoir, water tank and distillator (liquid and vapor phases). Data of solar radiation and rainfall were obtained from INPE (National Institute for Space Research). The solar pre-heater demonstrated to be effective for the liquid systems tested. The reservoir fluid had an average temperature of 58°C, which enabled the feed to be pre-heated in the distillator. The temperature profile in the solar distillator showed a similar behavior to daily solar radiation, with temperatures near 70°C. The distillation had an average yield of 2.4 L /day, i.e., an efficiency of 27.2%. Mathematical modeling aided the identification of the most important variables and parameters in the solar system. The study of the vapor-liquid equilibrium from Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analysis indicated heteroazeotropia and the vapor phase resulted more concentrated in p-xylene. The physical-chemical analysis of pH, conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), chlorides, cations (including heavy metals) and anions, the effluent distillate showed satisfactory results, which presents a potential for reuse. The climatological study indicates the region of Natal-RN as favorable to the operation of solar systems, but the use of auxiliary heating during periods of higher rainfall and cloud cover is also recommended
Petroleum exists in the nature in certain underground formations where it is adsorbed into the rocks pores. For the conventional recovery methods usually only 30% of the oil is extracted and this can be credited, basically, to three aspects: high viscosity of the oil, geology of the formation and high interfacial tensions between the reservoir s fluids. The enhanced recovery methods use the injection of a fluid or fluids mixture in a reservoir to act in points where the conventional process didn't reach the recovery rates. Microemulsion flooding, considered an enhanced method, has the purpose to desorb the oil from the rock formation and to attain an efficient displacement of the oil emulsion. With this in mind, this work was accomplished with two main objectives: the study of the parameters effect that influence a microemulsified system (surfactant and cosurfactant types, C/S rate and salinity) and the evaluation of displacement efficiency with the microemulsions that showed stability in the rich aqueous area. For the analyzed parameters it was chose the microemulsions composition used in the recovery stage: 25% water, 5% kerosene, 46.7% of butanol as cosurfactant and 23.3% of BC or SCO cosurfactant. The core plugs of Assu and Botucatu sandstones were appraised in porosity and permeability tests and then submitted to the steps of saturation with seawater and oil, conventional recovery with water and enhanced recovery with the selected microemulsions. The Botucatu sandstone presented better recovery parameters, and the microemulsion composed with BS surfactant had larger recovery efficiency (26.88%)
The high concentration of residual oil is one of the greatest problems found in petroleum mature fields. In these reservoirs, different enhanced oil recovery methods (EOR) can be used, highlighting the microemulsion injection. The microemulsion has showed to be efficient in petroleum recovery due to its ability to promote an efficient displacement of the petroleum, acting directly in the residual oil. In this way, this research has as objective the study of microemulsion systems obtained using a commercial surfactant (TP), determining microemulsion thermal stabilities and selecting points inside the pseudoternary phases diagram, evaluating its efficiencies and choosing the best system, that has the following composition: TP as surfactant (S), isopropyl alcohol as co-surfactant (C), kerosene as oil phase, water as aqueous phase, C/S ratio = 1, and 5% sodium p-toluenesulfonate as hydrotope; being observed the following parameters for the selection of the best pseudoternary phases diagram: C/S ratio, co-surfactant nature and addition of hydrotope to the system. The efficiency in petroleum recovery was obtained using two sandstone formation systems: Assu and Botucatu. The study of thermal stabilities showed that as the concentration of active matter in the system increased, the thermal stability also increased. The best thermal stability was obtained using point F (79.56 0C). The system that presented the best recovery percentile between the three selected (3) was composed by: 70% C/S, 2% kerosene and 28% water, with 94% of total recovery efficiency and 60% with microemulsion injection, using the Botucatu formation, that in a general way presented greater efficiencies as compared with the Assu one (81.3% of total recovery efficiency and 38.3% with microemulsion injection)
In this study were projected, built and tested an electric solar dryer consisting of a solar collector, a drying chamber, an exhaust fan and a fan to promote forced hot air convection. Banana drying experiments were also carried out in a static column dryer to model the drying and to obtain parameters that can be used as a first approximation in the modeling of an electric solar dryer, depending on the similarity of the experimental conditions between the two drying systems. From the banana drying experiments conducted in the static column dryer, we obtained food weight data as a function of aqueous concentration and temperature. Simplified mathematical models of the banana drying were made, based on Fick s and Fourier s second equations, which were tested with the experimental data. We determined and/or modeled parameters such as banana moisture content, density, thin layer drying curves, equilibrium moisture content, molecular diffusivity of the water in banana DAB, external mass transfer coefficient kM, specific heat Cp, thermal conductivity k, latent heat of water evaporation in the food Lfood, time to heat food, and minimum energy and power required to heat the food and evaporate the water. When we considered the shrinkage of radius R of a banana, the calculated values of DAB and kM generally better represent the phenomenon of water diffusion in a solid. The latent heat of water evaporation in the food Lfood calculated by modeling is higher than the latent heat of pure water evaporation Lwater. The values calculated for DAB and KM that best represent the drying were obtained with the analytical model of the present paper. These values had good agreement with those assessed with a numeric model described in the literature, in which convective boundary condition and food shrinkage are considered. Using parameters such as Cp, DAB, k, kM and Lfood, one can elaborate the preliminary dryer project and calculate the economy using only solar energy rather than using solar energy along with electrical energy
Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find altenatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo¬Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. it's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter
Increasing concern with the environment, in addition to strict laws, has induced the industries to find alternatives to the treatment of their wastes. Actually, the oil industry has sought solutions to overcome a big environmental problem, i.e., oil field produced water being discharged to the sea. These effluents have organic compounds dissolved, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX). These compounds are difficult to be removed and have high toxicity. The advanced oxidation processes - AOP are effective to degradation of these organic compounds, because they generate hydroxyl radicals with high potential of oxidation. This work includes the reactor photochemical development applied in the photodegradation treatment (by photo-Fenton process) of wastewaters containing organic compounds dissolved, aiming at treatment and recovery the oil field produced water. The studied reactor allowed the evaluation of two ultraviolet radiation sources that is the main factor to describe the feasibility of the photo- Fenton treatment, i.e., sun and black light fluorescent lamps, and other relevant variables the process: concentration of reagents, irradiated area and also various reactor configurations to maximize the use of radiation. The organic matter degradation was verified with samples collected during the experimental and analyzed with a total organic carbon analyzer (TOC), which expressed the results in terms of mgC/L. The solar radiation was more effective than radiation from the lamps. It's an important factor for the operation costs cutting. Preliminary experiments applied to oil field produced water treatment have showed satisfactory results, reducing up to 76 % of organic matter
During production of oil and gas, there is also the production of an aqueous effluent called produced water. This byproduct has in its composition salts, organic compounds, gases and heavy metals. This research aimed to evaluate the integration of processes Induced Air Flotation (IAF) and photo-Fenton for reducing the Total Oils and Greases (TOG) present in produced water. Experiments were performed with synthetic wastewater prepared from the dispersion of crude oil in saline solution. The system was stirred for 25 min at 33,000 rpm and then allowed to stand for 50 min to allow free oil separation. The initial oil concentration in synthetic wastewater was 300 ppm and 35 ppm for the flotation and the photo-Fenton steps, respectively. These values of initial oil concentration were established based on average values of primary processing units in Potiguar Basin. The processes were studied individually and then the integration was performed considering the best experimental conditions found in each individual step. The separation by flotation showed high removal rate of oil with first-order kinetic behavior. The flotation kinetics was dependent on both the concentration and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of the surfactant. The best result was obtained for the concentration of 4.06.10-3 mM (k = 0.7719 min-1) of surfactant EO 2, which represents 86% of reduction in TOG after 4 min. For series of surfactants evaluated, the separation efficiency was found to be improved by the use of surfactants with low HLB. Regarding the TOG reduction step by photo-Fenton, the largest oil removal reached was 84% after 45 min of reaction, using 0.44 mM and 10 mM of ferrous ions and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. The best experimental conditions encountered in the integrated process was 10 min of flotation followed by 45 min of photo-Fenton with overall TOG reduction of 99%, which represents 5 ppm of TOG in the treated effluent. The integration of processes flotation and photo-Fenton proved to be highly effective in reducing TOG of produced water in oilfields
Natural gas, although basically composed by light hydrocarbons, also presents contaminant gases in its composition, such as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide). The H2S, which commonly occurs in oil and gas exploration and production activities, causes damages in oil and natural gas pipelines. Consequently, the removal of hydrogen sulfide gas will result in an important reduction in operating costs. Also, it is essential to consider the better quality of the oil to be processed in the refinery, thus resulting in benefits in economic, environmental and social areas. All this facts demonstrate the need for the development and improvement in hydrogen sulfide scavengers. Currently, the oil industry uses several processes for hydrogen sulfide removal from natural gas. However, these processes produce amine derivatives which can cause damage in distillation towers, can cause clogging of pipelines by formation of insoluble precipitates, and also produce residues with great environmental impact. Therefore, it is of great importance the obtaining of a stable system, in inorganic or organic reaction media, able to remove hydrogen sulfide without formation of by-products that can affect the quality and cost of natural gas processing, transport, and distribution steps. Seeking the study, evaluation and modeling of mass transfer and kinetics of hydrogen removal, in this study it was used an absorption column packed with Raschig rings, where the natural gas, with H2S as contaminant, passed through an aqueous solution of inorganic compounds as stagnant liquid, being this contaminant gas absorbed by the liquid phase. This absorption column was coupled with a H2S detection system, with interface with a computer. The data and the model equations were solved by the least squares method, modified by Levemberg-Marquardt. In this study, in addition to the water, it were used the following solutions: sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, ferric chloride, copper sulfate, zinc chloride, potassium chromate, and manganese sulfate, all at low concentrations (»10 ppm). These solutions were used looking for the evaluation of the interference between absorption physical and chemical parameters, or even to get a better mass transfer coefficient, as in mixing reactors and absorption columns operating in counterflow. In this context, the evaluation of H2S removal arises as a valuable procedure for the treatment of natural gas and destination of process by-products. The study of the obtained absorption curves makes possible to determine the mass transfer predominant stage in the involved processes, the mass transfer volumetric coefficients, and the equilibrium concentrations. It was also performed a kinetic study. The obtained results showed that the H2S removal kinetics is greater for NaOH. Considering that the study was performed at low concentrations of chemical reagents, it was possible to check the effect of secondary reactions in the other chemicals, especially in the case of KMnO4, which shows that your by-product, MnO2, acts in H2S absorption process. In addition, CuSO4 and FeCl3 also demonstrated to have good efficiency in H2S removal