947 resultados para Sink Ratio
A method to reduce the noise power in far-field pattern without modifying the desired signal is proposed. Therefore, an important signal-to-noise ratio improvement may be achieved. The method is used when the antenna measurement is performed in planar near-field, where the recorded data are assumed to be corrupted with white Gaussian and space-stationary noise, because of the receiver additive noise. Back-propagating the measured field from the scan plane to the antenna under test (AUT) plane, the noise remains white Gaussian and space-stationary, whereas the desired field is theoretically concentrated in the aperture antenna. Thanks to this fact, a spatial filtering may be applied, cancelling the field which is located out of the AUT dimensions and which is only composed by noise. Next, a planar field to far-field transformation is carried out, achieving a great improvement compared to the pattern obtained directly from the measurement. To verify the effectiveness of the method, two examples will be presented using both simulated and measured near-field data.
We have recently demonstrated a biosensor based on a lattice of SU8 pillars on a 1 μm SiO2/Si wafer by measuring vertically reflectivity as a function of wavelength. The biodetection has been proven with the combination of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein and its antibody (antiBSA). A BSA layer is attached to the pillars; the biorecognition of antiBSA involves a shift in the reflectivity curve, related with the concentration of antiBSA. A detection limit in the order of 2 ng/ml is achieved for a rhombic lattice of pillars with a lattice parameter (a) of 800 nm, a height (h) of 420 nm and a diameter(d) of 200 nm. These results correlate with calculations using 3D-finite difference time domain method. A 2D simplified model is proposed, consisting of a multilayer model where the pillars are turned into a 420 nm layer with an effective refractive index obtained by using Beam Propagation Method (BPM) algorithm. Results provided by this model are in good correlation with experimental data, reaching a reduction in time from one day to 15 minutes, giving a fast but accurate tool to optimize the design and maximizing sensitivity, and allows analyzing the influence of different variables (diameter, height and lattice parameter). Sensitivity is obtained for a variety of configurations, reaching a limit of detection under 1 ng/ml. Optimum design is not only chosen because of its sensitivity but also its feasibility, both from fabrication (limited by aspect ratio and proximity of the pillars) and fluidic point of view. (© 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
The stability analysis of open cavity flows is a problem of great interest in the aeronautical industry. This type of flow can appear, for example, in landing gears or auxiliary power unit configurations. Open cavity flows is very sensitive to any change in the configuration, either physical (incoming boundary layer, Reynolds or Mach numbers) or geometrical (length to depth and length to width ratio). In this work, we have focused on the effect of geometry and of the Reynolds number on the stability properties of a threedimensional spanwise periodic cavity flow in the incompressible limit. To that end, BiGlobal analysis is used to investigate the instabilities in this configuration. The basic flow is obtained by the numerical integration of the Navier-Stokes equations with laminar boundary layers imposed upstream. The 3D perturbation, assumed to be periodic in the spanwise direction, is obtained as the solution of the global eigenvalue problem. A parametric study has been performed, analyzing the stability of the flow under variation of the Reynolds number, the L/D ratio of the cavity, and the spanwise wavenumber β. For consistency, multidomain high order numerical schemes have been used in all the computations, either basic flow or eigenvalue problems. The results allow to define the neutral curves in the range of L/D = 1 to L/D = 3. A scaling relating the frequency of the eigenmodes and the length to depth ratio is provided, based on the analysis results.
This paper proposes a quiet zone probing approach which deals with low dynamic range quiet zone acquisitions. Lack of dynamic range is a feature of millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelength technologies. It is consequence of the gradually smaller power generated by the instrumentation, that follows a f^α law with frequency, being α≥1 variable depending on the signal source’s technology. The proposed approach is based on an optimal data reduction scenario which redounds in a maximum signal to noise ratio increase for the signal pattern, with minimum information losses. After theoretical formulation, practical applications of the technique are proposed.
In this paper, label-free biosensing for antibody screening by periodic lattices of high-aspect ratio SU-8 nano-pillars (BICELLs) is presented. As a demonstration, the determination of anti-gestrinone antibodies from whole rabbit serum is carried out, and for the first time, the dissociation constant (KD = 6 nM) of antigen-antibody recognition process is calculated using this sensing system. After gestrinone antigen immobilization on the BICELLs, the immunorecognition was performed. The cells were interrogated vertically by using micron spot size Fourier transform visible and IR spectrometry (FT-VIS-IR), and the dip wavenumber shift was monitored. The biosensing assay exhibited good reproducibility and sensitivity (LOD = 0.75 ng/mL).
A new three-dimensional analytic optics design method is presented that enables the coupling of three ray sets with only two free-form lens surfaces. Closely related to the Simultaneous Multiple Surface method in three dimensions (SMS3D), it is derived directly from Fermat?s principle, leading to multiple sets of functional differential equations. The general solution of these equations makes it possible to calculate more than 80 coefficients for each implicit surface function. Ray tracing simulations of these free-form lenses demonstrate superior imaging performance for applications with high aspect ratio, compared to conventional rotational symmetric systems.
En esta tesis se investiga de forma experimental el transporte pasivo de magnitudes físicas en micro-sistemas con carácter de inmediata aplicación industrial, usando métodos innovadores para mejorar la eficiencia de los mismos optimizando parámetros críticos del diseño o encontrar nuevos destinos de posible aplicación. Parte de los resultados obtenidos en estos experimentos han sido publicados en revistas con un índice de impacto tal que pertenecen al primer cuarto del JCR. Primero de todo se ha analizado el efecto que produce en un intercambiador de calor basado en micro-canales el hecho de dejar un espacio entre canales y tapa superior para la interconexión de los mismos. Esto genera efectos tridimensionales que mejoran la exracción de calor del intercambiador y reducen la caída de presión que aparece por el transcurso del fluido a través de los micro-canales, lo que tiene un gran impacto en la potencia que ha de suministrar la bomba de refrigerante. Se ha analizado también la mejora producida en términos de calor disipado de un micro-procesador refrigerado con un ampliamente usado plato de aletas al implementar en éste una cámara de vapor que almacena un fluido bifásico. Se ha desarrollado de forma paralela un modelo numérico para optimizar las nuevas dimensiones del plato de aletas modificado compatibles con una serie de requerimientos de diseño en el que tanto las dimensiones como el peso juegan un papel esencial. Por otro lado, se han estudiado los fenomenos fluido-dinámicos que aparecen aguas abajo de un cuerpo romo en el seno de un fluido fluyendo por un canal con una alta relación de bloqueo. Los resultados de este estudio confirman, de forma experimental, la existencia de un régimen intermedio, caracterizado por el desarrollo de una burbuja de recirculación oscilante entre los regímenes, bien diferenciados, de burbuja de recirculación estacionaria y calle de torbellinos de Karman, como función del número de Reynolds del flujo incidente. Para la obtención, análisis y post-proceso de los datos, se ha contado con la ayuda de un sistema de Velocimetría por Imágenes de Partículas (PIV). Finalmente y como adición a este último punto, se ha estudiado las vibraciones de un cuerpo romo producidas por el desprendimiento de torbellinos en un canal de alta relación de bloqueo con la base obtenida del estudio anterior. El prisma se mueve con un movimiento armónico simple para un intervalo de números de Reynolds y este movimiento se transforma en vibración alrededor de su eje a partir de un ciero número de Reynolds. En relación al fluido, el régimen de desprendimiento de torbellinos se alcanza a menores números de Reynolds que en el caso de tener el cuerpo romo fijo. Uniendo estos dos registros de movimientos y variando la relación de masas entre prisma y fluido se obtiene un mapa con diferentes estados globales del sistema. Esto no solo tiene aplicación como método para promover el mezclado sino también como método para obtener energía a partir del movimiento del cuerpo en el seno del fluido. Abstract In this thesis, experimental research focused on passive scalar transport is performed in micro-systems with marked sense of industrial application, using innovative methods in order to obtain better performances optimizing critical design parameters or finding new utilities. Part of the results obtained in these experiments have been published into high impact factor journals belonged to the first quarter of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). First of all the effect of tip clearance in a micro-channel based heat sink is analyzed. Leaving a gap between channels and top cover, letting the channels communicate each other causes three-dimensional effects which improve the heat transfer between fluid and heat sink and also reducing the pressure drop caused by the fluid passing through the micro-channels which has a great impact on the total cooling pumping power needed. It is also analyzed the enhancement produced in terms of dissipated heat in a micro-processor cooling system by improving the predominantly used fin plate with a vapour chamber based heat spreader which contains a two-phase fluid inside. It has also been developed at the same time a numerical model to optimize the new fin plate dimensions compatible with a series of design requirements in which both size and wight plays a very restrictive role. On the other hand, fluid-dynamics phenomena that appears downstream of a bluff body in the bosom of a fluid flow with high blockage ratio has been studied. This research experimentally confirms the existence of an intermediate regime characterized by an oscillating closed recirculation bubble intermediate regime between the steady closed recirculation bubble regime and the vortex shedding regime (Karman street like regime) as a function of the incoming flow Reynolds number. A particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) has been used in order to obtain, analyze and post-process the fluid-dynamic data. Finally and as an addition to the last point, a study on the vortexinduced vibrations (VIV) of a bluff body inside a high blockage ratio channel has been carried out taking advantage of the results obtained with the fixed square prism. The prism moves with simple harmonic motion for a Reynolds number interval and this movement becomes vibrational around its axial axis after overcoming at definite Reynolds number. Regarding the fluid, vortex shedding regime is reached at Reynolds numbers lower than the previous critical ones. Merging both movement spectra and varying the square prism to fluid mass ratio, a map with different global states is reached. This is not only applicable as a mixing enhancement technique but as an energy harvesting method.
Debido a la complejidad de los procesos que controlan el intercambio de gases de carbono (C) y nitrógeno (N) entre el suelo y la atmósfera, en los sistemas forestales y agroforestales, son comprensibles las incógnitas existentes respecto a la estimación de los flujos de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y la capacidad como reservorios de carbono de los suelos, bajo diferentes formas de uso y regímenes de alteración a escala regional y global. Esta escasez de información justifica la necesidad de caracterizar la dinámica de intercambio de GEI en los ecosistemas Mediterráneos, en especial en el contexto actual de cambio climático, y el incremento asociado de temperatura y periodos de sequía, alteración de los patrones de precipitación, y el riesgo de incendios forestales; cuyas consecuencias afectarán tanto a los compartimentos de C y de N del suelo como a la capacidad de secuestro de C de estos ecosistemas. Dentro de este contexto se enmarca la presente tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo ha sido cuantificar y caracterizar los flujos de dióxido de carbono (CO2), de oxido nitroso (N2O) y de metano (CH4), junto con los stocks de C y N, en suelos forestales de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris afectados por incendios forestales; así como el estudiar el efecto de la gestión y la cubierta arbórea en la respiración del suelo y los stocks de C y N en una dehesa situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica. De manera que los flujos de CO2, N2O y CH4; y los parámetros físico-químicos y biológicos del suelo fueron estudiados en los diferentes tratamientos y ecosistemas a lo largo del trabajo que se presenta. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de variaciones temporales y espaciales de la respiración del suelo dentro de una escala geográfica pequeña, controladas principalmente por la temperatura y la humedad del suelo; y por los contenidos de C y N del suelo en un bosque de Pinus sylvestris en la vertiente norte de la Sierra de Guadarrama , en España. El análisis de los efectos de los incendios forestales a largo plazo (6-8 años) revela que las pérdidas anuales de C a través de la respiración del suelo en las zonas quemadas de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris fueron 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 y 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectivamente; lo que representa una reducción del 43%, 22% y 11% en comparación con las zonas no quemadas de dichas especies, debido a la destrucción de la masa arbórea. El efecto del fuego también alteró los flujos N2O y CH4 del suelo, de una forma diferente en los distintos ecosistemas y estacionalidades estudiadas. De tal modo, que los suelos quemados mostraron una mayor oxidación del CH4 en las masas de Q. ilex, y una menor oxidación en las de P. sylvestris; además de una disminución de los flujos de N2O en Q. pyrenaica. Los incendios también afectaron los parámetros microclimáticos de los suelos forestales, observándose un incremento de la temperatura del suelo y una disminución de la humedad en los emplazamientos quemados que en los no quemados. Los cationes intercambiables, el pH, el cociente C/N, el contenido en raicillas y la biomasa microbiana también disminuyeron en las zonas quemadas. Aunque el C orgánico del suelo no se alteró de manera significativa, si lo hizo la calidad de la materia orgánica, disminuyendo el carbono lábil y aumentando las formas recalcitrantes lo que se tradujo en menor sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a la temperatura (valores de Q10) en las zonas quemadas. Los resultados del estudio realizado en la Dehesa muestran que las actividades silvopastorales estudiadas afectaron levemente y de forma no constante a la respiración del suelo y las condiciones microclimáticas del suelo. Se observó una reducción 12% de la respiración del suelo por efecto del pastoreo no intensivo. Sin embargo, se observaron incrementos de 3Mg/ha en los stocks de C y de 0.3 Mg/ha en los stocks de N en los suelos pastoreados en comparación con los no pastoreados. Aunque, no se observó un claro efecto de la labranza sobre la respiración del suelo en nuestro experimento, sin embargo si se observó una disminución de 3.5 Mg/ha en las reservas de C y de 0.3 Mg/ ha en las de N en los suelos labrados comparados con los no labrados. La copa del arbolado influyó de forma positiva tanto en la respiración del suelo, como en los stocks de C y N de los suelos. La humedad del suelo jugó un papel relevante en la sensibilidad de la respiración a la temperatura del suelo. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto la sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a cambios en la humedad y los parámetros edáficos, y sugieren que la aplicación de modelos estándar para estimar la respiración del suelo en áreas geográficas pequeñas puede no ser adecuada a menos que otros factores sean considerados en combinación con la temperatura del suelo. Además, las diferentes respuestas de los flujos de gases de efecto invernadero a los cambios, años después de la ocurrencia de incendios forestales, destaca la necesidad de incluir estos cambios en las futuras investigaciones de la dinámica del carbono en los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Por otra parte, las respuestas divergentes en los valores de respiración del suelo y en los contenidos de C y N del suelo observados en la dehesa, además de la contribución de la copa de los árboles en los nutrientes del suelo ilustran la importancia de mantener la gestión tradicional aplicada en beneficio de la capacidad de almacenar C en la dehesa estudiada. La información obtenida en este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora del conocimiento de la dinámica y el balance de C en los sistemas mediterráneos, además de ayudar a predecir el impacto del cambio climático en el intercambio de C entre los ecosistemas forestales y agroforestales y la atmósfera. ABSTRACT Due to the complexity of the processes that control the exchange of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) gasses between soils and the atmosphere in forest and agroforestry ecosystems, understandable uncertainties exist as regards the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and the soil sink capacity at regional and global scale under different forms of land use and disturbance regimes. These uncertainties justify the need to characterize the exchange dynamics of GHG between the atmosphere and soils in Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in the current context of climate change and the associated increase in temperature, drought periods, heavy rainfall events, and increased risk of wildfires, which affect not only the C and N pools but also the soil C sink capacity of these ecosystems. Within this context, the aims of the present thesis were, firstly, to quantify and characterize the fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) as well as the C and N stocks in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands affected by wildfires, and secondly, to study the effects of Quercus ilex canopy and management on both soil respiration and C and N pools in dehesa systems in the center of Iberian Peninsula. Soil CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes, and soil physical-chemical and biological parameters were studied under the different treatments and ecosystems considered in this study. The results showed seasonal and spatial variations in soil respiration within small geographic areas, mainly controlled by soil temperature and moisture in addition to soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in mixed pine–oak forest ecosystems on the north facing slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama in Spain. The analysis of long term effects of wildfires (6–8 years) revealed that annual carbon losses through soil respiration from burned sites in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands were 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 and 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectively; with burned sites emitting 43%, 22% and 11% less in burned as opposed to non-burned sites due the loss of trees. Fire may alter both N2O and CH4 fluxes although the magnitude of such variation depends on the site, soil characteristics and seasonal climatic conditions. The burned sites showed higher CH4 oxidation in Q.ilex stands, and lower oxidation rates in P. sylvestris stands. A reduction in N2O fluxes in Q. pyrenaica stands was detected at burned sites along with changes in soil microclimate; higher soil temperature and lower soil moisture content. Exchangeable cations, the C/N ratio, pH, fine root and microbial biomass were also found to decrease at burned sites. Although the soil organic carbon was not significantly altered, the quality of the organic matter changed, displaying a decrease in labile carbon and a relative increase in refractory forms, leading to lower sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature (Q10 values) at burned sites. The results from the dehesa study show that light grazing and superficial tilling practices used in the studied dehesa system in Spain had a slight but non-consistent impact on soil respiration and soil microclimate over the study period. The reduction in soil respiration in the dehesa system due to the effects of grazing was around 12 %. However, increments of 3Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks in grazed soils were observed. Although no clear effect of tilling on soil respiration was found, a decrease of 3.5 Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks was detected for tilled soils. The presence of a tree canopy induced increases in soil respiration, soil C and N stocks, while soil moisture was found to play an important role in soil respiration temperature response. Our results suggest that the use of standard models to estimate soil respiration in small geographical areas may not be adequate unless other factors are considered in addition to soil temperature. Furthermore, the different responses of GHG flux to climatic shifts, many years after the occurrence of wildfire, highlight the need to include these shifts in C dynamics in future research undertaken in Mediterranean ecosystems. Furthermore, divergent responses in soil respiration and soil C and N stocks to grazing or tilling practices in Dehesa systems, and the influence of tree canopy on soil respiration and soil nutrient content, illustrate the importance of maintaining beneficial management practices. Moreover, the carbon sequestration capacity of the Dehesa system studied may be enhanced through improvements in the management applied. It is hoped that the information obtained through this research will contribute towards improving our understanding of the dynamics and balance of C in Mediterranean systems, and help predict the impact of climate change on the exchange of C between forest and agroforestry ecosystems and the atmosphere.
Monte Carlo techniques, which require the generation of samples from some target density, are often the only alternative for performing Bayesian inference. Two classic sampling techniques to draw independent samples are the ratio of uniforms (RoU) and rejection sampling (RS). An efficient sampling algorithm is proposed combining the RoU and polar RS (i.e. RS inside a sector of a circle using polar coordinates). Its efficiency is shown in drawing samples from truncated Cauchy and Gaussian random variables, which have many important applications in signal processing and communications. RESUMEN. Método eficiente para generar algunas variables aleatorias de uso común en procesado de señal y comunicaciones (por ejemplo, Gaussianas o Cauchy truncadas) mediante la combinación de dos técnicas: "ratio of uniforms" y "rejection sampling".
A method based on experimental data is proposed to optimize the energy harvesting of a silicone-on-glass Fresnel-lens based CPV system. It takes into account the spectral variations along the year in a particular location as well as the thermal and spectral sensitivities of the optics and solar cell. In addition, different alternatives to tune the top/middle subcells current ratio in a CPV module are analyzed and their capacity to maximize the annually produced energy is quantified.
Background Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides a direct measure of brain activity with high combined spatiotemporal resolution. Preprocessing is necessary to reduce contributions from environmental interference and biological noise. New method The effect on the signal-to-noise ratio of different preprocessing techniques is evaluated. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was defined as the ratio between the mean signal amplitude (evoked field) and the standard error of the mean over trials. Results Recordings from 26 subjects obtained during and event-related visual paradigm with an Elekta MEG scanner were employed. Two methods were considered as first-step noise reduction: Signal Space Separation and temporal Signal Space Separation, which decompose the signal into components with origin inside and outside the head. Both algorithm increased the SNR by approximately 100%. Epoch-based methods, aimed at identifying and rejecting epochs containing eye blinks, muscular artifacts and sensor jumps provided an SNR improvement of 5–10%. Decomposition methods evaluated were independent component analysis (ICA) and second-order blind identification (SOBI). The increase in SNR was of about 36% with ICA and 33% with SOBI. Comparison with existing methods No previous systematic evaluation of the effect of the typical preprocessing steps in the SNR of the MEG signal has been performed. Conclusions The application of either SSS or tSSS is mandatory in Elekta systems. No significant differences were found between the two. While epoch-based methods have been routinely applied the less often considered decomposition methods were clearly superior and therefore their use seems advisable.
In order to evaluate ground shaking characteristics due to surface soil layers in the urban area of Port-au-Prince, short-period ambient noise observation has been performed approximately in a 500x500m grid. The HVSR method was applied to this set of 36 ambient noise measurement points to determine a distribution map of soil predominant periods. This map reveals a general increasing trend in the period values, from the Miocene conglomerates in the northern and southern parts of the town to the central and western zones formed of Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial deposits respectively, where the shallow geological materials that cover the basement increase in thickness. Shorter predominant periods (less than 0.3 s) were found in mountainous and neighbouring zones, where the thickness of sediments is smaller whereas longer periods (greater than 0.5 s) appear in Holocene alluvial fans, where the thickness of sediments is larger. The shallow shear-wave velocity structure have been estimated by means of inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion data obtained from vertical-component array records of ambient noise. The measurements were carried out at one open space located in Holocene alluvial deposits, using 3 regular pentagonal arrays with 5, 10 and 20m respectively. Reliable dispersion curves were retrieved for frequencies between 4.0 and 14 Hz, with phase velocity values ranging from 420m/s down to 270 m/s. Finally, the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m (VS30) was inverted for characterization of this geological unit.