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Described as a three-dimensional “living” document, the new Australian Curriculum delineates the knowledge, understandings and skills considered necessary for students in the 21st Century to become confident and creative individuals, successful learners and active and informed citizens. The Australian Curriculum comprises discipline-based learning areas, general capabilities and contemporary cross-curriculum priorities. Teachers have particularly indicated the need for more professional development in relation to the general capabilities notably personal and social capability, ethical behaviour and intercultural understanding. This article provides ideas, activities and resources for middle-years English and literacy teachers to recognise and create opportunities for teaching and learning about these three general capabilities in their classrooms.


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This presentation provides an overview of our work recently published paper in Global Health Promotion, which re-examined the production of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. In the presentation, I provide an overview of the way we used critical discourse analysis from a postcolonial standpoint. Our analysis shows that the discourse informing the development of the Ottawa Charter strongly reflected Western/colonizer centric worldviews, and actively silenced the possibility of countervailing Indigenous and developing country voices. We question whether the genesis of the Ottawa Charter lives up to its own principles of practice. We conclude that reflexive practice is crucial to health promotion, which ought to include a preparedness for health promotion to more critically acknowledge its own history.


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With persisting health inequalities across and between diverse populations, health promotion must consider its engagement with the culture concept in achieving better health for all. By way of a conversation between an Indigenous and non-Indigenous health promotion practitioner, this unique presentation will critically examine the cultural practice of health promotion for Indigenous Australians. Culture becomes the central tenant of this conversation – but not culture in the sense of something to “fix” to improve Indigenous health, or import to make mainstream practices “culturally appropriate”. Rather, the somewhat invisible culture of Australian health promotion practice itself is highlighted. The enthusiasm of mainstream health promotion practice for risk and reductionism supplants biological determinism with a cultural determinism that constructs culture as illness-producing. This is in contrast to Indigenous perspectives of culture in which it is described as integral to individual and community health and well-being. Whilst empowerment features strongly within global health promotion discourses, the preoccupation of health promotion with the inherent deficit/behavioural change approach is an all too convenient distraction from the broader structural factors impacting on the health of Indigenous Australians. That Indigenous Australians have not benefitted from successful public health policy interventions in the same way as the general population is in itself revealing of the culture of health promotion practice in Australia and it is somewhat ironic that the health promotion fraternity seems not to have questioned its own practice. This conversation aims to encourage health promotion practitioners, researchers and policy makers to interrogate the cultural assumptions of their own practice and of the public health system they are part of and consider how to embed and empower the voices and experiences of those who are ‘culturally othered’ within health promotion practice.


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Community support agencies routinely employ a web presence to provide information on their services. While this online information provision helps to increase an agency’s reach, this paper argues that it can be further extended by mapping relationships between services and by facilitating two-way communication and collaboration with local communities. We argue that emergent technologies, such as locative media and networking tools, can assist in harnessing this social capital. However, new applications must be designed in ways that both persuade and support community members to contribute information and support others in need. An analysis of the online presence of community service agencies and social benefit applications is presented against Fogg’s Behaviour Model. From this evaluation, design principles are proposed for developing new locative, collaborative online applications for social benefit.


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This paper presents the results from a study of information behaviors, with specific focus on information organisation-related behaviours conducted as part of a larger daily diary study with 34 participants. The findings indicate that organization of information in everyday life is a problematic area due to various factors. The self-evident one is the inter-subjectivity between the person who may have organized the information and the person looking for that same information (Berlin et. al., 1993). Increasingly though, we are not just looking for information within collections that have been designed by someone else, but within our own personal collections of information, which frequently include books, electronic files, photos, records, documents, desktops, web bookmarks, and portable devices. The passage of time between when we categorized or classified the information, and the time when we look for the same information, poses several problems of intra-subjectivity, or the difference between our own past and present perceptions of the same information. Information searching, and hence the retrieval of information from one's own collection of information in everyday life involved a spatial and temporal coordination with one's own past selves in a sort of cognitive and affective time travel, just as organizing information is a form of anticipatory coordination with one's future information needs. This has implications for finding information and also on personal information management.


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The article presents a study which investigated the reasons why advice related to the removal of mats or rags by older people with visual impairments had a low rate of acceptance. The researchers speculated that it may have been due to older people's need to maintain a sense of control and autonomy and to arrange their environments in a way that they decided or a belief that the recommended modification would not reduce the risk of falling. A telephone survey of subsample of the participants was conducted in the Visually Impaired Persons (VIP) Trial. All 30 interviewees had rugs or mats in their homes. Of the 30 participants, 20 had moved the rugs or mats as a result of recommendations, and 10 had not.


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The benefits of reflective practice have been well established in the literature (Rogers, 2001), as have models to embed reflective thinking in higher education curriculum (Ryan and Ryan, 2012). Reflection is commonly envisaged as a textual practice, through which students ‘reflect in and on action’ (Schön 1983), and articulate their experiences, learning and outcomes in written portfolios, journals, or blogs. While such approaches to individual written reflection are undoubtedly beneficial for deepening insight and self-criticality, reflection can also provide other benefits when approached as a collaborative, oral activity. This poster presents a dialogic model of reflective practice that affords the opportunity for developing presentation skills, critique, community and professional identity formation. This dialogic approach to reflection is illustrated by a first year subject (‘KIB101 Visual Communication’ at QUT), in which students apply visual theory (presented in lectures) to communication and graphic design problems in the studio. In regular (fortnightly) presentations, they critically reflect upon their work in progress by aligning it with the concepts, design principles and professional language of the lectures. This iterative process facilitates responsive peer feedback, similarly couched in the formal terms of the discipline. This ‘mirrored reflection’ not only provides opportunities to incrementally improve, it also sets designs in a theoretical frame; provides the opportunity for comparative analysis (to see design principles applied by peers in different ways); to practice formal design language and presentation techniques of the discipline and; because peer critique is framed as an act of generosity; it affords the development of a supportive community of practice. In these ways, dialogic reflection helps students develop a professional voice and identity from first year. Evidence of impact is provided by quantitative and qualitative student feedback over several years, as well as institutional feedback and recognition.


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This paper examines the discursive aspects of Twitter communication during the floods in the summer of 2010–2011 in Queensland, Australia. Using a representative sample of communication associated with the #qldfloods hashtag on Twitter, we coded and analysed the patterns of communication. We focus on key phenomena in the use of social media in crisis communication: communal sense- making practices, the negotiation of participant roles, and digital convergence around shared events. Social media is used both as a crisis communication and emergency management tool, as well as a space for participants to engage in emotional exchanges and communication of distress.


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Many efforts are made to assist with the advancement of developing economies through the activities of Non Government Organizations (NGOs). There are many management l and engagement issues associated with any successful NGO in a developed economy. When the organization is operating in a developing country, where a lack of infrastructure and education, distrust and corruption are part of the operating environment, the issues multiply. This case study discusses the structure of a NGO started in 2008 and describes the development and interaction of its two main components: a community-based NGO in a developing country and a NGO with a voluntary committee in a developed economy, australia. Despertai Mozambique is the NGO set up in Beira, which provides the necessary support, training and funding to the local poor (defined by the UN as living below the internationally accepted poverty line of US$1.25 a day) to help them set up small, often informal, businesses, to enable them to become sustainable, and ultimately to help alleviate poverty. The partnering Australian organization, Awaken Mozambique, is responsible for providing the necessary intellectual and financial resources required by Despertai Mozambique to operate.


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Background There is considerable and ongoing debate about the role and effectiveness of school-based injury prevention programs in reducing students’ later involvement in alcohol associated transport injuries. Most relevant literature is concerned with pre-driving and licensing programs for middle age range adolescents (15-17 years). This research team is concerned with prevention at an earlier stage by targeting interventions to young adolescents (13-14 years). There is strong evidence that young adolescents who engage in unsafe and illegal alcohol associated transport risks are significantly likely to incur serious related injuries in longitudinal follow up. For example, a state-wide representative sample of male adolescents (mean age 14.5 years) who reported being passengers of drink drivers were significantly more likely to have incurred a hospitalised injury related to traffic events at a 20 year follow up. Aim This paper reports on first aid training integrated with peer protection and school connectedness within the Skills for Preventing Injury in Youth (SPIY) program. A component of the intervention is concerned with providing strategies to reduce the likelihood of being a passenger of a drink driver and effectiveness is followed up at six months post-intervention. Method In early 2012 the study was undertaken in 35 high schools throughout Queensland that were randomly assigned to intervention and control conditions. A total of 2,521 Year 9 students (mean age 13.5years, 43% male) completed surveys prior to the intervention. Results Of these students 316 (13.7%) reported having ridden in a car with someone who has been drinking. This is a traffic safety behaviour that is particularly relevant to a peer protection intervention and the findings of the six month follow up will be reported. Discussion and conclusions This research will provide evidence as to whether this approach to the introduction of first aid skills within a school-based health education curriculum has traffic safety implications.


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This video article articulates two exercises that have been developed to respond to the need for preparedness in the growing field of Performance Capture. The first is called Walking Through (Delbridge 2013), where the actor navigates a series of objects that exist in screen space through a developed sense of the existing physical particularities of the studio and an interaction with a screen (or feedback loop). The second exercise is called The Donut (Delbridge 2013), where the performer continues to navigate screen space but this time does so through the literal stepping through of a Torus in the virtual – again with nothing but the studio infrastructure and the screen as a guide. Notions of Motion Captured performance infer the existence of an interface that combines performer with system, separating (or intervening in) the space between performance and the screen. It is precisely the effect and provided opportunity of the intermediary device on the practice, craft and preparedness of the actor as they navigate the connection between 3D screen space and the physical properties of the studio that is examined here. Defining the scope of current practice for the contemporary actor is a key construct of this challenge, with the most appropriate definition revolving around the provision of a required mixture of performance and content for live, mediated, framed and variously captured formats. One of these particular formats is Performance Capture. The exercises presented here are two from a series, developed over a three year study that contribute to our understanding of the potential for a training regimen to be developed for the rigors of Performance Capture.


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Industrialised building (IB) is considered by many to have an important role to play in China's residential construction industry due to its potential for improved quality, productivity, efficiency, safety and sustainability. It is surprising, therefore, that although a large number of construction programmes have been completed in the country in recent years, very few have been built in this manner. Quite why this situation exists is unknown. The well-known problems with IB, such as the constraints placed on designer freedom, may be the cause. It is equally possible that, as is typical with developing countries such as China, cost or government issues dominate. On the other hand, in comparison with other countries, the construction industry in China has been widely criticised for its lack of modernity. Either way, there is an urgent need to assess and understand the hindrances to the adoption of IB in residential construction in order to identify what corrective measures, if any, need to be taken. Towards this end, we first identify a set of critical factors (CFs) for assessing the hindrances to IB adoption in China. This involves the analysis of research data collected by a questionnaire survey of experienced housing developers and professionals working in China's construction industry sector. Fuzzy set theory is used in the selection of the CFs. These CFs comprise, in rank order: higher initial cost; lack of skilled labour in IB; manufacturing capability and involvement issues and product quality problems; lack of supply chain; lack of codes and standards; and lack of government incentives, directives and promotion. The establishment of the CFs provides a basis for local construction sectors to better equip themselves for future implementation of IB. The findings also indicate a current need for formulating improved policies and strategies to encourage the further development of IB in China at present.


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Proud suggested that the biggest and most obvious impact of the digital world felt by academics, was in the area of teaching. He demonstrated a number of the initiatives which have been by developed by outside organizations and within various universities. Those include larger classrooms, online teaching and Blackboard. All of these were believed to provide improved learning by students, but, most commonly also expanded the faculty workload. He then discussed a number of the newer technologies which are becoming available such as the virtual classroom, Google Glass, Adobe online, Skype and others. All of these tools, he argued were in response to increasing economic pressures on the University, the result of which is that entire courses have migrated online. The reason for university interest in these new technologies were listed as reduced need for classrooms and classroom space, less need for on-campus facilities and even a decline in need for weekly in-class lectures. Thus, it has been argued that these new tools and technologies liberate the faculty from the tyranny of geography through the introduction of blogs, online videos, discussion forums and communication tools such as wikis, Facebook sites and Yammer, all of which seem to have specific advantages. The question raised, however, is: How successful have these new digital innovations been? As an example, he cited his own experience in teaching distance learning programs in Thailand and elsewhere. Those results are still being reviewed, with no definitive view developed.


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The International Classification of Diseases, Version 10, Australian modification (ICD-10- AM) is commonly used to classify diseases in hospital patients. ICD-10-AM defines malnutrition as “BMI < 18.5 kg/m2 or unintentional weight loss of ≥ 5% with evidence of suboptimal intake resulting in subcutaneous fat loss and/or muscle wasting”. The Australasian Nutrition Care Day Survey (ANCDS) is the most comprehensive survey to evaluate malnutrition prevalence in acute care patients from Australian and New Zealand hospitals1. This study determined if malnourished participants were assigned malnutritionrelated codes as per ICD-10-AM. The ANCDS recruited acute care patients from 56 hospitals. Hospital-based dietitians evaluated participants’ nutritional status using BMI and Subjective Global Assessment (SGA). In keeping with the ICD-10-AM definition, malnutrition was defined as BMI <18.5kg/m2, SGA-B (moderately malnourished) or SGA-C (severely malnourished). After three months, in this prospective cohort study, hospitals’ health information/medical records department provided coding results for malnourished participants. Although malnutrition was prevalent in 32% (n= 993) of the cohort (N= 3122), a significantly small number were coded for malnutrition (n= 162, 16%, p<0.001). In 21 hospitals, none of the malnourished participants were coded. This is the largest study to provide a snapshot of malnutrition-coding in Australian and New Zealand hospitals. Findings highlight gaps in malnutrition documentation and/or subsequent coding, which could potentially result in significant loss of casemix-related revenue for hospitals. Dietitians must lead the way in developing structured processes for malnutrition identification, documentation and coding.


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Small and micro-enterprises play a significant part in economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing African countries. There are, however, a range of management issues that arise when looking at the support required for local enterprise development, the role and management style of the local support agency and the role and style of the, usually Western, funding body. This paper explores the management philosophy required to establish and resource micro-enterprise development and compares the local management processes with those expected by a Western funding body.