986 resultados para Semiconducteurs III-V-N


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Cinqüenta camundongos suíços, brancos, com quatro semanas de idade, foram inoculados com 5x10(5) formas leveduriformes, viáveis de Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis (cepa 18). Dez destes animais tinham sido previamente imunizados com antígeno particulado de P. brasiliensis, durante quatro semanas, por injeção intradérmica. Os controles consistiram de 10 animais que foram somente imunizados e 10 inoculados com solução salina estéril. Os animais foram sacrificados após 2, 4, 7, 11 e 16 semanas. Estudamos: 1) resposta de hipersensibilidade retardada medida pelo teste do coxim plantar, 24 horas antes do sacrifício; 2) anticorpo- gênese específica avaliada pelo teste de imunodifusão dupla em gel de ágar; 3) histopatologia dos pulmões, fígado, baço, supra-renal e rins. Observamos: 1) os animais imunizados desenvolveram resposta imunecelular mais intensa que os infectados; 2) a infecção deprimiu a resposta imunecelular dos animais imunizados; 3) a histopatologia da infecção endovenosa revelou inflamação granulomatosa sistêmica e progressiva. Os animais infectados após imunização prévia apresentaram inflamação pulmonar menos extensa, com granulomas menores e com reduzido número de fungos. O presente modelo murino de paracoccidioidomicose mimetiza alguns achados da forma humana subaguda da micose (doença sistêmica com depressão da imunidade celular). O esquema de imunização extrapulmonar utilizado foi capaz de induzir certo grau de proteção do pulmão contra um desafio infeccioso pelo P. brasiliensis.


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Foram estudados os conhecimentos e opiniões dos profissionais de saúde do Município de Botucatu, SP (Brasil), acerca da freqüência e gravidade de treze sintomas e sinais de doenças, visando à comparação com as opiniões emitidas pela população urbana do Município. Foram entrevistados 435 profissionais de saúde ativos (médicos, enfermeiros, auxiliares e atendentes de enfermagem e outros), a maioria do sexo feminino, com idade de 25 a 44 anos. A categoria de atendentes foi a mais numerosa. de modo geral, os cinco últimos sintomas da relação constante do formulário - sangue no escarro, sangramento vaginal, caroço no seio, acessos e sangue na urina, foram considerados menos freqüentes e mais graves, comparativamente aos oito primeiros: falta de ar, febre, fraqueza, dor nas costas, dor no peito, dor de cabeça, tosse e diarréia. Dentre as categorias, os médicos diferenciaram-se atribuindo, com menor freqüência, escores altos para a freqüência e gravidade. Os clínicos valorizaram mais do que os cirurgiões, esses dois fatores, para quase todos os sintomas. O cotejo com a opinião dos leigos entrevistados revelou semelhanças nas tendências, embora tenha havido, por parte destes, maior valorização da freqüência e gravidade.


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In the case of operated breast cancer (BC), prognostic markers help to determine if the patient needs additional treatment and predictive markers help the clinician to decide which treatment to use. Thus, a better knowledge of known predictive and prognostic markers and the identification of new markers, may improve the treatment of BC patients. The transforming growth factor-beta type II receptor (TGF-beta RII), a main receptor of transforming growth factor beta pathway, is a potential new prognostic marker. The aims of the present study were to investigate both the predictive and prognostic impact of TGF-beta RII in BC samples. TGF-beta RII protein expression was evaluated using immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray containing 110 TNM stage III BC samples obtained prior to doxorubicin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Our results demonstrate that TGF-beta RII did not predict the response to NAC. on the other hand, an association between TGF-beta RII-negative tumor and higher risk of metastasis to lungs and bones was verified. TGF-beta RII negativity was an independent prognostic factor for decreased disease-free and overall survival.


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A sensibilidade do método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida de determinação do crômio permite que esse metal possa ser determinado em teores e em massas de amostras tão pequenas que as concentrações atualmente usadas de óxido de crômio (III) como marcador externo em ensaios biológicos poderiam ser drasticamente diminuídas. Utilizando-se do piauçu (Leporinus macrocephalus) para um estudo sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da fração protéica, seis níveis de óxido de crômio (III) - 0,01% - 0,02% - 0,03% - 0,05% - 0,1% e 0,2% - foram incorporados em dietas isoprotéica e isoenergética, objetivando-se verificar se o cálculo do CDA seria afetado pela variação do teor do marcador. Os seis tratamentos foram dispostos em um delineamento em blocos inteiramente casualisados, sendo as fezes coletadas durante 16 dias. Verificou-se que os resultados do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da fração protéica não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas devidas aos teores incorporados do marcador à ração e aos dias de coleta. Conseqüentemente, e em experimentos dessa natureza, nada impede que seja reduzido o teor de óxido de crômio (III) ao menos até 0,01%: além da economia relativa ao consumo do mesmo e da facilidade na manipulação de menor quantidade de amostras de fezes, o método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida permite dosar esse nível (e até menor do que 0,01%) de modo simples e rápido, com precisão e exatidão.


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Gastro-intestinal parasitism of 24 buffalo cows before parturition, and post-parturition, their infection and that of their respective calves during the following 30 weeks were studied. Willis, Hoffmann and whenever possible, the modified Gordon & Whitlock techniques were used for fecal examinations. Toxocara vitulorum eggs were the earliest forms encountered in calves feces, as follows: during the 1st week after birth, 58.33% of the calves were positive, and in the 4th week, 100% of these animals were positive. Eggs of Strongyloides sp were in the 1st week after birth in two of the calves and in the 5th week, all for them were positive. The next parasites to appear were the Coccidia of which oocysts were detected in the feces of two calves in the 2nd week after birth, and 58.33% of the calves were positive for these in the 3rd week, and in the 6th week, all calves shed oocysts in their feces. on the other hand, eggs of Strongylids were the last forms to appear in calves feces. However, despite their sporadic appearance in the feces, eggs of these parasites were observed continuously from the 11th week onwards, and at this point, the percentage of positive samples began to increase to reach its peak. Relatively to adult animals, eggs of T. vitulorum were observed in the feces of 11 cows, one or twice at most; eggs of Strongyloides sp were seen only once in the feces of four buffalo cows and eggs of Strongylids in 21 out of 24 cows. Oocysts of Coccidia were observed in 16 cows. Mechanisms of infestation of calves with these parasites are discussed.


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Introduction: Computer software can be used to predict orthognathic surgery outcomes. The aim of this study was to subjectively compare the soft-tissue surgical simulations of 2 software programs. Methods: Standard profile pictures were taken of 10 patients with a Class III malocclusion and a concave facial profile who were scheduled for double-jaw orthognathic surgery. The patients had horizontal maxillary deficiency or horizontal mandibular excess. Two software programs (Dentofacial Planner Plus [Dentofacial Software, Toronto, Ontario, Canada] and Dolphin Imaging [version 9.0, Dolphin Imaging Software, Canoga Park, Calif]) were used to predict the postsurgical profiles. The predictive images were compared with the actual final photographs. One hundred one orthodontists, oral-maxillofacial surgeons, and general dentists evaluated the images and were asked whether they would use either software program to plan treatment for, or to educate, their patients. Results: Statistical analyses showed differences between the groups when each point was judged. Dolphin Imaging software had better prediction of nasal tip, chin, and submandibular area. Dentofacial Planner Plus software was better in predicting nasolabial angle, and upper and lower lips. The total profile comparison showed no statistical difference between the softwares. Conclusions: The 2 types of software are similar for obtaining 2-dimensional predictive profile images of patients with Class III malocclusion treated with orthognathic surgery. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2010; 137: 452.e1-452.e5)


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O presente estudo avaliou as modificações no perfil facial de 15 pacientes portadores de má oclusão Classe III esquelética que foram submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico e cirurgia ortognática bimaxilar estabilizada com fixação rígida. Oito pacientes foram submetidos à mentoplastia. Foram utilizadas telerradiografias pré-cirúrgicas (T1) e pós-cirúrgicas (T2) com um intervalo mínimo de 6 meses. Foram analisados deslocamentos horizontais e verticais em pontos do tecido ósseo e tecido mole. Foi realizada uma comparação entre os casos tratados com e sem mentoplastia (teste t) mostrando não haver diferenças entre os grupos. A regressão linear múltipla evidenciou uma correlação significante no sentido horizontal para os pontos Pg e Pgm e vertical para os pontos Me e Mem. Foi encontrada baixa correlação para movimentos no sentido horizontal nos pontos Sena e A, e para os pontos Pn, Sn e Ph. No sentido vertical, os deslocamentos mais evidentes foram entre os pontos Pg, Gn e Me e Sena e A, porém com correlações de baixa intensidade.


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47 end-stage TMJ patients with high occlusal plane angulation, treated with TMJ custom-fitted total joint prostheses and simultaneous maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation were evaluated for pain and dysfunction presurgery (T1) and at the longest follow-up (T2). Patients subjectively rated their facial pain/headache, TMJ pain, jaw function, diet and disability. Objective functional changes were determined by measuring maximum interincisal opening (MIO) and laterotrusive movements. Patients were divided according to the number of previous failed TMJ surgeries: Group 1 (0-1), Group 2 (2 or more). Significant subjective pain and dysfunction improvements (37-52%) were observed (<0.001). MIO increased 14% but lateral excursion decreased 60%. The groups presented similar absolute changes, but Group 2 showed more dysfunction at T1 and T2. For patients who did not receive fat grafts around the prostheses and had previous failure of proplast/teflon and or silastic TMJ implants, more than half required surgery for TMJ debridement and removal of foreign body giant cell reaction and heterotopic bone formation. End-stage TMJ patients can be treated in one operation with TMJ custom-made total joint prostheses and maxillo-mandibular counter-clockwise rotation, for correction of dentofacial deformity and improvement in pain and TMJ dysfunction; Group 1 patients had better results than Group 2 patients.


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Aim the purpose of this article is to report the 10-year follow-up of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus' that was root filled.Summary 'Dens invaginatus ' is a rare malformation of teeth, probably resulting from an infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development. It has alternatively been called 'dens in dente' and 'dilated composite odontome'. Radiographic examination may clearly demonstrate this feature, although no signs may be recognized clinically. If no entrance to the invagination can be detected and there are no signs of pulp pathosis, then no treatment is required other than fissure sealing of the invagination. In deep invaginations, it is likely that root-canal treatment may be required. Occasionally, when the tooth has an immature root, apexification is necessary. Root-canal treatment of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus ' is described along with 10-year follow-up.Key learning pointsBoth clinical and radiographic examinations are necessary to determine morphological features of teeth before root-canal treatment.Sensibility testing to determine the pulp condition is critical prior to treatment.


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Background: the poor predictability of periodontal regenerative treatment of Class III furcation defects stimulates the study of alternatives to improve its results, such as the use of polypeptide growth factors. The objective of this study was to evaluate, both histologically and histometrically, the effects of topical application of basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF) associated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in the treatment of Class III defects surgically induced in dogs.Methods: All second and fourth premolars of 5 mongrel dogs were used and randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups: group 1 (control), treated with scaling and root planing, tetracycline hydrochloride (125 mg/ml) conditioning, and GTR with a collagen membrane; group 2, same treatment as group 1 plus 0.5 mg of b-FGF; group 3, same treatment as group 1 plus 1.0 mg of b-FGF. After a 90-day healing period, routine histologic processing and staining with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson trichrome were performed.Results: the descriptive analysis indicated better regenerative results in both groups treated with b-FGF while the histometric data, analyzed by means of analysis of variance (ANOVA), showed greater filling of the defects in group 2 in comparison to the defects in groups 3 and 1, respectively, which was represented by a smaller area of plaque-occupied space (P = 0.004) as well as a greater amount of newly formed cementum (P = 0.002).Conclusions: These results indicate that b-FGF, especially in smaller doses, may enhance the regenerative results in Class III furcation lesions, leading to greater filling of these defects with both mineralized and non-mineralized tissues.


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Aim: To assess orthodontic intrusion effects on periodontal tissues in dogs' pre-molars with class III furcations treated with open flap debridement (OFD) or with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) associated to bone autograft (BA).Material and Methods: Class III furcations were created in the pre-molars of seven mongrel dogs. After 75 days, teeth were randomly treated with OFD or GTR/BA. After 1 month, metallic crowns were assembled on pre-molars and connected apically to mini-implants by nickel-titanium springs. Teeth were randomly assigned to orthodontic intrusion (OFD+I and GTR/BA+I) groups or no movement (OFD and GTR/BA) groups. Dogs were sacrificed after 3 months of movement and 1 month retention.Results: All class III furcations were closed or reduced to class II or I in the intrusion groups, while 50% of the lesions in non-moved teeth remained unchanged. Intruded teeth presented higher probing depth and lower gingival marginal level than non-moved teeth (p < 0.01). Clinical attachment gain was reduced in the intrusion groups by the end of retention (p < 0.05). OFD+I presented smaller soft tissue area and larger bone tissue area than other groups (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Orthodontic intrusion with anchorage via mini-implants improved the healing of class III furcation defects after OFD in dogs. GTR/BA impaired those results.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Snake venom metalloproteases (SVMPs) embody zinc-dependent multidomain enzymes responsible for a relevant pathophysiology in envenomation. including local and systemic hemorrhage. The molecular features responsible for hemorrhagic potency of SVMPs have been associated with their multidomains structures which can target these proteins them to several receptors of different tissues and cellular types. BjussuMP-I. a SVMP isolated from the Bothrops jararacussu venom, has been characterized as a P-III hemorrhagic metalloprotease. The complete cDNA sequence of BjussuMP-I with 1641bp encodes open reading frames of 547 amino acid residues, which conserve the common domains of P-III high molecular weight hemorrhagic metalloproteases: (i) pre-pro-peptide, (ii) metalloprotease, (iii) disintegrin-like and (iv) rich cysteine domain. BjussuMP-I induced lyses in fibrin clots and inhibited collagen- and ADP-induced platelet aggregation. We are reporting, for the first time, the primary structure of an RGD-P-III class snake venom metalloprotease. A phylogenetic analysis of the BjussuMP-1 metalloprotease/catalytic domain was performed to get new insights into the molecular evolution of the metalloproteases. A theoretical molecular model of this domain was built through folding recognition (threading) techniques and refined by molecular dynamics simulation. Then, the final BjussuMP-I catalytic domain model was compared to other SVMPs and Reprolysin family proteins in order to identify eventual structural differences, which could help to understand the biochemical activities of these enzymes. The presence of large hydrophobic areas and some conserved surface charge-positive residues were identified as important features of the SVMPs and other metalloproteases. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Large single crystals have been obtained of S-III-SPIII, a phospholipase A(2) from the venom of Bothrops jararacussu. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic system space group C222, and diffract X-rays to a resolution of 1.9 Angstrom. Preliminary analysis reveals the presence of one molecule in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The crystal structure is currently being determined using molecular replacement techniques.