992 resultados para Schottky contacts


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Económicas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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The decline and fall of the British aristocracy looked headlong and irreversible in the twentieth century yet many grandees tried to preserve their power, wealth and influence by every means - and with some success. There is no better example than the Seventh Marquess of Londonderry whose life from 1878 to 1949 spanned and mirrored the period. The Londonderrys had enjoyed immense wealth in land and minerals in Britain and Ireland for centuries, played leading roles in Parliament and the state, and in an earlier time the Seventh Marquess would have continued in the family tradition of patrician prominence. Drawing upon original state and family papers, N.C. Fleming places the Londonderrys in the context of the history and the political theory of aristocracy and shows the constant struggle - not without success - against marginalisation. The theme runs through Londonderry's career as Conservative MP, on the Irish Viceroy's Council, as a junior minister in Lloyd Geroge's coalition, at the Air Ministry with Trenchard - the 'father of the RAF' - and in the National Government. Perhaps an element of desperation entered in his private business ventures and with contacts with the far Right - all in sharp contrast to past family achievement.


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Opposition is rarely a good preparation for government. The only post‐war government to enter office confident, well‐acquainted with the Civil Service and with a fund of administrative experience to draw on was the Attlee administration formed in 1945. The longer a party spends in opposition the more these assets disappear. Labour, by the end of the long period of Conservative rule in 1951–64, was largely unfamiliar with the burdens of office. This formed the background to the formulation of the Douglas‐Home rules, whereby informal contact is permitted between the Civil Service and the Opposition in advance of a general election. Since 1964 this arrangement has gradually become more extensive (especially after Neil Kinnock complained that the period for contact was too brief during the run‐up to the 1992 election) and more formalised. In late 1993 John Major agreed that contacts could be made from early 1996 in advance of the next election, rather than only during the last six months of a parliament, as had by then become the convention.’ The object of this short paper is, however, to explain how these rules originated.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica


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Projeto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Teatro. Especialização em Artes Performativas — Escritas de Cena.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Mestre Paulino Silva


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Prof. Paulo Alexandre Pires


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A Plataforma Logística do Porto de Leixões, administrada pela Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A. (APDL), integra dois Polos situados no concelho de Matosinhos em locais estratégicos para o desenvolvimento das atividades portuária e de logística. É neste contexto que a empresa Luís Simões contactou a APDL no sentido de alugar um espaço para se instalar no Polo 2 da Plataforma Logística do Porto de Leixões. Para que este contrato fosse celebrado existiu um compromisso da APDL de construir dois armazéns com cerca de 10.000m2 cada e ainda um edifício administrativo com cerca de 2.900m2 e todas as redes de infraestruturas, circulações e arranjos exteriores. Após a realização de Concurso Público, a Empreitada de Construção, foi adjudicada à empresa DST - Domingos da Silva Teixeira, S.A.. O presente relatório é referente a um estágio realizado na DST, S.A., em obra, no período de 31 de Janeiro de 2014 e 31 de Julho de 2014. O estágio englobou a direção e controlo da produção das atividades de construção civil que decorreram na empreitada durante este período. O estágio foi efetuado em ambiente real de obra tendo seguido o planeamento habitual de uma empreitada. Foram desenvolvidas numa primeira fase as atividades de preparação e lançamento de consultas de subempreitadas. De seguida foram desenvolvidas tarefas de preparação, controlo de fornecimento, apoio e acompanhamento dos subempreiteiros em obra, destacando-se o acompanhamento dos trabalhos de revestimento exteriores dos edifícios e dos pavimentos de alta planimetria.


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This work shows that the synthesis of protein plastic antibodies tailored with selected charged monomersaround the binding site enhances protein binding. These charged receptor sites are placed over a neutralpolymeric matrix, thus inducing a suitable orientation the protein reception to its site. This is confirmed bypreparing control materials with neutral monomers and also with non-imprinted template. This concepthas been applied here to Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), the protein of choice for screening prostate can-cer throughout the population, with serum levels >10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associatedcancer.Protein Imprinted Materials with charged binding sites (C/PIM) have been produced by surfaceimprinting over graphene layers to which the protein was first covalently attached. Vinylben-zyl(trimethylammonium chloride) and vinyl benzoate were introduced as charged monomers labellingthe binding site and were allowed to self-organize around the protein. The subsequent polymerizationwas made by radical polymerization of vinylbenzene. Neutral PIM (N/PIM) prepared without orientedcharges and non imprinted materials (NIM) obtained without template were used as controls.These materials were used to develop simple and inexpensive potentiometric sensor for PSA. Theywere included as ionophores in plasticized PVC membranes, and tested over electrodes of solid or liq-uid conductive contacts, made of conductive carbon over a syringe or of inner reference solution overmicropipette tips. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response,with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8 × 10−11mol/L (2 ng/mL). The cor-responding non-imprinted sensors showed lower sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade.The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum, with recoveries ranging from 96.9to 106.1% and relative errors of 6.8%.


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Stratigraphic Columns (SC) are the most useful and common ways to represent the eld descriptions (e.g., grain size, thickness of rock packages, and fossil and lithological components) of rock sequences and well logs. In these representations the width of SC vary according to the grain size (i.e., the wider the strata, the coarser the rocks (Miall 1990; Tucker 2011)), and the thickness of each layer is represented at the vertical axis of the diagram. Typically these representations are drawn 'manually' using vector graphic editors (e.g., Adobe Illustrator®, CorelDRAW®, Inskape). Nowadays there are various software which automatically plot SCs, but there are not versatile open-source tools and it is very di cult to both store and analyse stratigraphic information. This document presents Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR), an analytical package1 designed for both plotting and facilitate the analysis of Stratigraphic Data in R (R Core Team 2014). SDAR, uses simple stratigraphic data and takes advantage of the exible plotting tools available in R to produce detailed SCs. The main bene ts of SDAR are: (i) used to generate accurate and complete SC plot including multiple features (e.g., sedimentary structures, samples, fossil content, color, structural data, contacts between beds), (ii) developed in a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, (iii) run on a wide variety of platforms (i.e., UNIX, Windows, and MacOS), (iv) both plotting and analysing functions can be executed directly on R's command-line interface (CLI), consequently this feature enables users to integrate SDAR's functions with several others add-on packages available for R from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).


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This work models the competitive behaviour of individuals who maximize their own utility managing their network of connections with other individuals. Utility is taken as a synonym of reputation in this model. Each agent has to decide between two variables: the quality of connections and the number of connections. Hence, the reputation of an individual is a function of the number and the quality of connections within the network. On the other hand, individuals incur in a cost when they improve their network of contacts. The initial value of the quality and number of connections of each individual is distributed according to an initial (given) distribution. The competition occurs over continuous time and among a continuum of agents. A mean field game approach is adopted to solve the model, leading to an optimal trajectory for the number and quality of connections for each individual.


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The amorphous silicon photo-sensor studied in this thesis, is a double pin structure (p(a-SiC:H)-i’(a-SiC:H)-n(a-SiC:H)-p(a-SiC:H)-i(a-Si:H)-n(a-Si:H)) sandwiched between two transparent contacts deposited over transparent glass thus with the possibility of illumination on both sides, responding to wave-lengths from the ultra-violet, visible to the near infrared range. The frontal il-lumination surface, glass side, is used for light signal inputs. Both surfaces are used for optical bias, which changes the dynamic characteristics of the photo-sensor resulting in different outputs for the same input. Experimental studies were made with the photo-sensor to evaluate its applicability in multiplexing and demultiplexing several data communication channels. The digital light sig-nal was defined to implement simple logical operations like the NOT, AND, OR, and complex like the XOR, MAJ, full-adder and memory effect. A pro-grammable pattern emission system was built and also those for the validation and recovery of the obtained signals. This photo-sensor has applications in op-tical communications with several wavelengths, as a wavelength detector and to execute directly logical operations over digital light input signals.