910 resultados para Sarmiento, Martín, 1695-1772.


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The genus name Limnocharis is derived from the Greek limno (meaning marsh or pond) and charis (meaning grace) (Haynes and Holm-Nielson 1992) and flava is Latin for yellow. The genus is generally accepted to have two species, Limnocharis flava (Linneaus) Buchenau 1868 and L. laforestii (Duchass. ex Griseb) 1858. L. flava was first named Alisma flava by Linneaus in 1753 (Haynes and Holm-Nielsen 1986). Since then, other synonyms have included Damasonium flavum Mill. 1772, Limnocharis emarginata Humb. and Bonpl. 1808, Limnocharis plumieri Rich. 1815, Limnocharis laforestii Duchas. ex Griseb (1858) and Limnocharis mattogrossensis O. Ktze. (1893) (Woodson and Schery 1943).


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The collection contains items relating to individual members of the family as well as the Seixas family in general. Included are papers of the following persons: Isaac Mendes Seixas (1708/9-1780/1), a copy of A voyage to Hudson's--Bay, by Henry Ellis, inscribed with his name on the title page, along with additional inscriptions on the end papers (1748); and a daily prayer book printed in Amsterdam (title page missing), with an inscription on the first page indicating that the book was owned by Seixas in 1758/9, and subsequently by his grandson, Theodore J. Seixas, in 1816/17.


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The surface chemistry and dispersion properties of aqueous Ti 3AlC2 suspension were studied in terms of hydrolysis, adsorption, electrokinetic, and rheological measurements. The Ti 3AlC2 particle had complex surface hydroxyl groups, such as ≡Ti-OH,=Al-OH, and -OTi-(OH)2, etc. The surface charging of the Ti3AlC2 particle and the ion environment of suspensions were governed by these surface groups, which thus strongly influenced the stability of Ti3AlC2 suspensions. PAA dispersant was added into the Ti3AlC2 suspension to depress the hydrolysis of the surface groups by the adsorption protection mechanism and to increase the stability of the suspension by the steric effect. Ti3AlC2 suspensions with 2.0 dwb% PAA had an excellent stability at pH=∼5 and presented the characteristics of Newtonian fluid. Based on the well-dispersed suspension, dense Ti3AlC2 materials were obtained by slip casting and after pressureless sintering. This work provides a feasible forming method for the engineering applications of MAX-phase ceramics, wherein complex shapes, large dimensions, or controlled microstructures are needed.


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The impact of host immunity on outcome in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is controversial. We examined the relationship between lymphoid infiltration patterns in NSCLC and prognosis. Tumour- and stroma-infiltrating CD3+, CD8+ and forkhead box P3 (Foxp3)+ T-lymphocytes were identified using immunohistochemistry and a novel image analysis algorithm to assess total, cytotoxic and regulatory T-lymphocyte counts, respectively, in 196 NSCLC cases. The median cell count was selected as a cut-point to define patient subgroups and the ratio of the corresponding tumour islet:stroma (TI/S) counts was determined. There was a positive association between overall survival and increased CD8+ TI/S ratio (hazard ratio (HR) for death 0.44, p<0.001) but an inverse relationship between Foxp3+ TI/S ratio and overall survival (HR 4.86, p<0.001). Patients with high CD8+ islet (HR 0.48, p<0.001) and Foxp3+ stromal (HR 0.23, p<0.001) counts had better survival, whereas high CD3+ and CD8+ stromal counts and high Foxp3+ islet infiltration conferred a worse survival (HR 1.55, 2.19 and 3.14, respectively). By multivariate analysis, a high CD8+ TI/S ratio conferred an improved survival (HR 0.48, p=0.002) but a high Foxp3+ TI/S ratio was associated with worse survival (HR 3.91, p<0.001). Microlocalisation of infiltrating T-lymphocytes is a powerful predictor of outcome in resected NSCLC.


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Reactions of fourteen nucleophiles with the pseudo-acid chloride of o-benzoylbenzoic acid in two solvents have been studied. The nucleophiles that react primarily at the tetrahedral carbon atom to give pseudo derivatives, are weaker than those that react at the carbonyl carbon atom causing opening of the lactone ring. An explanation for this phenomenon is advanced.


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We report a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study of confined water inside similar to 1.4 nm diameter single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We show that the confined water does not freeze even up to 223 K. A pulse field gradient (PFG) NMR method is used to determine the mean squared displacement (MSD) of the water molecules inside the nanotubes at temperatures below 273 K, where the bulk water outside the nanotubes freezes and hence does not contribute to the proton NMR signal. We show that the mean squared displacement varies as the square root of time, predicted for single-file diffusion in a one-dimensional channel. We propose a qualitative understanding of our results based on available molecular dynamics simulations.


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The Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS), also called an expert system, is explained. It was then applied to choose the right composition and firing temperature of a ZnO based varistor. 17 refs.


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Unsaturated clays are subject to osmotic suction gradients in geoenvironmental engineering applications and it therefore becomes important to understand the effect of these chemical concentration gradients on soil-water characteristic curves (SWCCs). This paper brings out the influence of induced osmotic suction gradient on the wetting SWCCs of compacted clay specimens inundated with sodium chloride solutions/distilled water at vertical stress of 6.25 kPa in oedometer cells. The experimental results illustrate that variations in initial osmotic suction difference induce different magnitudes of osmotic induced consolidation and osmotic consolidation strains thereby impacting the wetting SWCCs and equilibrium water contents of identically compacted clay specimens. Osmotic suction induced by chemical concentration gradients between reservoir salt solution and soil-water can be treated as an equivalent net stress component, (p(pi)) that decreases the swelling strains of unsaturated specimens from reduction in microstructural and macrostructural swelling components. The direction of osmotic flow affects the matric SWCCs. Unsaturated specimens experiencing osmotic induced consolidation and osmotic consolidation develop lower equilibrium water content than specimens experiencing osmotic swelling during the wetting path. The findings of the study illustrate the need to incorporate the influence of osmotic suction in determination of the matric SWCCs.


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Under 1700-talets andra hälft hörde Sveriges nya fästningar i öst (Helsingfors, Sveaborg, Lovisa och Svartholm) till rikets största satsningar. Fästningsprojektet leddes med undantag av ett par avbrott av Augustin Ehrensvärd (1710 1772). När arbetet tog fart namngavs de enskilda fästningsverken i så gott som alla fall efter samtida personer. Under Ehrensvärds tid tillämpades denna namngivning på omkring femtio av Sveaborgs och Helsingfors fästningsverk samt på Lovisas och Svartholms totalt aderton verk. Genom personerna de knöts till berättar namnen en hel del om Augustin Ehrensvärds samtid och omvärld. Hur de gjorde det är denna avhandlings huvudfråga. Källmaterialet utgörs av relationsritningar och brev, medan de teoretiska ramarna står att finna i nätverksteori och onomastiska teorier om namnmönster. Ehrensvärd förklarade sin namngivningspraxis för sin överordnade, tronföljaren Adolf Fredrik, 1749 i samband med att Gustavssvärd med fästningsverk namngavs: tanken var att namnge bastioner efter de som bidragit till arbetets framgång och att namnge utanverk efter officerare vid fästningsbygget. Innebörden av Ehrensvärds ord framgår ur namnbeståndet. De största grupperna består av ämbetsmän och militärer. Med de som bidragit till arbetets framgång avsågs sålunda den lokala eliten: landshövdingar som involverats i fästningsbygget samt högre och lägre militärer som tjänstgjorde vid fästningarna. Redan från början syns en klar hierarki i namngivningen. Medan landshövdingarna och de högre militärerna tillägnades bastioner, fick de lägre officerarna se mindre fästningsverk namngivna efter sig, helt i enlighet med Ehrensvärds egen beskrivning. Utanför de ovan nämnda grupperna, hedrades en hel del personer som inte konkret hade engagerats i fästningsbygget. Denna namngivning kan förklaras å ena sidan inom ramen för Ehrensvärds sociala nätverk och å andra sidan mot bakgrund av riksdagspolitiken i frihetstidens Sverige. Av de två förklaringsmodeller bör Ehrensvärds personliga vänskaper ses som en bidragande orsak, medan de politiska motiven utgjorde en avgörande orsak. Som en del av Ehrensvärds nätverk kan de gynnare ses som hade stöttat Ehrensvärd under hans karriär samt hans närmaste medarbetare vid fästningsbygget, ofta officerer han själv handplockat. Namngivningens politiska aspekt syns i det stora antalet riksråd som tillägandes bastionnamn. Vid sidan om riksråden hedrades också talmän vid de samtida riksdagarna. En komparativ studie i namngivningen av fästningsverk vid samtida och äldre svenska fästningar framhäver Ehrensvärd som en innovativ namngivare. Fästningsverk namngivna efter kungligheter verkar ha varit en norm, som också Ehrensvärd anknöt till genom ett fåtal namn. Däremot var namn efter personer inte vanliga, vilket gav den Ehrensvärdska namngivningen en förhållandevis stark anknytning till samtiden. Denna aspekt bekräftas om namnen ses mot bakgrund av 1700-talets uppfattning om ära och äregirighetens samhälleliga nytta. I denna uppfattning syns bakgrunden till förekomsten av personer med både hög och låg status i Ehrensvärds namngivning. Sammanfattningsvis speglar namnen på de finska fästningsverken sin samtid genom den byråkratiska, militära och politiska elit de representerar samt genom motiveringen till dem.


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The solubilities of benzene derivatives in supercritical carbon dioxide was determined by the saturation method over the pressure range (9.5 to 14.5) MPa. The solubilities were determined at (308 and 313) K for 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and (308, 318, and 328) K for m-dinitrobenzene. At 308K, the solubility (in mole fraction) of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene varied from (2.83 to 5.88).10(-3) while the solubility of m-dinitrobenzene increased from (2.05 to 5.54).10(-3) as the pressure increased from (9.5 to 14.5) MPa. However, the solubilities of both compounds decreased with increasing temperature. Models based on the solubility parameter and semiempirical models such as the Mendez-Santiago-Teja model, the Gordillo model, and the association model, were used to correlate the experimental solubility data for the benzene derivatives.


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Abstract: A wide range of compositions of grasses in the ternary Li2O-PbO-B2O3 glass system was prepared, and de and ac conductivity measurements were carried out on these glasses. The presence of lead leads to a decrease in de conductivities and an increase in the activation energies. This is likely to be due to the increase of the partial charges on the oxygen atoms and to the presence of the lone pair on the Pb atom; both of these factors impede lithium ion motion. The ac conductivity and dielectric behavior of these glasses support such a conjecture. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The conventional Cornell's source-based approach of probabilistic seismic-hazard assessment (PSHA) has been employed all around the world, whilst many studies often rely on the use of computer packages such as FRISK (McGuire FRISK-a computer program for seismic risk analysis. Open-File Report 78-1007, United States Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Washington 1978) and SEISRISK III (Bender and Perkins SEISRISK III-a computer program for seismic hazard estimation, Bulletin 1772. United States Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Washington 1987). A ``black-box'' syndrome may be resulted if the user of the software does not have another simple and robust PSHA method that can be used to make comparisons. An alternative method for PSHA, namely direct amplitude-based (DAB) approach, has been developed as a heuristic and efficient method enabling users to undertake their own sanity checks on outputs from computer packages. This paper experiments the application of the DAB approach for three cities in China, Iran, and India, respectively, and compares with documented results computed by the source-based approach. Several insights regarding the procedure of conducting PSHA have also been obtained, which could be useful for future seismic-hazard studies.