932 resultados para Sankt Jakob an der Birs, Battle of, Switzerland, 1444.
One of the most influential statements in the anomie theory tradition has been Merton’s argument that the volume of instrumental property crime should be higher where there is a greater imbalance between the degree of commitment to monetary success goals and the degree of commitment to legitimate means of pursing such goals. Contemporary anomie theories stimulated by Merton’s perspective, most notably Messner and Rosenfeld’s institutional anomie theory, have expanded the scope conditions by emphasizing lethal criminal violence as an outcome to which anomie theory is highly relevant, and virtually all contemporary empirical studies have focused on applying the perspective to explaining spatial variation in homicide rates. In the present paper, we argue that current explications of Merton’s theory and IAT have not adequately conveyed the relevance of the core features of the anomie perspective to lethal violence. We propose an expanded anomie model in which an unbalanced pecuniary value system – the core causal variable in Merton’s theory and IAT – translates into higher levels of homicide primarily in indirect ways by increasing levels of firearm prevalence, drug market activity, and property crime, and by enhancing the degree to which these factors stimulate lethal outcomes. Using aggregate-level data collected during the mid-to-late 1970s for a sample of relatively large social aggregates within the U.S., we find a significant effect on homicide rates of an interaction term reflecting high levels of commitment to monetary success goals and low levels of commitment to legitimate means. Virtually all of this effect is accounted for by higher levels of property crime and drug market activity that occur in areas with an unbalanced pecuniary value system. Our analysis also reveals that property crime is more apt to lead to homicide under conditions of high levels of structural disadvantage. These and other findings underscore the potential value of elaborating the anomie perspective to explicitly account for lethal violence.
Im späten 19. Jahrhundert realisierten Bauunternehmen Ausstellungsarchitekturen wie begehbare Berglandschaften als Großprojekte in Rabitzbauweise. Vom Konzept ein Phänomen der Vorkriegszeit, waren sie so kurzlebig wie die Ausstellungen, auf denen sie als Erlebniswelten dienten und so wenig bekannt sind sie heute: Zeitgenössische Texte schildern nicht die gebauten Anlagen, sondern die illusionistischen Landschaften, Abbildungen zeigen retuschierte Ansichten, so dass mit dem Abbruch der Bauten auch weitgehend das Wissen über die Konstruktion verschwand. Im Unterschied zu den heute noch zitierten Ikonen der Weltausstellungen seit 1851 sind die Alpenpanoramen selbst von der Forschung übersehen. Mit der Fokussierung der Architekturhistoriographie des 20. Jahrhunderts auf die Formensprache geriet in Vergessenheit, dass auch diese Bauten nahezu sämtliche Themen der architektonischen Moderne beinhalteten: ökonomisierte Bauprozesse, neue Materialien, leichte Konstruktionen, technisierte Ausstattung.
The theory on the intensities of 4f-4f transitions introduced by B.R. Judd and G.S. Ofelt in 1962 has become a center piece in rare-earth optical spectroscopy over the past five decades. Many fundamental studies have since explored the physical origins of the Judd–Ofelt theory and have proposed numerous extensions to the original model. A great number of studies have applied the Judd–Ofelt theory to a wide range of rare-earth doped materials, many of them with important applications in solid-state lasers, optical amplifiers, phosphors for displays and solid state lighting, upconversion and quantum-cutting materials, and fluorescent markers. This paper takes the view of the experimentalist who is interested in appreciating the basic concepts, implications, assumptions, and limitations of the Judd–Ofelt theory in order to properly apply it to practical problems. We first present the formalism for calculating the wavefunctions of 4f electronic states in a concise form and then show their application to the calculation and fitting of 4f-4f transition intensities. The potential, limitations and pitfalls of the theory are discussed, and a detailed case study of LaCl3:Er3+ is presented.
When bivalent stimuli (i.e., stimuli with relevant features for two different tasks) occur occasionally among univalent stimuli, performance is slowed on subsequent univalent stimuli even if they have no overlapping stimulus features. This finding has been labeled the bivalency effect. It indexes an adjustment of cognitive control, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood yet. The purpose of the present study was to shed light on this question, using event-related potentials. We used a paradigm requiring predictable alternations between three tasks, with bivalent stimuli occasionally occurring on one task. The results revealed that the bivalency effect elicited a sustained parietal positivity and a frontal negativity, a neural signature that is typical for control processes implemented to resolve interference. We suggest that the bivalency effect reflects interference, which may be caused by episodic context binding.
Body height decreases throughout the day due to fluid loss from the intervertebral disk. This study investigated whether spinal shrinkage was greater during workdays compared with nonwork days, whether daily work stressors were positively related to spinal shrinkage, and whether job control was negatively related to spinal shrinkage. In a consecutive 2-week ambulatory field study, including 39 office employees and 512 days of observation, spinal shrinkage was measured by a stadiometer, and calculated as body height in the morning minus body height in the evening. Physical activity was monitored throughout the 14 days by accelerometry. Daily work stressors, daily job control, biomechanical workload, and recreational activities after work were measured with daily surveys. Multilevel regression analyses showed that spinal disks shrank more during workdays than during nonwork days. After adjustment for sex, age, body weight, smoking status, biomechanical work strain, and time spent on physical and low-effort activities during the day, lower levels of daily job control significantly predicted increased spinal shrinkage. Findings add to knowledge on how work redesign that increases job control may possibly contribute to preserving intervertebral disk function and preventing occupational back pain.