985 resultados para Salty taste


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En este artículo se analiza la situación actual del sector vitivinícola, el cual, basándonos en datos de los últimos 20 años, ha experimentado un balance bastante negativo ya que se ha producido una reducción significativa de la superficie de viñedo con datos de 2009. Sin embargo, el análisis riguroso de la D.O.CA Rioja nos ha permitido recoger la evolución favorable de la producción y comercialización de la D.O.CA Rioja, lo cual ha facilitado su consolidación como primera del ranking. Asimismo, el balance en cuanto a las exportaciones y las ventas en el mercado interior ha sido muy favorable en dicho periodo, ya que, la D.O.CA Rioja ocupa un lugar privilegiado en ambos mercados, tanto es así que esta DO cuenta con un alto reconocimiento en los principales países importadores del Mundo, que son Alemania y Reino Unido. Para todo ello, el principal factor de diferenciación de estas bodegas es el tiempo que permanecen los vinos en barrica de roble, lo que le da un sabor inigualable que el consumidor sabe premia.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo reside en analizar el proceso de conformación del gusto musical por el género lírico en la sociedad porteña durante el período 1821-1828. Dicho proceso será abordado mediante la reconstrucción y análisis de la programación musical presente, principalmente, en la prensa del período. Asimismo, se indaga en torno a la dinámica de los espacios musicales inaugurados e impulsados para tal fin -academia, sociedades y teatro- y sobre los principales músicos y cantantes intervinientes en dicho proceso cultural.


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En este artículo se analiza la situación actual del sector vitivinícola, el cual, basándonos en datos de los últimos 20 años, ha experimentado un balance bastante negativo ya que se ha producido una reducción significativa de la superficie de viñedo con datos de 2009. Sin embargo, el análisis riguroso de la D.O.CA Rioja nos ha permitido recoger la evolución favorable de la producción y comercialización de la D.O.CA Rioja, lo cual ha facilitado su consolidación como primera del ranking. Asimismo, el balance en cuanto a las exportaciones y las ventas en el mercado interior ha sido muy favorable en dicho periodo, ya que, la D.O.CA Rioja ocupa un lugar privilegiado en ambos mercados, tanto es así que esta DO cuenta con un alto reconocimiento en los principales países importadores del Mundo, que son Alemania y Reino Unido. Para todo ello, el principal factor de diferenciación de estas bodegas es el tiempo que permanecen los vinos en barrica de roble, lo que le da un sabor inigualable que el consumidor sabe premia.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo reside en analizar el proceso de conformación del gusto musical por el género lírico en la sociedad porteña durante el período 1821-1828. Dicho proceso será abordado mediante la reconstrucción y análisis de la programación musical presente, principalmente, en la prensa del período. Asimismo, se indaga en torno a la dinámica de los espacios musicales inaugurados e impulsados para tal fin -academia, sociedades y teatro- y sobre los principales músicos y cantantes intervinientes en dicho proceso cultural.


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En este artículo se analiza la situación actual del sector vitivinícola, el cual, basándonos en datos de los últimos 20 años, ha experimentado un balance bastante negativo ya que se ha producido una reducción significativa de la superficie de viñedo con datos de 2009. Sin embargo, el análisis riguroso de la D.O.CA Rioja nos ha permitido recoger la evolución favorable de la producción y comercialización de la D.O.CA Rioja, lo cual ha facilitado su consolidación como primera del ranking. Asimismo, el balance en cuanto a las exportaciones y las ventas en el mercado interior ha sido muy favorable en dicho periodo, ya que, la D.O.CA Rioja ocupa un lugar privilegiado en ambos mercados, tanto es así que esta DO cuenta con un alto reconocimiento en los principales países importadores del Mundo, que son Alemania y Reino Unido. Para todo ello, el principal factor de diferenciación de estas bodegas es el tiempo que permanecen los vinos en barrica de roble, lo que le da un sabor inigualable que el consumidor sabe premia.


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Magnetic fabric analyses from two North Atlantic drift deposits provide proxies for determining relative variations in the strength of abyssal flow over the last 10 my. The data show a cessation of current-controlled sedimentation at the shallower Feni Drift (2417 m) at the time of onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (2.6 Ma). Drift formation ended nearly 2 my earlier (4.2 Ma) at the deeper Gardar Drift (3220 m), implying stepwise reduction in deep-water flow. Relatively light delta18O values at the deeper Gardar Drift indicate a warmer, thus also more salty, water mass site prior to 6 Ma. We interpret this as representing Mediterranean Sea water, which flowed north at depths greater than that of the Feni Drift Site. The supply of Mediterranean Water to the North Atlantic was shut off as the Gibraltar Straits closed, causing the Messinian salinity crisis, and never returned to that position in the water column after the Mediterranean opened again.


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Upper abyssal to lower bathyal benthic foraminifers from ODP Sites 689 (present water depth 2080 m) and 690 (present water depth 2941 m) on Maud Rise (eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctica) are reliable indicators of Maestrichtian through Neogene changes in the deep-water characteristics at high southern latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal faunas were divided into eight assemblages, with periods of faunal change at the early/late Maestrichtian boundary (69 Ma), at the early/late Paleocene boundary (62 Ma), in the latest Paleocene (57.5 Ma), in the middle early Eocene to late early Eocene (55-52 Ma), in the middle middle Eocene (46 Ma), in the late Eocene (38.5 Ma), and in the middle-late Miocene (14.9-11.5 Ma). These periods of faunal change may have occurred worldwide at the same time, although specific first and last appearances of deep-sea benthic foraminifers are commonly diachronous. There were minor faunal changes at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (less than 14?7o of the species had last appearances at Site 689, less than 9% at Site 690). The most abrupt benthic foraminiferal faunal event occurred in the latest Paleocene, when the diversity dropped by 50% (more than 35% of species had last appearances) over a period of less than 25,000 years; after the extinction the diversity remained low for about 350,000 years. The highest diversities of the post-Paleocene occurred during the middle Eocene; from that time on the diversity decreased steadily at both sites. Data on faunal composition (percentage of infaunal versus epifaunal species) suggest that the waters bathing Maud Rise were well ventilated during the Maestrichtian through early Paleocene as well as during the latest Eocene through Recent. The waters appeared to be less well ventilated during the late Paleocene as well as the late middle through early late Eocene, with the least degree of ventilation during the latest Paleocene through early Eocene. The globally recognized extinction of deep-sea benthic foraminifers in the latest Paleocene may have been caused by a change in formational processes of the deep to intermediate waters of the oceans: from formation of deep waters by sinking at high latitudes to formation of deep to intermediate water of the oceans by evaporation at low latitudes. Benthic foraminiferal data (supported by carbon and oxygen isotopic data) suggest that there was a short period of intense formation of warm, salty deep water at the end of the Paleocene (with a duration of about 0.35 m.y.), and that less intense, even shorter episodes might have occurred during the late Paleocene and early Eocene. The faunal record from the Maud Rise sites agrees with published faunal and isotopic records, suggesting cooling of deep to intermediate waters in the middle through late Eocene.


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The southwest Pacific Ocean covers a broad range of surface-water conditions ranging from warm, salty water in the subtropical East Australian Current to fresher, cold water in the Circumpolar Current. Using a new database of planktonic foraminifera assemblages (AUSMAT-F2), we demonstrate that the modern analog technique can be used to accurately reconstruct the magnitude of sea-surfacetemperature (SST) in this region. We apply this technique to data from 29 deep-sea cores along a meridional transect of the southwest Pacific Ocean to estimate the magnitude of SST cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum. We find minimal cooling in the tropics (0°-2°C), moderate cooling in the subtropical midlatitudes (2°-6°C), and maximum cooling to the southeast of New Zealand (6°-10°C). The magnitude of cooling at the sea surface from the tropics to the temperate latitudes is found to generally be less than cooling at the surface of adjacent land masses.


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The North Atlantic Ocean underwent an abrupt temperature increase of 9 °C at high latitudes within a couple of decades during the transition from Heinrich event 1 (H1) to the Bølling warm event, but the mechanism responsible for this warming remains uncertain. Here we address this issue, presenting high-resolution last deglaciation planktic and benthic foraminiferal records of temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (d18OSW) for the subtropical South Atlantic. We identify a warming of ~6.5 °C and an increase in d18Osw of 1.2 per mil at the permanent thermocline during the transition, and a simultaneous warming of ~3.5 °C with no significant change in d18Osw at intermediate depths. Most of the warming can be explained by tilting the South Atlantic east-west isopycnals from a flattened toward a steepened position associated with a collapsed (H1) and strong (Bølling) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). However, this zonal seesaw explains an increase of just 0.3 per mil in permanent thermocline d18Osw. Considering that d18Osw at the South Atlantic permanent thermocline is strongly influenced by the inflow of salty Indian Ocean upper waters, we suggest that a strengthening in the Agulhas leakage took place at the transition from H1 to the Bølling, and was responsible for the change in d18Osw recorded in our site. Our records high-light the important role played by Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange as the trigger for the resumption of the AMOC and the Bølling warm event. of the AMOC and the Bølling warm event.


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Spreading pattern and mesoscale structure of Mediterranean water outflow in the eastern North Atlantic are studied on the basis of historical hydrographical records. Effect of bottom topography on Mediterranean water distribution is revealed. It is shown that the Mediterranean water outflow is divided into two streams after leaving the Gulf of Cadiz. These are northwestern and southwestern ones; the former is more intensive and spreads in more regular and continuous way. West of the Tejo (Tagus) Plateau it splits into three branches; the most intense of them keeps continuity up to 14°W. The less intensive southwestern stream passes south of the Gettysburg Bank and splits into two branches immediately after the Gulf of Cadiz. From 11°W, this stream has lenticular, intermittent character. West of 14°-15°W all Mediterranean water branches are represented mainly by isolated salty patches. As a result of historical data analysis in the 32°-44°N, 8°-22°W area, 30 Mediterranean water lenses have been found; 12 of them had not been previously mentioned in publications. A table of main parameters of Mediterranean water lenses is presented. It includes data of 108 observations from 1911 to 1993.


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The first radiocarbon chronology for sediments of the Argentine basin has been determined using accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) analyses of 54 total organic carbon samples from four box and two piston cores collected from the downstream and upstream sides of two central Argentine Basin mudwaves. Throughout the Holocene, sediment from the geomorphically defined upstream side of each wave accumulated at rates of 30 to 105 cm/1000 years. Sediments from the downstream side of each wave accumulated at rates of 2 to 10 cm/1000 years in the late and early Holocene, while the mid Holocene is characterized by sedimentation rates less than 1.0 cm/1000 years. During the mid-Holocene, increased aridity reduced chemical weathering and the flow of the rivers draining to the continental shelf, causing a concomitant decrease in fine-grained terrigenous input to the basin as evidenced by decreased sedimentation rates, lower N/C ratios, and depleted delta13Corg values. It is estimated that all of the organic carbon deposited in the central basin during the mid-Holocene was of a marine origin. During the late and early Holocene, however, approximately 35% of the organic carbon deposited was of terrestrial origin. Bottom water flow speeds in the late Holocene were estimated using a lee-wave model and found to average 14 cm/s. This estimate is comparable to 10 cm/s mean and 15-20 cm/s maximum flow speeds measured by current meters deployed within the basin. Flow speeds in the Argentine Basin were 10% higher than today from 8000 to 2000 B.P., and are consistent with a general invigoration of thermohaline circulation that began between 9000 and 8000 B.P. It is proposed that the introduction of warm, salty Indian Ocean water into the northern North Atlantic at 9000 B.P. was the mechanism that provided the excess salt needed to stabilize the North Atlantic Deep Water thermohaline circulation system in its present mode.


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The problem is general: modern architects and engineers are trying to understand historic structures using the wrong theoretical frame, the classic (elastic) thery of structures developed in the 19th Century for iron and stell, and in the 20th century for reinforced concrete, disguised with "modern" computer packages, mainly FEM, but also others. Masonry is an essentially different material, and the structural equations must be adapted accordingly. It is not a matter of "taste" or "opinion", and the consequences are before us. Since, say 1920s, historic monuments have suffered the aggression of generations of archietcts and engineers, trying to transform masonry in reinfored concrete or steel. The damage to the monuments and the expense has been, and is, enormous. However, as we have an adequate theory (modern limit analysis of masonry structures, Heyman 1966) which encompasses the "old theory" used successfully by the 18th and 19th Century practical engineers (from Perronet to Sejourné), it is a matter of "Ethics" not to use the wrong approach. It is also "contra natura" to modify the material masonry with indiscriminate injections, stitchings, etc. It is insane to consider, suddenly, that buildings which are Centuries or milennia old, are suddenly in danger of collapse. Maintenance is necessary but not the actual destruction of the constructive essence of the monument. A cocktail of "ignorance, fear and greed" is acting under the best of intentions.


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Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) is used to describe the nature and the intensity of sensory properties from a single evaluation of a product, whereas temporal dominance of sensation (TDS) is primarily used to identify dominant sensory properties over time. Previous studies with TDS have focused on model systems, but this is the first study to use a sequential approach, i.e. QDA then TDS in measuring sensory properties of a commercial product category, using the same set of trained assessors (n = 11). The main objectives of this study were to: (1) investigate the benefits of using a sequential approach of QDA and TDS and (2) to explore the impact of the sample composition on taste and flavour perceptions in blackcurrant squashes. The present study has proposed an alternative way of determining the choice of attributes for TDS measurement based on data obtained from previous QDA studies, where available. Both methods indicated that the flavour profile was primarily influenced by the level of dilution and complexity of sample composition combined with blackcurrant juice content. In addition, artificial sweeteners were found to modify the quality of sweetness and could also contribute to bitter notes. Using QDA and TDS in tandem was shown to be more beneficial than each just on its own enabling a more complete sensory profile of the products.


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Germination of macroconidia and/or microconidia of 24 strains of Fusarium solani, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. verticillioides, F. sambucinum, F. oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolated from fluvial channels and sea beds of the south-eastern coast of Spain, and three control strains (F. oxysporum isolated from affected cultures) was studied in distilled water in response to a range of water potentials adjusted with NaCI. (0, -13.79, -41.79, -70.37, -99.56 and -144.54 bars). The vialibility (UFC/ml) of suspension was also tested in three time periods (0,24 and 48h). Conidia always germinated in distilled water. The pattern of conidial germination obseved of F. verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. chlamydosporum and F. culmorum was similar. A great diminution of spore germination was found in -13.79 bars solutions. Spore germination percentage for F. solani isolates was maximal at 48 h. and -13.79 bars with 21.33% spore germination, 16% higher than germination in distilled water. F. equiseti shows the maximum germination percentage in -144.54 bars solution in 24 h time with 12.36% germination. These results did not agree with those obtained in the viability test where maximum germination was found in distilled water. The viability analysis showed the great capacity of F. verticilloides strains to form viable colonies, even in such extreme conditions as -144,54 bars after 24 h F. proliferatum colony formation was prevented in the range of -70.37 bars. These results show the clear affectation of water potential to conidia germination of Fusaria. The ability of certain species of Fusarium to develop a saprophytic life in the salt water of the Mediterraneam Sea could be certain. Successful germination, even under high salty media conditions, suggests taht Fusarium spp. could have a competitive advantage over other soil fungi in crops irrigated with saline water. In the specific case of F. solani, water potential of -13.79 bars affected germination positively. It could indicate that F. solani has an special physiological mechanism of survival in low water potential environments.


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The recognition of an increasing and worldwide demand for high quality in fruits and vegetables has grown in recent years. Evidence of severe problems of mechanical damage is increasing, and this is affecting the trade of fruits in European and other countries. The potential market for fresh high-quality vegetables and fruits remains restricted by the lack of quality of the majority of products that reach consumers; this is the case for local as well as import/export markets, so a reduction in the consumption of fresh fruits in favour of other fixed-quality products (dairy in particular) may become widespread. In a recent survey (King, 1988, cited in Bellon, 1989), it appears that, for the moment, one third of the surveyed consumers are still continuing to increase their fresh produce consumption. The factors that appear as being most important in influencing the shopping behaviour of these consumers are taste/flavour, freshness/ripeness, appealing look, and cleanliness. Research on mechanical damage in fruit and vegetables has been underway for several years. The first research made on physical properties of fruits was in fact directed towards analysing the response to slow or rapid loading of selected fruits (Fridley et al, 1968; Horsefield et al., 1972). From that time on, research has expanded greatly, and different aspects of the problem have been approached. These include applicable mechanical models for the contact problem, the response of biological tissues to loading, devices for detecting damage causes in machines and equipment, and procedures for sensing bruises in grading and sorting. This chapter will be devoted to the study of actual research results relative to the cause and mechanisms of mechanical damage in fruits (secondarily in vegetables), the development of bruises in these commodities, the models that have been used up to now, and the different factors which have been recognized as influencing the appearance and development of mechanical damage in fruits. The study will be focused mainly on contact-damage - that is, slow or rapid loads applied to the surface of the products and causing bruises. (A bruise is defined as an altered volume of fruit tissues below the skin that is discoloured and softened.) Other types of mechanical damage, like abrasion and scuffing, punctures and cuts, will be also mentioned briefly.