992 resultados para SURFACE-AREA CEO2


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L’hypoalbuminémie est une trouvaille fréquente chez le patient brulé mais sa relation avec la morbidité et mortalité n’a pas été bien établie. Objectif : Déterminer si l’hypoalbuminémie dans les premières 24 heures suivant l’admission est associée avec la dysfonction d’organes (mesurée avec le score SOFA) chez les patients présentant des brûlures graves. Méthodologie : Nous avons révisé les dossiers médicaux des patients adultes avec de brûlures de 20% ou plus de surface corporelle admis pendant les premières 24 heures à l’unité de grands brulés du CHUM entre les années 2008 et 2009. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de régression linéaire multivariée pour déterminer si l’hypoalbuminémie était un prédicteur indépendant de la dysfonction d’organes. Résultats : 56 sujets ont été analysés. L’analyse de régression linéaire multiple a montré qu’en contrôlant pour l’âge, le sexe, la surface corporelle brûlée et les brûlures par inhalation, l’hypoalbuminémie pendant les premières 24 heures suivant l’admission est un prédicteur indépendant de la dysfonction d’organes. Une concentration d’albumine ≤30g/L est aussi associée à une augmentation de la dysfonction d’organes [score SOFA au jour 0 (p = 0.005), jour 1 (p = 0.005), moyenne de la première semaine (p = 0.004)], mais n’est pas associée avec la mortalité (p = 0.061). Conclusions : L’hypoalbuminémie est associée avec la dysfonction d’organes chez les patients brulés. À la différence de facteurs non modifiables comme l’âge, le sexe, la surface corporelle brûlée et la présence de brûlures par inhalation, la correction de l’hypoalbuminémie peut être un objectif intéressant pour un futur essai clinique.


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La stimulation électrique transcrânienne à courant direct (tDCS) est une technique non invasive de neuromodulation qui modifie l’excitabilité corticale via deux grosses électrodes de surface. Les effets dépendent de la polarité du courant, anodique = augmentation de l’excitabilité corticale et cathodique = diminution. Chez l’humain, il n’existe pas de consensus sur des effets de la tDCS appliquée au cortex somatosensoriel primaire (S1) sur la perception somesthésique. Nous avons étudié la perception vibrotactile (20 Hz, amplitudes variées) sur le majeur avant, pendant et après la tDCS appliquée au S1 controlatéral (anodale, a; cathodale, c; sham, s). Notre hypothèse « shift-gain » a prédit une diminution des seuils de détection et de discrimination pour la tDCS-a (déplacement vers la gauche de la courbe stimulus-réponse et une augmentation de sa pente). On attendait les effets opposés avec la tDCS-c, soit une augmentation des seuils (déplacement à droite et diminution de la pente). Chez la majorité des participants, des diminutions des seuils ont été observées pendant et immédiatement suivant la tDCS-a (1 mA, 20 min) en comparaison à la stimulation sham. Les effets n’étaient plus présents 30 min plus tard. Une diminution du seuil de discrimination a également été observée pendant, mais non après la tDCS-c (aucun effet pour détection). Nos résultats supportent notre hypothèse, uniquement pour la tDCS-a. Une suite logique serait d’étudier si des séances répétées de tDCS-a mènent à des améliorations durables sur la perception tactile. Ceci serait bénéfique pour la réadaptation sensorielle (ex. suite à un accident vasculaire cérébral).


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The thesis deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity studies of supported cobalt(ii), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of O-phenylenediamine and Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline -2-carboxaldehyde. Zeolite encapsulation and polymer anchoring was employed for supporting the complexes. The characterization techniques proved that the encapsulation as well as polymer supporting has been successfully achieved. The catalytic activity studies revealed that the activities of the simple complexes are improved upon encapsulation. Various characterization techniques are used such as, chemical analysis, EPR, magnetic measurements, FTIR studies, thermal analysis, electronic spectra, XRD, SEM, surface area, and GC.The present study indicated that the that the mechanism of oxidation of catechol and DTBC by hydrogen peroxide is not altered by the change in the coordination sphere around the metal ion due to encapsulation. This fact suggests outer sphere mechanism for the reactions. The catalytic activity by zeolite encapsulated complex was found to be slower than that by the neat complex. The slowing down of the reaction in the zeolite case is probably due to the constraint imposed by the zeolite framework. The rate of DTBC ( 3,5-di-tert-butylchatechol)oxidation was found to be greater than the rate of catechol oxidation. This is obviously due to the presence of electron donating tertiary butyl groups.


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Titania is a versatile metal oxide with multiple applications. Titania supported catalysts are reported to be much more active compared to conventional silica or alumina supported ones in some reactions. TiO2 (anatase) having high surface area, with better crystallinity and high onset temperature of rutilation can be prepared by thermal hydrolysis of titanyl sulfate solution under controlled conditions. Calcinations at 350oC for 6 hrs were necessary to crystallize anatase. Method of preparation and percentage of the loaded metal oxides have greater influence on surface area. Drastic decrease in surface area was observed upon rutilation. Rutilation started at different temperatures depending on the metal oxide and the method of preparation. TiO2 should be characterized with high surface area, phase purity and high onset temperature of rutilation.Which should be well above the optimum temperature of a designated reaction in which it is employed as a catalyst. Variation in physical properties, depending upon the method of preparation is greater in TiO2 supported catalysts. Methanation activity was found to be highly dependent on nickel concentration present on the surface of the pellets. The methanation activity is strongly influenced by support material. The rate and turn over frequency of methanation and toluene oxidation activity of these catalysts are also equally important from an industrial point of view.


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In the present work Titania bulk powders and coatings were prepared by subjecting titanium isopropoxide solution to a controlled hydrolysis-condensation process. The powders were characterized using techniques such as FTIR for their chemical interactions, TG-DTA for the thermal decomposition features, XRD for the phase assemblage, BET specific surface area analysis for the textural features. The study discusses the preparation methods and the characterization techniques employed and a detailed discussion on the physico-chemical characterization of the prepared systems. The influence of dopants and leaching on the physico-chemical properties as well as their influence on photo activity is also included. The structural/functional coatings of different Titania compositions includes in this study. Coatings on pre-treated glass surfaces with the best compositions prepared showed 90 % transmittance in the visible region.


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In this regard Schiff base complexes have attracted wide attention. Furthermore, such complexes are found to play important role in analytical chemistry, organic synthesis, metallurgy, refining of metals, electroplating and photography. Many Schiff base complexes are reported in literature. Their properties depend on the nature of the metal ion as well as on the nature of the ligand. By altering the ligands it is possible to obtain desired electronic environment around the metal ion. Thus there is a continuing interest in the synthesis of simple and zeolite encapsulated Schiff base complexes of metal ions. Zeolites have a number of striking structural similarities to the protein portion of natural enzymes. Zeolite based catalysts are known for their remarkable ability of mimicking the chemistry of biological systems. In view of the importance of catalysts in all the areas of modern chemical industries, an effort has been made to synthesize some simple Schiff base complexes, heterogenize them by encapsulating within the supercages of zeoliteY cavities and to study their applications. The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis and characterization of some simple and zeoliteY encapsulated Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes and on the catalytic activity of these complexes on some oxidation reactions. Simple complexes were prepared from the Schiff base ligands SBT derived from 2-aminobenzothiazole and salicylaldehyde and the ligand VBT derived from 2-aminobenzothiazole and vanillin (4-hydroxy-3- methoxybenzaldehyde). ZeoliteY encapsulated Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of Schiff base ligands SBT and VBT and also of 2-aminobenzothiazole were synthesized. All the prepared complexes were characterized using the physico-chemical techniques such as chemical analysis (employing AAS and CHN analyses), magnetic moment studies, conductance measurements and electronic and FTIR spectra. EPR spectra of the Cu(II) complexes were also carried out to know the probable structures and nature of Cu(II) complexes. Thermogravimetric analyses were carried out to obtain the information regarding the thermal stability of various complexes. The successful encapsulations of the complexes within the cavities of zeoliteY were ascertained by XRD, surface area and pore volume analysis. Assignments of geometries of simple and zeoliteY encapsulated complexes are given in all the cases. Both simple and zeoliteY encapsulated complexes were screened for catalytic activity towards oxidation reactions such as decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, oxidation of benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol and cyclohexanol.


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Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes of dimethylglyoxime and N,N-ethylenebis(7-methylsalicylideneamine) have been synthesized in situ in Y zeolite by the reaction of ion-exchanged metal ions with the flexible ligand molecules that had diffused into the cavities. The hybrid materials obtained have been characterized by elemental analysis, SEM, XRD, surface area, pore volume, magnetic moment, FTIR, UV-Vis and EPR techniques. Analysis of data indicates the formation of complexes in the pores without affecting the zeolite framework structure, the absence of any extraneous species and the geometry of encapsulated complexes. The catalytic activities for hydrogen peroxide decomposition and oxidation of benzyl alcohol and ethylbenzene of zeolite complexes are reported. Zeolite Cu(II) complexes were found to be more active than the corresponding Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes for oxidation reactions. The catalytic properties of the complexes are influenced by their geometry and by the steric environment of the active sites. Zeolite complexes are stable enough to be reused and are suitable to be utilized as partial oxidation catalysts.


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Copper(II) complexes of two biologically important ligands, viz., embelin (2,5-dihydroxy-3-undecyl-2,5-cyclohexadien 1,4-dione) and 2-aminobenzimidazole were entrapped in the cages of zeolite Y by the flexible ligand method. The capability of these compounds in catalyzing the reduction of oxygen (industrially known as deoxo reaction) was explored and the results indicate an enhancement of the catalytic properties from that of the simple copper ion exchanged zeolite. These point to the ability of the ligands in enhancing the oxygen binding capability of the metal ion. Elemental analyses, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), diffuse reflectance and EPR spectral studies, magnetic susceptibility measurements, TG, surface area analyses and powder X-ray diffraction studies were used in understanding the presence, composition and structure of the complexes inside the cages. The study also reveals the increased thermal and mechanical stability of the complexes as a result of encapsulation.


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Nanoscale silica was synthesized by precipitation method using sodium silicate and dilute hydrochloric acid under controlled conditions. The synthesized silica was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), BET adsorption and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The particle size of silica was calculated to be 13 nm from the XRD results and the surface area was found to be 295 m2/g by BET method. The performance of this synthesized nanosilica as a reinforcing filler in natural rubber (NR) compound was investigated. The commercial silica was used as the reference material. Nanosilica was found to be effective reinforcing filler in natural rubber compound. Filler-matrix interaction was better for nanosilica than the commercial silica. The synthesized nanosilica was used in place of conventional silica in HRH (hexamethylene tetramine, resorcinol and silica) bonding system for natural rubber and styrene butadiene rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber composites. The efficiency of HRH bonding system based on nanosilica was better. Nanosilica was also used as reinforcing filler in rubber / Nylon 6 short fiber hybrid composite. The cure, mechanical, ageing, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of nanosilica / Nylon 6 short fiber / elastomeric hybrid composites were studied in detail. The matrices used were natural rubber (NR), nitrile rubber (NBR), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) and chloroprene rubber (CR). Fiber loading was varied from 0 to 30 parts per hundred rubber (phr) and silica loading was varied from 0 to 9 phr. Hexa:Resorcinol:Silica (HRH) ratio was maintained as 2:2:1. HRH loading was adjusted to 16% of the fiber loading. Minimum torque, maximum torque and cure time increased with silica loading. Cure rate increased with fiber loading and decreased with silica content. The hybrid composites showed improved mechanical properties in the presence of nanosilica. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of NR and CR while it continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. The nanosilica improved the tensile strength, modulus and tear strength better than the conventional silica. Abrasion resistance and hardness were also better for the nanosilica composites. Resilience and compression set were adversely affected. Hybrid composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. Retention in ageing improved with fiber loading and was better for nanosilica-filled hybrid composites. The nanosilica also improved the thermal stability of the hybrid composite better than the commercial silica. All the composites underwent two-step thermal degradation. Kinetic studies showed that the degradation of all the elastomeric composites followed a first-order reaction. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed that storage modulus (E’) and loss modulus (E”) increased with nanosiica content, fiber loading and frequency for all the composites, independent of the matrix. The highest rate of increase was registered for NBR rubber.


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Two novel polystyrene-supported Schiff bases, PSOPD and PSHQAD, were synthesized. A polymerbound aldehyde was condensed with o-phenylenediamine to prepare the Schiff base PSOPD, and a polymer-bound amine was condensed with 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde to prepare the Schiff base PSHQAD. This article addresses the study of cobalt (II), nickel (II), and copper (II) complexes of these polymer-bound Schiff bases. All the complexes were characterized, and the probable geometry was suggested using elemental analysis, diffuse reflectance ultraviolet, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermal studies, surface area studies, and magnetic measurements.


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The pillared montmorillonite has been prepared by exchanging Na+ in the interlayer of montmorillonite with Al hydroxy cation followed by calcination. Pillared clays are also prepared after exchanging Na' ions with Ce, La, Sm-ions and then pillarcd with aluminium oxides, The surface characterisation of the prepared catalysts has been done using XRD and surface area measurements. To probe the acidic property of the system, temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of NH, has been done. Toluene alkylation by benzyl chloride has been carried out for the evaluation of catalytic activity. The most active system is found to be mixed Al/Zr pillarcd montrnorillonite.


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Physico-chemical characterization of DY203/V2O5 systems prepared through wet impregnation method has been carried out using various techniques like EDX, XRD, FTIR. thermal studies, BET surface area, pore volume and pore size distribution analysis. The amount of vanadia incorporated has been found to influence the surface properties of dysprosia. The spectroscopic results combining with X-ray analysis reveal that vanadia species exist predominantly as isolated amorphous vanadyl units along with crystalline dysprosium orthovanadate. Basicity studies have been conducted by adsorption of electron acceptors and acidity and acid strength distribution by temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. Cyclohexanol decomposition has been employed as a chemical probe reaction to examine the effect of vanadia on the acid base property of Dy2O3. Incorporation of vanadia titrates thc Lewis acid and base sites of Dy2O3, while an enhancement of Bronsted acid sites has been noticed. Data have been correlated with the catalytic activity of these oxides towards the vapour phase methylation of phenol


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The study shows that standard plastics like polypropylene and high density polyethylene can be reinforced by adding nylon short fibres. Compared to the conventional glass reinforced thermoplastics this novel class of reinforced thermoplastics has the major advantage of recyclability. Hence such composites represent a new spectrum of recyclable polymer composites. The fibre length and fibre diameter used for reinforcement are critical parameters While there is a critical fibre length below which no effective reinforcement takes place, the reinforcement improves when the fibre diameter decreases due to increased surface area.While the fibres alone give moderate reinforcement, chemical modification of the matrix can further improve the strength and modulus of the composites. Maleic anhydride grafting in presence of styrene was found to be the most efficient chemical modification. While the fibre addition enhances the viscosity of the melt at lower shear rates, the enhancement at higher shear rate is only marginal. This shows that processing of the composite can be done in a similar way to that of the matrix polymer in high shear operations such as injection moulding. Another significant observation is the decrease in melt viscosity of the composite upon grafting. Thus chemical modification of matrix makes processing of the composite easier in addition to improving the mechanical load bearing capacity.For the development of a useful short fibre composite, selection of proper materials, optimum design with regard to the particular product and choosing proper processing parameters are most essential. Since there is a co-influence of many parameters, analytical solutions are difficult. Hence for selecting proper processing parameters 'rnold flow' software was utilized. The orientation of the fibres, mechanical properties, temperature profile, shrinkage, fill time etc. were determined using the software.Another interesting feature of the nylon fibre/PP and nylon fibre/HDPE composites is their thermal behaviour. Both nylon and PP degrade at the same temperature in single steps and hence the thermal degradation behaviour of the composites is also being predictable. It is observed that the thermal behaviour of the matrix or reinforcement does not affect each other. Almost similar behaviour is observed in the case of nylon fibre/HDPE composites. Another equally significant factor is the nucleating effect of nylon fibre when the composite melt cools down. In the presence of the fibre the onset of crystallization occurs at slightly higher temperature.When the matrix is modified by grafting, the onset of crystallization occurs at still higher temperature. Hence it may be calculated that one reason for the improvement in mechanical behaviour of the composite is the difference in crystallization behaviour of the matrix in presence of the fibre.As mentioned earlier, a major advantage of these composites is their recyclability. Two basic approaches may be employed for recycling namely, low temperature recycling and high temperature recycling. In the low temperature recycling, the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting point of the matrix, but below that of the fibres while in the high temperature route. the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting points of both matrix and fibre. The former is particularly interesting in that the recycled material has equal or even better mechanical properties compared to the initial product. This is possible because the orientation of the fibre can improve with successive recycling. Hence such recycled composites can be used for the same applications for which the original composite was developed. In high temperature recycling, the composite is converted into a blend and hence the properties will be inferior to that of the original composite, but will be higher than that of the matrix material alone.


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A series of supported vanadia systems have been prepared by excess solvent technique using La203 and DY203 as supports. Physical characterization has been carried out using XRD, FTIR, TG studies, BET surface area measurement, pore volume analysis etc. Cyclohexanol decomposition has been used as a test reaction for evaluating the acid base properties of the supported system. The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene has been employed as a chemical probe reaction to examine the catalytic activity. The active species correspond to amorphous and crystalline tetrahedral vanadyl units in the supported system.


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Iron pillared Montmorillonite has been synthesised and it is then wet impregnated with vanadia with different vanadia composition. These catalysts are characterised using conventional techniques such as XRD analysis,FTIR analysis and surface area and pore volume measurements. Acidity is measured using spectrophotometric monitoring of adsorption of perylene, thermogravimetric desorption of 2.6 dimethylpyridine and temperature programmed desorption of ammonia. Activity studies are done in the liquid phase. It has been concluded that Lewis acidic sites are responsible for the benzylation of toluene when the benzylating agent is benzyl chloride while Bronsted acidic sites are responsible when the reagent is benzyl alcohol.