1000 resultados para SUBWAVELENGTH HOLE ARRAYS


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In this thesis, anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes, which provide well-aligned uniform mesoscopic pores with adjustable pore parameters, were fabricated and successfully utilized as templates for the fabrication of functional organic nanowires, nanorods and the respective well-ordered arrays. The template-assisted patterning technique was successfully applied for the realization of different objectives:rnHigh-density and well-ordered arrays of hole-conducting nanorods composed of cross-linked triphenylamine (TPA) and tetraphenylbenzidine (TPD) derivatives on conductive substrates like ITO/glass have been successfully fabricated. By applying a freeze-drying technique to remove the aqueous medium after the wet-chemical etching of the template, aggregation and collapsing of the rods was prevented and macroscopic areas of perfectly freestanding nanorods were feasible. Based on the hole-conducting nanorod arrays and their subsequent embedding into an electron-conducting polymer matrix via spin-coating, a novel routine concept for the fabrication of well-ordered all-organic bulk heterojunction for organic photovoltaic applications was successfully demonstrated. The increased donor/acceptor interface of the fabricated devices resulted in a remarkable increase of the photoluminescence quenching compared to a planar bilayer morphology. Further, the fundamental working principle of the templating approach for the solution-based all-organic photovoltaic device was demonstrated for the first time.rnFurthermore, in order to broaden the applicability of patterned surfaces, which are feasible via the template-based patterning of functional materials, AAO with hierarchically branched pores were fabricated and utilized as templates. By pursuing the common templating process hierarchically polymeric replicas, which show remarkable similarities with interesting biostructures, like the surface of the lotus leaf and the feet of a gecko, were successfully prepared.rnIn contrast to the direct infiltration of organic functional materials, a novel route for the fabrication of functional nanowires via post-modification of reactive nanowires was established. Therefore, reactive nanowires based on cross-linked pentafluorophenylesters were fabricated by utilizing AAO templates. The post-modification with fluorescent dyes was demonstrated. Furthermore, reactive wires were converted into well-dispersed poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) hydrogels, which exhibit a thermal-responsive reversible phase transition. The reversible thermal-responsible swelling of the PNIPAM nanowires exhibited a more than 50 % extended length than in the collapsed PNIPAM state. rnLast but not least, the shape-anisotropic pores of AAO were utilized to uniformly align the mesogens of a nematic liquid crystalline elastomer. Liquid crystalline nanowires with a narrow size distribution and uniform orientation of the liquid crystalline material were fabricated. It was shown that during the transition from the nematic to the isotropic phase the rod’s length shortened by roughly 40 percent. As such these liquid crystalline elastomeric nanowires may find application, as wire-shaped nanoactuators in various fields of research, like lab-on-chip systems, micro fluidics and biomimetics.rn


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Il contenuto fisico della Relatività Generale è espresso dal Principio di Equivalenza, che sancisce l'equivalenza di geometria e gravitazione. La teoria predice l'esistenza dei buchi neri, i più semplici oggetti macroscopici esistenti in natura: essi sono infatti descritti da pochi parametri, le cui variazioni obbediscono a leggi analoghe a quelle della termodinamica. La termodinamica dei buchi neri è posta su basi solide dalla meccanica quantistica, mediante il fenomeno noto come radiazione di Hawking. Questi risultati gettano una luce su una possibile teoria quantistica della gravitazione, ma ad oggi una simile teoria è ancora lontana. In questa tesi ci proponiamo di studiare i buchi neri nei loro aspetti sia classici che quantistici. I primi due capitoli sono dedicati all'esposizione dei principali risultati raggiunti in ambito teorico: in particolare ci soffermeremo sui singularity theorems, le leggi della meccanica dei buchi neri e la radiazione di Hawking. Il terzo capitolo, che estende la discussione sulle singolarità, espone la teoria dei buchi neri non singolari, pensati come un modello effettivo di rimozione delle singolarità. Infine il quarto capitolo esplora le ulteriori conseguenze della meccanica quantistica sulla dinamica dei buchi neri, mediante l'uso della nozione di entropia di entanglement.


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The study of supermassive black hole (SMBH) accretion during their phase of activity (hence becoming active galactic nuclei, AGN), and its relation to the host-galaxy growth, requires large datasets of AGN, including a significant fraction of obscured sources. X-ray data are strategic in AGN selection, because at X-ray energies the contamination from non-active galaxies is far less significant than in optical/infrared surveys, and the selection of obscured AGN, including also a fraction of heavily obscured AGN, is much more effective. In this thesis, I present the results of the Chandra COSMOS Legacy survey, a 4.6 Ms X-ray survey covering the equatorial COSMOS area. The COSMOS Legacy depth (flux limit f=2x10^(-16) erg/s/cm^(-2) in the 0.5-2 keV band) is significantly better than that of other X-ray surveys on similar area, and represents the path for surveys with future facilities, like Athena and X-ray Surveyor. The final Chandra COSMOS Legacy catalog contains 4016 point-like sources, 97% of which with redshift. 65% of the sources are optically obscured and potentially caught in the phase of main BH growth. We used the sample of 174 Chandra COSMOS Legacy at z>3 to place constraints on the BH formation scenario. We found a significant disagreement between our space density and the predictions of a physical model of AGN activation through major-merger. This suggests that in our luminosity range the BH triggering through secular accretion is likely preferred to a major-merger triggering scenario. Thanks to its large statistics, the Chandra COSMOS Legacy dataset, combined with the other multiwavelength COSMOS catalogs, will be used to answer questions related to a large number of astrophysical topics, with particular focus on the SMBH accretion in different luminosity and redshift regimes.


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L’aumento dei consumi energetici e la sempre maggiore attenzione posta al tema ambientale fanno delle energie alternative una valida alternativa alle fonti , quali carbone e petrolio,che presentano una elevata generazione di gas serra . Tra le varie fonti alternative di energia un ruolo preponderante è stato assunto dal solare fotovoltaico, che dagli anni ’80 ad oggi ha conosciuto un rapido sviluppo sia in termini di ricerca che di utilizzo su larga scala. Negli ultimi anni tutti gli studi si stanno concentrando su un nuovo tipo di fotovoltaico, quello di terza generazione , il cui scopo è quello di ottenere dispositivi che possano garantire elevate efficienze in modo tale che la tecnologia fotovoltaica sia in grado di affermarsi definitivamente nel settore dell’energia. Il presente lavoro di tesi analizza il processo di conversione fotovoltaica ed il principio di funzionamento delle celle solari . I limiti termodinamici per l'efficienza di conversione di celle solari a singola giunzione sono stati discussi nella tesi. E' presentata nella tesi una rassegna delle principali strategie per il superamento dei limiti termodinamici per l'efficienza di una cella solare a singola giunzione . Sono stati analizzati : •il processo di rilassamento intrabanda dei nanocristalli ; •la generazione multipla di eccitoni (MEG) •il processo di Generazione di eccitoni multipli in nanocristalli di silicio colloidali (MEG in Si NCs). Tali risultati rivestono un particolare interesse per lo sviluppo di celle solari innovative , ad alta efficienza di conversione , utilizzando un materiale facilmente reperibile ed economico come appunto è il Silicio.


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Allo scopo di valutare le tensioni residue di un pannello in alluminio sottile, è stata sviluppata la tecnica definita Incremental Hole Drilling. Poichè tale tecnica è applicata a componenti di spessori rilevanti, per ovviare alle problematiche di vibrazione del provino è stata applicata una controlastra di resina polimerizzata per aumentare la rigidezza flessionale. Le analisi effettuate hanno mostrato una influenza della resina non trascurabile sullo stato di tensione del materiale.


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La vita di un aeromobile è un elemento importante sia per quanto riguarda la sicurezza del payload, che da un punto di vista economico, a causa delle spese di manutenzione/rinnovamento della flotta che una compagnia aerea deve affrontare. Gli elementi costitutivi di un aeromobile sono soggetti a diverse tipologie di carichi, alcuni dei quali ciclici come la pressurizzazione/depressurizzazione della fusoliera; tali carichi, nel lungo periodo, possono provocare la nascita e la propagazione di eventuali cricche, le quali possono portare alla rottura del componente stesso causando gravi incidenti. Il legame tra tensioni residue e nascita/crescita delle cricche ha portato allo sviluppo di tecniche per contrastare questo fenomeno, come il processo del LSP. Per la misura delle tensioni residue esistono già normative di riferimento, le quali però non trattano componenti metallici di piccolo spessore mentre i pannelli di fusoliera rientrano in questa categoria. Scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare una variante della tecnica HD adatta a valutare le tensioni residue in componenti metallici di piccolo spessore e confrontare i risultati con quelli ottenuti con la tecnica XRD. L’idea di partenza è l’implementazione di un supporto posteriore in resina che simuli la presenza di uno spessore maggiore.


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To propose the determination of the macromolecular baseline (MMBL) in clinical 1H MR spectra based on T(1) and T(2) differentiation using 2D fitting in FiTAID, a general Fitting Tool for Arrays of Interrelated Datasets.


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Fully controlled liquid injection and flow in hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) two-dimensional microchannel arrays based on on-chip integrated, low-voltage-driven micropumps are demonstrated. Our architecture exploits the surface-acoustic-wave (SAW) induced counterflow mechanism and the effect of nebulization anisotropies at crossing areas owing to lateral propagating SAWs. We show that by selectively exciting single or multiple SAWs, fluids can be drawn from their reservoirs and moved towards selected positions of a microchannel grid. Splitting of the main liquid flow is also demonstrated by exploiting multiple SAW beams. As a demonstrator, we show simultaneous filling of two orthogonal microchannels. The present results show that SAW micropumps are good candidates for truly integrated on-chip fluidic networks allowing liquid control in arbitrarily shaped two-dimensional microchannel arrays.


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The widespread use of artificial nestboxes has led to significant advances in our knowledge of the ecology, behaviour and physiology of cavity nesting birds, especially small passerines Nestboxes have made it easier to perform routine monitoring and experimental manipulation of eggs or nestlings, and also repeatedly to capture, identify and manipulate the parents However, when comparing results across study sites the use of nestboxes may also Introduce a potentially significant confounding variable in the form of differences in nestbox design amongst studies, such as their physical dimensions, placement height, and the way in which they are constructed and maintained However, the use of nestboxes may also introduce an unconsidered and potentially significant confounding variable clue to differences in nestbox design amongst studies, such as their physical dimensions, placement height, and the way in which they are constructed and maintained Here we review to what extent the characteristics of artificial nestboxes (e g size, shape, construction material, colour) are documented in the 'methods' sections of publications involving hole-nesting passerine birds using natural or excavated cavities or artificial nestboxes for reproduction and roosting Despite explicit previous recommendations that authors describe in detail the characteristics of the nestboxes used, we found that the description of nestbox characteristics in most recent publications remains poor and insufficient We therefore list the types of descriptive data that should be included in the methods sections of relevant manuscripts and justify this by discussing how variation in nestbox characteristics can affect or confound conclusions from nestbox studies We also propose several recommendations to improve the reliability and usefulness of research based on long-term studies of any secondary hole-nesting species using artificial nestboxes for breeding or roosting.