955 resultados para Rwandan Patriotic Front


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Este artículo presenta un resultado de investigación financiado con recursos propios en el que se expone un modelo en espacio de estados de un rectificador trifásico controlado active front end. Utilizando este modelo se deriva una ley de control orientado al voltaje (VOC), enfocado en el comportamiento como carga resistiva, factor de potencia unitario, el cual es probado mediante simulación usando el Toolbox SimPowerSystem en Simulink de Matlab®.


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Three sediment records of sea surface temperature (SST) are analyzed that originate from distant locations in the North Atlantic, have centennial-to-multicentennial resolution, are based on the same reconstruction method and chronological assumptions, and span the past 15 000 yr. Using recursive least squares techniques, an estimate of the time-dependent North Atlantic SST field over the last 15 kyr is sought that is consistent with both the SST records and a surface ocean circulation model, given estimates of their respective error (co)variances. Under the authors' assumptions about data and model errors, it is found that the 10 degrees C mixed layer isotherm, which approximately traces the modern Subpolar Front, would have moved by ~15 degrees of latitude southward (northward) in the eastern North Atlantic at the onset (termination) of the Younger Dryas cold interval (YD), a result significant at the level of two standard deviations in the isotherm position. In contrast, meridional movements of the isotherm in the Newfoundland basin are estimated to be small and not significant. Thus, the isotherm would have pivoted twice around a region southeast of the Grand Banks, with a southwest-northeast orientation during the warm intervals of the Bolling-Allerod and the Holocene and a more zonal orientation and southerly position during the cold interval of the YD. This study provides an assessment of the significance of similar previous inferences and illustrates the potential of recursive least squares in paleoceanography.


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Automation technologies are widely acclaimed to have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption and energy-related costs in buildings. However, despite the abundance of commercially available technologies, automation in domestic environments keep on meeting commercial failures. The main reason for this is the development process that is used to build the automation applications, which tend to focus more on technical aspects rather than on the needs and limitations of the users. An instance of this problem is the complex and poorly designed home automation front-ends that deter customers from investing in a home automation product. On the other hand, developing a usable and interactive interface is a complicated task for developers due to the multidisciplinary challenges that need to be identified and solved. In this context, the current research work investigates the different design problems associated with developing a home automation interface as well as the existing design solutions that are applied to these problems. The Qualitative Data Analysis approach was used for collecting data from research papers and the open coding process was used to cluster the findings. From the analysis of the data collected, requirements for designing the interface were derived. A home energy management functionality for a Web-based home automation front-end was developed as a proof-of-concept and a user evaluation was used to assess the usability of the interface. The results of the evaluation showed that this holistic approach to designing interfaces improved its usability which increases the chances of its commercial success.


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Presentation from the MARAC conference in Baltimore, MD on October 16–18, 2014. S18 - Varsity Lessons: College Sports Archives and the Human Experience


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Shows fortifications and names of some residents.


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This dissertation examines four life writings by militant-authors of the Việt Minh and Front de la Libération Nationale (FLN): Ngô Văn Chiêu’s Journal d’un combattant Viet-Minh (1955), Đặng Văn Việt’s De la RC 4 à la N 4: la campagne des frontières (2000), Si Azzedine’s On nous appelait fellaghas (1976), and Saadi Yacef’s two-volume La Bataille d’Alger (2002). In describing the Vietnamese and Algerian Revolutions through the perspectives of combatants who participated in their respective countries’ national liberation struggles, the texts reveal that four key factors motivated the militants and led them to believe that independence was historically inevitable: (1) a philosophical, political, and ideological framework, (2) the support of multiple segments of the local population, (3) the effective use of guerrilla and psychological warfare, and (4) military, moral, and political assistance provided by international allies. By fighting for the independence of their countries and documenting their revolutionary experiences, the four militant-authors leave their mark on the world using both the sword and the pen.


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A Campanha de Galípoli foi uma operação ofensiva conduzida pela Grã-Bretanha, que teve como cenário a península de Galípoli, na Turquia (que fazia parte do Império Otomano, na época) entre fevereiro de 1915 e janeiro de 1916. Considerada uma das campanhas mais desgastantes da Grande Guerra. Envolveu uma combinação de forças Britânicas, Francesas, Australianas e Neozelandesas, numa tentativa de dominar o estreito de Dardanelos e subjugar o império Otomano, a fim de obrigar as forças Alemãs a estenderem-se para mais uma frente de guerra e obter uma rota segura com a Rússia através do Mar Negro, para ligar por sul os Aliados, cuja comunicação só podia fazer-se através do estreito. Do lado dos defensores, os Turcos, esta batalha foi uma grande vitória no aspeto militar, que ergueu o orgulho e valor patriótico do povo turco, que eram vistos como um oponente fraco durante o conflito mundial, subestimados pelas suas capacidades de defender o estreito de Dardanelos. Um dos aspetos preponderantes, no resultado, seria que na época a tecnologia utilizada no campo de batalha favorecia maioritariamente o defensor.


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Al giorno d'oggi, l'industry 4.0 è un movimento sempre più prominente che induce ad equipaggiare gli impianti industriali con avanzate infrastrutture tecnologiche digitali, le quali operano sinergicamente con l'impianto, al fine di controllare ed aumentare la produttività, monitorare e prevenire i futuri guasti, ed altro ancora. In questo ambito, gli utenti sono parte integrante della struttura produttiva, in cui ricoprono ruoli strategici e flessibili, collaborano fra loro e con le macchine, con l’obiettivo di affrontare e risolvere proattivamente una vasta gamma di problemi complessi. In particolare, la customer assistance nel settore industriale può certamente variare in relazione a molteplici elementi: il tipo di produzione e le caratteristiche del prodotto; l'organizzazione ed infrastruttura aziendale interna; la quantità di risorse disponibili che possono essere impiegate; il grado di importanza ricoperto dalla customer assistance nel settore industriale di riferimento; altri eventuali fattori appartenenti ad un dominio specifico. Per queste ragioni, si è cercato di individuare e categorizzare nel modo più accurato possibile, il lavoro svolto in questo elaborato ed il contesto nel quale è stato sviluppato. In questa tesi, viene descritta un'applicazione web per erogare assistenza al cliente in ambito di industria 4.0, attraverso il paradigma di ticketing o ticket di supporto/assistenza. Questa applicazione è integrata nel sistema Mentor, il quale è attivo già da anni nel settore industriale 4.0. Il progetto Mentor è una suite di applicazioni cloud-based creata dal gruppo Bucci Industries, una multinazionale attiva nell'industria e nell'automazione con sede a Faenza. In questo caso di studio, si presenta la progettazione ed implementazione della parte front-end del suddetto sistema di assistenza, il quale è integrato ed interconnesso con un paio di applicazioni tipiche di industria 4.0, presenti nella stessa suite di applicazioni.


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Mastocytosis are myeloproliferative neoplasms commonly related to gain-of-function mutations involving the tyrosine kinase domain of KIT. We herein report a case of familial systemic mastocytosis with the rare KIT K509I germ line mutation affecting two family members: mother and daughter. In vitro treatment with imatinib, dasatinib and PKC412 reduced cell viability of primary mast cells harboring KIT K509I mutation. However, imatinib was more effective in inducing apoptosis of neoplastic mast cells. Both patients with familial systemic mastocytosis had remarkable hematological and skin improvement after three months of imatinib treatment, suggesting that it may be an effective front line therapy for patients harboring KIT K509I mutation.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the presence of myofibroblasts, frequently associated with a more aggressive neoplastic behavior, in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) of young patients and to compare with the distribution observed in older patients. Tumor samples from 29 patients younger than 40 years old affected by TSCC were retrieved and investigated for the presence of stromal myofibroblasts by immunohistochemical reactions against α smooth muscle actin, and the results obtained were compared to TSCC cases affecting older patients. No positive reaction could be found in the stromal areas devoid of neoplastic tissue, whereas myofibroblasts were present in 58.6% of the lesions in young patients and in 75.9% of the older ones. No significant difference was found when comparing the invasive front and the overall stroma of both groups, and no correlation could be obtained with stromal α smooth muscle actin expression, higher tumor grades or clinical stage (P > .05). There was no significant difference between the presence of stromal myofibroblasts of TSCC affecting young and old individuals.


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Clozapine displays stronger systemic metabolic side effects than haloperidol and it has been hypothesized that therapeutic antipsychotic and adverse metabolic effects of these drugs are related. Considering that cerebral disconnectivity through oligodendrocyte dysfunction has been implicated in schizophrenia, it is important to determine the effect of these drugs on oligodendrocyte energy metabolism and myelin lipid production. Effects of clozapine and haloperidol on glucose and myelin lipid metabolism were evaluated and compared in cultured OLN-93 oligodendrocytes. First, glycolytic activity was assessed by measurement of extra- and intracellular glucose and lactate levels. Next, the expression of glucose (GLUT) and monocarboxylate (MCT) transporters was determined after 6 and 24 h. And finally mitochondrial respiration, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, free fatty acids, and expression of the myelin lipid galactocerebroside were analyzed. Both drugs altered oligodendrocyte glucose metabolism, but in opposite directions. Clozapine improved the glucose uptake, production and release of lactate, without altering GLUT and MCT. In contrast, haloperidol led to higher extracellular levels of glucose and lower levels of lactate, suggesting reduced glycolysis. Antipsychotics did not alter significantly the number of functionally intact mitochondria, but clozapine enhanced the efficacy of oxidative phosphorylation and expression of galactocerebroside. Our findings support the superior impact of clozapine on white matter integrity in schizophrenia as previously observed, suggesting that this drug improves the energy supply and myelin lipid synthesis in oligodendrocytes. Characterizing the underlying signal transduction pathways may pave the way for novel oligodendrocyte-directed schizophrenia therapies.


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There is a growing demand for renewable energy, and sugarcane is a promising bioenergy crop. In Brazil, the largest sugarcane producer in the world, sugarcane plantations are expanding into areas where severe droughts are common. Recent evidence has highlighted the role of miRNAs in regulating drought responses in several species, including sugarcane. This review summarizes the data from miRNA expression profiles observed in a wide array of experimental conditions using different sugarcane cultivars that differ in their tolerance to drought. We uncovered a complex regulation of sugarcane miRNAs in response to drought and discussed these data with the miRNA profiles observed in other plant species. The predicted miRNA targets revealed different transcription factors, proteins involved in tolerance to oxidative stress, cell modification, as well as hormone signaling. Some of these proteins might regulate sugarcane responses to drought, such as reduction of internode growth and shoot branching and increased leaf senescence. A better understanding on the regulatory network from miRNAs and their targets under drought stress has a great potential to contribute to sugarcane improvement, either as molecular markers as well as by using biotechnological approaches.