937 resultados para Ruiz de la Torre, Juan


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The work presented in this document shows the complete simulation of a Butler matrix. This circuit will be used in the feeding of a steerable on board antenna in X band. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array. This terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (7.25 – 7.75 GHz) and transmission (7.9–8.4 GHz), are included simultaneously. The whole antenna reaches 31 dBi, with a beam width smaller than 10º and a dual circular polarization. This antenna also includes the capability of electronic steering in elevation ±45º and mechanically motorized junction 360º in azimuth.


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The antenna presented in this article will be developed for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 and ITU-R S.465-5. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, this terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (14.7% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (7.25 - 7.75 GHz) and transmission (7.9 - 8.4 GHz), are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, and it has a radiation pattern with a beamwidth smaller than 10° and a dual circular polarization. The antenna has the capability to steer in elevation from 90° to 40° electronically and 360° in azimuth with a motorized junction.


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This work provides the development of an antenna for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 [1] and ITU-R S.465-5 [2]. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, working in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth). In this working band, transmission and reception are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, has a radiation pattern with a beam width smaller than 10oand dual circular polarization. It has the capability to steer in elevation through a Butler matrix to 45


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The study of matter under conditions of high density, pressure, and temperature is a valuable subject for inertial confinement fusion (ICF), astrophysical phenomena, high-power laser interaction with matter, etc. In all these cases, matter is heated and compressed by strong shocks to high pressures and temperatures, becomes partially or completely ionized via thermal or pressure ionization, and is in the form of dense plasma. The thermodynamics and the hydrodynamics of hot dense plasmas cannot be predicted without the knowledge of the equation of state (EOS) that describes how a material reacts to pressure and how much energy is involved. Therefore, the equation of state often takes the form of pressure and energy as functions of density and temperature. Furthermore, EOS data must be obtained in a timely manner in order to be useful as input in hydrodynamic codes. By this reason, the use of fast, robust and reasonably accurate atomic models, is necessary for computing the EOS of a material.


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In this document a microstrip constrained lens device for Ku band, for microwave purpose, is presented. This paper offers an overview of artificial lens-type devices and the proposed transmitarray lens is thoroughly studied in terms of design and manufacturing, with architecture discussion and selection, along with the design, manufacturing and validation of all the forming components of the transmitarray (transmission circuits, radiating elements, etc.). Each element is properly characterized and assembled properly in the complete transmitarray prototype. Eventually, radiation pattern measurements as well as gain and directivity values, are provided to show the proper behaviour of the proposed transmitarray lens.


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El proyecto surge de la necesidad de ahorro energético mundial, debido a la contaminación producida por las distintas formas de generación de electricidad. Mejorar la eficiencia energética suele ser la forma más barata, rápida y respetuosa del medio ambiente para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas del mundo. En España la Certificación Energética de Edificios es obligatorio, por lo que surge la necesidad analizar las distintas formas y en que ámbito legal pueden ser utilizadas. Se desarrolla la necesidad de otorgar una etiqueta de eficiencia energética de la letra A a la G, siendo la A la más eficiente y la G la menos eficiente. Para saber cuál es la letra que asignamos al edificio en proceso de Certificación, se ha de usar una opción de las que se nos ofrece.


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Colección de monografías sobre temas avanzados en el área de los sistemas de guiado de ondas. El contenido es adecuado para estudiantes que, habiendo seguido un curso básico, sientan especial predilección por el tema, para aquellos que inician su formación de postgrado en el área de electromagnetismo, y para titulados con experiencia que precisen, en un momento dado, una información más completa acerca de ciertos problemas ajenos a su actividad previa.


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Este trabajo tiene por objetivo el estudio de ahorro energético en una explotación ganadera. Para ello, se contempla la posibilidad de sustituir los sistemas actuales por otros alimentados de energía solar, geotérmica o eólica. La energía obtenida a partir de la producción de metano a través de la utilización de los purines no se contempla, debido a que son utilizados como abono en las parcelas colindantes. PUNTOS TRATADOS Se parte de que, en la explotación, la calefacción es de gas natural y la electricidad es generada por un grupo electrógeno. Estudio de la irradiancia de la zona y de la cantidad de paneles solares y baterías necesarios para hacer la explotación ganadera autosuficiente. Estudio del potencial eólico de la zona y de la cantidad de aerogeneradores y baterías necesarios para hacer la explotación ganadera autosuficiente. Estudio del potencial calorífico de la zona y de la cantidad de tubos, bombas de calor y baterías necesarios para hacer la explotación ganadera autosuficiente. Cálculo de los costes de la instalación solar, eólica y geotérmica. Comparación de los resultados obtenidos anteriormente y breve discusión sobre el sistema elegido. ABSTRACT OBJETIVES This job has got like objective the energetic saving study in a cattle exploitation. For it, it is contemplated the possibility of replacing the current systems with others fed on solar, wind and geothermal power. Energy obtained across production of methane across animal organic wastes it is not contemplated, because they are used as fertilizer on adjacent smallholdings. TREATED POINTS It is parted of that, in the exploitation, heating is propane and electricity is generated by an electrical generator. Study about irradiance on the place and quantity of solar panels and batteries to doing self-sufficient the cattle exploitation. Study about wind potential on the place and quantity of wind generators and batteries to doing self-sufficient the cattle exploitation. Study about calorific potential into ground and quantity of pipes, heat pumps and batteries to doing self-sufficient the cattle exploitation. Calculation about solar, wind and geothermal installation costs. Comparison about results have been obtained and brief discussion about chosen system


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Fundamental research and modelling in plasma atomic physics continue to be essential for providing basic understanding of many different topics relevant to high-energy-density plasmas. The Atomic Physics Group at the Institute of Nuclear Fusion has accumulated experience over the years in developing a collection of computational models and tools for determining the atomic energy structure, ionization balance and radiative properties of, mainly, inertial fusion and laser-produced plasmas in a variety of conditions. In this work, we discuss some of the latest advances and results of our research, with emphasis on inertial fusion and laboratory-astrophysical applications.


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In this work, a dual circular polarized steering antenna for satellite communications in X band is presented. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array. This terminal works in a frequency band from 7.25 GHz up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth), where both bands, reception (RX) and transmission (TX) are included simultaneously and Left Handed Circular Polarization (LHCP) and Right Handed Circular Polarization (RHCP) are interchangeable. The antenna is compact, narrow bandwidth and reaches a gain of 16 dBi. It has the capability to steer in elevation to 45±, 75±, 105± and 135± electronically with a Butler matrix and 360± in azimuth with a motorized junction.


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In this letter, a dual circular polarized steering antenna for satellite communications in X-band is presented. This antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, able to work from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz in both polarizations: left-handed circular polarization (LHCP) and right-handed circular polarization (RHCP). The module antenna is compact, with narrow beamwidth, and reaches a gain of 16 dBi. It has the capability to steer in elevation to and electronically with a Butler matrix. In order to reduce the mutual coupling between adjacent patches, electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures are introduced. These EBGs combine double-layer and edge location via in order to reduce the size, without changing the low-permittivity substrate, and therefore maintaining the high radiation efficiency of the antenna.


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Double layer and edge-location via techniques are combined for electromagnetic band gap (EBG) size reduction. The study of the required number of elements and their dimensions is carried out in order to suppress the surface wave propagation modes and consequently to reduce the mutual coupling between radiating elements in low-permittivity substrates. By applying these techniques, the size of the EBG mushroom is reduced by 30%; however, the bandwidth operation maintains its value, and these structures can be integrated between radiating elements in broad bandwidth antennas.


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Se presenta el algoritmo implementado para probar la estabilidad de pilas de puente de forma global, es decir, integradas en la estructura más general del puente. El método planteado constituye una alternativa más general al método habitual de leyes momento-curvatura. Se describe su aplicación al puente atirantado de Bucaramanga de 292 m de luz y pilas de 50 y 70 m de altura (altura total de la torre mayor de 133 m). Su aplicación, considerando confinamiento en determinadas secciones de pilas permite tener en cuenta la generación de rótulas plásticas y demostrar el grado de ductilidad alcanzado en la estructura, constituyendo una aplicación practica del método de calculo sísmico por capacidad o push-over a pilas de puente.The relevance of this article is threefold: 1st It presents in detail the algorithm used to test the stability of bridge piers in a global model, i.e., integrated in the most general structure of the bridge. 2nd The method put forward represents a more general alternative to the commonly used moment-curvature method of sectional analysis for biaxial bending under constant axial force. 3rd It describes the algorithm’s application to a 292 m span cable-stayed bridge with piers of 50 and 70 m in height (total height of the biggest tower 133 m). Its application, considering confinement in some particular cross-sections of piers permits the taking into account of “plastic hinges” phenomena due to earthquakes and demonstrates the degree of ductility achieved in the structure. This constitutes a practical application of the push-over method to bridge piers.


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Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) based on Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) [1] are one type of metamaterials [2] with electrical properties [3]. This EBG are used in mutual coupling reduction, back lobe radiation reduction, etc. In this work not only new shapes for the mushroom-type are presented, but also multilayered configurations were studied in order to reduce the patch size and the necessary number of elements.


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This review of Electromagnetic Band Gap (EGB) metamaterials and steering integrated antennas was carried out in IMST GmbH under a short collaboration stay. This activity is in line with Coordinating the Antenna Research in Europe (CARE). The aim is to identify the newest trends, and suggest novel solutions and design methodologies for various applications.