984 resultados para Rothman, Barbara Katz: Ei yksin geeneistä


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To assess quality of care of women with severe maternal morbidity and to identify associated factors. This is a national multicenter cross-sectional study performing surveillance for severe maternal morbidity, using the World Health Organization criteria. The expected number of maternal deaths was calculated with the maternal severity index (MSI) based on the severity of complication, and the standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for each center was estimated. Analyses on the adequacy of care were performed. 17 hospitals were classified as providing adequate and 10 as nonadequate care. Besides almost twofold increase in maternal mortality ratio, the main factors associated with nonadequate performance were geographic difficulty in accessing health services (P < 0.001), delays related to quality of medical care (P = 0.012), absence of blood derivatives (P = 0.013), difficulties of communication between health services (P = 0.004), and any delay during the whole process (P = 0.039). This is an example of how evaluation of the performance of health services is possible, using a benchmarking tool specific to Obstetrics. In this study the MSI was a useful tool for identifying differences in maternal mortality ratios and factors associated with nonadequate performance of care.


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To evaluate the effects of acute exercise on the TRB3 protein levels and interaction between TRB3/Akt proteins in the hypothalamus of obese rats. In addition, we evaluated the relationship between TRB3 and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) and verified whether an acute exercise session is able to influence these processes. In the first part of the study, the rats were divided into three groups: control (lean) - fed with a standard rodent chow, DIO - fed with a high fat diet and DIO submitted to a swimming acute exercise protocol (DIO-EXE). In the second part of the study, we used other three groups: control (lean) receiving an intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) infusion of vehicle, lean receiving an i.c.v. infusion of thapsigargin, and lean receiving an i.c.v infusion of thapsigargin and performing an acute exercise session. Four hours after the exercise session, the food intake was measured and the hypothalamus was dissected and separated for subsequent protein analysis by immunoblotting and Real Time PCR. The acute exercise session reduced the TRB3 protein levels, disrupted the interaction between TRB3/Akt proteins, increased the phosphorylation of Foxo1 and restored the anorexigenic effects of insulin in the hypothalamus of DIO rats. Interestingly, the suppressive effects of acute exercise on TRB3 protein levels may be related, at least in part, to the decrease of ER stress (evaluated though pancreatic ER kinase phosphorylation - pPERK and C/EBP homologous protein - CHOP protein levels) in the hypothalamus. In conclusion, the reduction of hypothalamic TRB3 protein levels mediated by exercise may be associated with the reduction of ER stress. These data provided a new mechanism by which an acute exercise session improves insulin sensitivity in hypothalamus and restores food intake control in obesity.


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OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the efficacy of cumulative doses (CDs) of 131I-iodide therapy (RIT) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The probability of progressive disease according to CDs was evaluated in patients < 45 years old and > 45 years old and correlated to tumor-node-metastasis (TNM), thyroglobulin values, histological types and variants, age, and zduration of the disease. RESULTS: At the end of a follow-up period of 69 ± 56 months, 85 out of 150 DTC patients submitted to fixed doses RIT had no evidence of disease, 47 had stable disease and 18 had progressive disease. Higher CDs were used in the more aggressive variants (p < 0.0001), higher TNM stages (p < 0.0001), and follicular carcinomas (p = 0.0034). Probability of disease progression was higher with CDs > 600 mCi in patients > 45 years old and with CDs > 800 mCi in patients < 45 years. CONCLUSION: Although some patients may still respond to high CDs, the impact of further RIT should be carefully evaluated and other treatment strategies may be warranted.


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Objective To evaluate the occurrence of severe obstetric complications associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage among women from the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity.Design Multicenter cross-sectional study.Setting Twenty-seven obstetric referral units in Brazil between July 2009 and June 2010.Population A total of 9555 women categorized as having obstetric complications.Methods The occurrence of potentially life-threatening conditions, maternal near miss and maternal deaths associated with antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was evaluated. Sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and the use of criteria for management of severe bleeding were also assessed in these women.Main outcome measures The prevalence ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals adjusted for the cluster effect of the design, and multiple logistic regression analysis were performed to identify factors independently associated with the occurrence of severe maternal outcome.Results Antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage occurred in only 8% (767) of women experiencing any type of obstetric complication. However, it was responsible for 18.2% (140) of maternal near miss and 10% (14) of maternal death cases. On multivariate analysis, maternal age and previous cesarean section were shown to be independently associated with an increased risk of severe maternal outcome (near miss or death).Conclusion Severe maternal outcome due to antepartum and intrapartum hemorrhage was highly prevalent among Brazilian women. Certain risk factors, maternal age and previous cesarean delivery in particular, were associated with the occurrence of bleeding.


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Foi estudado o comportamento eletroquímico a 37°C do aço inoxidável ISO 5832-9, em meios de NaCl 0,9 %, de Ringer Lactato e meio mínimo de Eagle (MEM), por voltametria linear e análises da superfície por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por espectroscopia por dispersão de energia (EDS). Foram feitos ensaios mecânicos e testes de toxicidade. O aço ISO 5832-9 se encontra passivado no potencial de corrosão e não apresenta corrosão por pite nos três meios estudados em toda faixa de potencial investigada, desde o potencial de corrosão até 50 mV acima do potencial de transpassivação. Em meio de MEM, no entanto, as análises por MEV e EDS mostraram que o referido aço, nesse valor mais elevado de potencial, apresentou um comportamento diferente, com perda das inclusões de óxido de manganês. Os potenciais de corrosão, Ecorr (potencial de circuito aberto estacionário) bem como os valores de densidade de corrente de passivação, variaram na seguinte ordem: Ecorr, RL < Ecorr, NaCl < Ecorr, MEM. e jMEM << jRL ≅ jNaCl. No ensaio de citotoxicidade, o aço foi caracterizado como não-tóxico.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a associação entre o estado nutricional da vitamina D, a adiposidade e a pressão arterial (PA) em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada avaliação antropométrica, da composição corporal, da ingestão alimentar, de medidas bioquímicas e aferição da PA de 205 adolescentes, com média de idade de 18,2 anos. RESULTADOS: Destes, 12,19% apresentaram PA elevada. O nível sérico médio da 25OHD foi 29,2(0,8) ng/mL, e 62% dos adolescentes apresentaram insuficiência de vitamina D. Não foi encontrada correlação significativa entre a PAS e a PAD com a 25OHD e a 1,25(OH)2D. Houve correlação negativa entre a PAD com os níveis séricos de adiponectina, e tanto a PAS quanto a PAD apresentaram correlação positiva com a circunferência da cintura em ambos os sexos. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve relação entre os níveis séricos de vitamina D e a PA. Porém, a gordura visceral apresenta risco potencial para elevação da PA em adolescentes.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar os níveis séricos e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão dietética de folato e das vitaminas B6 e B12, identificando os alimentos contribuintes para a ingestão desses nutrientes. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional, transversal, em adolescentes de 16 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, conduzido em Indaiatuba (SP). Coletou-se o registro alimentar de 3 dias não consecutivos. A dieta habitual foi estimada pela remoção da variabilidade intrapessoal, e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão, pelo método da estimated average requirement como ponto de corte. As análises bioquímicas de folato, B6 e B12 foram conduzidas de acordo com os métodos aceitos na literatura. RESULTADOS: O estudo foi conduzido com 99 adolescentes, a maioria do sexo feminino (58,6%), com média de idade de 17,6 (desvio padrão, DP 0,9) anos. As médias da concentração sérica de folato, B6 e B12 foram de 9,2 (DP 3,4) ng/mL, 18,7 (DP 5,1) nmol/L e 397,5 (DP 188,4) pg/mL, respectivamente; e a prevalência de inadequação da ingestão das vitaminas foi de 15,2, 10,2 e < 1%, respectivamente. Os alimentos que mais contribuíram para a ingestão dos nutrientes foram, para folato: pão francês, macarrão e feijões; para B6: arroz branco, carne de frango e carne bovina; e para B12: carne bovina magra, leite integral e carne bovina gorda. CONCLUSÕES: As prevalências de inadequação de folato, B6 e B12 mostraram-se baixas, possivelmente em decorrência da melhoria do acesso e da disponibilidade de alimentos, fontes dietéticas das vitaminas. Os feijões, presentes na dieta tradicional brasileira, ainda estão entre os principais alimentos que contribuíram para a ingestão de folato, mesmo após a fortificação mandatória com ácido fólico no Brasil.


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Background: Acid soils comprise up to 50% of the world's arable lands and in these areas aluminum (Al) toxicity impairs root growth, strongly limiting crop yield. Food security is thereby compromised in many developing countries located in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In sorghum, SbMATE, an Al-activated citrate transporter, underlies the Alt(SB) locus on chromosome 3 and confers Al tolerance via Al-activated root citrate release. Methodology: Population structure was studied in 254 sorghum accessions representative of the diversity present in cultivated sorghums. Al tolerance was assessed as the degree of root growth inhibition in nutrient solution containing Al. A genetic analysis based on markers flanking Alt(SB) and SbMATE expression was undertaken to assess a possible role for Alt(SB) in Al tolerant accessions. In addition, the mode of gene action was estimated concerning the Al tolerance trait. Comparisons between models that include population structure were applied to assess the importance of each subpopulation to Al tolerance. Conclusion/Significance: Six subpopulations were revealed featuring specific racial and geographic origins. Al tolerance was found to be rather rare and present primarily in guinea and to lesser extent in caudatum subpopulations. Alt(SB) was found to play a role in Al tolerance in most of the Al tolerant accessions. A striking variation was observed in the mode of gene action for the Al tolerance trait, which ranged from almost complete recessivity to near complete dominance, with a higher frequency of partially recessive sources of Al tolerance. A possible interpretation of our results concerning the origin and evolution of Al tolerance in cultivated sorghum is discussed. This study demonstrates the importance of deeply exploring the crop diversity reservoir both for a comprehensive view of the dynamics underlying the distribution and function of Al tolerance genes and to design efficient molecular breeding strategies aimed at enhancing Al tolerance.


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Leishmaniasis is a neglected disease and endemic in developing countries. A lack of adequate and definitive chemotherapeutic agents to fight against this infection has led to the investigation of numerous compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of RT-01, an organotellurane compound presenting biological activities, in 2 experimental systems against Leishmania amazonensis. The in vitro system consisted of promastigotes and amastigotes forms of the parasite, and the in vivo system consisted of L. amazonensis infected BALB/c mice, an extremely susceptible mouse strain. The compound proved to be toxic against promastigotes and amastigotes. The study also showed that treatment with RT-01 produces an effect similar to that treatment with the reference antimonial drug, Glucantime, in L. amazonensis infected mice. The best results were obtained following RT-01 intralesional administration (720 mu g/kg/day); mice showed significant delay in the development of cutaneous lesions and decreased numbers of parasites obtained from the lesions. Significant differences in tissue pathology consisted mainly of no expressive accumulation of inflammatory cells and well-preserved structures in the skin tissue of RT-01-treated mice compared with expressive infiltration of infected cells replacing the skin tissue in lesions of untreated mice. These findings highlight the fact that the apparent potency of organotellurane compounds, together with their relatively simple structure, may represent a new avenue for the development of novel drugs to combat parasitic diseases.


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The presence of mutations associated with integrase inhibitor (INI) resistance among INI-naive patients may play an important clinical role in the use of those drugs Samples from 76 HIV-1-infected subjects naive to INIs were submitted to direct sequencing. No differences were found between naive (25%) subjects and subjects on HAART (75%). No primary mutation associated with raltegravir or elvitegravir resistance was found. However, 78% of sequences showed at least one accessory mutation associated with resistance. The analysis of the 76 IN sequences showed a high polymorphic level on this region among Brazilian HIV-1-infected subjects, including a high prevalence of aa substitutions related to INI resistance. The impact of these findings remains unclear and further studies are necessary to address these questions.


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Background: Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are stress induced proteins with immunomodulatory properties. The Hsp70 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TBHsp70) has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory role on rodent autoimmune arthritis models, and the protective effects were demonstrated to be dependent on interleukin-10 (IL-10). We have previously observed that TBHsp70 inhibited maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) and induced IL-10 production by these cells, as well as in synovial fluid cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated if TBHsp70 could inhibit allograft rejection in two murine allograft systems, a transplanted allogeneic melanoma and a regular skin allograft. In both systems, treatment with TBHsp70 significantly inhibited rejection of the graft, and correlated with regulatory T cells (Tregs) recruitment. This effect was not tumor mediated because injection of TBHsp70 in tumor-free mice induced an increase of Tregs in the draining lymph nodes as well as inhibition of proliferation of lymph node T cells and an increase in IL-10 production. Finally, TBHsp70 inhibited skin allograft acute rejection, and depletion of Tregs using a monoclonal antibody completely abolished this effect. Conclusions/Significance: We present the first evidence for an immunosuppressive role for this protein in a graft rejection system, using an innovative approach - immersion of the graft tissue in TBHsp70 solution instead of protein injection. Also, this is the first study that demonstrates dependence on Treg cells for the immunosuppressive role of TBHsp70. This finding is relevant for the elucidation of the immunomodulatory mechanism of TBHsp70. We propose that this protein can be used not only for chronic inflammatory diseases, but is also useful for organ transplantation management.


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impairment of CCAAT Enhancer Binding Protein alpha (CEBPA) function is a common finding in acute myeloid leukemia; nevertheless, its relevance for acute promyelocytic leukemia pathogenesis is unclear. We analyzed the expression and assessed the methylation status of the core and upstream promoters of CEBPA in acute promyelocytic leukemia at diagnosis. Patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (n=18) presented lower levels of CEBPA expression compared to healthy controls (n=5), but higher levels than those in acute myeloid leukemia with t(8;21) (n=9) and with inv(16) (n=5). Regarding the core promoter, we detected no methylation in 39 acute promyelocytic leukemia samples or in 8 samples from controls. In contrast, analysis of the upstream promoter showed methylation in 37 of 39 samples, with 17 patients showing methylation levels over 30%. Our results corroborate data obtained in animal models showing that CEBPA is down-regulated in acute promyelocytic leukemia stem cells and suggest that epigenetic mechanisms may be involved.


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Aims. This work investigates the properties (metallicity and kinematics) and interfaces of the Galactic thick disc as a function of height above the Galactic plane. The main aim is to study the thick disc in a place where it is the main component of the sample. Methods. We take advantage of former astrometric work in two fields of several square degrees in which accurate proper motions were measured down to V-magnitudes of 18.5 in two directions, one near the north galactic pole and the other at a galactic latitude of 46 degrees and galactic longitude near 0 degrees. Spectroscopic observations have been acquired in these two fields for a total of about 400 stars down to magnitude 18.0, at spectral resolutions of 3.5 to 6.25 angstrom. The spectra have been analysed with the code ETOILE, comparing the target stellar spectra with a grid of 1400 reference stellar spectra. This comparison allowed us to derive the parameters effective temperature, gravity, [Fe/H] and absolute magnitude for each target star. Results. The Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) of the thin-thick-disc-halo system is derived for several height intervals between 0 and 5 kpc above the Galactic plane. The MDFs show a decrease of the ratio of the thin to thick disc stars between the first and second kilo-parsec. This is consistent with the classical modelling of the vertical density profile of the disc with 2 populations with different scale heights. A vertical metallicity gradient, partial derivative[Fe/H]/partial derivative z = -0.068 +/- 0.009 dex kpc(-1), is observed in the thick disc. It is discussed in terms of scenarios of formation of the thick disc.


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Background: A family of hydrophilic acylated surface (HASP) proteins, containing extensive and variant amino acid repeats, is expressed at the plasma membrane in infective extracellular (metacyclic) and intracellular (amastigote) stages of Old World Leishmania species. While HASPs are antigenic in the host and can induce protective immune responses, the biological functions of these Leishmania-specific proteins remain unresolved. Previous genome analysis has suggested that parasites of the sub-genus Leishmania (Viannia) have lost HASP genes from their genomes. Methods/Principal Findings: We have used molecular and cellular methods to analyse HASP expression in New World Leishmania mexicana complex species and show that, unlike in L. major, these proteins are expressed predominantly following differentiation into amastigotes within macrophages. Further genome analysis has revealed that the L. (Viannia) species, L. (V.) braziliensis, does express HASP-like proteins of low amino acid similarity but with similar biochemical characteristics, from genes present on a region of chromosome 23 that is syntenic with the HASP/SHERP locus in Old World Leishmania species and the L. (L.) mexicana complex. A related gene is also present in Leptomonas seymouri and this may represent the ancestral copy of these Leishmania-genus specific sequences. The L. braziliensis HASP-like proteins (named the orthologous (o) HASPs) are predominantly expressed on the plasma membrane in amastigotes and are recognised by immune sera taken from 4 out of 6 leishmaniasis patients tested in an endemic region of Brazil. Analysis of the repetitive domains of the oHASPs has shown considerable genetic variation in parasite isolates taken from the same patients, suggesting that antigenic change may play a role in immune recognition of this protein family. Conclusions/Significance: These findings confirm that antigenic hydrophilic acylated proteins are expressed from genes in the same chromosomal region in species across the genus Leishmania. These proteins are surface-exposed on amastigotes (although L. (L.) major parasites also express HASPB on the metacyclic plasma membrane). The central repetitive domains of the HASPs are highly variant in their amino acid sequences, both within and between species, consistent with a role in immune recognition in the host.


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A series of (E) and (Z)-ferrocenyl oxindoles were prepared by coupling substituted oxindoles to ferrocenylcarboxyaldehyde in the presence of morpholine as a catalyst. The redox behavior of these isomers was determined by cyclic voltammetry. The effects of the oxindole derivatives on the migration of human breast cancer cells were evaluated using the wound-healing assay and the Boyden chamber cell-migration assay. The most potent Z isomers 11b (IC(50) = 0.89 mu M), 12b (IC(50) = 0.49 mu M) and 17b (IC(50) = 0.64 mu M) could represent attractive new lead compounds for further development for cancer therapy.