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BACKGROUND Obesity is positively associated with colorectal cancer. Recently, body size subtypes categorised by the prevalence of hyperinsulinaemia have been defined, and metabolically healthy overweight/obese individuals (without hyperinsulinaemia) have been suggested to be at lower risk of cardiovascular disease than their metabolically unhealthy (hyperinsulinaemic) overweight/obese counterparts. Whether similarly variable relationships exist for metabolically defined body size phenotypes and colorectal cancer risk is unknown. METHODS AND FINDINGS The association of metabolically defined body size phenotypes with colorectal cancer was investigated in a case-control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Metabolic health/body size phenotypes were defined according to hyperinsulinaemia status using serum concentrations of C-peptide, a marker of insulin secretion. A total of 737 incident colorectal cancer cases and 737 matched controls were divided into tertiles based on the distribution of C-peptide concentration amongst the control population, and participants were classified as metabolically healthy if below the first tertile of C-peptide and metabolically unhealthy if above the first tertile. These metabolic health definitions were then combined with body mass index (BMI) measurements to create four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories: (1) metabolically healthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), (2) metabolically healthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2), (3) metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (BMI < 25 kg/m2), and (4) metabolically unhealthy/overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). Additionally, in separate models, waist circumference measurements (using the International Diabetes Federation cut-points [≥80 cm for women and ≥94 cm for men]) were used (instead of BMI) to create the four metabolic health/body size phenotype categories. Statistical tests used in the analysis were all two-sided, and a p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. In multivariable-adjusted conditional logistic regression models with BMI used to define adiposity, compared with metabolically healthy/normal weight individuals, we observed a higher colorectal cancer risk among metabolically unhealthy/normal weight (odds ratio [OR] = 1.59, 95% CI 1.10-2.28) and metabolically unhealthy/overweight (OR = 1.40, 95% CI 1.01-1.94) participants, but not among metabolically healthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.65-1.42). Among the overweight individuals, lower colorectal cancer risk was observed for metabolically healthy/overweight individuals compared with metabolically unhealthy/overweight individuals (OR = 0.69, 95% CI 0.49-0.96). These associations were generally consistent when waist circumference was used as the measure of adiposity. To our knowledge, there is no universally accepted clinical definition for using C-peptide level as an indication of hyperinsulinaemia. Therefore, a possible limitation of our analysis was that the classification of individuals as being hyperinsulinaemic-based on their C-peptide level-was arbitrary. However, when we used quartiles or the median of C-peptide, instead of tertiles, as the cut-point of hyperinsulinaemia, a similar pattern of associations was observed. CONCLUSIONS These results support the idea that individuals with the metabolically healthy/overweight phenotype (with normal insulin levels) are at lower colorectal cancer risk than those with hyperinsulinaemia. The combination of anthropometric measures with metabolic parameters, such as C-peptide, may be useful for defining strata of the population at greater risk of colorectal cancer.
O presente trabalho expõe uma breve reflexão em torno da relação entre os media e a justiça e tenta evidenciar o que os aproxima e os distingue, apresentando ideias desenvolvidas por vários autores. Tenta-se perceber as razões das conflitualidades e as discrepâncias entre ambas as instituições, mas apontando os elos de convergência. As fontes são também alvo de uma reflexão, partindo da ideia que são elementos fundamentais para quase todo o trabalho jornalístico ligado à justiça, embora se questione muitas vezes as intenções de quererem que algo se torne público. As próprias fontes estão directa ou indirectamente conectadas a um elemento-chave que tem alimentado várias polémicas na relação dos media com a justiça: o Segredo de Justiça. Adiante, desenvolve-se uma pesquisa que consistiu no levantamento de conteúdos judiciais nas páginas de um jornal e uma revista semanais, o jornal Sol e a revista Sábado, durante dois meses (de Dezembro de 2008 a Janeiro de 2009) e perceber se pautam pelo mesmo destaque dos temas em agenda ou não.
Bowlby proposed that the individual's social experiences, as early as in infancy, contribute to the construction of Internal Working Models (IWMs) of attachment, which will later guide the individual's expectations and behaviors in close relationships all along his or her life. The qualitative, individual characteristics of these models reflect the specificity of the individual's early experiences with attachment figures. The attachment literature globally shows that the qualities of IWMs are neither gender specific nor cultural specific. Procedures to evaluate IWMs in adulthood have been well established, based on narrative accounts of childhood experiences. Narrative procedures at earlier ages (e.g., in the preschool years) have been proposed, such as Bretherton's Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT), to evaluate attachment representations. More than 500 ASCT narratives of preschoolers, coming from five different countries, have been collected, in the perspective of examining possible interactions between gender and culture regarding attachment representations. A specific Q-Sort coding procedure (CCH) has been used to evaluate several dimensions of the narratives. Girls' narratives appeared as systematically more secure than those of same-age boys, whatever their culture. The magnitude of gender differences, however, varied between countries. Taylor's model of gender-specific responses to stress and Harwood's and Posada's hypothesis on inter-cultural differences regarding caregiving are evoked to understand the differences across gender and countries.
We present the first parasitological, molecular and longitudinal analysis of an isolated outbreak of malaria. This outbreak occurred on Santiago Island (Republic of Cabo Verde), a region where malaria is hypoendemic and controlled, and thus the population is considered non-immune. Blood samples were collected from the inhabitants over 1 month and during cross-sectional surveys in the following year. The presence and nature of the parasites was determined by PCR. Plasmodium falciparum was the only species detected. Genetic analysis revealed that the circulating parasites were genetically homogeneous, and probably clonal. Gametocytes were found throughout this period. Our data suggest that this represented a focal outbreak, resulting in the infection of at least 40% of the villagers with a clonal parasite line. Thus, P. falciparum infections can persist for at least 1 year in a substantial proportion (10%) of the hosts. Implications for malaria control and the interpretation of epidemiological data are discussed.
The increase in world travel in recent years, especially to and from areas where vector-borne diseases are endemic, has resulted in a substantial rise in imported cases of those diseases. In particular, malaria is a cause of concern. In those countries at the edge of its distribution, it can be difficult to distinguish between autochthonous and imported cases. However, distinguishing between the two is important because of the different allocation of resources to combat the disease that each requires. In general, observation of the various stages of parasite development in wild-caught female mosquitoes is considered evidence of autochthonous transmission. Observation of oocysts in the mosquito mid-gut testifies that mosquitoes are susceptible to infection but conclusions cannot be reached about their ability to complete the transmission cycle. Perhaps the best indication of autochthonous transmission is microscopic observation of sporozoites in mosquito salivary glands, since this detects parasites ready to be inoculated (BELER et al., 1990). Detection of circumsporozoite protein (CSP)(BURKOT, WILLIAMS & SCHNEIDER, 1984) in dry mosquito thoraxes, by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is also widely used to determine transmission, especially when large numbers of mosquitoes need to be processed. Such assays provide information about the parasite species infecting the mosquito (BURKOT & WIRTZ, 1986; WIRTZ et al., 1987; BELER et al., 1990).
En este proyecto se pretende realizar un estudio sobre la transmisión del concepto de autenticidad de la música rock a través de Internet, focalizándolo en el llamado rock urbano español en la actualidad. Para ello se estudiará la bibliografía existente sobre el concepto de autenticidad en la música popular, con el fin de determinar unas categorías generales, que posteriormente nos servirán para analizar la red y obtener correlaciones
El treball que presentem a continuació pretén oferir una perspectiva general sobre les investigacions realitzades entorn a la qualitat televisiva per tal d'extreure una sèrie de criteris que es puguin aplicar en una anàlisi d'informatius de televisió. Per a això, presentem una panoràmica general de les investigacions que s'han dut a terme sobre qualitat televisiva i destaquem les principals valoracions del concepte "qualitat". D'aquesta manera, aplicant els criteris estudiats a la mostra seleccionada, podem extreure unes conclusions més precises sobre l'anàlisi de qualitat en els noticiaris
Presenta información sobre la adaptación y reproducción de la Ostra Japonesa, recurso que tiene como principal característica su amplia distribución geográfica. El estudio tiene como finalidad realizar experimentos orientados a la producción de semillas y cultivo. Los resultados del informe señalan que se logró obtener semillas bajo condiciones controladas con baja mortalidad del recurso.
Presenta el experimento de cultivo de concha de abanico a diferentes densidades y profundidades en sistema suspendido en la localidad de Pucusana, con el propósito de determinar el efecto de estos parámetros sobre el crecimiento y superviviencia. En la mayoría de los casos la densidad no fue un factor muy determinante sobre el crecimiento y supervivencia a diferencia de la profundidad que tuvo mayor influencia en todos los tratamientos.
O património construído das cidades da Ribeira Grande de Santiago e de S. Filipe na ilha do Fogo, constitui uma riqueza cultural digna de ser preservada e salvaguardada, pois evidencia uma herança intangível que expressa a identidade local e nacional. O espólio edificado de Cabo Verde possibilita o enquadramento e análise de habitações tradicionais e senhoriais através de estudos de caso, exemplificados pelas pesquisas desenvolvidas no âmbito deste trabalho. As habitações tradicionais e senhoriais que emergiram nas duas ilhas mencionadas, são fruto das dinâmicas económicas e culturais, mas também de uma realidade geográfica marcada por condições específicas de uma natureza desafiadora, que propiciou e exigiu maior criatividade dos moradores de Santiago e do Fogo. Toda a imaginação dos habitantes destas e de outras ilhas de Cabo Verde traduziu-se na utilização e adaptação de materiais e técnicas de construção que tiveram a sua origem nas construções portuguesas e africanas. Revestem-se de grande importância em todo o arquipélago e especialmente nas ilhas que foram objecto de pesquisa, pela simbologia que expressam. Uma e outra tipologia expressam respectivamente, a vivência comum dos habitantes das ilhas e o modo de viver de uma elite local que sempre quis revelar o seu estatuto social através da habitação. Casos bem-sucedidos que revelam uma atitude positiva relativamente ao património cultural no nosso tempo, traduzidos em acções de preservação de construções habitacionais e outras edificações monumentais de cariz religioso, civil e militar, que também mereceram uma atenção nesta dissertação, põem em evidência as potencialidades turísticas de usufruto benéfico a nível nacional e local. Neste particular, destaca-se o exemplo da cidade da Ribeira Grande de Santiago que hoje detém o estatuto de património da humanidade, os exemplos recentes de classificação de cidades cabo-verdianas como Património Nacional, e toda a vontade manifestada pelas autoridades em trabalhar no sentido da elevação de outros sítios histórico-naturais a património mundial.
Compara la producción nativa de la microalga nativa con la especie importada Isochrysis galbana, la cual es utilizada como alimento de larvas y semillas de moluscos bivalvos en el laboratorio. Concluye que la utilización de microalgas nativas, aisladas del medio natural, así como el uso de nutrientes inorgánicos; es una metodología práctica y económica de producción masiva de larvas.
Notas sobre cultivo de los lenguados Paralichthys adspersus y Etropus ectenes en ambiente controlado
Determina la factibilidad del cultivo del recurso lenguado en ambiente controlado, dando como resultado que es posible el cultivo de esta especie, en especial de P. adspersus, que se adapta fácilmente al cautiverio y a las condiciones abióticas del medio, en comparación al recurso E. ectenes.
Presenta las investigaciones realizadas entorno a la ostra del Pacífico, a comienzos de 1995, con ejemplares provenientes de Chile que fueron cultivados en ambiente natural durante los períodos de noviembre de 1995 a junio de 1996 y de agosto a noviembre de 1996 en San Bartolo, Lima y en la isla San Lorenzo, Callao; con semillas obtenidas del laboratorio de IMARPE. El método de cultivo fue el de sistema suspendido en long line, concluyendo que el recurso muestra un rápido crecimiento en longitud que se observón, sobre todo, durante el evento El Niño de 1997 - 1998, con una tasa de 16mm/mes.