994 resultados para Rhodium dimer


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction occur in patients bitten by Bothrops sp snakes in Latin America. An experimental model was developed in mice to study the effects of B. asper venom in platelet numbers and function. Intravenous administration of this venom induces rapid and prominent thrombocytopenia and ex vivo platelet hypoaggregation. The drop in platelet numbers was primarily due to aspercetin, a protein of the C-type lectin family which induces von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet aggregation/agglutination. In addition, the effect of class P-III hemorrhagic metalloproteinases on the microvessel wall also contributes to thrombocytopenia since jararhagin, a P-III metalloproteinase, reduced platelet counts. Hypoaggregation was associated with the action of procoagulant and defibrin(ogen)ating proteinases jararacussin-1 (a thrombin-like serine proteinase) and basparin A (a prothrombin activating metalloproteinase). At the doses which induced hypoaggregation, these enzymes caused defibrin(ogen)ation, increments in fibrin(ogen) degradation products and D-dimer and prolongation of the bleeding time. Incubation of B. asper venom with batimastat and α 2-macroglobulin abrogated the hypoaggregating activity, confirming the role of venom proteinases in this effect. Neither aspercetin nor the defibrin(ogen)ating and hypoaggregating components induced hemorrhage upon intravenous injection. However, aspercetin, but not the thrombin-like or the prothrombin-activating proteinases, potentiated the hemorrhagic activity of two hemorrhagic metalloproteinases in the lungs. © 2005 Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Xylella fastidiosa is a Gram-negative bacterium that grows as a biofilm inside the xylem vessels of susceptible plants and causes several economically relevant crop diseases. In the present study, we report the functional and low-resolution structural characterization of the X. fastidiosa disulfide isomerase DsbC (XfDsbC). DsbC is part of the disulfide bond reduction/isomerization pathway in the bacterial periplasm and plays an important role in oxidative protein folding. In the present study, we demonstrate the presence of XfDsbC during different stages of X. fastidiosa biofilm development. XfDsbC was not detected during X. fastidiosa planktonic growth; however, after administering a sublethal copper shock, we observed an overexpression of XfDsbC that also occurred during planktonic growth. These results suggest that X. fastidiosa can use XfDsbC in vivo under oxidative stress conditions similar to those induced by copper. In addition, using dynamic light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering, we observed that the oligomeric state of XfDsbC in vitro may be dependent on the redox environment. Under reducing conditions, XfDsbC is present as a dimer, whereas a putative tetrameric form was observed under nonreducing conditions. Taken together, our findings demonstrate the overexpression of XfDsbC during biofilm formation and provide the first structural model of a bacterial disulfide isomerase in solution. Structured digital abstract XfDsbC and XfDsbC bind by x ray scattering (View Interaction: 1, 2) XfDsbC and XfDsbC bind by molecular sieving (View interaction) XfDsbC and XfDsbC bind by comigration in non denaturing gel electrophoresis (View interaction) XfDsbC and XfDsbC bind by cross-linking study (View Interaction: 1, 2) XfDsbC and XfDsbC bind by dynamic light scattering (View Interaction: 1, 2)


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The electro-oxidation of ethanol was investigated on electrodeposited layers of Pd, Pt, and Rh in alkaline electrolyte. The reaction products were monitored by experiments of online differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS). Potentiodynamic curves for the ethanol electro-oxidation catalyzed by these three different metal electrocatalysts showed similar onset potentials, but the highest Faradaic current peak was observed for the Pt electrocatalyst. Online DEMS experiments evidenced similar amounts of CO2 for the three different materials, but Pd presented the higher production of ethylacetate (acetic acid). This indicated that the electrochemical oxidation of ethanol on the Pd surface occurred to a higher extent. The formation of methane, which was observed for Pt and Rh, after potential excursions to lower potentials, was absent for Pd. On the basis of the obtained results, it was stated that, on Pt and Rh, the formation of CO2 occurs mainly via oxidation of CO and CH (x,ad) species formed after dissociative adsorption of ethanol or ethoxy species that takes place only at low potentials. This indicates that the dissociative adsorption of ethanol or ethoxy species is inhibited at higher potentials on Pt and Rh. On the other hand, on the Pd electrocatalyst, the reaction may occur via nondissociative adsorption of ethanol or ethoxy species at lower potentials, followed by oxidation to acetaldehyde and, after that, by a further oxidation step to acetic acid on the electrocatalyst surface. Additionally, in a parallel route, the acetaldehyde molecules adsorbed on the Pd surface can be deprotonated, yielding a reaction intermediate in which the carbon-carbon bond is less protected, and therefore, it can be dissociated on the Pd surface, producing CO2, after potential excursions to higher potentials.


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We propose a novel mathematical approach for the calculation of near-zero energy states by solving potentials which are isospectral with the original one. For any potential, families of strictly isospectral potentials (with very different shape) having desirable and adjustable features are generated by supersymmetric isospectral formalism. The near-zero energy Efimov state in the original potential is effectively trapped in the deep well of the isospectral family and facilitates more accurate calculation of the Efimov state. Application to the first excited state in He-4 trimer is presented.


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The ethanol electro-oxidation reaction was studied on carbon-supported Pt, Rh, and on Pt overlayers deposited on Rh nanoparticles. The synthesized electrocatalysts were characterized by TEM and XRD. The reaction products were monitored by on-line DEMS experiments. Potentiodynamic curves showed higher overall reaction rate for Pt/C when compared to that for Rh/C. However, on-line DEMS measurements revealed higher average current efficiencies for complete ethanol electro-oxidation to CO2 on Rh/C. The average current efficiencies for CO2 formation increased with temperature and with the decrease in the ethanol concentration. The total amount of CO2, on the other hand, was slightly affected by the temperature and ethanol concentration. Additionally, the CO2 signal was observed only in the positive-going scan, none being observed in the negative-going scan, evidencing that the C-C bond breaking occurs only at lower potentials. Thus, the formation of CO2 mainly resulted from oxidative removal of adsorbed CO and CHx,ad species generated at the lower potentials, instead of the electrochemical oxidation of bulk ethanol molecules. The acetaldehyde mass signal, however, was greatly favored after increasing the ethanol concentration from 0.01 to 0.1 mol L-1, on both electrocatalysts, indicating that it is the major reaction product. For the Pt/Rh/C-based electrocatalysts, the Faradaic current and the conversion efficiency for CO2 formation was increased by adjusting the amount of Pt on the surface of the Rh/C nanoparticles. The higher conversion efficiency for CO2 formation on the Pt1Rh/C material was ascribed to its faster and more extensive ethanol deprotonation on the Pt-Rh sites, producing adsorbed intermediates in which the C-C bond cleavage is facilitated. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The physical properties of small rhodium clusters, Rh-n, have been in debate due to the shortcomings of density functional theory (DFT). To help in the solution of those problems, we obtained a set of putative lowest energy structures for small Rh-n (n = 2-15) clusters employing hybrid-DFT and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). For n = 2-6, both hybrid and GGA functionals yield similar ground-state structures (compact), however, hybrid favors compact structures for n = 7-15, while GGA favors open structures based on simple cubic motifs. Thus, experimental results are crucial to indicate the correct ground-state structures, however, we found that a unique set of structures (compact or open) is unable to explain all available experimental data. For example, the GGA structures (open) yield total magnetic moments in excellent agreement with experimental data, while hybrid structures (compact) have larger magnetic moments compared with experiments due to the increased localization of the 4d states. Thus, we would conclude that GGA provides a better description of the Rh-n clusters, however, a recent experimental-theoretical study [ Harding et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 214304 (2010)] found that only compact structures are able to explain experimental vibrational data, while open structures cannot. Therefore, it indicates that the study of Rh-n clusters is a challenging problem and further experimental studies are required to help in the solution of this conundrum, as well as a better description of the exchange and correlation effects on the Rh n clusters using theoretical methods such as the quantum Monte Carlo method.


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The Hsp70 is an essential molecular chaperone in protein metabolism since it acts as a pivot with other molecular chaperone families. Several co-chaperones act as regulators of the Hsp70 action cycle, as for instance Hip (Hsp70-interacting protein). Hip is a tetratricopeptide repeat protein (TPR) that interacts with the ATPase domain in the Hsp70-ADP state, stabilizing it and preventing substrate dissociation. Molecular chaperones from protozoans, which can cause some neglected diseases, are poorly studied in terms of structure and function. Here, we investigated the structural features of Hip from the protozoa Leishmania braziliensis (LbHip), one of the causative agents of the leishmaniasis disease. LbHip was heterologously expressed and purified in the folded state, as attested by circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence emission techniques. LbHip forms an elongated dimer, as observed by analytical gel filtration chromatography, analytical ultracentrifugation and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). With the SAXS data a low resolution model was reconstructed, which shed light on the structure of this protein, emphasizing its elongated shape and suggesting its domain organization. We also investigated the chemical-induced unfolding behavior of LbHip and two transitions were observed. The first transition was related to the unfolding of the TPR domain of each protomer and the second transition of the dimer dissociation. Altogether. LbHip presents a similar structure to mammalian Hip, despite their low level of conservation, suggesting that this class of eukaryotic protein may use a similar mechanism of action. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The reproductive performance of cattle may be influenced by several factors, but mineral imbalances are crucial in terms of direct effects on reproduction. Several studies have shown that elements such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium, and zinc are essential for reproduction and can prevent oxidative stress. However, toxic elements such as lead, nickel, and arsenic can have adverse effects on reproduction. In this paper, we applied a simple and fast method of multi-element analysis to bovine semen samples from Zebu and European classes used in reproduction programs and artificial insemination. Samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS) using aqueous medium calibration and the samples were diluted in a proportion of 1:50 in a solution containing 0.01% (vol/vol) Triton X-100 and 0.5% (vol/vol) nitric acid. Rhodium, iridium, and yttrium were used as the internal standards for ICP-MS analysis. To develop a reliable method of tracing the class of bovine semen, we used data mining techniques that make it possible to classify unknown samples after checking the differentiation of known-class samples. Based on the determination of 15 elements in 41 samples of bovine semen, 3 machine-learning tools for classification were applied to determine cattle class. Our results demonstrate the potential of support vector machine (SVM), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and random forest (RF) chemometric tools to identify cattle class. Moreover, the selection tools made it possible to reduce the number of chemical elements needed from 15 to just 8.


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Introduction: The puerperium is the period of highest risk for thrombosis during a woman's reproductive life and it is an important time for initiating an effective contraceptive method in order to increase intergestational interval. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluated the effects of the etonogestrel (ENG)-releasing contraceptive implant inserted immediately postpartum on maternal hemostasis markers during the first six weeks of delivery. Materials and Methods: Forty healthy women aged 18 to 35 years-old were randomized to receive either the ENG-releasing implant 24-48 h after delivery (implant group; n=20) or nothing (control group) until the sixth postpartum week. Blood samples were collected at 24-48 h and at 6 weeks after delivery, and hemostatic variables, including fibrinogen, coagulation factors, protein C, free protein S, antithrombin, alpha 2-antiplasmin, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT), prothrombin fragment (PF)1+2, and D-dimers, as well as normalized activated protein C sensitivity ratio (nAPCsr), thrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and prothrombin time were evaluated. Results: Insertion of the ENG-releasing contraceptive implant did not change the physiological reduction in overall coagulation (TAT and PF1+2) and fibrinolysis (D-dimer) markers, or nAPCsr. Reductions in factors II, VII, X and fibrinogen and increases in factor V were greater in the control than in the implant group. Clotting factors remained within normal limits throughout the study. Conclusion: The ENG-releasing contraceptive implant inserted immediately postpartum did not have negative effects on physiological variations of the hemostatic system during the first 6 weeks postpartum. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polarized photoluminescence from weakly coupled random multiple well quasi-three-dimensional electron system is studied in the regime of the integer quantum Hall effect. Two quantum Hall ferromagnetic ground states assigned to the uncorrelated miniband quantum Hall state and to the spontaneous interwell phase coherent dimer quantum Hall state are observed. Photoluminescence associated with these states exhibits features caused by finite-size skyrmions: dramatic reduction of the electron spin polarization when the magnetic field is increased past the filling factor nu = 1. The effective skyrmion size is larger than in two-dimensional electron systems.


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2-(Diphenylphosphinomethyl)aniline. H2L1, reacts with [RuCl2(PPh3)(3)] to yield the monomeric complexes [RuCl2(H2L1)(PPh3)(CH3CN)], [RuCl2(H2L1)(2)]and the chloro-bridged dimer [(H2L1)(PPh3)Ru(mu-Cl)(2)Ru(PPh3) (H2L1)] depending on the conditions applied. Exclusively the monochelate [RuCl2 (H2L1)(dmso)(2)] is formed during reactions of H2L1 with [RuCl2(dmso)(4)]. H2L1 acts as a neutral, bidentate ligand in all complexes. The products are studied spectroscopically and by X-ray diffraction. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A correlated two-body basis function is used to describe the three-dimensional bosonic clusters interacting via two-body van der Waals potential. We calculate the ground state and the zero orbital angular momentum excited states for Rb-N clusters with up to N = 40. We solve the many-particle Schrodinger equation by potential harmonics expansion method, which keeps all possible two-body correlations in the calculation and determines the lowest effective many-body potential. We study energetics and structural properties for such diffuse clusters both at dimer and tuned scattering length. The motivation of the present study is to investigate the possibility of formation of N-body clusters interacting through the van der Waals interaction. We also compare the system with the well studied He, Ne, and Ar clusters. We also calculate correlation properties and observe the generalised Tjon line for large cluster. We test the validity of the shape-independent potential in the calculation of the ground state energy of such diffuse cluster. These are the first such calculations reported for Rb clusters. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4730972]