998 resultados para Reviewer Appreciation Program (RAP)


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This white paper reports emerging findings at the end of Phase I of the Lean Aircraft Initiative in the Policy focus group area. Specifically, it provides details about research on program instability. Its objective is to discuss high-level findings detailing: 1) the relative contribution of different factors to a program’s overall instability; 2) the cost impact of program instability on acquisition programs; and 3) some strategies recommended by program managers for overcoming and/or mitigating the negative effects of program instability on their programs. Because this report comes as this research is underway, this is not meant to be a definitive document on the subject. Rather, is it anticipated that this research may potentially produce a number of reports on program instability-related topics. The government managers of military acquisition programs rated annual budget or production rate changes, changes in requirements, and technical difficulties as the three top contributors, respectively, to program instability. When asked to partition actual variance in their program’s planned cost and schedule to each of these factors, it was found that the combined effects of unplanned budget and requirement changes accounted for 5.2% annual cost growth and 20% total program schedule slip. At a rate of approximately 5% annual cost growth from these factors, it is easy to see that even conservative estimates of the cost benefits to be gained from acquisition reforms and process improvements can quickly be eclipsed by the added cost associated with program instability. Program management practices involving the integration of stakeholders from throughout the value chain into the decision making process were rated the most effective at avoiding program instability. The use of advanced information technologies was rated the most effective at mitigating the negative impact of program instability.


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This white paper reports emerging findings at the end of Phase I of the Lean Aircraft Initiative in the Policy focus group area. Specifically, it provides details about research on program instability. Its objective is to discuss high-level findings detailing: 1) the relative contribution of different factors to a program’s overall instability; 2) the cost impact of program instability on acquisition programs; and 3) some strategies recommended by program managers for overcoming and/or mitigating the negative effects of program instability on their programs. Because this report comes as this research is underway, this is not meant to be a definitive document on the subject. Rather, is it anticipated that this research may potentially produce a number of reports on program instability-related topics. The government managers of military acquisition programs rated annual budget or production rate changes, changes in requirements, and technical difficulties as the three top contributors, respectively, to program instability. When asked to partition actual variance in their program’s planned cost and schedule to each of these factors, it was found that the combined effects of unplanned budget and requirement changes accounted for 5.2% annual cost growth and 20% total program schedule slip. At a rate of approximately 5% annual cost growth from these factors, it is easy to see that even conservative estimates of the cost benefits to be gained from acquisition reforms and process improvements can quickly be eclipsed by the added cost associated with program instability. Program management practices involving the integration of stakeholders from throughout the value chain into the decision making process were rated the most effective at avoiding program instability. The use of advanced information technologies was rated the most effective at mitigating the negative impact of program instability.


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This is a preliminary paper. Please do not quote without the permission of the author. The research on which this paper is based has been conducted with the collaboration of John Paul MacDuffie, MIT. The researchers owe much to the warm cooperation of managers, employees, and union officials of Japanese auto companies and joint venture companies in the U.S. as well as American auto companies and the UAW. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for their assistance.


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En la literatura se argumenta que las transferencias en especie podrían tener efectos positivos sobre la oferta laboral. En este trabajo utilizamos el programa de nutrición de la ciudad de Bogotá, Comedores Comunitarios, para esclarecer dicho punto. El programa otorga un almuerzo diario a las personas pobres que son vecinas de los comedores. Utilizando la técnica de emparejamiento con la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida 2007, una encuesta de corte transversal, se encuentra tanto efectos significativos positivos como negativos en la oferta laboral femenina para diferentes grupos de mujeres (con diferencias en edad, composición del hogar y acceso a redes sociales). Estos resultados son relevantes para entender los incentivos al trabajo heterogéneos generados cuando se aplica esta clase de programas.


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Powerpoint for Questionmark Perception v5 Beta Program *University Confidential*


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Las relaciones internacionales, entendidas como una disciplina altamente interdisciplinaria, que estudia la relación y el comportamiento de los Estados y los diferentes actores internacionales, organizaciones internacionales y organizaciones no gubernamentales, reconoce la importancia de la existencia de una cooperación internacional para la integración y conocimiento de dichos actores. La cooperación internacional puede verse como un elemento esencial, ya que permite a países, entidades públicas y privadas compartir sus experiencias, conocimientos y capacidades en espacios donde los desafíos, oportunidades y limitaciones son similares; en el caso Latino Americano, debido a su historia, pueden identificarse necesidades y objetivos comunes en los diferentes países. Durante la primera década del siglo XXI, América Latina, al igual que el resto del mundo, está pasando por momentos de acople con el nuevo milenio. El aumento del alfabetismo, los desarrollos tecnológicos, la erradicación de enfermedades, la expansión cultural, la reducción de las fronteras entre países, son algunas de los muchos fenómenos que vemos día a día. Sin embargo, no han dejado de existir los niveles altos de pobreza, la violencia, las diferencias sociales marcadas, la discriminación y altos índices de desempleo. Muchos teóricos han propuesto soluciones para enmendar los errores que se han cometido en el pasado para sanar a la sociedad y brindarle herramientas para dicho progreso. El PNUD (Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo) manifiesta que una de las herramientas más importantes para lograr resultados reales en relación al desarrollo social, es la educación.


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Generación de nuevos programas académicos que resulten adecuados para la realidad del país y se constituyan en fuentes de soluciones y desarrollos innovadores para el avance y crecimiento de la nación colombiana. Creación programa en Gestión y Desarrollo Urbanos


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El propósito de la presente investigación es evaluar la incidencia regional de las iniciativas chinas a favor de la gestión del agua del Río Mekong como elementos que contribuyen en la construcción de la percepción favorable para el gigante asiático. Producto del conjunto de reformas aplicadas desde 1978, China fue objeto de un crecimiento económico exponencial que algunos académicos denominan milagroso; sin embargo, dicho proceso involucró un impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente y en particular sobre el agua del Estado. El deterioro ambiental chino implicó, por un lado, el desarrollo de medidas internas que pretenden reversar los efectos descritos en el marco de las diferentes cumbres mundiales sobre medio ambiente y por otro, la participación en iniciativas de carácter subregional que denotan cierto grado de pro-actividad del gigante asiático en materia ambiental.


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Appreciation of humor includes several cognitive and social processes. None can say that two communities will laugh at the same jokes and find funny the same humorous content. This study worked differences in humor appreciation of university students and comparisons were made between sex and age of participants. To assess the appreciation of humor was built an instrument with 15 written jokes. This instrument was presented to a total sample of 81 students, divided into 3 groups of different age. Participants had to evaluate two aspects: the playfulness and the difficulty of each stimulus or humorous vignette. The jokes that showed significant differences in jocularity have a particular structure marked for a disqualifying content to men, indicating, as noted the literature, that men have more fun with sexual humor and prefers this kind of jokes as well as content related to aggressive or hostile, while women have more fun with humorous vignettes when the man is the victim and reject more when the victim is a woman. In terms of age and the appreciation of humor, there are differences in the type of situations and social contexts valued in the jokes, involving relationship between situational and social aspects of humor.


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This study examines the effects in university students of a psycho-educational program in full awareness (mindfulness) on certain personality variables. A quasi-experimental (group comparison) design with pretest and postest measurements was employed in an experimental (n = 26) and a control group (n = 27). Barratt impulsiveness Scale (BiS- 11), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ), Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD), and the Profile of Mood States (POMS) were applied to experimental and control groups. The results show statistically significant changes in impulsivity variables, experiential avoidance, social avoidance, social anxiety, tension and fatigue when comparing the posttest mean scores of the groups.


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The bibliographic profile of 125 undergraduate (licentiate) theses was analyzed, describing absolute quantities of several bibliometric variables, as well as within-document indexes and average lags of the references. The results show a consistent pattern across the years in the 6 cohorts included in the sample (2001-2007), with variations, which fall within the robust confi dence intervals for the global central tendency. The median number of references per document was 52 (99% CI 47-55); the median  percentage of journal articles cited was 55%, with a median age for journal references of 9 years. Other highlights of the bibliographic profile were the use of foreign language references (median 61%), and low reliance on open web documents (median 2%). A cluster analysis of the bibliometric indexes resulted  in a typology of 2 main profiles, almost evenly distributed, one of them with the makeup of a natural science bibliographic profile and the second within the style of the humanities. In general, the number of references, proportion of papers, and age of the references are close to PhD dissertations and Master theses, setting a rather high standard for undergraduate theses.


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Objective: to present the effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in the treatmentof a patient with asthma, this is the case of a young Caucasian girl —17 years old— with severe asthma diagnosis, with symptoms since she was eight years old, 10th grade student. Method: She was referred to the program of Pulmonary Rehabilitation after three hospitalizations during the last year due to asthmatic crises, dyspnoea in activities of daily living, and intolerance to physical exercise. In the initial evaluation, a patient with non-controlled asthma was found; she was receiving short-acting medication admitting that she was not complying with regular use and with a prescribed dose of the pharmacological treatment and that she ignored the importance of this commitment for optimal evolution. The patient expressed concern about the progressive deterioration at her respiratory and functional level during the last year and her fear and anxiety for not being able to breathe during activities befitting her age. Results: One month after receiving bronchodilators and long-acting steroids permanently and complying with recommendations about regular use and adequate inhalatory technique, the patient was included in a three-times a-week program of pulmonary rehabilitation during eight weeks for upper and lower extremity endurance and resistance training. Conclusion: This intervention showed significant changes in the patient at functional level and a greater social participation.


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Objective: To determine the change of behavior in physical activity and the characteristics associated with the use and benefits of Local Physical Activity Center (CLAF) in the population of the town of Santa Fe de Bogota. Materials and methods: We conducted a longitudinal study before and after, which was assessed at admission and 3 months in the intervention program CLAF physical activity, behavior change compared to the physical activity of users. Inclusion criteria: were being active user of CLAF, aged between 15 and 65 years and voluntarily express their participation in the study. Exclusion criteria: Fill incomplete measurement instruments used. The sampling frame of CLAF users, we selected n=55 subjects. To gather information, a questionnaire, which contained the behavioral stages of change, also conducted a survey which determined semistructured features about the benefits and use of CLAF. Results: The total study participants was n = 55, mean age was 40.4 ± 15.3 years, with a minimum 15 and maximum of 64 years, 83.6% were women. 78.2% do not know the purpose of the Local Centre for Physical Activity. The outreach strategy that most came to the group was 58.2 with a verbal type. The time for links to CLAF more frequently in the group evaluated was 1 to 6 months 36.4. The motivation to regularly attend the CLAF in the majority was to improve the physical and / or a 74.5% mental. 89.1% would be willing to recommend to others the use of CLAF. A 81.8% of the population physical activity performed by more than 150 min / wk at moderate intensity; Post CLAF intervention in the subjects showed positive changes in the level of physical activity (p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon) and behavioral state (p<0.001, Test de Wilcoxon).


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A descriptive, case series intervention study was performed to identify changes in physical qualities, aerobic power, flexibility, strength and body composition amongst 20 elderly subjects belonging to the “Club Nueva Vida” in Tunja City, during the second period of 2005. A PRE and POST assessment of their physical qualities was applied after a 16 week physical exercise program.Results showed an increase in the average of the static muscle streneth from 0.27 to 0.30 Newtons. Standard deviation diminished in 0.1. The dynamic strength measure by the push up test improved in 10% a 35% improved in 10% a 35% improved their. Cardiovascular capability until to high levels of 80% there were not significant changes in the body weight between measures taken before and after the program application. The results obtained with the sit and reach test did not show statistically significant differences. Hower in other flexibility tests the results changed from bad ranges to middle and good ones. The enrolled population was stable during the development of the exercise program. This study concludes that elderly adults acquire changes in their physical quality features after exercise intervention. Physical exercise programs in elderly adults must involve strength activities for upper limbs, trunk and aerobic power activities. The “Beliefs Health Model” is a adherence to reach compliance and maintenance in physical exercise.