998 resultados para Residência Multiprofissional
A Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) é um setor do hospital destinado ao atendimento de pacientes em estado crítico, que requer cuidados complexos e controles rígidos e, por isso sempre gera um ambiente estressante, não só para a equipe que atende ao paciente mas também aos familiares e portanto induz muitas vezes ao processo de depressão. Estes fatores leva-nos a abordar a necessidade de humanização, no atendimento ao paciente, bem como de seus familiares. A preocupação com a humanização deve estar presente nas equipes de enfermagem como filosofia-diretriz e deve ser um indicador de qualidades desses serviços. Humanizar a UTI significa cuidar do paciente como um todo, englobando o contexto bio-psico-social, incorporando os valores sociais e da família, as esperanças, os culturais e as preocupações pessoais. A humanização deve fazer parte da filosofia da enfermagem. O ambiente físico, os recursos materiais e tecnológicos são importantes, porém não mais significativos do que a natureza humana. O pensamento em ações da equipe de enfermagem, alimentam a reflexão crítica e a construção de uma realidade mais humana e menos agressiva e hostil para as pessoas que diariamente convivem no hospital. A hospitalização altera a rotina não só do paciente mas também dos familiares. De certa forma, a própria hospitalização pode ser vivida como abandono ou morte, à medida que implica um afastamento das pessoas queridas, da casa, como também uma invasão de privacidade. Este trabalho procurou Identificar as necessidades dos familiares ou visitantes, frente à equipe de saúde durante o período de internação na UTI e avaliar o grau de satisfação em relação à qualidade das informações e ao suporte dados à família ou visitante. Os resultados indicam que no Hospital Heliópolis, onde o trabalho foi conduzido, os entrevistados estavam satisfeitos com a equipe multiprofissional pois os pacientes eram bem cuidados, havendo preocupação com os pacientes, e que os médicos, além de compreensivos e competentes, forneceram as informações de modo que eles pudessem compreender,. Porém deve-se ressaltar que 48% dos entrevistados apontam a necessidade de apoio psicológico.(AU)
Este estudo teve por objetivos: - descrever as dificuldades nas relações entre as filhas-cuidadoras e suas mães idosas dependentes de cuidados, a partir de relatos das filhas; - investigar, a partir dos relatos da história familiar dessas filhas, a existência de conflitos prévios a necessidade de cuidar, relacionados à construção dos vínculos; identificar os principais desafios associados assistência ao cuidador familiar de idosos no que tange a resolução de conflitos com o idoso dependente. Método – tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo em que foram apresentados três casos clínicos de cuidadoras que haviam sido encaminhados para atendimento psicológico pela equipe multiprofissional de um Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia, unidade de atenção secundária da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de S.P. Os resultados indicaram dificuldades relacionais entre ambas: cuidadoras filhas e mães idosas. As cuidadoras revelaram sobrecarga física e emocional e grande sofrimento. Todavia, a existência desses conflitos remontava às relações anteriores à atual situação de dependência; ficando bastante evidenciado, tanto pelas histórias de vida das cuidadoras, quanto pelo conteúdo trazido durante o processo terapêutico, a repetição das relações primeiras estabelecidas entre mãe-filha. O processo psicoterapêutico pôde permitir a essas cuidadoras a compreensão da necessidade em ter suas falhas ambientais supridas, na medida em que foi propiciado um ambiente favorável ao relacionamento humano. Assim, ao observarmos que ao longo do processo as pacientes apresentavam mudanças significativas, entendemos que a psicoterapia pode figurar como meio preventivo e preservação de equilíbrio psíquico.
This paper prese nts the validation of the Performance Indicator System for Projects under Construction - SIDECC. The goal was to develop a system of performance indicators from the macroergonômica approach, con sidering criteria of usefulness , practicality and applicabilit y and the concept of continuous improveme nt in the construction industry . The validation process SIDECC consisted of three disti nct models . Modeling I corresponded to the theoretical development and valid ation of a system of indicators . Modeling II concern s the development and valida tion of multi - indicator system . For this modeling, we used the Mother of Use and Importance and Multivariate Analysis . Modeling III correspo nded to the validation situated , which consisted of a case study of a wo rk of construct ion of buildings , which were applied and anal yzed the results of modeling II . This work resulted in the development of an applied and tested for the construction of an integrated system of per formance indicators methodology , involving aspects of production , quality , e nvironmental, health and safety . It is inferred that the SIDECC can be applied, in full or in part , the construction companies as a whole, as we ll as in other economic sectors .
Para aumentar a viabilidade do uso da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF), core sets começaram a ser desenvolvidos, e objetivam estabelecer uma seleção de categorias adaptada para representar os padrões de avaliação multiprofissional de grupos específicos de pacientes. Com o objetivo de propor um core set da CIF para classificar a saúde física de idosos, formou-se uma comissão de especialistas para julgar o instrumento por meio da técnica Delphi, o que mostra a interface multidisciplinar do projeto. Finalizada a participação da comissão, o core set foi proposto contendo 30 categorias. Após aplicação em uma amostra com 340 idosos dos municípios de Natal/RN e Santa Cruz/RN, o core set foi submetido à análise fatorial, tendo ficado com 19 categorias. A análise ainda proporcionou gerar uma pontuação para cada idoso por meio do escore fatorial, tendo provado ser uma forma fidedigna e confiável de se pontuar um core set.
O objetivo dessa investigação foi avaliar a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência do estado do Rio Grande do Norte (SAMU 192 RN), na visão dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, avaliativo com delineamento longitudinal e abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em quatro etapas: construção de perfil dos atendimentos do SAMU 192 RN; revisão integrativa para levantamento dos indicadores de avaliação da qualidade da assistência em serviços pré-hospitalares móveis de urgência; construção e validação de conteúdo do instrumento e definição dos indicadores de estrutura e processo; e aplicação do instrumento aos profissionais de saúde para avaliação da qualidade da assistência. A populaçãoe amostra foram compostas por todos os profissionais do SAMU 192 RN, atuantes no período do estudo. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre janeiro e dezembro/2012. Participaram do estudo: 11 enfermeiros, 24 médicos, 56 técnicos de enfermagem e 88 condutores, totalizando 179 profissionais. O estudo foi aprovado (Parecer nº 437/2010 e CAAE: 0025.0.294.051-10) pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial, nesta foram utilizados os programas Microsoft-Excel XP e SPSS 20.0, com uso do índice Kappa (K) e Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC), considerando K ≥0,61 e IVC>0,80. Além disso, foi considerando nível de significância estatística de ρ-valor < 0,05. Entre os 179 profissionais, 100,0% tinham menos de 5 anos de tempo de serviço, 55,9% tinham menos de 5 anos de experiência na área de urgência, 88,3% referiram trabalhar na instituição porque gosta, 55,3% possuiam outro vínculo de trabalho, 54,3% com jornada semanal de 30 a 40 horas, 98,9% participaram de treinamento, 83,2% valorizam o treinamento em serviço, 87,2% têm boa frequência de participação no treinamento e 96,6% sentem necessidade de realizar mais treinamentos. Com relação à categorização dos itens em indicadores de estrutura ou de processo, os juízes determinaram para estrutura: estado de conservação das ambulâncias; estrutura física geral do serviço; conforto dentro da ambulância; disponibilidade de recursos materiais; segurança para o usuário dentro da ambulância; segurança para o profissional; educação permanente; segurança demonstrada pela equipe profissional; remuneração do profissional e a satisfação profissional. E para processo: acesso ao serviço; acolhimento; humanização; atendimento realizado; tempo resposta; privacidade ao usuário; orientações sobre o atendimento; relacionamento entre o profissional e usuário; oportunidade do usuário realizar reclamações e articulação multiprofissional. O instrumento quando submetido à validação de conteúdo constatou-se que as contribuições dos juízes permitiram melhorar/otimizar o instrumento de avaliação da qualidade da assistência pré-hospitalar móvel de urgência, uma vez que os índices Kappa e IVC foram considerados bons e ótimos e o conteúdo foi validado. Na avaliação da qualidade da assistência, constatou-se que a qualidade da assistência prestada pelo SAMU 192 RN está prejudicada nas dimensões estrutura, com relação à estrutura física, segurança dos pontos de apoio descentralizados, o conforto e o estado de conservação das ambulâncias. Já com relação aos indicadores de processo, os profissionais avaliaram todos positivamente. A avaliação da qualidade da assistência contribui para a busca de soluções dos problemas detectados, permite novas perspectivas e colabora para a consolidação do serviço.
The research project examines representations elaborated about Amelia Duarte Machado, images that were built in a particular space: the Natal City. Amelia, one mossoroense that has a simple life, stated a luxurious life after marrying with a rich Portuguese merchant Manuel Machado, in 1904. She led a life of society lady, lived in a sumptuous residence, traveled to Europe, attending the Theatre the city and took care of the social image of her husband, opening the doors of your home to promote dinners and receptions. Experienced the changes occurring in Natal in the first three decades of the twentieth century, when the initiative of a political and intellectual elite of the city began to incorporate bourgeois values and to provide a technical framework focused on the improvements brought by the Industrial Revolution. In 1934, with her husband's death, took over the family business. Besides the widow, also became an enterprising woman. The widow Amelia Machado also became the target of suspicion of the population, rumors about his life. From there emerges a frightening figure in Natal, a being that captured and ate the liver of children, the papa-figo of Natal City, the Widow Machado. In this research, we relate different images that circulated about this woman, who was society lady, dashing widow and papa-figo, articulating these representations with the discourse on female circulating in Natal from 1900 to 1930 yet will raise hypotheses about the creation of the Legend of the Widow Machado
The objective was to understand the process of caring for a center for cancer treatment from the perspective of nurses and patients. This is a qualitative research, xploratory and descriptive, performed in a cancer treatment center in Natal / RN / Brazil. Data collection occurred between August 2013 and February 2014, being effected by means of two techniques: photographic record and projective interviews with nurses and patients. Social actors included in the study were ten professional nursing and ten patients admitted to the surgical department of the institution. The criteria used for inclusion of professionals were: be professional in the field of nursing, being an employee of the hospital, to be inserted in the scale of nurses of the institution at the time of data collection. For the patients were included who had preserved their cognitive abilities and who were hospitalized and at any stage of treatment. We used content analysis proposed by Bardin, for the analysis of material collected during projective interview. The research followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on human beings, being conducted by the project approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Northern League Against Cancer Riograndense with 295 673 and look CAAE 16104313.0.0000.5293. Referring to nurses, they demonstrated different views about care, which sprouted from a holistic, multidisciplinary approach and welcoming, as well as linked to the performance of procedures and compliance with the requirements technicality. Furthermore, these subjects also showed that care unfolds through the actions of management in carrying out the records in the humanization of care by meeting the needs of the patient and ambience. Front of patients, it is noteworthy that, for them, care happens through attitudes of caring and professional approach, and by performing procedures, being mentioned as a careless lack of structure of the institution and the discomfort caused by this condition factors. It was evident also that the actors involved in the care, the perception of professionals and patients, are represented by nurses, doctors, psychologists, nutritionists, as well as kitchen assistants and cleaners; beyond family companion, the individual himself as responsible for their care and volunteer caregiver. In this opportunity, it is concluded 9 that an understanding of care from the perspective of nurses and patients involves broad issues ranging from perceptions of care that embraces a dynamic complex elements and attitudes imbued with meanings, in which those involved can assume both the role of carers as care beings, even a carefully tied to prescribed routines and performing procedures. Thus, the findings described refer to reflections on the care provided to cancer patients and whether this, in fact, translates principles of a humane practice
Natal has come through major changes in the last 150 years, since the actions of city beautification, in the 19th century, until the present day, when such transformations start to have the objective of including the city in the competition for the attraction of the capital flows and consumption, domestically and in a foreign sense. It is thought that the first initiatives aimed at increasing tourism in Natal occurred in the 1960s, however, it became apparent that only from the 1980s was there a significant increase in tourist activities in Natal and the Metropolitan Region, especially on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, leading to an expansion of the labour market, the significant increase of foreign investment, territorial changes of great impact and the production of buildings primarily intended for the hotel industry and second residence for European tourists. Since then, the incentives for tourist activity in the state have been maintained and even increased, based on tourism aimed at natural beauties, local cuisine and events, which transformed the tourist activity in one of the main sources of foreign exchange for the city of Natal. In the early 21st century, the construction of high-rise condominiums, monuments (including the designer ones), such as the Parque da Cidade, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, were already established. Also, shopping centers and, in order to host the World Cup, the new football stadium, the Arena das Dunas, among others, which were aimed at local and foreign consumers, especially European, stood out in the city. It is understood that these new buildings, monuments and also renovations and restorations that were deployed in the city of Natal aimed at constructing a new identity for the city, within the process of capitalist development and urban spectacle. It is considered that the monuments and the iconic buildings are attributes of the cities aimed at selling locations as goods, establishing a new urban environment, a new role as cities, which aimed at seeking greater autonomy from the nation-state. In this research, it was sought to analyze the architectural object, that is, buildings and monuments built or restored in Natal and its relevance to the city marketing promoted by the city itself. It was found that, indeed, such buildings and monuments are inserted in contemporary architectural production as a basis for increasing the competitive nature of Natal. In addition, they reveal a capitalist mode of production, supported by public resources, operating in the production of urban space with a view to repeating the hegemonic model of a competitive city
The use of composite materials for the construction industry has been the subject of numerous scientific papers in Brazil and in the world. One of the factors that motivate this quest is the housing deficit that countries especially the third world face. In Brazil this deficit reaches more than 6.5 million homes, around 12% of all US households . This paper presents a composite that was obtained from waste generated in processes for the production of granite and marble slabs, cement, gypsum, sand, crushed EPS and water. These wastes cause great damage to the environment and are thrown into landfi lls in bulk. The novelty of the work is in the combined study thermal, mechanical and acoustic composite obtained in real situation of rooms that are part of an experimental housing. Many blocks were made from cement compositions, plaster, foam, sand, marb le and / or granite, preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance were made by choosing the most appropriate proportion. Will be given the manufacturing processes and assembly units 500 units 10 x 80 x 28 cm produced for the construction of an ex perimental home. We studied what kind of block and residue, marble or granite, made it more feasible for the intended purpose. The mechanical strength of the produced blocks were above 3.0 MPa. The thermal resistance of the blocks was confirmed by the maxi mum temperature difference between the inner and outer walls of rooms built around 8.0 ° C. The sound absorption for optimal room was around 31%. Demonstrated the feasibility of using the blocks manufactured with composite material proposed for construction.
This study arose from an interest in knowing the reality of mental health care in Rio Grande do Norte (RN) on the advances and challenges in the intersectoral agreements paths and consolidation of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS) from the state. Considering problematic and concerns were defined as objectives: Identify the knowledge of managers of Rio Grande do Norte on the National Mental Health Policy (PNSM) in the RN State; Describe the activities developed by health professionals in the individual service offered in the CAPS from RN; Understanding the relationship of managers’ knowledge on national mental health policy in professionals’ practice working in the the CAPS from the countryside. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out in 30 CAPS from RN’s countryside, where 183 professionals answered a structured questionnaire with closed questions about the activities they do in individual care; and 19 mental health coordinators of municipalities and the state coordinator of RAPS were interviewed about their knowledge on the Mental Health Policy. Data were collected after approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with the number 508.430 CAAE: 25851913.7.0000.5537 from August through October of 2014 in 26 municipalities with CAPS from the state. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed using a descriptive statistics aided by the software Statistical Package for the Social Scienses (SPSS) version 20.0. The qualitative data were prepared in a corpus and analyzed through software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d’um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) that allow to perform textual statistical analysis and categorization from their comments, submitted to Bardin content analysis. Five categories were generated approaching the managers’ knowledge, namely: Back to society: leadership and users’ role and autonomy; The gap between policy and practice; Barriers that affect the service; Structuring the Psychosocial Care Network; Multidisciplinary team: attribuitios and activities. The CAPS professionals’ ages ranged from 20 to 58 years, prevailing females, with 76.5% of the total, the majority were social workers (16.8%), psychologists (15.3%), nurses (14.8%) and nursing technicians (14.8%). The results showed precariousness in care associated with physical workload regard to high workload and low wages of the CAPS professionals' and, also, it was possible to observe a large involvement of professionals in care delivery, despite the difficulties encountered in services. It was found little knowledge in managers regarding the National Mental Health Policy having as causes of this reality the poor education and training of these professionals. The responses of professionals working in care reveals strong consistency with what is expected of a psychosocial care service. Points up as a thesis of this study that the psychiatric reform and mental health policy in Rio Grande do Norte is following a structural expansion process, but with precariousness of services from a still unprepared management to act in a psychosocial context.
The public health is a project that struggles for a fair, resolutive and democratic health and that aims to help the collective and social bodies starting from their real needs, being totally involved with inequality and social determination issues. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to form a professional commited to this project. This current study aims to understand the perception of teachers/militants of Public Health about the graduation of Healthcare professionals. Therefore, we look forward answering the following question: Which elements are relevant to the formation of the sanitarian professional? This is a field research, descriptive and exploratory, with a qualitative approach. For data collection, we used a semi-structured interview technique with veteran professionals as sanitarians and teachers of Public Health area. The data were analyzed based on the technique of thematic analysis of subject. This technique consists in structuring the text in units, in categories according analogic reunification. In this sense, were organized three analysis categories, whose titles were guided according to the study objectives, namely: "The Institutional Formation of Sanitarians"; "Elements that contribute to the Sanitarian formation " and "Possible Paths in Sanitarian Formation". Four main elements of sanitarian formation were emphasized: technical capacity to develop a sanitation work, based on three conceptual pillars of Public Health; Framework, foundation and support on Social Sciences, in the social concepts of health; Life history of the student, implication of this with the Public Health object; Field operation, in the territory, directly integrated to the service and the health system. The intervieweds imagine a path to the sanitarian formation: the Public Health should be well explored in its theory and practice in graduation, in any health area and obviously in the graduation of Public Health; the Lato Sensu courses, especially residency, would need a theoretical upgrading, given the creation of undergraduate courses on the area; the Stricto Sensu courses, while forming researchers and teachers in the area, should develop productions involved with the health system and the object of Public Health, in order to bring an effective return, in terms of applicability, in the health system. It is suggested that such a path should be complementary, in a sense of adding knowledge as it travels through graduation, postgraduation Lato Sensu and post-graduation Stricto Sensu. The idea, in general, is that the graduate-residence set / specialization-mastering / PhD compose a linear formation, ascending and complementary. To follow all this process effectively, it is necessary, and urgent, to think of regulation strategies of the formating procedures. It is also recommended that more studies are conducted in this area, specially a more careful evaluation of the undergraduate courses in Public Health, which is a current and relatively new issue on formation in the area.
Os estudos da territorialidade e de comportamentos associados a ela favorecem o entendimento da maneira como as interações ecológicas afetam a composição de espécies e a dinâmica de uma comunidade. No presente estudo tivemos como objetivo geral investigar o comportamento de Stegastes fuscus, um peixe-donzela territorialista, em ambiente natural e em cativeiro, com foco na capacidade de localização territorial, reconhecimento e defesa de uma área estabelecida. Para tanto subdividimos o trabalho em 3 capítulos. O primeiro teve como foco o estudo da espécie em ambiente natural objetivando estimar a área do território ocupado e os padrões comportamentais da por ela expressos. Sendo encontrado que a área média ocupada por S. fuscus foi de 274 cm2 e os comportamentos mais observados foram: vigilância, ingestão de alimento, tempo no abrigo/toca e displays agressivos. O segundo capítulo teve como alvo investigar a capacidade de localização espacial da espécie mediada por pistas visuais. Os resultados demonstraram que S. fuscus apresenta marcante aprendizagem condicionada e possibilidade de existência de orientação espacial na espécie. O terceiro capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da residência prévia estabelecida e do reconhecimento de coespecíficos nos resultados de confrontos agonísticos. Os resultados apontaram a residência como fator prioritário na dinâmica das disputas agonísticas e que aspectos relacionados à familiaridade como relevantes e destacam-se mais quando não existe um território previamente estabelecido. Diante disso nossos resultados podem favorecer o entendimento da dinâmica estrutural da comunidade na qual S. fuscus esta inserida, sendo isto significativo tendo em vista a importância ecológica da espécie para o ecossistema.
Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems intermediate between rivers and lakes widely used in the Brazilian semiarid region as a way to provide water supply due to the said region’s water scarcity. The use of water from these supply sources for multiple uses, along with occupation and utilization of its riparian zone without proper management, directly influences the increased nutrient flow into aquatic environments, there with contributing to the acceleration of eutrophication. The semi-arid region is characterized by peculiar weather conditions, such as severe evaporation, high temperatures with little variation throughout the year and long water residence time, making it susceptible to prolonged drought occurrence, which tends to concentrate the nutrients in reservoirs, which favors the development of eutrophic conditions. Moreover, it is common soil use and occupation by carrying out activities with potential environmental impact on natural resources such as agriculture, livestock farming and lack of sanitation. The aim of this study is both to evaluate the water quality of the Cruzeta Reservoir, located in the semiarid region of Rio Grande do Norte, during a prolonged drought period, and assess the quality of its riparian zone soil under different uses, by monitoring physical-chemical variables. Along the prolonged drought, high levels of turbidity, suspended solids, nutrients and chlorophyll a were verified as present, therefore featuring low water quality. In the riparian zone of Cruzeta Reservoir, the areas under use of agriculture and livestock farming appeared as one of the main diffuse sources of nutrients to the said reservoir, featuring the highest levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil, originated from decomposition of animal excreta and from the use of fertilizers, creating a tendency to increased eutrophication of such water supply source. The indicators of water and soil quality are useful for monitoring and evaluating the conservation status of natural resources, allowing the control and mitigation of the reservoir eutrophication process. This study confirmed the hypothesis that the reduction of water level, resulting from prolonged drought event, aggravates the symptoms of eutrophication; and also that using the soil under severalways modifies the physic chemical properties of the soil, having livestock farming and agriculture as the usages with greatest potential towards yielding P and N to the aquatic environment.
The investments of Caixas and Institutos de Aposentadoria e Pensões (CAP and IAP) in homes of Natal, between the decades of 1930-60, helped to boost up the local real estate market in consolidation at the time. Inserted in the first national policy on social housing in the country, these operations have demanded the creation of a wide qualified organizational structure, which would be from the "Central Offices" of Rio de Janeiro to the decentralized units of the federal states. The professionals linked to the Local Agencies have developed, on this matter, from activities related to the design and construction of residential complexes, to the daily study of financing proposals in isolated units. As from these studies, the evaluation of shelters was essential to the effectiveness of the policy, resulting in the production of data on the market value of the properties by observing and issuing judgments upon the living quarters of different social groups. Given these considerations, the aim here is to contribute to the understanding on how to operate these real estate actions in the legitimization of boundaries about the urban space and dwellings available to workers in Natal. Therefore, the views of the city and constructions expressed by the evaluating engineers in their technical reports have been taken as the focus. Being the main primary sources of work, these reports are part of the edifices process of CAP/IAP regarding Natal, whose content is systematized in the database "Enterprises", the HCUrb Research Group. In addition, there were used local newspapers at the time and interviews with professionals as complementary sources. It was found that, in general, the evaluations have configured – in a more everyday dimension of bureaucratic routines - a vehicle, among others, circulating ideas about "home" within the social security institutions, being imbued with assumptions historically constructed about the "modern habitat". Filled in loco, the reports expose the clash between modernizing ideals in vogue and clear limitations in the city scenario at the time. Fragmented images of the town are given to read through the labels assigned to the evaluated sites – these being coated of certain "scientific" character - which both legitimated and contributed to the dynamics of appreciation/depreciation of the soil and to the socio-spatial differentiation. Contradictions were evident in the endorsement given by the technicians when financing of admittedly precarious homes for insured disadvantaged categories at the local level - such as industrial workers - while strict regulations were imposed to new construction, designed, above all, to better paid categories. By identifying raters engineers as urban agents, members of a technical-focused operating system for safety and efficiency in the real estate investments of those authorities corporatist, it is desired the usefulness of further studies on these characters, their training, professional activity and participation in the construction of discourses and practices of intervention about the city and its buildings, discussing individual and grouped interests that were left behind.
Currently, the growing aging population challenges the society and public health policies, for increased longevity need to be associated with quality of life. Adequate physical and social environment are key factors for the welfare of the elderly, particularly the housing environment - this thesis understood as the home (dwelling unit) and its surroundings (close proximity). In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. In addition, Brazilian legislation in this sector indicates the importance of the elderly remain at home and in the family. Based on this framework mortar, the thesis was starting questions: How do you live the elderly population aged 80 and over which is served by the Health Family Strategy of the Unified Health System? That social and environmental conditions of the place of residence act more directly on their quality of life? How do these people get housing conditions experienced? The research aimed to investigate how the residential environment (social and physical) influence everyday activities and quality of life of the elderly. Exploratory qualitative study highlighting the home visits, developed based on multimethod strategy. The empirical study was conducted in the city of Cabedelo-PB, Nov/2013 to Feb/2014. Participants were 36 elderly people (31 women and 5 men) aged between 80 and 99 years, little education, who live 39 years in the area (average). In the research first stage were applied questionnaires for socio-demographics and livability of the residence and the surroundings. In the second stage we used semi-structured interview and a tour accompanied in the neighborhood (with those who have accepted to do so). Throughout work it was kept a diary by the researcher and held naturalistic observations of the behavior of the elderly. Quantitative data were described using descriptive statistics, and information from the interviews were analyzed through the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Among the key ideas that emerged from them are: the representation of home, neighborhood support and related issues dyad independence / autonomy. The study showed that the elderly develop strong attachment to the place where he lives, the importance of it for your health and the desire to stay there. Thus, despite experiencing many barriers (more physical than the social), at the place where they live, they say they are satisfied, even when unfavorable conditions are evident. Concluding that as the houses are environmentally more docile, simple changes ensure autonomy, independence and mobility for the elderly. In turn, the barriers of the urban environment show it more difficult to deal with, making this space inhospitable to most survey participants, a condition that hinders your physical activities and social participation, and negatively influence their quality of life.