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The present work is now concentrated mainly on the Tilapia fishery. As a result of past experience it is easier to direct efforts in a way likely to give useful results. Work on the Tilapia is now beyond the purely exploratory stage and these fishing experiments are being carried but in areas which are known to contain large numbers of Tilapia. Nets of different mesh size are being used in order to catch all stages of these fish. These nets are being fished at the surface and at the bottom, close to the shore and further out. The data collected should provide more precise information regarding the periodic migration, both vertical and horizontal, of these fish, a better understanding of their life history and breeding habits, and indicate' the potential possibilities of this fishery. These data should explain the variation in numbers of fish caught by Africans during different months of the year; they should also make it possible to determine more exactly the best type of net for use in this particular fishery.


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The Annual report covers research carried out during the reporting period 1953 and contains the following Hydrology , Algology , Swamps, Snails and snail-eating Haplochromis, Tilapia Haplochromis, Mormyrus, Protopterus , Fish Physiology and list of Publications by members of E.A.F.R.O.


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This report covers the period 1st July, 1955, to 30th June, 1956. As printing has been delayed for various reasons, reference should be made to certain important proposals put forward since the 30th June. Just after the close of the year a meeting of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Board was held at Entebbe on 26th July. At this meeting disagreement arose between the representatives of the three East African Governments on the subject of whether or not existing restrictions on fishing in Lake Victoria should be retained. This organization holds strongly to the view that the existing restrictions on fishing should be retained, Kenya holds similar views, but Uganda and Tanganyika were in favour of a proposal to lift these restrictions. This question was discussed a month earlier by the Director with the Colonial Office Fisheries Advisory Committee and they also advised the Lake Victoria Fisheries Board against lifting the restrictions.


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A brief review of work carried out since the laboratory was established ten years ago will put present studies into perspective and show to what extent the aims of this organisation are being fulfilled. These aims can be simply defined under two heads: the maintenance of a watch on the commercial fisheries and original research designed to provide the necessary if these fisheries are to be exploited rationally and managed efficiently. While reference to past results, which cover a wide range of subjects, can best be made in the appropriate sections of this report, a short general statement on the Lake Victoria Fisheries may be useful. From the earliest records contained in Michael Graham's Report it was clear that even before 1929 considerable inroads had been made the stocks of fish in Lake Victoria. Some control measures were subsequently introduced which must have had a moderating effect, but so the Game Department reports continued to express concern regarding the state of the fisheries. During the last war some reduction in fishing effort occurred due to ,a shortage of nets, this afforded some respite to the fisheries, but after this period the fishing effort again increased steadily. At the present time the fishing effort is higher than it has ever been.


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This Report covers the period 1st January, 1954, to 30th June, 1955. Scientific work of the organization carried out during the reporting period included the following: Hydrology, Mollusca, Arthropoda , Tilapia, Haplochromis , The Fishes of Uganda , species of fish occurring in Lake Victoria, Analysis of commercial catches, Experimental fishing, The Relative fecundity of Tilapia species, The breeding behaviour of Tilapia, The rings on Tilapia Scales, The Growth of very young fish, The reproductive cycle of non-cichild fishes, The food of fish, some notes on the food of crocodiles, Varanus Lizards and Otters and List of Publications


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About 20% of Uganda territory is surface water from which 250,000m tons of fish is produced. In addition to fish exports which earned the country US$ 40m in 1996, fish provides 50% of protein diet of the 20m people translating into a per capita consumption of 12kg. It is estimated that fishery related activities employ at least one million people.The goal of FIRRI is to generate and transfer improved technologies and policy recommendations aimed at ensuring sustainable fish production and a healthy environment in which fish is produced.


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Lake Victoria shoreline in Jinja Municipality has four urban wetlands of Kirinya West/Loco, Kirinya East/Walukuba, Masese and Budumbuli which have undergone major changes during the past fifty years due to increased human activities. Amongst these activities is the continuous inflow of agricultural run-off, industrial and municipal wastewater. A significant increase in nutrient loads of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the catchment area continues to enhance eutrophication of Lake Victoria. Pollution from point sources (Industrial plants and NWSC Kirinya final maturation pond) into Jinja’s urban wetlands were therefore studied using a simplified material flux analysis methodology to identify the active elements and estimate the pollution loads due to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Carbon (nutrients), Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel and Manganese metals.


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It is now clear that fisheries resources are among the key assets contributing to the national development objective of poverty eradication through providing food, employment, income and export earnings. It was recently reported in the papers that monthly fish exports had increased by 23% and fetched about US$ 10 Million during the month of November 2001 alone. This value may be underestimated as it is based solely on recorded exports from fish processing factories numbering 12. Although fisheries resources are renewable they can be depleted through unsustainable exploitation. It is therefore important to ensure that there is guided development and management of this asset so that it can continue contributing to the livelihood of the people who depend on it. Therefore, FIRRI contributes to the fisheries sub-sector developmental objective of ensuring increased and sustainable fishery production and utilization by providing information to guide sustainable management of capture fisheries resources and development of aquaculture.


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Fisheries continue to be important in the national economy, especially as an export commodity. Fish exports increased from 15,876 tonnes valued at 34.4 million US$ in 2000 to 28,153 tonnes valued at 79.0 million US$ in 2001. Consequently information for sustainable exploitation and management of fish stocks is a priority. In order to fulfill this requirement, FIRRI has been implementing two research projects. The first project focuses on sustaining and increasing capture fisheries production through management of fish stocks, biodiversity and environment of aquatic systems. The second project focuses on increasing fish production through improved fry production and pond management and feeding of cultured species.


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One of the avenues through which the Government objective of poverty eradication in Uganda can be achieved is Fisheries development and management. Up to 20% of Uganda’s surface area is covered by aquatic systems i.e. lakes, rivers, streams and swamps and to a large extent, all these are interconnected. The large lakes: Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, George and Edward are sites of the more important commercial fisheries, but even the smaller water bodies, rivers (e.g. the Rivers Nile and Kagera) and the surrounding swamps provide sources of livelihood to rural areas. Fish is an important source of high quality food, employment revenue and is currently the second most important export commodity next to coffee generating approximately US $ 80 million annually. Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh is rich in proteins, which are superior to those of beef and poultry. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans


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About 18% of Uganda’s surface area is covered with water from which 300,000 metric tonnes of fish are produced. Fish are currently the second most important export commodity generating approximately US$100 million. Fish provides 50% of protein diet for the 20 million people translating into per capita consumption of 12 kg. Close to the production system, this figure rises to 50 – 100 kg. It is estimated that fishery-related activities employ at least one million people countrywide (i.e. 5% of the population). Fish is an important source of high quality food, employment, and revenue and it is currently the second most important export commodity next to coffee generating approximately US $ 80 million annually. Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh is rich in proteins, which are superior to those of beef and poultry. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans.


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About 18% of Uganda’s surface area is covered with water from which about 300,000 metric tonnes of fish are produced. Fish are currently the second most important export commodity generating approximately US$100 million annually. Fish provides 50% of protein diet for the 20 million people translating into per capita consumption of 12 kg. Close to the production system, this figure rises to 50 – 100 kg. It is estimated that fishery-related activities employ at least one million people countrywide (i.e. 5% of the population). Fish exports to regional markets are worth at least US $ 20 million annually. Fish flesh contains an anticholesterol which assists in reducing heart diseases. Some fishes are of medicinal value e.g. haplochromines (Nkejje) are used to treat measles. Most of the fish in Uganda is got from lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert and Albert Nile, Edward and George production systems as well as from the 160 minor lakes and rivers and the associated wetland systems. Capture fisheries based in these systems contribute up to 99% of the fish production in Uganda but aquaculture is also picking up. The fishing industry employs up to one million Ugandans


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The Annual report presents Scientific work carried out during the report year 1961 under the following: Scientific Work of the Organization Fisheries of Lake Victoria Commercial records Population analysis Rational exploitation Other species of Tilapia Small mesh gill net fisheries Bagrus docmac Investigation Lates Investigation Breeding studies on T. zillii & T. nigra The culture of Tilapia in ponds Migration of River Fish Hydrology and Algology Gear Research Buoy releases Vertical gill nets and lastly publications.


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Throughout the year the Fisheries Departments of Tanzania and Uganda continued to forward to EAFFRO data on the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria, particularly statistics of fishing-effort and fish-landings. The Kenya Fisheries Department was re-established at Kisumu towards the end of 1964 and has expanded its activities during 1965; whilst regular records of commercial fishing activity have not been despatched to Jinja, appropriate information has been made available on request from the Chief Fisheries Officer. None of the existing research officers at EAFFRO have been assigned to a detailed survey of the statistical data available, although several officers have taken the opportunity of analysing the data regarding the species considered under their own research programmes. As recorded in the last Annual Report, one important function of the UNDP Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project will be to undertake the relevant statistical surveys essential to the proper management of the commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria. The level of the lake remained abnormally high but fluctuated somewhat during the year, reaching a maximum in May, but falling to a minimum in October before beginning to rise again with the rains at the end of the twelve-month period. The maximum figure for the year recorded at Jinja: 12.92 ft. above datum did not reach the peak recorded in 1964: 13.33 ft. above datum, which was the maximum reading taken since records were begun in 1899. Scientific work carried out by the organization during the year 1965 included work on the following: Commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria Nile Perch investigations Fisheries surveys in Kenya and Tanzania Studies on anadromous fishes Studies on mormyrid fishes Studies on Tilapia species Studies on Alestes Studies on Haplochromis species


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Oceanographic research carried out in the Delagoa Bay (Mozambique) area in January 1982 confirms the presence of a cyclonic eddy influencing a total area of approximately 150 km x 80 km between the Mozambique Current and the 200 m isobaths. The bottom topography seems to play a major role in the generation of the eddy. Comparison with results of investigations carried out in the area from 1957 to 1980 suggests that the eddy is quasi-stationary.