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Introduction: Lesions at ipsilateral systems related to postural control at ipsilesional side, may justify the lower performance of stroke subjects during walking. Purpose: To analyse bilateral ankle antagonist coactivation during double-support in stroke subjects. Methods: Sixteen (8 females; 8 males) subjects with a first isquemic stroke, and twenty two controls (12 females; 10 males) participated in this study. The double support phase was assessed through ground reaction forces and electromyography of ankle muscles was assessed in both limbs. Results: Ipsilesional limb presented statistical significant differences from control when assuming specific roles during double support, being the tibialis anterior and soleus pair the one in which this atypical behavior was more pronounced. Conclusion: The ipsilesional limb presents a dysfunctional behavior when a higher postural control activity was demanded.
BACKGROUND: Variations in the major arteries of the upper limb are estimated to be present in up to one fifth of people, and may have significant clinical implications. CASE PRESENTATION: During routine cadaveric dissection of a 69-year-old fresh female cadaver, a superficial brachioulnar artery with an aberrant path was found bilaterally. The superficial brachioulnar artery originated at midarm level from the brachial artery, pierced the brachial fascia immediately proximal to the elbow, crossed superficial to the muscles that originated from the medial epicondyle, and ran over the pronator teres muscle in a doubling of the antebrachial fascia. It then dipped into the forearm fascia, in the gap between the flexor carpi radialis and the palmaris longus. Subsequently, it ran deep to the palmaris longus muscle belly, and superficially to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, reaching the gap between the latter and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, where it assumed is usual position lateral to the ulnar nerve. CONCLUSION: As far as the authors could determine, this variant of the superficial brachioulnar artery has only been described twice before in the literature. The existence of such a variant is of particular clinical significance, as these arteries are more susceptible to trauma, and can be easily confused with superficial veins during medical and surgical procedures, potentially leading to iatrogenic distal limb ischemia.
A pilot study aimed to introduce intraoperative monitoring of liver surgery using transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is described. A set of TEE measurements was established as a protocol, consisting of left atrial (LA) dimension at the aortic valve plane; mitral velocity flow integral, calculation of stroke volume and cardiac output (CO); mitral annular plane systolic excursion; finally, right atrial area. A total of 165 measurements (on 21 patients) were performed, 31 occurring during hypotension. The conclusions reached were during acute blood loss LA dimension changed earlier than CVP, and, in one patient, a dynamic left ventricular (LV) obstruction was observed; in 3 patients a transient LV systolic dysfunction was documented. The comparison between 39 CO paired measurements obtained by TEE and PiCCO2 revealed a statistically significant correlation (P < 0.001, r = 0.83). In this pilot study TEE successfully answered the questions raised by the anesthesiologists. Larger cohort studies are needed to address this issue.
Liver cirrhosis (LC) can lead to a clinical state of liver failure, which can exacerbate through the course of the disease. New therapies aimed to control the diverse etiologies are now more effective, although the disease may result in advanced stages of liver failure, where liver transplantation (LT) remains the most effective treatment. The extended lifespan of these patients and the extended possibilities of liver support devices make their admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) more probable. In this paper the LC is approached from the point of view of the pathophysiological alterations present in LC patients previous to ICU admission, particularly cardiovascular, but also renal, coagulopathic, and encephalopathic. Infections and available liver detoxifications devices also deserve mentioning. We intend to contribute towards ICU physician readiness to the care for this particular type of patients, possibly in dedicated ICUs.
We used a prospective cohort to analyze the effect of change in BMI rather than change in weight, in mothers carrying dichorionic twins from a population that did not receive any dietary intervention. A total of 269 mothers (150 nulliparas and 119 multiparas) were evaluated. The average change (%) from the pre-gravid BMI was 7.2+/-6.1, 17.4+/-8.2, and 28.7+/-10.8, at 12-14, 22-25, and 30-34 weeks, respectively, without difference between nulliparas and multiparas. The comparison between maternities below or above the average change from the pregravid BMI failed to demonstrate an advantage (in terms of total twin birthweight and gestational age) of an above average change from the pregravid BMI, even when the lower versus upper quartiles were compared. Our observations reached different conclusions regarding the recommended universal dietary intervention in twin gestations. A cautious approach is advocated towards seemingly harmless excess weight gain, as normal weight women may turn overweight, or even obese, by the end of pregnancy, and be exposed to the untoward effects of obesity on future health and body image.
BACKGROUND: Gallstone ileus accounts for 1% to 4% of cases of mechanical bowel obstruction, but may be responsible for up to 25% of cases in older age groups. In non-iatrogenic cases, gallstone migration occurs after formation of a biliary-enteric fistula. In fewer than 10% of patients with gallstone ileus, the impacted gallstones are located in the pylorus or duodenum, resulting in gastric outlet obstruction, known as Bouveret's syndrome. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an 86-year-old female who was admitted to hospital with a 10-day history of persistent vomiting and prostration. She was in hypovolemic shock at the time of arrival in the emergency department. Investigations revealed a gallstone in the duodenal bulb and a cholecystoduodenal fistula. She underwent surgical gastrolithotomy. Unfortunately, she died of aspiration pneumonia on the fourth postoperative day. CONCLUSION: This case shows the importance of considering Bouveret's syndrome in the differential diagnosis of gastric outlet obstruction, especially in the elderly, even in patients with no previous history of gallbladder disease.
Introduction. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare disease that must be managed in specialized centers; therefore, the availability of epidemiological national data is critical. Methods. We conducted a prospective, observational, and multicenter registry with a joint collaboration from five centers from Portugal and included adult incident patients with PAH or chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). Results. Of the 79 patients enrolled in this study, 46 (58.2%) were classified as PAH and 33 patients (41.8%) as CTEPH. PAH patients had a mean age of 43.4 ± 16.4 years. Idiopathic PAH was the most common etiology (37%). At presentation, PAH patients had elevated right atrial pressure (RAP) (7.7 ± 5.9mmHg) and mean pulmonary vascular resistance (11.4 ± 6.5 Wood units), with a low cardiac index (2.7 ± 1.1 L⋅min−1 m−2); no patient was under selective pulmonary vasodilators; however, at follow-up, most patients were on single (50%), double (28%), or triple (9%) combination vasodilator therapy. One-year survival was 93.5%, similar to CTEPH patients (93.9%), that were older (60.0 ± 12.5 years) and had higher RAP (11.0 ± 5.2mmHg,
The Ponseti method is reportedly effective for treating clubfoot in children up to 9 years of age. However, whether age at the beginning of treatment influences the rate of successful correction and the rate of relapse is unknown. We therefore retrospectively reviewed 68 consecutive children with 102 idiopathic clubfeet treated by the Ponseti technique in four Portuguese hospitals. We followed patients a minimum of 30 months (mean, 41.4 months; range, 30–61 months). The patients were divided into two groups according to their age at the beginning of treatment; Group I was younger than 6 months and Group II was older than 6 months. All feet(100%) were initially corrected and no feet required extensive surgery regardless of age at the beginning of treatment. There were no differences between Groups I and II in the number of casts, tenotomies, success in terms of rate of initial correction, rate of recurrence, and rate of tibialis anterior transference. The rate of the Ponseti method in avoiding extensive surgery was 100% in Groups I and II; relapses occurred in 8% of the feet in younger and older children. Level of Evidence: Level II, prognostic study. See the Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
We describe the full genetic characterization of an insect-specific flavivirus (ISF) from Culex theileri (Theobald) mosquitoes collected in Portugal. This represents the first isolation and full characterization of an ISF from Portuguese mosquitoes. The virus, designated CTFV, for Culex theileri flavivirus, was isolated in the C6/36 Stegomyia albopicta (=Aedes albopictus) cell line, and failed to replicate in vertebrate (Vero) cells in common with other ISFs. The CTFV genome encodes a single polyprotein with 3357 residues showing all the features expected for those of flaviviruses. Phylogenetic analyses based on all ISF sequences available to date, place CTFV among Culex-associated flaviviruses, grouping with recently published NS5 partial sequences documented from mosquitoes collected in the Iberian Peninsula, and with Quang Binh virus (isolated in Vietnam) as a close relative. No CTFV sequences were found integrated in their host’s genome using a range of specific PCR primers designed to the prM/E, NS3, and NS5 region.
Surveillance registers monitor the prevalence of cerebral palsy and the severity of resulting impairments across time and place. The motor disorders of cerebral palsy can affect children’s speech production and limit their intelligibility. We describe the development of a scale to classify children’s speech performance for use in cerebral palsy surveillance registers, and its reliability across raters and across time. Speech and language therapists, other healthcare professionals and parents classified the speech of 139 children with cerebral palsy (85 boys, 54 girls; mean age 6.03 years, SD 1.09) from observation and previous knowledge of the children. Another group of health professionals rated children’s speech from information in their medical notes. With the exception of parents, raters reclassified children’s speech at least four weeks after their initial classification. Raters were asked to rate how easy the scale was to use and how well the scale described the child’s speech production using Likert scales. Inter-rater reliability was moderate to substantial (k > .58 for all comparisons). Test–retest reliability was substantial to almost perfect for all groups (k > .68). Over 74% of raters found the scale easy or very easy to use; 66% of parents and over 70% of health care professionals judged the scale to describe children’s speech well or very well. We conclude that the Viking Speech Scale is a reliable tool to describe the speech performance of children with cerebral palsy, which can be applied through direct observation of children or through case note review.
Background Late presentations of congenital diaphragmatic hernia are rare and differ from the classic neonatal presentation. The association with other congenital malformations in children, mainly intestinal malrotation, is well documented. The diagnosis of this association in adults is very rare, and depends on a high degree of suspicion. Case presentation We report a case of a 50-year-old female Caucasian patient with a previous history of intestinal malrotation diagnosed in adolescence and treated conservatively. She was referred to the hospital with signs and symptoms of intestinal obstruction. The patient undertook computed tomography that confirmed small bowel obstruction with no obvious cause, and a right subphrenic abscess with right empyema was also present. An exploratory laparotomy was performed that revealed an intestinal malrotation associated with a right gangrenous and perforated Bochdalek hernia. Resection of the affected small bowel, closure of the Bochdalek foramen and the Ladd procedure were carried out. Conclusion This case shows a rare association of two rare conditions in adults, and highlights the challenge in reaching the diagnosis and management options.
Acc. Chem. Res., 2006, 39 (10), pp 788–796 DOI: 10.1021/ar050104k
Objectivos As recomendações para a realização de linfadenectomia axilar nos doentes com cancro da mama em estádio precoce e sujeitas a biópsia de gânglio sentinela com presença de macrometástase foram recentemente actualizadas, baseadas nos últimos estudos publicados (Z0011 e IBCSG 23-01). Mantém-se, no entanto, alguma controvérsia na decisão de não realização de cirurgia radical axilar nos doentes com gânglio sentinela positivo. Têm sido desenvolvidos métodos preditivos de metastização ganglionar adicional. Um dos mais conhecidos, desenvolvido no Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), recorre a variáveis do tumor e características do gânglio sentinela. Mais recentemente com a utilização de métodos moleculares (como o One Step Nucleic Acid - OSNA) para estudo do gânglio sentinela tem sido avaliada a capacidade preditiva da quantidade total de cópias mRNA da citoqueratina 19. Pretende-se estudar na nossa amostra a capacidade preditiva do nomograma do MSKCC e da carga tumoral total. Propõe-se ainda avaliar o número de macrometástases encontradas na biópsia de gânglio sentinela e sua relação na metastização ganglionar adicional. Material e métodos Avaliação retrospectiva de 819 doentes com cancro da mama (Tis – T2) submetidos a biópsia de gânglio sentinela no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central durante o período de 1 de Janeiro de 2005 e 31 de Dezembro de 2013. Foram identificados 123 doentes com gânglio sentinela positivo que realizaram linfadenectomia axilar imediata. A análise do gânglio sentinela foi executada por métodos histológicos em 78 doentes e por método molecular (OSNA) em 45 doentes. Os dois grupos foram estudados separadamente, tendo sido no primeiro aplicado o nomograma do MSKCC e no segundo obtida a carga tumoral total. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão logística para analisar o poder preditivo e discriminativo destes dois métodos. Adicionalmente, para avaliar a potencial importância do número de macrometástases na metastização ganglionar adicional, foi ajustado um novo modelo de regressão logística considerando esta variável e a carga tumoral total. Ambos os métodos foram também avaliados através da área sob a curva ROC (AUC) e do teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow, respectivamente. O nível de significância adoptado foi α = 0.05. O estudo estatístico foi realizado com recurso ao SPSS. Resultados No grupo em que foi aplicado o nomograma do MSKCC obteve-se uma AUC=0.67 (I.C. 95% = 0.55 – 0.79), e no grupo em que foi avaliada a carga tumoral total uma AUC=0.78 (I.C. 95% = 0.64 – 0.91). Os poderes preditivos de ambos foram, respectivamente, p=0.15 e p=0.46. Constatou-se que o desempenho do modelo resultante da junção da carga tumoral total com o número de macrometástases encontradas no estudo do gânglio sentinela foi bastante satisfatório (AUC=0.87, I.C 95% = 0.76 – 0.98, poder preditivo p=0.33). Conclusão Foi validado externamente o modelo do MSKCC para a amostra em estudo, apresentando uma menor acuidade discriminativa em relação ao estudo original (AUC=0.67 versus AUC=0.75). Por outro lado, após verificação da homogeneidade de ambos os grupos no que diz respeito a todas as variáveis de interesse, conclui-se que a carga tumoral total aparenta uma maior acuidade preditiva e discriminativa na metastização ganglionar adicional que o nomograma do MSKCC. Quando desenvolvido um modelo agregando a carga tumoral total avaliada por OSNA e o número de macrometástases no gânglio sentinela, obteve-se uma capacidade discriminativa ainda superior. A carga tumoral total avaliada por OSNA, ou esta incluída num modelo conjunto com o número de macrometástases obtidas no estudo do gânglio sentinela, poderão representar importantes ferramentas preditivas. Serão no entanto necessários estudos adicionais com amostras superiores para consolidar estes resultados. Bibliografia 1. 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BACKGROUND: Hand, foot, and mouth syndrome (HFMS) is a common acute illness. It is characterized by mild clinical symptoms including fever, blisters, and sores in the mouth and on the palms and soles following a 3- to 7-day incubation period. This syndrome is rarely seen in adults. CASE PRESENTATION: A 35-year-old male Caucasian patient had a history of multiple episodes of acute pharyngitis, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and occasional abdominal pain. He presented with polyarthralgia in the knees and hands and odynophagia, followed by fever, oral mucosal aphthous lesions, and vesicles on the palms and soles. Three weeks after presentation, he was admitted to the emergency room with acute myocarditis. The in-hospital evaluation revealed positive serology for coxsackie A9 (1:160), positive anti-transglutaminase and anti-gliadin antibodies, normal immunoglobulins, and human immunodeficiency virus negativity. CONCLUSION: We herein describe a case of HFMS that was associated with coxsackie A9 infection complicated by acute myocarditis. Although an association between celiac disease and HFMS has not been described, this patient's immunologic disruption could have favored the development of infection and ultimately HFMS.