994 resultados para Relative velocity


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The results of an experimental study and velocity analysis of the flow characteristics in the vicinityof a floodplain with two rows of permeable/impermeable groynes in compound channels with oneand two floodplains are presented. A 60% permeable groyne model with three different lengthsrelative to the floodplain width was used. The results showed that double groyne could beconsidered as one groyne (one block) for aspect ratio Sr < 2 (Sr = distance between twosuccessive groynes/groyne length). When Sr > 2, each groyne started to act independently.The velocity reduction was more than 45-52% of the floodplain’s approach velocity compared with30-35% in the case of a single groyne. The significant velocity reduction was located at a distance1.5-2 times the groyne length downstream of the single or the double groynes. Generally, themaximum velocities in the main channel ranged from 1.1 to 1.35 times the original approachingvelocity. The effective groyne relative length and aspect ratio should not to be more than 0.5 and 2,respectively.


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A full understanding of the hydrodynamic processes within the jet produced by a manoeuvring ship’s propeller is essential in the development and maintenance of ports, docks and harbours. In this study the predominant axial velocity component of a diffusing propeller jet was studied. The flow fields formed by four propellers, each operating at four power levels (speeds of rotation), were investigated under bollard pull conditions within a large free surface tank using Laser Doppler Anemometry. Comparison were made to existing methodologies by which a prediction of the magnitudes of the axial velocity can be made, and where deficient modifications to the methodologies have been developed. The jets were found to produce a maximum axial velocity along the initial efflux plane at a location near the blade mid-span. The position and magnitude of the axial velocity was seen to decrease as the jet entrained more flow and transitioned from the zone of flow establishment into the zone of established flow.


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PURPOSE. To explore factors potentially influencing the success or failure of rural Chinese hospitals in increasing cataract surgical output and quality. METHODS. Focus groups (FGs, n = 10) were conducted with hospital administrators, doctors, and nurses at 28 county hospitals in Guangdong Province. Discussions explored respondents' views on increasing surgical volume and quality and improving patient satisfaction. Respondents numerically ranked possible strategies to increase surgical volume and quality and patient satisfaction. FG transcripts were independently coded by two reviewers utilizing the constant comparative method following the grounded theory approach, and numerical responses were scored and ranked. RESULTS. Ten FGs and 77 ranking questionnaires were completed by 33 administrators, 23 doctors, and 21 nurses. Kappa values for the two coders were greater than 0.7 for all three groups. All groups identified a critical need for enhanced management training for hospital directors. Doctors and nurses suggested reducing surgical fees to enhance uptake, although administrators were resistant to this. Although doctors saw the need to improve equipment, administrators felt current material conditions were adequate. Respondents agreed that patient satisfaction was generally high, and did not view increasing patient satisfaction as a priority. CONCLUSIONS. Our findings highlight agreements and disagreements among the three stakeholder groups about improving surgical output and quality, which can inform strategies to improve cataract programs in rural China. Respondents' beliefs about high patient satisfaction are not in accord with other studies in the area, highlighting a potential area for intervention. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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There is no consensus in the literature as to which stock characteristic best explains returns. In this study, we employ a novel econometric approach better suited than the traditional characteristic sorting method to answer this question for the UK market. We evaluate the relative explanatory power of market, size, momentum, volatility, liquidity and book-to-market factors in a semiparametric characteristic-based factor model which does not require constructing characteristic portfolios. We find that momentum is the most important factor and liquidity is the least important based on their relative contribution to the fit of the model and the proportion of sample months for which factor returns are significant. Overall, this study provides strong evidence to support that the momentum characteristic can best explain stock returns in the UK market. The econometric approach employed in this study is a novel way to assess relevant investment risk in international financial markets outside U.S. Moreover, multinational institutions and investors can use this approach to identify regional factors in order to diversify their portfolios.


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The asymmetries observed in the line profiles of solar flares can provide important diagnostics of the properties and dynamics of the flaring atmosphere. In this paper the evolution of the Hα and Ca ii λ8542 lines are studied using high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution ground-based observations of an M1.1 flare obtained with the Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope. The temporal evolution of the Hα line profiles from the flare kernel shows excess emission in the red wing (red asymmetry) before flare maximum and excess in the blue wing (blue asymmetry) after maximum. However, the Ca ii λ8542 line does not follow the same pattern, showing only a weak red asymmetry during the flare. RADYN simulations are used to synthesize spectral line profiles for the flaring atmosphere, and good agreement is found with the observations. We show that the red asymmetry observed in Hα is not necessarily associated with plasma downflows, and the blue asymmetry may not be related to plasma upflows. Indeed, we conclude that the steep velocity gradients in the flaring chromosphere modify the wavelength of the central reversal in the Hα line profile. The shift in the wavelength of maximum opacity to shorter and longer wavelengths generates the red and blue asymmetries, respectively.


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The effects of repeated survey and fieldwork timing on data derived from a recently proposed standard field methodology for empirical estimation of Relative Pollen Productivity have been tested. Seasonal variations in vegetation and associated pollen assemblages were studied in three contrasting cultural habitat types; semi-natural ancient woodlands, lowland heaths, and unimproved, traditionally managed hay meadows. Results show that in woodlands and heathlands the standard method generates vegetation data with a reasonable degree of similarity throughout the field season, though in some instances additional recording of woodland canopy cover should be undertaken, and differences were greater for woodland understorey taxa than for arboreal taxa. Large differences in vegetation cover were observed over the field season in the grassland community, and matching the phenological timing of surveys within and between studies is clearly important if RPP estimates from these sites are to be comparable. Pollen assemblages from closely co-located moss polsters collected on different visits are shown to be variable in all communities, to a greater degree than can be explained by the sampling error associated with pollen counting, and further study of moss polsters as pollen traps is recommended.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a cinética de secagem do bacalhau salgado verde (Gadus morhua) em secador convectivo. É apresentada a análise da composição físico-química dos bacalhaus utilizados nos ensaios experimentais, bem como o estudo das isotermas de sorção do produto, através de experiências e modelação matemática. Dos modelos usados para o ajuste das isotermas de sorção do bacalhau salgado verde, o que melhor se adaptou aos resultados experimentais foi o modelo de GAB Modificado, com coeficientes de correlação variando entre 0,992 e 0,998. Para o controlo do processo de secagem (nomeadamente os parâmetros temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) foi utilizada lógica difusa, através do desenvolvimento de controladores difusos para o humidificador, desumidificador, resistências de aquecimento e ventilador. A modelação do processo de secagem foi realizada através de redes neuronais artificiais (RNA), modelo semi-empírico de Page e modelo difusivo de Fick. A comparação entre dados experimentais e simulados, para cada modelo, apresentou os seguintes erros: entre 1,43 e 11,58 para o modelo de Page, 0,34 e 4,59 para o modelo de Fick e entre 1,13 e 6,99 para a RNA, com médias de 4,38, 1,67 e 2,93 respectivamente. O modelo obtido pelas redes neuronais artificiais foi submetido a um algoritmo de otimização, a fim de buscar os parâmetros ideais de secagem, de forma a minimizar o tempo do processo e maximizar a perda de água do bacalhau. Os parâmetros ótimos obtidos para o processo de secagem, após otimização realizada, para obter-se uma humidade adimensional final de 0,65 foram: tempo de 68,6h, temperatura de 21,45°C, humidade relativa de 51,6% e velocidade de 1,5m/s. Foram também determinados os custos de secagem para as diferentes condições operacionais na instalação experimental. Os consumos por hora de secagem variaram entre 1,15 kWh e 2,87kWh, com uma média de 1,94kWh.


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Hypothesis: As the anterior and posterior semicircular canals are vital to the regulation of gaze stability, particularly during locomotion or vehicular travel, we tested whether the high velocity vestibulo‐ocular reflex (VOR) of the three ipsilesional semicircular canals elicited by the modified Head Impulse Test would correlate with subjective dizziness or vertigo scores after vestibular neuritis (VN). Background: Recovery following acute VN varies with around half reporting persistent symptoms long after the acute episode. However, an unanswered question is whether chronic symptoms are associated with impairment of the high velocity VOR of the anterior or posterior canals. Methods: Twenty patients who had experienced an acute episode of VN at least three months earlier were included in this study. Participants were assessed with the video head impulse test (vHIT) of all six canals, bithermal caloric irrigation, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and the Vertigo Symptoms Scale short‐form (VSS). Results: Of these 20 patients, 12 felt that they had recovered from the initial episode whereas 8 did not and reported elevated DHI and VSS scores. However, we found no correlation between DHI or VSS scores and the ipsilesional single or combined vHIT gain, vHIT gain asymmetry or caloric paresis. The high velocity VOR was not different between patients who felt they had recovered and patients who felt they had not. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that chronic symptoms of dizziness following VN are not associated with the high velocity VOR of the single or combined ipsilesional horizontal, anterior or posterior semicircular canals.


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Dans le domaine des centres d’appels, l’affectation d’agents au service à la clientèle efficaces et satisfaits représente une activité cruciale pour toute direction dédiée aux ressources humaines de ces unités d’affaires. Or, pour parvenir à prendre de bonnes décisions d’embauche et de rejet, des instruments de mesure et d’évaluation des compétences sont souvent mis à contribution. À cet effet, les tests de jugement situationnel (TJS) sont de plus en plus utilisés pour la sélection du personnel. L’objet de cette thèse est donc de vérifier l’efficacité relative des différentes méthodes d’élaboration des grilles de correction des TJS. En effet, jusqu’à présent, trois méthodes ont été privilégiées par les concepteurs de tests (Weekley, Ployhart, & Holtz, 2006) : (1) l’approche rationnelle ou théorique (2) l’approche empirique et (3) le recours à des experts. La possibilité qu’une combinaison de ces différentes approches puisse conduire à de meilleurs résultats est également explorée. Pour y parvenir, le résultat total obtenu à un TJS a été mis en lien avec une évaluation du rendement global effectuée par un supérieur immédiat en y appliquant huit grilles de correction différentes. Au total, un échantillon de 312 employés œuvrant dans des emplois de téléopérateurs au sein d’une grande institution financière québécoise ont participé à cette recherche. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats indiquent qu’une approche empirique permet généralement d’obtenir de meilleures statistiques descriptives en termes de distribution et de dispersion des scores pour un processus de sélection. Cependant, des analyses corrélationnelles indiquent qu’une approche multiple ou méthode hybride, basée sur une intégration des informations fournies par différentes sources d’informations (empirique, théorique et basé sur les experts) pour l’élaboration d’une grille de correction d’un TJS, permet de mieux prédire le rendement des employés (r=0,247**) comparativement à l’utilisation de la théorie pour définir les attentes (r=0,162**), le recours à des experts de contenu œuvrant dans le domaine de pratique (r=0,164**) ou l’utilisation d’une approche empirique (r=0,154*). Mots clés : Test de jugement situationnel, grilles de correction, validité critériée, centre d’appels.


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The VITAE project is a four‐year (2001–2005) research study, commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills, conducted with 300 teachers in 100 schools in seven local education authorities in England. The project aimed to identify factors that may affect their work and lives over time and how these factors may, in turn, impact on their teaching and subsequent pupil progress and outcomes. It combined quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis in order to define and examine notions of teachers' relational and relative effectiveness. The first part of the paper addresses the nature of effectiveness and three key themes relating to the changing contexts of teachers' work, lives and effectiveness: the challenge of reform to notions of professionalism; professional identities; changes in teachers' work and lives. The research design and early findings and their effects upon the development of the research form the second part. The final part of the paper discusses three sets of understandings which are fundamental to any consideration of teachers' work, lives and effectiveness: relative and relational effectiveness; teacher identities; teachers' life and work contexts. The research suggests that policy‐makers, school leaders and teachers themselves need to attend to these if teacher recruitment, retention and standards are to improve.


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Introduction: In aerobiological studies it is often necessary to compare concentration data recorded with different models of sampling instrument. Sampler efficiency typically varies from device to device, and depends on the target aerosol and local atmospheric conditions. To account for these differences inter-sampler correction factors may be applied, however for many pollen samplers and pollen taxa such correction factors do not exist and cannot be derived from existing published work. Materials and methods: In this study the relative efficiencies of the Burkard 7-Day Recording Volumetric Spore Trap, the Sampling Technologies Rotorod Model 20 and the Burkard Personal Volumetric Air Sampler were evaluated for Urticaceae and Poaceae pollen under field conditions, and the influence of wind speed and relative humidity on these efficiency relationships was assessed. Data for the two pollen taxa were collected during 2010 and 2011-12 respectively. Results: The three devices were found to record significantly different concentrations for both pollen taxa, with the exception of the 7-Day and Rotorod samplers for Poaceae pollen. Under the range of conditions present during the study wind speed was found to only have a significant impact on inter-sampler relationships involving the vertically orientated Burkard Personal sampler, whilst no interaction between relative efficiency and relative humidity was observed. Conclusions: Data collected with the three models of sampler should only be compared once the appropriate correction has been made, with wind speed taken into account where appropriate.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Learning games such as role-play (which we refer to as “simulated interaction rituals”) are commonly used as social tools to develop trainee health practitioners. However, the effect of such rituals on individual and group participant emotions has not been carefully studied. Using a heuristic approach, we explore the experiences of complementary therapy practitioner trainees (and their trainers) participating in a personal development course. Ten trainees and two tutors were interviewed, observational notes taken, and a secondary qualitative analysis undertaken. Participants and tutors described a medley of disparate emotional and moral responses to group rituals, conceptualized in this article as “jumbled emotions.” Such emotions required disentangling, and both trainees and staff perceived participating in unfamiliar rituals “with relative strangers” as challenging. Front of stage effects are frequently processed “backstage,” as rituals threaten social embarrassment and confusion. Concerns around emotional triggers, authenticity, and outcomes of rituals arise at the time, yet trainees can find ways to work through these issues in time.


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Introdução: No futebol, a entorse lateral do tornozelo (ELT) destaca-se como sendo a lesão mais prevalente. Potenciada pela variedade de chuteiras disponíveis no mercado e pela crescente utilização de relvados sintéticos, a interação entre o terreno e o calçado tem assumido elevada relevância como fator de risco para a ELT. A maior incidência de lesões na 2ª parte do jogo traduz a necessidade do estudo dessa interação durante tarefas que envolvam fadiga. Objetivo: Estudar a influência das chuteiras em variáveis preditoras do risco de ELT em relvado sintético sob duas condições: sem e com fadiga dos músculos eversores do tornozelo Métodos: Foi utilizada uma amostra de atletas saudáveis. Todos os indivíduos realizaram 3 séries de 5 saltos médio-laterais uni-podálicos, cada uma com 1 de 3 modelos de chuteiras (Turf, Hard e Firm ground) em duas condições: sem e com fadiga induzida pelo dinamómetro isocinético. Durante a tarefa, a atividade eletromiográfica do longo e curto peroniais, o valor das forças de reação do solo e o movimento do retro-pé (plano frontal), foram recolhidos e usados para calcular variáveis cinemáticas (eversão/inversão do tornozelo, o deslocamento e velocidade do centro de pressão), cinéticas (taxa de crescimento das forças de reação do solo) e neuromusculares (tempo de ativação muscular dos peroniais). Resultados: À exceção do tempo de ativação do curto peronial com o modelo Hard ground (sem fadiga vs com fadiga (p=0,050), não foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas variáveis preditoras de lesão, entre chuteiras, nem entre as duas condições avaliadas. Conclusão: Para o teste funcional escolhido e executado por atletas saudáveis em sintético de 3ª geração, nenhuma das chuteiras apresenta maior risco de lesão (com e sem fadiga), tendo em conta as variáveis em estudo.