984 resultados para Regional Entrepreneurship
Background: Cancer cachexia is a complex metabolic syndrome characterised by severe and progressive weight loss which is predominantly muscle mass. It is a devastating and distressing complication of advanced cancer with profound bio-psycho-social implications for patients and their families. At present there is no curative treatment for cachexiain advanced cancer therefore the most important healthcare response entails the minimisation of the psycho-social distress associated with it. However the literature suggests healthcare professionals’are missing opportunities to intervene and respond to the multi-dimensional needs of this population.
Objective:The objective of this study was to explore healthcare professionals’ response to cachexia in advanced cancer.
Methods: An interpretative qualitative approach was adopted in this study. A purposive sample of doctors, nurses, specialist nurses and dieticians were recruited from a regional cancer centre between November 2009 and November 2010. Data was collection was twofold: two multi-professional focus groups were conducted first to uncover the main themes and issues in cachexia management. This data then informed the interview schedule for the following 25 individual semi-structured interviews.
Results: Preliminary data analysis of the semi-structured interviews revealed distinct differences between disciplines in their perceptions of cancer cachexia which influenced their response to it in clinical practice. The commonality between disciplines, with the exception of palliative care, was a reliance on the biomedical approach to cancer cachexia management.
Discussion and Conclusions: Cancer cachexia is a complex and challenging syndrome which needs to be addressed from a holistic model of care to reflect the multi-dimensional needs of this patient group. The perspectives of those involved in care delivery is required in order to inform the development of interventions aimed at minimising the distress associated with this devastating syndrome.
Regional policy frameworks need to focus on strengthening the ICT infrastructure, clarifying market rules to build user confidence, developing networks, facilitating ICT-enabled clustering and infrastructure sharing.
Consociational institutional arrangements in deeply divided societies are often criticised for cementing the underlying conflict cleavage, encouraging the continued dominance of conflict-based party competition and voter behaviour and prohibiting the emergence of 'normal' (that is, non-conflict-based) dimensions of political competition. However, drawing on evidence from a post-election survey at the 2009 Northern Ireland election to the European Parliament, I find that EU issues determined intra-bloc vote choice (at least in the nationalist community). This suggests that there is potential for regional integration projects, such as the EU, to contribute to the normalisation of politics in a consociational system by acting as the source of an externally generated dimension of political competition. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
For many decades Palaeolithic research viewed the development of early modern human behaviour as largely one of progress down a path towards the modernity of the present. The European Palaeolithic sequence the most extensively studied was for a long time the yard-stick against which records from other regions were judged. Recent work undertaken in Africa and increasingly Asia, however, now suggests that the European evidence may tell a story that is more parochial and less universal than previously thought. While tracking developments at the large scale (the grand narrative) remains important, there is growing appreciation that to achieve a comprehensive understanding of human behavioural evolution requires an archaeologically regional perspective to balance this. One of the apparent markers of human modernity that has been sought in the global Palaeolithic record, prompted by finds in the European sequence, is innovation in bonebased technologies. As one step in the process of re-evaluating and contextualizing such innovations, in this article we explore the role of prehistoric bone technologies within the Southeast Asian sequence, where they have at least comparable antiquity to Europe and other parts of Asia. We observe a shift in the technological usage of bone from a minor component to a medium of choice during the second half of the Last Termination and into the Holocene. We suggest that this is consistent with it becoming a focus of the kinds of inventive behaviour demanded of foraging communities as they adapted to the far-reaching environmental and demographic changes that were reshaping this region at that time. This record represents one small element of a much wider, much longerterm adaptive process, which we would argue is not confined to the earliest instances of a particular technology or behaviour, but which forms part of an on-going story of our behavioural evolution. © 2012 The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.