948 resultados para Reflective light microscopy
Human pregnancy is accompanied by a mild systemic inflammatory response, which includes the activation of monocytes circulating in maternal blood. This response is exaggerated in preeclampsia, a placental-dependent disorder specific to human pregnancies. We and others showed that placental syncytiotrophoblast membrane microparticles (STBM) generated in vitro from normal placentas stimulated peripheral blood monocytes, which suggest a contribution of STBM to the systemic maternal inflammation. Here, we analyzed the inflammatory potential of STBM prepared from preeclamptic placentas on primary monocytes and investigated the mode of action in vitro. STBM generated in vitro by placental villous explants of normal or preeclamptic placentas were co-incubated with human peripheral blood monocytes. In some cases, inhibitors of specific cellular functions or signaling pathways were used. The analysis of the monocytic response was performed by flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunoassays, real-time PCR, and fluorescence microscopy. STBM derived from preeclamptic placentas up-regulated the cell surface expression of CD54, and stimulated the secretion of the pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 in a similar, dose-dependent manner as did STBM prepared from normal placentas. STBM bound to the cell surface of monocytes, but phagocytosis was not necessary for activation. STBM-induced cytokine secretion was impaired in the presence of inhibitors of toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling or when nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) activation was blocked. Our results suggest that the inflammatory reaction in monocytes may be initiated by the interaction of STBM with TLRs, which in turn signal through NF-κB to mediate the transcription of genes coding for pro-inflammatory factors.
Bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton have been observed during two-year monitoring in the western Black Sea. High variability in light absorption coefficient of phytoplankton was due to change of pigment concentration and chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient. A relationships between light absorption coefficients and chlorophyll a concentration have been found: for the blue maximum (a_ph(440) = 0.0413x**0.628; R**2 = 0.63) and for the red maximum (?_ph(678) = 0.0190x**0.843; R**2 = 0.83). Chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficients decreased while pigment concentration in the Sea increased. Observed variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient at chlorophyll a concentrations <1.0 mg/m**3 had seasonal features and was related with seasonal change of intracellular pigment concentration. Ratio between the blue and red maxima decreased with increasing chlorophyll a concentration (? = 2.14 x**-0.20; R**2 = 0.41). Variability of spectrally averaged absorption coefficient of phytoplankton (a'_ph ) on 95% depended on absorption coefficient at the blue maximum (y = 0.421x; R**2 = 0.95). Relation of a_ph with chlorophyll a concentration was described by a power function (y = 0.0173x**0.0709; R**2 = 0.65). Change of spectra shape was generally effected by seasonal dynamics of intracellular pigment concentration, and partly effected by taxonomic and cell-size structure of phytoplankton.
Heavy and light minerals were examined in 29 samples from Sites 494, 498, 499, 500, and 495 on the Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 67 Middle America Trench transect; these sites represent lower slope, trench, and oceanic crust environments off Guatemala. All samples are Quaternary except those from Hole 494A (Pliocene) and Hole 498A (Miocene). Heavy-mineral assemblages of the Quaternary sediments are characterized by an immature pyroxene-amphibole suite with small quantities of olivine and epidote. The Miocene sediments yielded an assemblage dominated by epidote and pyroxene but lacking olivine; the absence of olivine is attributed to selective removal of the most unstable components by intrastratal solution. Light-mineral assemblages of all samples are predominantly characterized by volcanic glass and plagioclase feldspar. The feldspar compositions are compatible with andesitic source rocks and frequently exhibit oscillatory zoning. The heavy- and light-mineral associations of these sediments suggest a proximal volcanic source, most probably the Neogene highland volcanic province of Guatemala. Sand-sized components from Site 495 are mainly biogenic skeletons and volcanic glass and, in one instance (Section 495-5-3), euhedral crystals of gypsum.
Multi-view microscopy techniques such as Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) are powerful tools for 3D + time studies of live embryos in developmental biology. The sample is imaged from several points of view, acquiring a set of 3D views that are then combined or fused in order to overcome their individual limitations. Views fusion is still an open problem despite recent contributions in the field. We developed a wavelet-based multi-view fusion method that, due to wavelet decomposition properties, is able to combine the complementary directional information from all available views into a single volume. Our method is demonstrated on LSFM acquisitions from live sea urchin and zebrafish embryos. The fusion results show improved overall contrast and details when compared with any of the acquired volumes. The proposed method does not need knowledge of the system's point spread function (PSF) and performs better than other existing PSF independent fusion methods.
Self assembled and ordered group III nitride nanocolumnar structures for light emitting applications
El objetivo de este trabajo es un estudio profundo del crecimiento selectivo de nanoestructuras de InGaN por epitaxia de haces moleculares asistido por plasma, concentrandose en el potencial de estas estructuras como bloques constituyentes en LEDs de nueva generación. Varias aproximaciones al problema son discutidas; desde estructuras axiales InGaN/GaN, a estructuras core-shell, o nanoestructuras crecidas en sustratos con orientaciones menos convencionales (semi polar y no polar). La primera sección revisa los aspectos básicos del crecimiento auto-ensamblado de nanocolumnas de GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Su morfología y propiedades ópticas son comparadas con las de capas compactas de GaN sobre Si(111). En el caso de las columnas auto-ensambladas de InGaN sobre Si(111), se presentan resultados sobre el efecto de la temperatura de crecimiento en la incorporación de In. Por último, se discute la inclusión de nanodiscos de InGaN en las nanocolumnas de GaN. La segunda sección revisa los mecanismos básicos del crecimiento ordenado de nanoestructuras basadas en GaN, sobre templates de GaN/zafiro. Aumentando la relación III/V localmente, se observan cambios morfológicos; desde islas piramidales, a nanocolumnas de GaN terminadas en planos semipolares, y finalmente, a nanocolumnas finalizadas en planos c polares. Al crecer nanodiscos de InGaN insertados en las nanocolumnas de GaN, las diferentes morfologias mencionadas dan lugar a diferentes propiedades ópticas de los nanodiscos, debido al diferente carácter (semi polar o polar) de los planos cristalinos involucrados. La tercera sección recoge experimentos acerca de los efectos que la temperatura de crecimiento y la razón In/Ga tienen en la morfología y emisión de nanocolumnas ordenadas de InGaN crecidas sobre templates GaN/zafiro. En el rango de temperaturas entre 650 y 750 C, la incorporacion de In puede modificarse bien por la temperatura de crecimiento, o por la razón In/Ga. Controlar estos factores permite la optimización de la longitud de onda de emisión de las nanocolumnas de InGaN. En el caso particular de la generación de luz blanca, se han seguidos dos aproximaciones. En la primera, se obtiene emisión amarilla-blanca a temperatura ambiente de nanoestructuras donde la región de InGaN consiste en un gradiente de composiciones de In, que se ha obtenido a partir de un gradiente de temperatura durante el crecimiento. En la segunda, el apilamiento de segmentos emitiendo en azul, verde y rojo, consiguiendo la integración monolítica de estas estructuras en cada una de las nanocolumnas individuales, da lugar a emisores ordenados con un amplio espectro de emisión. En esta última aproximación, la forma espectral puede controlarse con la longitud (duración del crecimiento) de cada uno de los segmentos de InGaN. Más adelante, se presenta el crecimiento ordenado, por epitaxia de haces moleculares, de arrays de nanocolumnas que son diodos InGaN/GaN cada una de ellas, emitiendo en azul (441 nm), verde (502 nm) y amarillo (568 nm). La zona activa del dispositivo consiste en una sección de InGaN, de composición constante nominalmente y longitud entre 250 y 500 nm, y libre de defectos extendidos en contraste con capas compactas de InGaN de similares composiciones y espesores. Los espectros de electroluminiscencia muestran un muy pequeño desplazamiento al azul al aumentar la corriente inyectada (desplazamiento casi inexistente en el caso del dispositivo amarillo), y emisiones ligeramente más anchas que en el caso del estado del arte en pozos cuánticos de InGaN. A continuación, se presenta y discute el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de In(Ga)N/GaN en sustratos de Si(111). Nanocolumnas ordenadas emitiendo desde el ultravioleta (3.2 eV) al infrarrojo (0.78 eV) se crecieron sobre sustratos de Si(111) utilizando una capa compacta (“buffer”) de GaN. La morfología y eficiencia de emisión de las nanocolumnas emitiendo en el rango espectral verde pueden ser mejoradas ajustando las relaciones In/Ga y III/N, y una eficiencia cuántica interna del 30% se deriva de las medidas de fotoluminiscencia en nanocolumnas optimizadas. En la siguiente sección de este trabajo se presenta en detalle el mecanismo tras el crecimiento ordenado de nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN emitiendo en el verde, y sus propiedades ópticas. Nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN con secciones largas de InGaN (330-830 nm) se crecieron tanto en sustratos GaN/zafiro como GaN/Si(111). Se encuentra que la morfología y la distribución espacial del In dentro de las nanocolumnas dependen de las relaciones III/N e In/Ga locales en el frente de crecimiento de las nanocolumnas. La dispersión en el contenido de In entre diferentes nanocolumnas dentro de la misma muestra es despreciable, como indica las casi identicas formas espectrales de la catodoluminiscencia de una sola nanocolumna y del conjunto de ellas. Para las nanocolumnas de InGaN/GaN crecidas sobre GaN/Si(111) y emitiendo en el rango espectral verde, la eficiencia cuántica interna aumenta hasta el 30% al disminuir la temperatura de crecimiento y aumentar el nitrógeno activo. Este comportamiento se debe probablemente a la formación de estados altamente localizados, como indica la particular evolución de la energía de fotoluminiscencia con la temperatura (ausencia de “s-shape”) en muestras con una alta eficiencia cuántica interna. Por otro lado, no se ha encontrado la misma dependencia entre condiciones de crecimiento y efiencia cuántica interna en las nanoestructuras InGaN/GaN crecidas en GaN/zafiro, donde la máxima eficiencia encontrada ha sido de 3.7%. Como alternativa a las nanoestructuras axiales de InGaN/GaN, la sección 4 presenta resultados sobre el crecimiento y caracterización de estructuras core-shell de InGaN/GaN, re-crecidas sobre arrays de micropilares de GaN fabricados por ataque de un template GaN/zafiro (aproximación top-down). El crecimiento de InGaN/GaN es conformal, con componentes axiales y radiales en el crecimiento, que dan lugar a la estructuras core-shell con claras facetas hexagonales. El crecimiento radial (shell) se ve confirmado por medidas de catodoluminiscencia con resolución espacial efectuadas en un microscopio electrónico de barrido, asi como por medidas de microscopía de transmisión de electrones. Más adelante, el crecimiento de micro-pilares core-shell de InGaN se realizó en pilares GaN (cores) crecidos selectivamente por epitaxia de metal-orgánicos en fase vapor. Con el crecimiento de InGaN se forman estructuras core-shell con emisión alrededor de 3 eV. Medidas de catodoluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente indican un aumento en el contenido de indio del shell en dirección a la parte superior del pilar, que se manifiesta en un desplazamiento de la emisión de 3.2 eV en la parte inferior, a 3.0 eV en la parte superior del shell. Este desplazamiento está relacionado con variaciones locales de la razón III/V en las facetas laterales. Finalmente, se demuestra la fabricación de una estructura pin basada en estos pilares core-shell. Medidas de electroluminiscencia resuelta espacialmente, realizadas en pilares individuales, confirman que la electroluminiscencia proveniente del shell de InGaN (diodo lateral) está alrededor de 3.0 eV, mientras que la emisión desde la parte superior del pilar (diodo axial) está alrededor de 2.3 eV. Para finalizar, se presentan resultados sobre el crecimiento ordenado de GaN, con y sin inserciones de InGaN, en templates semi polares (GaN(11-22)/zafiro) y no polares (GaN(11-20)/zafiro). Tras el crecimiento ordenado, gran parte de los defectos presentes en los templates originales se ven reducidos, manifestándose en una gran mejora de las propiedades ópticas. En el caso de crecimiento selectivo sobre templates con orientación GaN(11-22), no polar, la formación de nanoestructuras con una particular morfología (baja relación entre crecimiento perpedicular frente a paralelo al plano) permite, a partir de la coalescencia de estas nanoestructuras, la fabricación de pseudo-templates no polares de GaN de alta calidad. ABSTRACT The aim of this work is to gain insight into the selective area growth of InGaN nanostructures by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy, focusing on their potential as building blocks for next generation LEDs. Several nanocolumn-based approaches such as standard axial InGaN/GaN structures, InGaN/GaN core-shell structures, or InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on semi- and non-polar substrates are discussed. The first section reviews the basics of the self-assembled growth of GaN nanocolumns on Si(111). Morphology differences and optical properties are compared to those of GaN layer grown directly on Si(111). The effects of the growth temperature on the In incorporation in self-assembled InGaN nanocolumns grown on Si(111) is described. The second section reviews the basic growth mechanisms of selectively grown GaNbased nanostructures on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. By increasing the local III/V ratio morphological changes from pyramidal islands, to GaN nanocolumns with top semi-polar planes, and further to GaN nanocolumns with top polar c-planes are observed. When growing InGaN nano-disks embedded into the GaN nanocolumns, the different morphologies mentioned lead to different optical properties, due to the semipolar and polar nature of the crystal planes involved. The third section reports on the effect of the growth temperature and In/Ga ratio on the morphology and light emission characteristics of ordered InGaN nanocolumns grown on c-plane GaN/sapphire templates. Within the growth temperature range of 650 to 750oC the In incorporation can be modified either by the growth temperature, or the In/Ga ratio. Control of these factors allows the optimization of the InGaN nanocolumns light emission wavelength. In order to achieve white light emission two approaches are used. First yellow-white light emission can be obtained at room temperature from nanostructures where the InGaN region is composition-graded by using temperature gradients during growth. In a second approach the stacking of red, green and blue emitting segments was used to achieve the monolithic integration of these structures in one single InGaN nanocolumn leading to ordered broad spectrum emitters. With this approach, the spectral shape can be controlled by changing the thickness of the respective InGaN segments. Furthermore the growth of ordered arrays of InGaN/GaN nanocolumnar light emitting diodes by molecular beam epitaxy, emitting in the blue (441 nm), green (502 nm), and yellow (568 nm) spectral range is reported. The device active region, consisting of a nanocolumnar InGaN section of nominally constant composition and 250 to 500 nm length, is free of extended defects, which is in strong contrast to InGaN layers (planar) of similar composition and thickness. Electroluminescence spectra show a very small blue shift with increasing current, (almost negligible in the yellow device) and line widths slightly broader than those of state-of-the-art InGaN quantum wells. Next the selective area growth of In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns on Si(111) substrates is discussed. Ordered In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting from ultraviolet (3.2 eV) to infrared (0.78 eV) were then grown on top of GaN-buffered Si substrates. The morphology and the emission efficiency of the In(Ga)N/GaN nanocolumns emitting in the green could be substantially improved by tuning the In/Ga and total III/N ratios, where an estimated internal quantum efficiency of 30 % was derived from photoluminescence data. In the next section, this work presents a study on the selective area growth mechanisms of green-emitting InGaN/GaN nanocolumns and their optical properties. InGaN/GaN nanocolumns with long InGaN sections (330-830nm) were grown on GaN/sapphire and GaN-buffered Si(111). The nanocolumn’s morphology and spatial indium distribution is found to depend on the local group (III)/N and In/Ga ratios at the nanocolumn’s top. A negligible spread of the average indium incorporation among different nanostructures is found as indicated by similar shapes of the cathodoluminescence spectra taken from single nanocolumns and ensembles of nanocolumns. For InGaN/GaN nanocolumns grown on GaN-buffered Si(111), all emitting in the green spectral range, the internal quantum efficiency increases up to 30% when decreasing growth temperature and increasing active nitrogen. This behavior is likely due to the formation of highly localized states, as indicated by the absence of a complete s-shape behavior of the PL peak position with temperature (up to room temperature) in samples with high internal quantum efficiency. On the other hand, no dependence of the internal quantum efficiency on the growth conditions is found for InGaN/GaN nanostructures grown on GaN/sapphire, where the maximum achieved efficiency is 3.7%. As alternative to axial InGaN/GaN nanostructures, section 4 reports on the growth and characterization of InGaN/GaN core-shell structures on an ordered array of top-down patterned GaN microrods etched from a GaN/sapphire template. Growth of InGaN/GaN is conformal, with axial and radial growth components leading to core-shell structures with clear hexagonal facets. The radial InGaN growth (shell) is confirmed by spatially resolved cathodoluminescence performed in a scanning electron microscopy as well as in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Furthermore the growth of InGaN core-shell micro pillars using an ordered array of GaN cores grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy as a template is demonstrated. Upon InGaN overgrowth core-shell structures with emission at around 3.0 eV are formed. With spatially resolved cathodoluminescence, an increasing In content towards the pillar top is found to be present in the InGaN shell, as indicated by a shift of CL peak position from 3.2 eV at the shell bottom to 3.0 eV at the shell top. This shift is related to variations of the local III/V ratio at the side facets. Further, the successful fabrication of a core-shell pin diode structure is demonstrated. Spatially resolved electroluminescence measurements performed on individual micro LEDs, confirm emission from the InGaN shell (lateral diode) at around 3.0 eV, as well as from the pillar top facet (axial diode) at around 2.3 eV. Finally, this work reports on the selective area growth of GaN, with and without InGaN insertion, on semi-polar (11-22) and non-polar (11-20) templates. Upon SAG the high defect density present in the GaN templates is strongly reduced as indicated by TEM and a dramatic improvement of the optical properties. In case of SAG on non-polar (11-22) templates the formation of nanostructures with a low aspect ratio took place allowing for the fabrication of high-quality, non-polar GaN pseudo-templates by coalescence of the nanostructures.
Photosynthetic organisms fuel their metabolism with light energy and have developed for this purpose an efficient apparatus for harvesting sunlight. The atomic structure of the apparatus, as it evolved in purple bacteria, has been constructed through a combination of x-ray crystallography, electron microscopy, and modeling. The detailed structure and overall architecture reveals a hierarchical aggregate of pigments that utilizes, as shown through femtosecond spectroscopy and quantum physics, elegant and efficient mechanisms for primary light absorption and transfer of electronic excitation toward the photosynthetic reaction center.
An immunoglobulin light chain protein was isolated from the urine of an individual (BRE) with systemic amyloidosis. Complete amino acid sequence of the variable region of the light chain (VL) protein established it as a kappa I, which when compared with other kappa I amyloid associated proteins had unique residues, including Ile-34, Leu-40, and Tyr-71. To study the tertiary structure, BRE VL was expressed in Escherichia coli by using a PCR product amplified from the patient BRE's bone marrow DNA. The PCR product was ligated into pCZ11, a thermal-inducible replication vector. Recombinant BRE VL was isolated, purified to homogeneity, and crystallized by using ammonium sulfate as the precipitant. Two crystal forms were obtained. In crystal form I the BRE VL kappa domain crystallizes as a dimer with unit cell constants isomorphous to previously published kappa protein structures. Comparison with a nonamyloid VL kappa domain from patient REI, identified significant differences in position of residues in the hypervariable segments plus variations in framework region (FR) segments 40-46 (FR2) and 66-67 (FR3). In addition, positional differences can be seen along the two types of local diads, corresponding to the monomer-monomer and dimer-dimer interfaces. From the packing diagram, a model for the amyloid light chain (AL) fibril is proposed based on a pseudohexagonal spiral structure with a rise of approximately the width of two dimers per 360 degree turn. This spiral structure could be consistent with the dimensions of amyloid fibrils as determined by electron microscopy.
Organic-organic heterojunctions are nowadays highly regarded materials for light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors, and photovoltaic cells with the prospect of designing low-cost, flexible, and efficient electronic devices.1-3 However, the key parameter of optimized heterojunctions relies on the choice of the molecular compounds as well as on the morphology of the organic-organic interface,4 which thus requires fundamental studies. In this work, we investigated the deposition of C60 molecules at room temperature on an organic layer compound, the salt bis(benzylammonium)bis(oxalato)cupurate(II), by means of noncontact atomic force microscopy. Three-dimensional molecular islands of C60 having either triangular or hexagonal shapes are formed on the substrate following a "Volmer-Weber" type of growth. We demonstrate the dynamical reshaping of those C60 nanostructures under the local action of the AFM tip at room temperature. The dissipated energy is about 75 meV and can be interpreted as the activation energy required for this migration process.
We report on a new experimental technique suitable for measurement of light-activated processes, such as fluorophore transport. The usefulness of this technique is derived from its capacity to decouple the imaging and activation processes, allowing fluorescent imaging of fluorophore transport at a convenient activation wavelength. We demonstrate the efficiency of this new technique in determination of the action spectrum of the light mediated transport of rhodamine 123 into the parasitic protozoan Giardia duodenalis. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Iodine-doped (I-doped) mesoporous titania with a bicrystalline (anatase and rutile) framework was synthesized by a two-step template hydrothermal synthesis route. I-doped titania with anatase structure was also synthesized without the use of a block copolymer as a template. The resultant titania samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared, nitrogen adsorption, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Both I-doped titania samples, with and without template, show much better photocatalytic activity than commercial P25 titania in the photodegradation of methylene blue under the irradiation of visible light (> 420 nm) and UV-visible light. Furthermore, I-doped mesoporous titania with a bicrystalline framework exhibits better activity than I-doped titania with anatase structure. The effect of rutile phase in titania on the adsorptive capacity of water and surface hydroxyl, and photocatalytic activity was investigated in detail. The excellent performance of I-doped mesoporous titania under both visible light and UV-visible light can be attributed to the combined effects of bicrystalline framework, high crystallinity, large surface area, mesoporous structure, and high visible light absorption induced by I-doping.
The molecular chaperone, Hsc70, together with its cofactor, auxilin, facilitates the ATP-dependent removal of clathrin during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in cells. We have used cryo-electron microscopy to determine the 3D structure of a complex of clathrin, auxilin401-910 and Hsc70 at pH 6 in the presence of ATP, frozen within 20 seconds of adding Hsc70 in order to visualize events that follow the binding of Hsc70 to clathrin and auxilin before clathrin disassembly. In this map,we observe density beneath the vertex of the cage that we attribute to bound Hsc70. This density emerges asymmetrically from the clathrin vertex, suggesting preferential binding by Hsc70 for one of the three possible sites at the vertex. Statistical comparison with a map of whole auxilin and clathrin previously published by us reveals the location of statistically significant differences which implicate involvement of clathrin light chains in structural rearrangements which occur after Hsc70 is recruited. Clathrin disassembly assays using light scattering suggest that loss of clathrin light chains reduces the efficiency with which auxilin facilitates this reaction. These data support a regulatory role for clathrin light chains in clathrin disassembly in addition to their established role in regulating clathrin assembly. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Uniform thin-films of polymer blends can be produced through spin-coating, which is used on an industrial scale for the production of light emitting diodes, and more recently organic photovoltaic devices. Here, we present the results of the direct observation, and control, over the phase separation of polystyrene and poly(9,9′-dioctylfluorene) during spin-coating using high speed stroboscopic fluorescence microscopy. This new approach, imaging the fluorescence, from a blend of fluorescent + non-fluorescent polymers allows for intensity to be directly mapped to composition, providing a direct determination of composition fluctuations during the spin-coating process. We have studied the compositional development and corresponding structural development for a range of compositions, which produce a range of different phase separated morphologies. We initially observe domains formed by spinodal decomposition, coarsening via Ostwald Ripening until an interfacial instability causes break-up of the bicontinuous morphology. Ostwald ripening continues, and depending upon composition a bicontinuous morphology is re-established. By observing compositional and morphological development in real-time, we are able to direct and control morphological structure development through control of the spin coating parameters via in situ feedback. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.