994 resultados para Reduction effect


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OBJECTIVE: Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) after transcranial magnetic brain stimulation (TMS) are smaller than CMAPs after peripheral nerve stimulation, because desynchronization of the TMS-induced motor neurone discharges occurs (i.e. MEP desynchronization). This desynchronization effect can be eliminated by use of the triple stimulation technique (TST; Brain 121 (1998) 437). The objective of this paper is to study the effect of discharge desynchronization on MEPs by comparing the size of MEP and TST responses. METHODS: MEP and TST responses were obtained in 10 healthy subjects during isometric contractions of the abductor digiti minimi, during voluntary background contractions between 0% and 20% of maximal force, and using 3 different stimulus intensities. Additional data from other normals and from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were obtained from previous studies. RESULTS: MEPs were smaller than TST responses in all subjects and under all stimulating conditions, confirming the marked influence of desynchronization on MEPs. There was a linear relation between the amplitudes of MEPs vs. TST responses, independent of the degree of voluntary contraction and stimulus intensity. The slope of the regression equation was 0.66 on average, indicating that desynchronization reduced the MEP amplitude on average by one third, with marked inter-individual variations. A similar average proportion was found in MS patients. CONCLUSIONS: The MEP size reduction induced by desynchronization is not influenced by the intensity of TMS and by the level of facilitatory voluntary background contractions. It is similar in healthy subjects and in MS patients, in whom increased desynchronization of central conduction was previously suggested to occur. Thus, the MEP size reduction observed may not parallel the actual amount of desynchronization.


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It is a well-known fact that, in the electrolysis of a CuSO4 solution containing iron sulfate, using insoluble anodes, with the depletion of copper, the point is finally reached where the current efficiency becomes zero. This decrease in current efficiency is due to the oxidation of the ferrous sulfate to the ferric condition at the anode, by the oxygen liberated. The resulting ferric sulfate diffuses over to the cathode and there dissolves copper from the cathode according to the chemical equation Cu + Fe2 (SO4)3 = CuSO4 + 2FeSO4. This copper, which has been deposited at the cathode by the electric current, is thus redissolved by the Fe2(SO4)3. The solution of the copper causes at the same time a formation of FeSO4 which in turn diffuses over to the anode and is there oxidized to Fe2(SO4)3; and so the cycle continues, using electric current without rendering useful work. E. H. Larison has noted that a definite amount of ferric salts must be reduced to the ferrous condition before all the copper will remain on the cathode; he does not state, however, just what this point is. L. Addicks has plotted the relation between current efficiency and ferric sulphate content. The existence of the results scattered the points more or less, although the decrease in current efficiency with increased ferric sulphate content is clearly indicated. E. T.Kern has likewise noted that the smaller the amount of copper in the solution, the greater is the reduction of current efficiency. In this work, therefore, it was desired to determine what amount of ferric iron was permissible in a copper sulfate solution of definite concentration before the current efficiency would drop to zero, and what, if any, was the effect of definite Cu:Fe’’’ratio upon the current efficiency of the electrolysis.


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Two of the indicators of the UN Millennium Development Goals ensuring environmental sustainability are energy use and per capita carbon dioxide emissions. The increasing urbanization and increasing world population may require increased energy use in order to transport enough safe drinking water to communities. In addition, the increase in water use would result in increased energy consumption, thereby resulting in increased green-house gas emissions that promote global climate change. The study of multiple Municipal Drinking Water Distribution Systems (MDWDSs) that relates various MDWDS aspects--system components and properties--to energy use is strongly desirable. The understanding of the relationship between system aspects and energy use aids in energy-efficient design. In this study, components of a MDWDS, and/or the characteristics associated with the component are termed as MDWDS aspects (hereafter--system aspects). There are many aspects of MDWDSs that affect the energy usage. Three system aspects (1) system-wide water demand, (2) storage tank parameters, and (3) pumping stations were analyzed in this study. The study involved seven MDWDSs to understand the relationship between the above-mentioned system aspects in relation with energy use. A MDWDSs model, EPANET 2.0, was utilized to analyze the seven systems. Six of the systems were real and one was a hypothetical system. The study presented here is unique in its statistical approach using seven municipal water distribution systems. The first system aspect studied was system-wide water demand. The analysis involved analyzing seven systems for the variation of water demand and its impact on energy use. To quantify the effects of water use reduction on energy use in a municipal water distribution system, the seven systems were modeled and the energy usage quantified for various amounts of water conservation. It was found that the effect of water conservation on energy use was linear for all seven systems and that all the average values of all the systems' energy use plotted on the same line with a high R 2 value. From this relationship, it can be ascertained that a 20% reduction in water demand results in approximately a 13% savings in energy use for all seven systems analyzed. This figure might hold true for many similar systems that are dominated by pumping and not gravity driven. The second system aspect analyzed was storage tank(s) parameters. Various tank parameters: (1) tank maximum water levels, (2) tank elevation, and (3) tank diameter were considered in this part of the study. MDWDSs use a significant amount of electrical energy for the pumping of water from low elevations (usually a source) to higher ones (usually storage tanks). The use of electrical energy has an effect on pollution emissions and, therefore, potential global climate change as well. Various values of these tank parameters were modeled on seven MDWDSs of various sizes using a network solver and the energy usage recorded. It was found that when averaged over all seven analyzed systems (1) the reduction of maximum tank water level by 50% results in a 2% energy reduction, (2) energy use for a change in tank elevation is system specific, and (2) a reduction of tank diameter of 50% results in approximately a 7% energy savings. The third system aspect analyzed in this study was pumping station parameters. A pumping station consists of one or more pumps. The seven systems were analyzed to understand the effect of the variation of pump horsepower and the number of booster stations on energy use. It was found that adding booster stations could save energy depending upon the system characteristics. For systems with flat topography, a single main pumping station was found to use less energy. In systems with a higher-elevation neighborhood, however, one or more booster pumps with a reduced main pumping station capacity used less energy. The energy savings for the seven systems was dependent on the number of boosters and ranged from 5% to 66% for the analyzed five systems with higher elevation neighborhoods (S3, S4, S5, S6, and S7). No energy savings was realized for the remaining two flat topography systems, S1, and S2. The present study analyzed and established the relationship between various system aspects and energy use in seven MDWDSs. This aids in estimating the amount of energy savings in MDWDSs. This energy savings would ultimately help reduce Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions including per capita CO 2 emissions thereby potentially lowering the global climate change effect. This will in turn contribute to meeting the MDG of ensuring environmental sustainability.


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The impact of a filtering half-face respirator and a half-face supplied air respirator use on blood lactate production was assessed during maximal exertion to determine if anaerobic strain increased compared to no respirator use. Twenty-eight participants performed a 30 second cycling Wingate anaerobic test (WAnT) wearing a half-face respirator. Blood lactate production was measured to evaluate if there was an increase in anaerobic strain from wearing a tight fitting half-face respirator compared to wearing no respirator. A supplied air respirator WAnT was then performed using 18 participants from the first experiment to evaluate if supplied air decreased anaerobic strain. Data from both experiments were compared to evaluate differences in the physiological effects due to respirator use during maximal exertion. A survey was administered following the second WAnT experiment to measure the participants' perception of acceptability and impact of supplied air respirator use in workplace. The blood lactate levels measured directly after the WAnT yielded lower overall mean values during the half-mask respirator trial (12.1 mmollL) and supplied air respirator trial (12.2 mmollL) than the no respirator trial (13.1 mmoI/L). However, differences in blood lactate levels were not statistically significant (p =0.597). Participants reported an average acceptability of 92.3% to wearing the supplied air respirator while performing light work. However, the average acceptability decreased as the exertion increased to moderate (78.8%) and heavy (46.6%) workloads. The supplied air respirator used provided no significant reduction in anaerobic strain within this study group compared to either the filtering half-face respirator or the no respirator condition. However, there were differences in physiological effects of respirators on each gender identified in this study. Further assessment of the anaerobic impact of respirators on each gender should be conducted.


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Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) has been proposed for patients with severe emphysema to improve dyspnoea and pulmonary function. It is unknown, however, whether prognosis and pulmonary function in these patients can be improved compared to conservative treatment. The effect of LVRS and conservative therapy were compared prospectively in 57 patients with emphysema, who fulfilled the standard criteria for LVRS. The patients were divided into two groups according to their own decision. Patients in group 1 (n=29, eight females, mean+/-SEM 58.8+/-1.7 yrs, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 27.6+/-1.3% of the predicted value) underwent LVRS. Patients in group 2 (n=28, five females, 58.5+/-1.8 yrs, FEV1 30.8+/-1.4% pred) preferred to postpone LVRS. There were no significant differences in lung function between the two groups at baseline; however, there was a tendency towards better functional status in the control group. The control group had a better modified Medical Research Council (MMRC) dyspnea score (3.1+/-0.15 versus 3.5+/-0.1, p<0.04). Model-based comparisons were used to estimate the differences between the two groups over 18 months. Significant improvements were observed in the LVRS group compared to the control group in FEV1, total lung capacity (TLC), Residual volume (RV), MMRC dyspnea score and 6-min walking distance on all follow up visits. The estimated difference in FEV1 was 33% (95% confidence interval 13-58%; p>0.0001), in TLC 12.9% (7.9-18.8%; p>0.0001), in RV 60.9% 32.6-89.2%; p>0.0001), in 6-min walking distance 230 m (138-322 m; p<0.002) and in MMRC dyspnoea score 1.17 (0.79-1.55; p<0.0001). In conclusion, lung volume reduction surgery is more effective than conservative treatment for the improvement of dyspnoea, lung function and exercise capacity in selected patients with severe emphysema.


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Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF; N = 26) and with no prior history of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa were immunized with an octavalent O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine. During the next 4 years, 16 patients (61.5%) remained free of infection and 10 (38.5%) became infected. Total serum antilipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody levels induced by immunization were comparable in infected and noninfected patients. In contrast, 12 of 16 noninfected versus 3 of 10 infected patients (p = 0.024) mounted and maintained a high-affinity anti-LPS antibody response. When compared retrospectively with the rate in a group of age- and gender-matched, nonimmunized, noncolonized patients with CF, the rate at which P. aeruginosa infections were acquired was significantly lower (p < or = 0.02) among all immunized versus nonimmunized patients during the first 2 years of observation. Subsequently, only those immunized patients who maintained a high-affinity anti-LPS antibody response had a significant reduction (p < or = 0.014) in the rate of infection during years 3 and 4. Smooth, typeable strains of P. aeruginosa predominated among immunized patients; rough, nontypeable strains were most frequently isolated from nonimmunized patients. Mucoid variants were isolated from one immunized patient versus six nonimmunized patients. These results indicate that the induction of a high-affinity P. aeruginosa anti-LPS antibody response can influence the rate of infection in patients with CF.


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RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of automatic tube current modulation on radiation dose and image quality for low tube voltage computed tomography (CT) angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anthropomorphic phantom was scanned with a 64-section CT scanner using following tube voltages: 140 kVp (Protocol A), 120 kVp (Protocol B), 100 kVp (Protocol C), and 80 kVp (Protocol D). To achieve similar noise, combined z-axis and xy-axes automatic tube current modulation was applied. Effective dose (ED) for the four tube voltages was assessed. Three plastic vials filled with different concentrations of iodinated solution were placed on the phantom's abdomen to obtain attenuation measurements. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was calculated and a figure of merit (FOM) for each iodinated solution was computed as SNR(2)/ED. RESULTS: The ED was kept similar for the four different tube voltages: (A) 5.4 mSv +/- 0.3, (B) 4.1 mSv +/- 0.6, (C) 3.9 mSv +/- 0.5, and (D) 4.2 mSv +/- 0.3 (P > .05). As the tube voltage decreased from 140 to 80 kVp, image noise was maintained (range, 13.8-14.9 HU) (P > .05). SNR increased as the tube voltage decreased, with an overall gain of 119% for the 80-kVp compared to the 140-kVp protocol (P < .05). The FOM results indicated that with a reduction of the tube voltage from 140 to 120, 100, and 80 kVp, at constant SNR, ED was reduced by a factor of 2.1, 3.3, and 5.1, respectively, (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: As tube voltage decreases, automatic tube current modulation for CT angiography yields either a significant increase in image quality at constant radiation dose or a significant decrease in radiation dose at a constant image quality.


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Abnormal lipid metabolism may be related to the increased cardiovascular risk in type 1 diabetes. Secretion and clearance rates of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) apolipoprotein B100 (apoB) determine plasma lipid concentrations. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by increased growth hormone (GH) secretion and decreased insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I concentrations. High-dose IGF-I therapy improves the lipid profile in type 1 diabetes. This study examined the effect of low-dose (40 microg.kg(-1).day(-1)) IGF-I therapy on VLDL apoB metabolism, VLDL composition, and the GH-IGF-I axis during euglycemia in type 1 diabetes. Using a stable isotope technique, VLDL apoB kinetics were estimated before and after 1 wk of IGF-I therapy in 12 patients with type 1 diabetes in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Fasting plasma triglyceride (P < 0.03), VLDL-triglyceride concentrations (P < 0.05), and the VLDL-triglyceride-to-VLDL apoB ratio (P < 0.002) significantly decreased after IGF-I therapy, whereas VLDL apoB kinetics were not significantly affected by IGF-I therapy. IGF-I therapy resulted in a significant increase in IGF-I and a significant reduction in GH concentrations. The mean overnight insulin concentrations during euglycemia decreased by 25% after IGF-I therapy. These results indicate that low-dose IGF-I therapy restores the GH-IGF-I axis in type 1 diabetes. IGF-I therapy changes fasting triglyceride concentrations and VLDL composition probably because of an increase in insulin sensitivity.


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Plates used for fracture fixation produce vascular injury to the underlying cortical bone. During the recovery of the blood supply, temporary osteoporosis is observed as a result of Haversian remodeling of the necrotic bone. This process temporarily reduces the strength of the bone. We tackled the postulate that quantitative differences exist between animal species, and in different bones within the same species, due to variations in the relative importance of the endosteal and periosteal blood supplies. Using implants scaled to the size of the bone, we found comparable cortical vascular damage in the sheep and in the dog, and in the tibia and femur of each animal. We observed a significant reduction in cortical vascular damage using plates that had a smaller contact area with the underlying bone. No significant difference in cortical vascular damage was noted in animals of different ages.


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In the late course of chronic pancreatitis (CP), weight loss is often seen because of reduced caloric intake and a reduction of pancreatic enzyme secretion, resulting in maldigestion. Most of these patients can be managed by dietary recommendations and pancreatic enzyme supplementation. However, approximately 5% of these patients are reported to be candidates for enteral nutrition support during their course of CP. Although small bowel access for enteral feeding can be easily obtained by percutaneous endoscopic gastrojejunostomy (PEG/J) or direct percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy (DPEJ), to date there are no data regarding clinical outcome and safety of long-term jejunal feeding in CP.


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INTRODUCTION: Substantial heterogeneity remains across studies investigating changes in gray matter in schizophrenia. Differences in methodology, heterogeneous symptom patterns and symptom trajectories may contribute to inconsistent findings. To address this problem, we recently proposed to group patients by symptom dimensions, which map on the language, the limbic and the motor systems. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether patients with prevalent symptoms of emotional dysregulation would show structural neuronal abnormalities in the limbic system. METHOD: 43 right-handed medicated patients with schizophrenia were assessed with the Bern Psychopathology Scale (BPS). The patients and a control group of 34 healthy individuals underwent structural imaging at a 3T MRI scanner. Whole brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was compared between patient subgroups with different severity of emotional dysregulation. Group comparisons (comparison between patients with severe emotional dysregulation, patients with mild emotional dysregulation, patients with no emotional dysregulation and healthy controls) were performed using a one way ANOVA and ANCOVA respectively. RESULTS: Patients with severe emotional dysregulation had significantly decreased gray matter density in a large cluster including the right ventral striatum and the head of the caudate compared to patients without emotional dysregulation. Comparing patients with severe emotional dysregulation and healthy controls, several clusters of significant decreased GM density were detected in patients, including the right ventral striatum, head of the caudate, left hippocampus, bilateral thalamus, dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal cortex. The significant effect in the ventral striatum was lost when patients with and without emotional dysregulation were pooled and compared with controls. DISCUSSION: Decreased gray matter density in a large cluster including the right ventral striatum was associated with severe symptoms of emotional dysregulation in patients with schizophrenia. The ventral striatum is an important part of the limbic system, and was indicated to be involved in the generation of incentive salience and psychotic symptoms. Only patients with severe emotional dysregulation had decreased gray matter in several brain structures associated with emotion and reward processing compared to healthy controls. The results support the hypothesis that grouping patients according to specific clinical symptoms matched to the limbic system allows identifying patient subgroups with structural abnormalities in the limbic network.


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BACKGROUND The use of ultrathin Doppler angioplasty guidewires has made it possible to measure collateral flow quantitatively. Pharmacologic interventions have been shown to influence collateral flow and, thus, to affect myocardial ischaemia. METHODS Twenty-five patients with coronary artery disease undergoing PTCA were included in the present analysis. Coronary flow velocities were measured in the ipsilateral (n = 25) and contralateral (n = 6; two Doppler wires) vessels during PTCA with and without i.v. adenosine (140 microg/kg.min) before and 3 min after 5 mg metoprolol i.v., respectively. The ipsilateral Doppler wire was positioned distal to the stenosis, whereas the distal end of the contralateral wire was in an angiographically normal vessel. The flow signals of the ipsilateral wire were used to calculate the collateral flow index (CFI). CFI was defined as the ratio of flow velocity during balloon inflation divided by resting flow. RESULTS Heart rate and mean aortic pressure decreased slightly (ns) after i.v. metoprolol. The collateral flow index was 0.25+/-0.12 (one fourth of the resting coronary flow) during the first PTCA and 0.27+/-0.14 (ns versus first PTCA) during the second PTCA, but decreased with metoprolol to 0.16+/-0.08 (p<0.0001 vs. baseline) during the third PTCA. CONCLUSIONS Coronary collateral flow increased slightly but not significantly during maximal vasodilatation with adenosine but decreased in 23 of 25 patients after i.v. metoprolol. Thus, there is a reduction in coronary collateral flow with metoprolol, probably due to an increase in coronary collateral resistance or a reduction in oxygen demand.


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Aim of the study In this study we examined the effects of Taiji on perceived stress and general self-efficacy (GSE), and investigated the mediating role of a Taiji-induced GSE increase on Taiji-related reduction of perceived stress. Materials and methods 70 healthy participants were randomly allocated either to the Taiji intervention group or the waiting list control group. The intervention lasted for 12 weeks comprising two Taiji classes per week. Before, shortly after, and two months after the intervention, we assessed the degree of perceived stress and GSE in all participants by employing the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the GSE-Scale. Results Compared to controls, participants of the Taiji group showed a significantly stronger decrease of perceived stress and a higher increase in GSE from pre- to post-intervention assessment (PSS: p = 0.009; GSE: p = 0.006), as well as from pre-intervention to follow-up assessment (PSS: p = 0.018; GSE: p = 0.033). A mediator analysis based on a multiple regression approach revealed that a Taiji-related increase in GSE statistically mediated the reduction in perceived stress after Taiji as compared to baseline. Post hoc testing showed that the mediating effect of GSE was significant (p = 0.043). Conclusions Our findings confirm previously reported Taiji-related stress reducing and GSE enhancing effects with GSE increase mediating Taiji related reduction of perceived stress.


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Endocrine cells store hormones in concentrated forms (aggregates) in dense-core secretory granules that are released upon appropriate stimulation. Zn(2+) binding to GH through amino acid residues His18, His21, and Glu174 are essential for GH dimerization and might mediate its aggregation and storage in secretory granules. To investigate whether GH-1 gene mutations at these positions interfere with this process, GH secretion and intracellular production were analyzed in GC cells (rat pituitary cell line) transiently expressing wt-GH and/or GH Zn mutant (GH-H18A-H21A-E174A) in forskolin-stimulated vs nonstimulated conditions. Reduced secretion of the mutant variant (alone or coexpressed with wt-GH) compared with wt-GH after forskolin stimulation was observed, whereas an increased intracellular accumulation of GH Zn mutant vs wt-GH correlates with its altered extracellular secretion. Depleting Zn(2+) from culture medium using N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylemethyl)ethylenediamine, a high-affinity Zn(2+) chelator, led to a significant reduction of the stimulated wt-GH secretion. Furthermore, externally added Zn(2+) to culture medium increased intracellular free Zn(2+) levels and recovered wt-GH secretion, suggesting its direct dependence on free Zn(2+) levels after forskolin stimulation. Confocal microscopy analysis of the intracellular secretory pathway of wt-GH and GH Zn mutant indicated that both variants pass through the regulated secretory pathway in a similar manner. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that loss of affinity of GH to Zn(2+) as well as altering intracellular free Zn(2+) content may interfere with normal GH dimerization (aggregation) and storage of the mutant variant (alone or with wt-GH), which could possibly explain impaired GH secretion.


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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition that affects people in the prime of their lives. A myriad of vascular events occur after SCI, each of which contributes to the evolving pathology. The primary trauma causes mechanical damage to blood vessels, resulting in hemorrhage. The blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB), a neurovascular unit that limits passage of most agents from systemic circulation to the central nervous system, breaks down, resulting in inflammation, scar formation, and other sequelae. Protracted BSCB disruption may exacerbate cellular injury and hinder neurobehavioral recovery in SCI. In these studies, angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), an agent known to reduce vascular permeability, was hypothesized to attenuate the severity of secondary injuries of SCI. Using longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies (dynamic contrast-enhanced [DCE]-MRI for quantification of BSCB permeability, highresolution anatomical MRI for calculation of lesion size, and diffusion tensor imaging for assessment of axonal integrity), the acute, subacute, and chronic effects of Ang1 administration after SCI were evaluated. Neurobehavioral assessments were also performed. These non-invasive techniques have applicability to the monitoring of therapies in patients with SCI. In the acute phase of injury, Ang1 was found to reduce BSCB permeability and improve neuromotor recovery. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a persistent compromise of the BSCB up to two months post-injury. In the subacute phase of injury, Ang1’s effect on reducing BSCB permeability was maintained and it was found to transiently reduce axonal integrity. The SCI lesion burden was assessed with an objective method that compared favorably with segmentations from human raters. In the chronic phase of injury, Ang1 resulted in maintained reduction in BSCB permeability, a decrease in lesion size, and improved axonal integrity. Finally, longitudinal correlations among data from the MRI modalities and neurobehavioral assays were evaluated. Locomotor recovery was negatively correlated with lesion size in the Ang1 cohort and positively correlated with diffusion measures in the vehicle cohort. In summary, the results demonstrate a possible role for Ang1 in mitigating the secondary pathologies of SCI during the acute and chronic phases of injury.