990 resultados para Recombinant Antigen


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OBJECTIVES: Fever is one of the most commonly seen symptoms in the pediatric emergency department. The objective of this study was to observe how the rapid testing for influenza virus impacts on the management of children with fever. METHODS: We performed a review of our pediatric emergency department records during the 2008/2009 annual influenza season. The BinaxNow Influenza A+B test was performed on patients with the following criteria: age 1.0 to 16.0 years, fever greater than 38.5 °C, fever of less than 96 hours' duration after the onset of clinical illness, clinical signs compatible with acute influenza, and nontoxic appearance. Additional laboratory tests were performed at the treating physician's discretion. RESULTS: The influenza rapid antigen test was performed in 192 children. One hundred nine (57%) were influenza positive, with the largest fraction (101 patients) positive for influenza A. The age distribution did not differ between children with negative and positive test results (mean, 5.3 vs. 5.1 years, not statistically significant). A larger number of diagnostic tests were performed in the group of influenza-negative patients. Twice as many complete blood counts, C-reactive protein determinations, lumbar punctures, and urinalyses were ordered in the latter group. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid diagnosis of influenza in the pediatric emergency department affects the management of febrile children as the confirmation of influenza virus infection decreases additional diagnostic tests ordered.


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Diagnostic tests in patients with Hymenoptera venom allergy are frequently positive to venoms of both honey bee and wasp (Vespula). Component-resolved analysis with recombinant species-specific major allergens (rSSMA) may help to distinguish true double sensitization from crossreactivity.


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Recent advances in the identification of susceptibility genes and environmental exposures provide broad support for a post-infectious autoimmune basis for narcolepsy/hypocretin (orexin) deficiency. We genotyped loci associated with other autoimmune and inflammatory diseases in 1,886 individuals with hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy and 10,421 controls, all of European ancestry, using a custom genotyping array (ImmunoChip). Three loci located outside the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region on chromosome 6 were significantly associated with disease risk. In addition to a strong signal in the T cell receptor alpha (TRA@), variants in two additional narcolepsy loci, Cathepsin H (CTSH) and Tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 4 (TNFSF4, also called OX40L), attained genome-wide significance. These findings underline the importance of antigen presentation by HLA Class II to T cells in the pathophysiology of this autoimmune disease.


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The presence of the schizont stage of the obligate intracellular parasites Theileria parva or T. annulata in the cytoplasm of an infected leukocyte results in host cell transformation via a mechanism that has not yet been elucidated. Proteins, secreted by the schizont, or expressed on its surface, are of interest as they can interact with host cell molecules that regulate host cell proliferation and/or survival. The major schizont surface protein is the polymorphic immunodominant molecule, PIM, which contains a large glutamine- and proline-rich domain (QP-rd) that protrudes into the host cell cytoplasm. Analyzing QP-rd generated by in vitro transcription/translation, we found that the signal peptide was efficiently cleaved post-translationally upon addition of T cell lysate or canine pancreatic microsomes, whereas signal peptide cleavage of a control protein only occurred cotranslationally and in the presence of microsomal membranes. The QP-rd of PIM migrated anomalously in SDS-PAGE and removal of the 19 amino acids corresponding to the predicted signal peptide caused a decrease in apparent molecular mass of 24kDa. The molecule was analyzed using monoclonal antibodies that recognize a set of previously defined PIM epitopes. Depending on the presence or the absence of the signal peptide, two conformational states could be demonstrated that are differentially recognized, with N-terminal epitopes becoming readily accessible upon signal peptide removal, and C-terminal epitopes becoming masked. Similar observations were made when the QP-rd of PIM was expressed in bacteria. Our observations could also be of relevance to other schizont proteins. A recent analysis of the proteomes of T. parva and T. annulata revealed the presence of a large family of potentially secreted proteins, characterized by the presence of large stretches of amino acids that are also particularly rich in QP-residues.


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Infections with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are a major cause of travelers' diarrhea worldwide. Colonization of the small intestine mucosa is dependent on specific colonization factor antigens (CFA) and coli surface (CS) antigens. CFA/1, CS3, and CS6 are the most prevalent fimbrial antigens found in clinical isolates. The goal of our study was to visualize the morphology of CS3 and CS6 fimbriae in wild-type and recombinant E. coli strains by means of transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with negative staining and immunolabeling. Corresponding ETEC genes were cloned into E. coli K12 strain DH10B. Expression of fimbriae was dependent on culture conditions and sample handling. Specific immunolabeling of fimbriae unequivocally demonstrated the presence of all types of surface antigens investigated. Negative staining was effective in revealing CS3 but not CS6. In addition, this technique clearly demonstrated differences in the morphology of genetically and immunologically identical CS3 surface antigens in wild-type and recombinant strains. This paper provides a basis for the assessment of recombinant vaccines.


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Serology is an important tool for the diagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans. In order to improve serodiagnostic performance, we have developed an in vitro-produced Echinococcus mulilocularis metacestode vesicle fluid (EmVF) antigen for application in an immunoblot assay. Immunoblot analysis of EmVF revealed an abundant immunoreactive band triplet of 20-22 kDa, achieving a sensitivity of 100% based on the testing of sera from 62 pre-operative and pre-treatment cases of active and inactive AE. Thus, the EmVF-immunoblotting allowed the specific detection of cases seronegative by the Em2- and/or EmII/3-10-ELISA, usually attributable to abortive, inactive cases of AE. The specificity of the EmVF-immunoblotting did not allow discrimination between AE and cystic echinococcosis (CE) but was 100% with respect to non-Echinococcus parasitic infections or cancer malignancies. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the current ELISA test combination (Em2- and II/3-10-ELISA) be complemented with EmVF-immunoblotting, allowing an improved diagnosis of both clinical and subclinical forms of AE, including those associated with E. multilocularis-specific antibody reactivities not detectable by ELISA.


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Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF) has a selective effect on angiogenic vessels in tumours. Given that it induces vasoplegia, its clinical use has been limited to administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs. When combined with the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. In melanoma, the complete response (CR) rate is around 80% and the overall objective response rate greater than 90%. In soft tissue sarcomas that are inextirpable, ILP is a neoadjuvant treatment resulting in limb salvage in 80% of the cases. The CR rate averages 20% and the objective response rate is around 80%. The mode of action of TNF-based ILP involves two distinct and successive effects on the tumour-associated vasculature: first, an increase in endothelium permeability leading to improved chemotherapy penetration within the tumour tissue, and second, a selective killing of angiogenic endothelial cells resulting in tumour vessel destruction. The mechanism whereby these events occur involves rapid (of the order of minutes) perturbation of cell-cell adhesive junctions and inhibition of alphavbeta3 integrin signalling in tumour-associated vessels, followed by massive death of endothelial cells and tumour vascular collapse 24 hours later. New, promising approaches for the systemic use of TNF in cancer therapy include TNF targeting by means of single chain antibodies or endothelial cell ligands, or combined administration with drugs perturbing integrin-dependent signalling and sensitizing angiogenic endothelial cells to TNF-induced death.


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We recently reported a complete change in the endothelial ABO histo-blood group phenotype of a cardiac allograft long term after B to O mismatched transplantation. In the context of the current controversy on graft recolonization with recipient endothelial cells and its importance in the development of immunological unresponsiveness, we monitored the expression of endothelial ABH histo-blood group antigens of 10 ABO-compatible, non-identical cardiac allografts over an observation period of at least 30 months. ABH antigens as well as markers for endothelial cells, erythrocytes and thrombocytes were investigated retrospectively by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibodies on sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsies and were evaluated semi-quantitatively by microscopy. In contrast to our earlier finding of the change in the endothelial ABO histo-blood group phenotype long term after ABO- mismatched transplantation, we could not confirm this change in 10 compatible but non-identical cases.


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PURPOSE: The antiproliferative effects of pharmacological agents used for androgen ablative therapy in prostate cancer, including goserelin, bicalutamide and cyproterone acetate (Fluka Chemie, Buchs, Switzerland), were tested in vitro. It was determined whether they affected prostate specific antigen mRNA and protein expression independent of growth inhibition. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Goserelin, bicalutamide (AstraZeneca, Zug, Switzerland) and cyproterone acetate were added to prostate specific antigen expressing, androgen dependent LNCaP and androgen independent C4-2 cell line (Urocor, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) cultures. Proliferation was determined by the 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide assay (Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Prostate specific antigen mRNA expression was assessed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. Secreted prostate specific antigen protein levels were quantified by microparticle enzyme-immunoassay. RESULTS: Goserelin inhibited cell growth and prostate specific antigen protein secretion in LNCaP and C4-2 cells. Prostate specific antigen mRNA expression was not decreased. Bicalutamide did not affect cell growth or prostate specific antigen mRNA expression in LNCaP or C4-2 cells, although it significantly decreased prostate specific antigen protein secretion in LNCaP and to a lesser extent in C4-2 cells. Cyproterone acetate decreased the growth of C4-2 but not of LNCaP cells. It did not affect prostate specific antigen mRNA or protein expression in either cell line. CONCLUSIONS: Prostate specific antigen expression does not necessarily correlate with cell growth. Without a substantial effect on cell growth bicalutamide lowers prostate specific antigen synthesis, whereas cyproterone acetate decreases cell growth with no effect on prostate specific antigen secretion. Prostate specific antigen expression may be influenced by growth inhibition but also by altered mRNA and protein levels depending on the agent, its concentration and the cell line evaluated. For interpreting clinical trials prostate specific antigen is not necessarily a surrogate end point marker for a treatment effect on prostate cancer cell growth.


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BACKGROUND: Anaplasma phagocytophilum (formerly known as the human granulocytic ehrlichia, Ehrlichia equi and Ehrlichia phagocytophila) is an obligate intracellular organism causing clinical disease in humans and various species of domestic animals. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this investigation were to sequence and clone the major surface protein 5 (MSP5) of A phagocytophilum and to evaluate the suitability of this antigen in the serologic diagnosis of anaplasmosis in humans and dogs. METHODS: The msp5 gene of A phagocytophilum was sequenced, cloned, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The predicted amino acid sequence homology of the various MSP5/major antigenic protein 2 orthologs was compared among various Anaplasma and Ehrlichia species. Recombinant MSP5 of A phagocytophilum was used in an ELISA to detect antibodies in serum samples from humans and dogs infected with the organism. RESULTS: Serum samples from 104 individuals previously diagnosed with A phagocytophilum infection, as well as samples from clinically healthy humans, were tested. In addition, multiple samples from 4 dogs experimentally infected with 2 different geographic isolates of A phagocytophilum and 5 dogs naturally infected with a Swiss isolate were tested using ELISA. Using this group of immunofluorescent antibody test-positive and immunofluorescent antibody test-negative samples, we found the overall agreement between assays to be >90%. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that recombinant MSP5 has potential for use as a diagnostic test antigen to detect infection with A phagocytophilum in both dogs and humans. However, sequence similarities among orthologs of MSP5 in related species of anaplasma and ehrlichia suggest that cross-reactivity among these pathogens is likely if the entire peptide is used as a test antigen.


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Intestinal macrophages, preferentially located in the subepithelial lamina propria, represent in humans the largest pool of tissue macrophages. To comply with their main task, i.e. the efficient removal of microbes and particulate matter that might have gained access to the mucosa from the intestinal lumen while maintaining local tissue homeostasis, several phenotypic and functional adaptations evolved. Most notably, microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP) receptors, including the lipopolysaccharide receptors CD14 and TLR4, but also the Fc receptors for IgA and IgG are absent on most intestinal Mø. Here we review recent findings on the phenotypic and functional adaptations of intestinal Mø and their implications for the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases.