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Siddeek et al. (1991) discussed very briefly some recent developments in Kuwait's shrimp fishery, including an important increase in landings of the main commercial species, Penaeus semisulcatus. This increase coincided with a marked fall in landings of the other important species, Metapenaeus affinis. They thought that these changes were caused by a reduction in effort combined with a more or less simultaneous favorable environmental change for P. semisulcatus and an unfavorable environmental change for M. affinis, but did not give any unequivocal evidence to support this conclusion. The results they reported are, nevertheless, very important and may be relevant to scientists and managers in other parts of the world.
Perceber a leitura como prática social, histórica e cultural a partir da evolução e das variações textuais construídas e exercidas junto à sociedade é o primeiro caminho para discutir os reflexos dos processos da leitura.Revisando a história da leitura, em autores como Fischer, Chartier e Manguel, busca-se uma imersão na construção da leitura ao longo de alguns séculos. Ao comparar os usos e as apropriações da leitura ao longo da história da escrita percebe-se que o indivíduo é fator determinante nas práticas da utilização da tecnologia. Tendo como objeto de estudo dois grupos de alunos de pós-graduação do Centro Universitário Geraldo Di Biase, onde pela primeira vez foi inserida a tecnologia digital como ferramenta didática, observa-se, com esse trabalho, uma nova experimentação da leitura. Dessa forma, o tablet como suporte de leitura é ferramenta pontual na observação in loco, de forma que a própria sala de aula é local de observação. Para as práticas metodológicas buscou-se na pesquisa empírica de observação não participante e participante meios de perceber o cotidiano dos alunos e professores inseridos em tal prática. Formado por diversas ações culturais e oriundo de uma educação tradicional, encontra-se um indivíduo proveniente da exclusão digital, que está sendo inserido constantemente num processo de inclusão digital, de forma frágil, mas reforçado pelas práticas do consumo e de marketing.Leitores cercados por leituras efêmeras e fragmentadas estão imersos numa era em que a concepção de quantidade é sobreposta à qualidade levando a um questionamento quanto às diversas leituras ou a procedência dos textos. De forma que até mesmo as relações sociais são estimuladas pela multisensorialidade midiática, encontra-se a tela como espaço de escrita e de leitura, mas essa não garante uma efetiva imersão tecnológica, mas um processo cognitivo que tenta inserir no cotidiano dos indivíduos o letramento digital.
A proposta desta tese é analisar a abordagem dos temas da morte, do morrer, da perda e do luto pela literatura infantil brasileira contemporânea. Com base em livros disponibilizados no mercado (lojas físicas e virtuais), portanto acessíveis ao público, busca compreender como a morte é narrada em seus textos e ilustrações, conjunto que, na literatura infantil, assume papel essencial. Nesta trajetória, faz-se igualmente necessária a reflexão sobre a concepção infantilizada da infância, que, na hipermodernidade, culmina na fragilização de sua autonomia e na noção equivocada, dentre outras, de que crianças não são capazes de vivenciar dores intensas e devem ser poupadas do contato com a morte. A abordagem dos livros de literatura infantil sobre a morte torna ainda imprescindível colocar em discussão as possibilidades que a literatura proporciona para a compreensão do homem diante deste evento no contexto histórico e social hipermoderno. Para tanto, o percurso escolhido desconstrói a noção vigente sobre a literatura, na qual é considerada como elemento ilustrativo, reconhecendo-a como importante recurso para as ciências humanas e sociais. Para além desta proposta, cabe ainda considerar a literatura não a partir de uma perspectiva utilitarista (o ler é importante), nem tão pouco como um recurso meramente terapêutico, mas como perspectiva de ressignificação de experiências de vida, de conhecimento do humano, de abertura para o outro e de inserção social e política. Num movimento recíproco, lemos e somos lidos pelos textos e pelas imagens; construímos nossas narrativas ao mesmo tempo em que elas nos constroem. Neste sentido, nosso momento histórico é uma folha em branco que traz em si o potencial de escrevermos as próximas linhas, páginas, capítulos... até o fim
This is the fourth River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1965 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All it summarized in tables, and figures are included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.
This is the fifth River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1966 Season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All it summarized in tables, and figures are included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. It also compares the results of previous reports.
This is the sixth and final River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1967 Season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All it summarized in tables, and figures are included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. It also compares the results of previous reports and gives a full summary for the investigation (including previous reports).
This is the first River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1962 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews briefly the theory and mechanics of the scale-reading technique, the life history of the salmon, and the methods used for the collection of scales and the examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in various tables and figures are also included, plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.
This is the second River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1963 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are alo included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. The report also remarks the similarity of the results with those for 1962.
This is the third River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1964 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are also included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions. After three years of the investigation a pattern is emerging which shows that the Dart salmon population is mainly composed of four year old fish, which have spent two years in the river and then two year or little longer at sea.
This is the River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1971 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. In 1967 the final report on a five-year scale reading programme was summarised, at the time it was considered sufficient information to help with restocking programmes and the management of salmon population. But a further scale reading programme was started in an attempt to monitor changing patterns in salmon runs that may be caused by the new influences. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All are summarized in tables, and figures are also included plotting weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.
This is the River Dart Scale Reading Investigation Report on the 1972 season by the Devon River Board. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale-reading, the general biology of the salmon population of the River Dart. In 1967 the final report on a five-year scale reading programme was summarised, at the time it was considered sufficient information to help with restocking programmes and the management of salmon population. But a further scale reading programme was started in an attempt to monitor changing patterns in salmon runs that may be caused by the new influences. It reviews the methods used for collection of the scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.
This is the 5th Annual Report of the Rive Exe Scale Reading Investigation for the 1970 season by the Devon River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon population of the River Exe. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.
This is the 6th Annual Report of the Rive Exe Scale Reading Investigation for the 1971 Season by the Devon River Authority. The object of this investigation is to examine, by means of scale reading, the biology of age classes of the salmon population of the River Exe. It reviews the methods used for the collection of scales and examination of the materials. It shows the results of the survey and the number of scales studied from each of the various sea-age classes, time of running with distribution of the sea-age groups throughout the season, fish sizes and smolt ages at migration. All is summarized in tables, and figures are included showing weight distributions for each age classes and frequency distributions.