969 resultados para Reactor de flujos de vórtices
Valorization of olive pomace through combination of biocatalysis with supercritical fluid technology
A supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) based oil extraction method was implemented on olive pomace (alperujo), and an oil yield of 25,5 +/- 0,8% (goil/gdry residue) was obtained. By Soxhlet extraction with hexane, an oil extraction yield of 28,9 +/- 0,8 % was obtained, which corresponds to an efficiency of 88,4 +/- 4,8 % for the supercritical method. The scCO2 extraction process was optimized for operating conditions of 50 MPa and 348,15 K, for which an oil loading of 32,60 g oil/kg CO2 was calculated. As a proof of concept, olive pomace was used as feedstock for biodiesel production, in a process combining the use of lipase as a catalyst with the use of scCO2 as a solvent, and integrating the steps of oil extraction, oil to biodiesel transesterification and subsequent separation of the latter. In the conducted experiments, FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) purities of 90% were obtained, with the following operating parameters: an oil:methanol molar ratio of 1:24; a residence time of 7,33 and 11,6 mins; a pressure of 40 MPa; a temperature of 313,15 K; and Lipozyme (Mucor miehei; Sigma-Aldritch) as an enzyme. However, oscillations of FAME purity were registered throughout the experiments, which could possibly be due to methanol accumulation in the enzymatic reactor. Finally, the phenolic content of olive pomace, and the effect of the drying process – oven or freeze-drying – and the extraction methods – hydro-alcoholic method and supercritical method – on the phenolic content were analysed. It was verified that the oven-drying process on the olive pomace preserved 90,1 +/- 3,6 % of the total phenolic content. About 62,3 +/- 5,53% of the oven-dried pomace phenolic content was extracted using scCO2 at 60 MPa and 323,15 K. Seven individual phenols – hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein, quercetin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid – were identified and quantified by HPLC.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production using mixed microbial cultures (MMC) requires a multi-stage process involving the microbial selection of PHA-storing microorganisms, typically operated in sequencing batch reactors (SBR), and an accumulation reactor. Since low-cost renewable feedstocks used as process feedstock are often nitrogen-deficient, nutrient supply in the selection stage is required to allow for microbial growth. In this context, the possibility to uncouple nitrogen supply from carbon feeding within the SBR cycle has been investigated in this study. Moreover, three different COD:N ratios (100:3.79, 100:3.03 and 100:2.43) were tested in three different runs which also allowed the study of COD:N ratio on the SBR performance. For each run, a synthetic mixture of acetic and propionic acids at an overall organic load rate of 8.5 gCOD L-1 d-1 was used as carbon feedstock, whereas ammonium sulfate was the nitrogen source in a lab-scale sequence batch reactor (SBR) with 1 L of working volume. Besides, a sludge retention time (SRT) of 1 d was used as well as a 6 h cycle length. The uncoupled feeding strategy significantly enhanced the selective pressure towards PHA-storing microorganisms, resulting in a two-fold increase in the PHA production (up to about 1.3 gCOD L-1). A high storage response was observed for the two runs with the COD:N ratios (gCOD:gN) of 100:3.79 and 100:3.03, whereas the lowest investigated nitrogen load resulted in very poor performance in terms of polymer production. In fact, strong nitrogen limitation caused fungi to grow and a very poor storage ability by microorganisms that thrived in those conditions. The COD:N ratio also affected the polymer composition, indeed the produced poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) showed a variable HV content (1-20 %, w/w) among the three runs, lessening as the COD:N increased. This clearly suggests the possibility to use the COD:N ratio as a tool for tuning polymer properties regardless the composition of the feedstock.
Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are an innovative and emerging technique based on the use of solid-state electrodes to stimulate microbial metabolism for wastewater treatment and simultaneous production of value-added compounds (such as methane). This research studied the performance of a two-chamber MEC in terms of organic matter oxidation (at the anode) and methane production (at the cathode). MEC‟s anode had been previously inoculated with an activated sludge, whereas the cathode chamber inoculum was an anaerobic sludge (containing methanogenic microorganisms). During the experimentation, the bioanode was continuously fed with synthetic solutions in anaerobic basal medium, at an organic load rate (OLR) of around 1 g L-1 d-1, referred to the chemical oxygen demand (COD). At the beginning (Run I), the feeding solution contained acetate and subsequently (Run II) it was replaced with a more complex solution containing soluble organic compounds other than acetate. For both conditions, the anode potential was controlled at -0.1 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode, by means of a potentiostat. During Run I, over 80% of the influent acetate was anaerobically oxidized at the anode, and the resulting electric current was recovered as methane at the cathode (with a cathode capture efficiency, CCE, accounting around 115 %). The average energy efficiency of the system (i.e., the energy captured into methane relative to the electrical energy input) under these conditions was over 170%. However, reactor‟s performance decreased over time during this run. Throughout Run II, a substrate oxidation over 60% (on COD basis) was observed. The electric current produced (57% of coulombic efficiency) was also recovered as methane, with a CCE of 90%. For this run the MEC‟s average energy efficiency accounted for almost 170 %. During all the experimentation, a very low biomass growth was observed at the anode whereas ammonium was transferred through the cationic membrane and concentrated at the cathode. Tracer experiments and scanning electron microscopy analyses were also carried out to gain a deeper insight into the reactor performance and also to investigate the possible reasons for partial loss of performance. In conclusion, this research suggests the great potential of MEC to successfully treat low-strength wastewaters, with high energy efficiency and very low sludge production.
The advent of bioconjugation impacted deeply the world of sciences and technology. New biomolecules were found, biological processes were understood, and novel methodologies were formed due to the fast expansion of this area. The possibility of creating new effective therapies for diseases like cancer is one of big applications of this now big area of study. Off target toxicity was always the problem of potent small molecules with high activity towards specific tumour targets. However, chemotherapy is now selective due to powerful linkers that connect targeting molecules with affinity to interesting biological receptors and cytotoxic drugs. This linkers must have very specific properties, such as high stability in plasma, no toxicity, no interference with ligand affinity nor drug potency, and at the same time, be able to lyse once inside the target molecule to release the therapeutic warhead. Bipolar environments between tumour intracellular and extracellular medias are usually exploited by this linkers in order to complete this goal. The work done in this thesis explores a new model for that same task, specific cancer drug delivery. Iminoboronates were studied due to its remarkable selective stability towards a wide pH range and endogenous molecules. A fluorescence probe was design to validate this model by creating an Off/On system and determine the payload release location in situ. A process was optimized to synthetize the probe 8-(1-aminoethyl)-7-hydroxy-coumarin (1) through a reductive amination reaction in a microwave reactor with 61 % yield. A method to conjugate this probe to ABBA was also optimized, obtaining the iminoboronate in good yields in mild conditions. The iminoboronate model was studied regarding its stability in several simulated biological environments and each half-life time was determined, showing the conjugate is stable most of the cases except in tumour intracellular systems. The construction of folate-ABBA-coumarin bioconjugate have been made to complete this evaluation. The ability to be uptaken by a cancer cell through endocytosis process and the conjugation delivery of coumarin fluorescence payload are two features to hope for in this construct.
The evaluation of the photorelease of a carboxylic acid drug, using butyric acid as a representative model, was carried out by using 7-amino-4-chloromethyl-2-oxo-2Hnaphtho[1,2-b] pyran, an aminobenzocoumarin, and its mono- and di-methylated or ethylated derivatives. This study was intended to improve the release of butyric acid from benzocoumarins by the addition of an amino group to the heterocycle by applying the knowledge of second-generation coumarinylmethyl-based photoremovable protecting groups. Photolysis studies were performed on the resultant ester cages by irradiation in a photochemical reactor at 254, 300, 350 and 419 nm, using methanol/HEPES buffer 80:20 solutions as solvent. The data obtained showed that these new fluorescent aminobenzocoumarins are superior to all the previously tested benzocoumarins with the same or different ring fusions. As well as the photolysis, the photophysics of the compounds were characterised by both steady state and time-resolved methods.
Excessive accumulation of Long Chain Fatty Acids (LCFA) in methanogenic bioreactors is the cause of process failure associated to a severe decrease in methane production. In particular, fast and persistent accumulation of palmitate is critical and still not elucidated. Aerobes or facultative anaerobes were detected in those reactors, raising new questions on LCFA biodegradation. To get insight into the influence of oxygen, two bioreactors were operated under microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions, with oleate at 1 and 4 gCOD/(L d). Palmitate accumulated up to 2 and 16 gCOD/L in the anaerobic and microaerophilic reactor, respectively, which shows the importance of oxygen in this conversion. A second experiment was designed to understand the dynamics of oleate to palmitate conversion. A CSTR and a PFR were assembled in series and fed with oleate under microaerophilic conditions. HRT from 6 to 24 h were applied in the CSTR, and 14 to 52 min in the PFR. In the PFR a biofilm was formed where palmitate accounted for 82% of total LCFA. Pseudomonas was the predominant genus (42 %) in this biofilm, highlighting the role of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria in LCFA bioconversion.
Este trabalho foi realizado utilizando dados coletados em uma Floresta de Transição, em uma área pertencente à Fazenda Maracaí no Noroeste de Sinop, MT, com dados micrometeorológicos obtidos com o sistema de correlação de vórtices turbulentos (Eddy Covarience) instalado numa torre de 40 metros. Teve como objetivo principal estudar as potencialidades da análise de Fourier aplicada a dados de fluxo de Calor Latente (LE), Calor Sensível (H) e Temperatura (T). Para os cálculos foram feitas médias de 3 em 3 horas para cada mês, ao longo do período de 1999 a 2005, para as variáveis estudadas. Os períodos dominantes encontrados foram de 24; 12; 4 e 3,4 horas. Os dois primeiros são atribuíveis ao movimento de rotação da Terra, ou seja, à periodicidade dia/noite. Quanto aos dois períodos menores, há indícios que estão relacionados com a dinâmica de abertura dos estômatos. Assim sendo, os resultados deste trabalho indicam que os fatores que influenciam predominantemente as variáveis microclimatológicas durante o dia (freqüências entre 10-5 a 10-4 Hz) são a radiação solar e a dinâmica de abertura dos estômatos, um resultado que destaca as potencialidades da aplicação do método de Fourier no estudo da dinâmica de microclimas em ecossistemas.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada (área de especialização em Biomedicina)
Dissertação de mestrado em Química Medicinal
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica
Tese de Doutoramento (Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
In this work, oil mill wastewater (OMW), a residue generated during olive oil extraction, was evaluated as an inducer of rhamnolipid production. Using a medium containing as sole ingredients corn steep liquor (10%, v/v), sugarcane molasses (10%, w/v) and OMW (25%, v/v), Pseudomonas aeruginosa #112 produced 4.5 and 5.1 g of rhamnolipid per liter in flasks and reactor, respectively, with critical micelle concentrations as low as 13 mg/l. Furthermore, in the medium supplemented with OMW, a higher proportion of more hydrophobic rhamnolipid congeners was observed comparing with the same medium without OMW. OMW is a hazardous waste which disposal represents a serious environmental problem; therefore, its valorization as a substrate for the production of added-value compounds such as rhamnolipids is of great interest. This is the first report of rhamnolipid production using a mixture of these three agro-industrial by-products, which can be useful for the sustainable production of rhamnolipids.
El creciente aumento de la población mundial ha generado un incremento de la demanda de agua con la consecuente disminución de su disponibilidad, situación que se ve agravada por la contaminación de recurso hídrico. La generación de aguas residuales es un hecho inevitable de toda actividad humana y los problemas asociados a las mismas causan deterioros ambientales y atentan contra la salud humana, debido a la ausencia de tratamientos adecuados y a los elevados costos de construcción de los mismos. La Universidad Católica de Córdoba a través de uno de sus Equipos de Investigación asume el compromiso de implementar un sistema que recupere el agua proveniente de los líquidos residuales generados en el campus universitario. Así, se diseña, construye e instala un prototipo que funciona como una innovadora planta compacta de remediación de líquidos residuales utilizando un reactor Biodiscos. Los Biodiscos o Contactores Biológicos Rotativos (RBC), forman parte de una de las tecnologías apropiadas y efi cientes para el tratamiento biológico-secundario de los líquidos residuales con alto contenido de materia orgánica biodegradable. La planta piloto utiliza como tratamiento primario un separador de grasas y un sistema decantador; como tratamiento secundario un Biodiscos y como tratamiento terciario un clarifi cador y dosifi cador de cloro. Biodiscos es un sistema biológico, aeróbico de cultivo fi jo, constituido por un reactor formado por una serie de discos, montados sobre un eje que gira a escasas revoluciones en una cuba semicilíndrica por donde circula el líquido residual; los discos están sumergidos un 40% en el líquido a tratar y sirven de soporte para que los microorganismos se adhieran y formen un fi lm llamado biopelícula, responsable de la depuración del efl uente, es decir, del consumo de los residuos sólidos presentes en el líquido. El líquido que egresa de esta planta de tratamiento es agua limpia, apta para diferentes usos, en el caso del campus universitario de la UCC será utilizado para riego ornamental del predio
Se estudiará la geometría de subvariedades haciendo hincapié en los grupos de holonomia de la conexión normal, herramienta que ha sido muy útil para atacar diversos problemas clásicos. Se estudiarán los siguientes problemas concretos: a) Resolver la conjetura de que toda subvariedad homogénea irreducible y substancial de la esfera cuyo grupo de holonomia normal no actúa transitivamente en la esfera es una órbita de la representación isotrópica de un espacio simétrico simple. b) ¿Existe alguna relación entre la noción de rango para espacios de curvatura no positiva y la noción de rango de una subvariedad? Respecto al rango de las variedades riemannianas se intenta probar un teorema general de descomposición para variedades riemannianas tal que toda geodésica esté contenida en un flat compacto. (...) Intentará generalizar los siguientes teoremas, válidos para flujos, a extensiones entre flujos, usando el concepto de semigrupo envolvente de una extensión. 1. X métrico y los elementos de E(X) son continuos, entonces E(X) es métrico. 2. Si se agrega la hipótesis de minimal, entonces X es equicontinuo. 3. X minimal, los elementos de E(X) de continuos y T contable entonces es equicontinuo. 4. X minimal y E(X) conmutativo entonces X es equicontinuo. 5. X distal y los elementos de E(X) son continuos, entonces X es equicontinuo.