991 resultados para Raphe Nuclei


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Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been widely used not only as optical labels or ‘weight” labels for the detections of biorecognition events but also an amplifier of surface plasmon resonance biosensors. The intrinsic property of gold nuclei composing of a group of Au atoms to catalyze the reduction of metal ions on the NPs and thereby to enlarge the metallic nanoparticles is employed in different biosensing paths. In a solution containing Au+ ions (e.g. HAuCl4) and the Au clusters, hydrated electrons which are reduced from oxidation of reducers (H2O2, sodium citrate, ascorbic acid, or NaBH4) will be used to reduce the Au+ ion leading to the deposition of Au+ to the Au0 (Au clusters). The reaction will be catalyzed continuously by the Au0 until the Au+ ions and hydrated electrons are exhausted. As a result, the AuNPs will be grown and their optical properties are also changed. If the AuNP nanoclusters are used as probes, the color change will be dependent on amount of analytes, thus give a quantitative monitoring of the analytes.

In this study, we incorporate the use of magnetic beads with the nanocrystalline growth to quantify a target protein based on immunoreactions. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is chosen as the target analyte because of its values in diagnosis of prostate cancer. A double-sandwiched immunoassay is performed by gold-tagged monoclonal PSA antibody-PSA antigen – magnetic bead-tagged polyclonal PSA antibody interactions. After the immunoreactions, the target analytes are preconcentrated and separated by the magnetic beads while the nanogrowth plays a role of colorimetric signal developer.

The result shows that this is a very sensitive, robust and excellent strategy to detect biological interactions. PSA antigen is detected at femtomolar level with very high specificity under the presence of undesired proteins of crude samples. Furthermore, the method also shows great potential to detect other biological interactions. More details will be described in our presentation.


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DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) 3A and DNMT3B are both active de novo DNA methyltransferases required for development, whereas DNMT3L, which has no demonstrable methyltransferase activity, is required for methylation of imprinted genes in the oocyte. We show here that different mechanisms are used to restrict access by these proteins to their targets during germ cell development. Transcriptional control of the Dnmt3l promoter guarantees that message is low or absent except during periods of de novo activity. Use of an alternative promoter at the Dnmt3a locus produces the shorter Dnmt3a2 transcript in the germ line and postimplantation embryo only, whereas alternative splicing of the Dnmt3b transcript ensures that Dnmt3b1 is absent in the male prospermatogonia. Control of subcellular protein localization is a common theme for DNMT3A and DNMT3B, as proteins were seen in the nucleus only when methylation was occurring. These mechanisms converge to ensure that the only time that functional products from each locus are present in the germ cell nuclei is around embryonic day 17.5 in males and after birth in the growing oocytes in females.


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Purpose: To evaluate the clinical and histological side effects of a prototype stereotactic radiotherapy system delivering microcollimated external beam radiation through pars plana in porcine eyes.

Methods: Five Yucatan mini-swine (10 eyes) were randomized to five treatment groups. Eight eyes were dosed with X-ray radiation on Day 1, and two eyes served as untreated controls. Treated eyes received doses up to 60 Gy to the retina and up to 130 Gy to the sclera using single or overlapping beams. The treatment beams were highly collimated such that the diameter was approximately 2.5 mm on the sclera and 3 mm on the retinal surface. Fundus photography, fluorescein angiography (FA), and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) were obtained on days 7, 30, 60, and 110. Images were examined by a masked grader and evaluated for abnormalities. Animals were sacrificed on day 111 and gross and histopathological analysis was conducted.

Results: Histological and gross changes to eye structures including conjunctiva and lens were minimal at all doses. Fundus, FA, and SD-OCT of the targeted region failed to disclose any abnormality in the control or 21 Gy treated animals. In the 42 and 60 Gy animals, hypopigmented spots were noted after treatment on clinical exam, and corresponding hyperfluorescent staining was seen in late frames. No evidence of choroidal hypoperfusion was seen. The histological specimens from the 60 Gy animals showed photoreceptor loss and displacement of cone nuclei.

Conclusion: Transcleral stereotactic radiation dosing in porcine eyes can be accomplished with no significant adverse events as doses less than 42 Gy.


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Monoclonal antibodies have been prepared against purified pachytene cells from grasshopper testes. Immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analyses identified those monoclonal antibodies which showed specificity for antigens in pachytene cells. Several antigenic changes were found to be associated with meiotic cells. Five monoclonal antibodies detected antigens which were located in the cytoplasm of premeiotic cells but were nuclear during meiosis. One monoclonal antibody showed a discrete cytoplasmic fluorescent pattern in meiotic, but not in premeiotic, cells. Another bound specifically to the nuclei of some epithelial cells at the base of follicles in mature testes.


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Background: Barrett's oesophagus (BO) is a well recognized precursor of the majority of cases of oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC). Endoscopic surveillance of BO patients is frequently undertaken in an attempt to detect early OAC, high grade dysplasia (HGD) or low grade dysplasia (LGD). However histological interpretation and grading of dysplasia is subjective and poorly reproducible. The alternative flow cytometry and cytology-preparation image cytometry techniques require large amounts of tissue and specialist expertise which are not widely available for frontline health care.
Methods: This study has combined whole slide imaging with DNA image cytometry, to provide a novel method for the detection and quantification of abnormal DNA contents. 20 cases were evaluated, including 8 Barrett's specialised intestinal metaplasia (SIM), 6 LGD and 6 HGD. Feulgen stained oesophageal sections (1µm thickness) were digitally scanned in their entirety and evaluated to select regions of interests and abnormalities. Barrett’s mucosa was then interactively chosen for automatic nuclei segmentation where irrelevant cell types are ignored. The combined DNA content histogram for all selected image regions was then obtained. In addition, histogram measurements, including 5c exceeding ratio (xER-5C), 2c deviation index (2cDI) and DNA grade of malignancy (DNA-MG), were computed.
Results: The histogram measurements, xER-5C, 2cDI and DNA-MG, were shown to be effective in differentiating SIM from HGD, SIM from LGD, and LGD from HGD. All three measurements discriminated SIM from HGD cases successfully with statistical significance (pxER-5C=0.0041, p2cDI=0.0151 and pDNA-MG=0.0057). Statistical significance is also achieved differentiating SIM from LGD samples with pxER-5C=0.0019, p2cDI=0.0023 and pDNA-MG=0.0030. Furthermore the differences between LGD and HGD cases are statistical significant (pxER-5C=0.0289, p2cDI=0.0486 and pDNA-MG=0.0384).
Conclusion: Whole slide image cytometry is a novel and effective method for the detection and quantification of abnormal DNA content in BO. Compared to manual histological review, this proposed method is more objective and reproducible. Compared to flow cytometry and cytology-preparation image cytometry, the current method is low cost, simple to use and only requires a single 1µm tissue section. Whole slide image cytometry could assist the routine clinical diagnosis of dysplasia in BO, which is relevant for future progression risk to OAC.


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The conserved habenular neural circuit relays cognitive information from the forebrain into the ventral mid- and hindbrain. In zebrafish, the bilaterally formed habenulae in the dorsal diencephalon are made up of the asymmetric dorsal and symmetric ventral habenular nuclei, which are homologous to the medial and lateral nuclei respectively, in mammals. These structures have been implicated in various behaviors related to the serotonergic/dopaminergic neurotransmitter system. The dorsal habenulae develop adjacent to the medially positioned pineal complex. Their precursors differentiate into two main neuronal subpopulations which differ in size across brain hemispheres as signals from left-sided parapineal cells influence their differentiation program. Unlike the dorsal habenulae and despite their importance, the ventral habenulae have been poorly studied. It is not known which genetic programs underlie their development and why they are formed symmetrically, unlike the dorsal habenulae. A main reason for this lack of knowledge is that the vHb origin has remained elusive to date.


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We present in this work a comparative study on density and transport properties, such as the conductivity (sigma), viscosity (eta) and self-diffusion coefficients (D), for electrolytes based on the lithium hexafluorophosphate, LiPF6; or on the lithium tris(pentafluoroethane)-trifluorophosphate, LiFAP dissolved in a binary mixture of ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethylcarbonate (DMC) (50:50 wt%). For each electrolyte, the temperature dependence on transport properties over a temperature range from 10 to 80 degrees C and 20 to 70 degrees C for viscosity and conductivity, respectively, exhibits a non-Arrhenius behavior. However, this dependence is correctly correlated by using the Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) type fitting equation. In each case, the best-fit parameters, such as the pseudo activation energy and ideal glass transition temperature were then extracted. The self-diffusion coefficients (D) of the Li+ cation and PF6- or FAP(-) anions species, in each studied electrolyte, were then independently determined by observing Li-3, F-19 and P-31 nuclei with the pulsed-gradient spin-echo (PGSE) NMR technique over the same temperature range from 20 to 80 degrees C. Results show that even if the diffusion of the lithium cation is quite similar in both electrolytes, the anions diffusion differs notably. In the case of the LiPF6-based electrolyte, for example at T approximate to 75 degrees C (high temperature), the self-diffusion coefficients of Li+ cations in solution (D (Li+)approximate to 5 x 10(-19) m(2) s(-1)) is 1.6 times smaller than that of PF6- anions (D (PF6-) = 8.5 x 10(-19) m(2) s(-1)), whereas in the case of the LiFAP-based electrolyte, FAP(-) anions diffuse at same rate as the Li+ cations (D (FAP(-)) = 5 x 10(-1) m(2) s(-1)). Based on these experimental results, the transport mobility of ions were then investigated through Stokes-Einstein and Nernst-Einstein equations to determine the transport number of lithium t(Li)(+), effective radius of solvated Li+ and of PF6- and FAP(-) anions, and the degree of dissociation of these lithium salts in the selected EC/DMC (50:50 wt%) mixture over a the temperature range from 20 to 80 degrees C. This study demonstrates the conflicting nature of the requirements and the advantage of the well-balanced properties as ionic mobility and dissociation constant of the selected electrolytes. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Approximately 20 per cent of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) exhibit broad, blue-shifted absorption lines in their ultraviolet spectra. Such features provide clear evidence for significant outflows from these systems, most likely in the form of accretion disc winds. These winds may represent the ‘quasar’ mode of feedback that is often invoked in galaxy formation/evolution models, and they are also key to unification scenarios for active galactic nuclei (AGN) and QSOs. To test these ideas, we construct a simple benchmark model of an equatorial, biconical accretion disc wind in a QSO and use a Monte Carlo ionization/radiative transfer code to calculate the ultraviolet spectra as a function of viewing angle. We find that for plausible outflow parameters, sightlines looking directly into the wind cone do produce broad, blue-shifted absorption features in the transitions typically seen in broad absorption line (BAL) QSOs. However, our benchmark model is intrinsically X-ray weak in order to prevent overionization of the outflow, and the wind does not yet produce collisionally excited line emission at the level observed in non-BAL QSOs. As a first step towards addressing these shortcomings, we discuss the sensitivity of our results to changes in the assumed X-ray luminosity and mass-loss rate, Ṁwind. In the context of our adopted geometry, Ṁwind ∼ Ṁacc is required in order to produce significant BAL features. The kinetic luminosity and momentum carried by such outflows would be sufficient to provide significant feedback.


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Context. Protoplanetary disks are vital objects in star and planet formation, possessing all the material, gas and dust, which may form a planetary system orbiting the new star. Small, simple molecules have traditionally been detected in protoplanetary disks; however, in the ALMA era, we expect the molecular inventory of protoplanetary disks to significantly increase.

Aims. We investigate the synthesis of complex organic molecules (COMs) in protoplanetary disks to put constraints on the achievable chemical complexity and to predict species and transitions which may be observable with ALMA.

Methods. We have coupled a 2D steady-state physical model of a protoplanetary disk around a typical T Tauri star with a large gas-grain chemical network including COMs. We compare the resulting column densities with those derived from observations and perform ray-tracing calculations to predict line spectra. We compare the synthesised line intensities with current observations and determine those COMs which may be observable in nearby objects. We also compare the predicted grain-surface abundances with those derived from cometary comae observations.

Results. We find COMs are efficiently formed in the disk midplane via grain-surface chemical reactions, reaching peak grain-surface fractional abundances similar to 10(-6)-10(-4) that of the H nuclei number density. COMs formed on grain surfaces are returned to the gas phase via non-thermal desorption; however, gas-phase species reach lower fractional abundances than their grain-surface equivalents, similar to 10(-12)-10(-7). Including the irradiation of grain mantle material helps build further complexity in the ice through the replenishment of grain-surface radicals which take part in further grain-surface reactions. There is reasonable agreement with several line transitions of H2CO observed towards T Tauri star-disk systems. There is poor agreement with HC3(N) lines observed towards LkCa 15 and GO Tau and we discuss possible explanations for these discrepancies. The synthesised line intensities for CH3OH are consistent with upper limits determined towards all sources. Our models suggest CH3OH should be readily observable in nearby protoplanetary disks with ALMA; however, detection of more complex species may prove challenging, even with ALMA "Full Science" capabilities. Our grain-surface abundances are consistent with those derived from cometary comae observations providing additional evidence for the hypothesis that comets (and other planetesimals) formed via the coagulation of icy grains in the Sun's natal disk.


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Context. Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is the target of the European Space Agency Rosetta spacecraft rendez-vous mission. Detailed physical characteristation of the comet before arrival is important for mission planning as well as providing a test bed for ground-based observing and data-analysis methods. Aims: To conduct a long-term observational programme to characterize the physical properties of the nucleus of the comet, via ground-based optical photometry, and to combine our new data with all available nucleus data from the literature. Methods: We applied aperture photometry techniques on our imaging data and combined the extracted rotational lightcurves with data from the literature. Optical lightcurve inversion techniques were applied to constrain the spin state of the nucleus and its broad shape. We performed a detailed surface thermal analysis with the shape model and optical photometry by incorporating both into the new Advanced Thermophysical Model (ATPM), along with all available Spitzer 8-24 μm thermal-IR flux measurements from the literature. Results: A convex triangular-facet shape model was determined with axial ratios b/a = 1.239 and c/a = 0.819. These values can vary by as much as 7% in each axis and still result in a statistically significant fit to the observational data. Our best spin state solution has Psid = 12.76137 ± 0.00006 h, and a rotational pole orientated at Ecliptic coordinates λ = 78°(±10°), β = + 58°(±10°). The nucleus phase darkening behaviour was measured and best characterized using the IAU HG system. Best fit parameters are: G = 0.11 ± 0.12 and HR(1,1,0) = 15.31 ± 0.07. Our shape model combined with the ATPM can satisfactorily reconcile all optical and thermal-IR data, with the fit to the Spitzer 24 μm data taken in February 2004 being exceptionally good. We derive a range of mutually-consistent physical parameters for each thermal-IR data set, including effective radius, geometric albedo, surface thermal inertia and roughness fraction. Conclusions: The overall nucleus dimensions are well constrained and strongly imply a broad nucleus shape more akin to comet 9P/Tempel 1, rather than the highly elongated or "bi-lobed" nuclei seen for comets 103P/Hartley 2 or 8P/Tuttle. The derived low thermal inertia of


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We present an analysis of comet activity based on the Spitzer Space Telescope component of the Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. We show that the survey is well suited to measuring the activity of Jupiter-family comets at 3-7 AU from the Sun. Dust was detected in 33 of 89 targets (37 ± 6%), and we conclude that 21 comets (24 ± 5%) have morphologies that suggest ongoing or recent cometary activity. Our dust detections are sensitivity limited, therefore our measured activity rate is necessarily a lower limit. All comets with small perihelion distances (q <1.8 AU) are inactive in our survey, and the active comets in our sample are strongly biased to post-perihelion epochs. We introduce the quantity ɛfρ, intended to be a thermal emission counterpart to the often reported Afρ, and find that the comets with large perihelion distances likely have greater dust production rates than other comets in our survey at 3-7 AU from the Sun, indicating a bias in the discovered Jupiter-family comet population. By examining the orbital history of our survey sample, we suggest that comets perturbed to smaller perihelion distances in the past 150 yr are more likely to be active, but more study on this effect is needed.


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Context: Near-Earth asteroid-comet transition object 107P/ (4015) Wilson-Harrington is a possible target of the joint European Space Agency (ESA) and Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Marco Polo sample return mission. Physical studies of this object are relevant to this mission, and also to understanding its asteroidal or cometary nature. Aims: Our aim is to obtain significant new constraints on the surface thermal properties of this object. Methods: We present mid-infrared photometry in two filters (16 and 22 μm) obtained with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope on February 12, 2007, and results from the application of the Near Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM). We obtained high S/N in two mid-IR bands allowing accurate measurements of its thermal emission. Results: We obtain a well constrained beaming parameter (η = 1.39±0.26) and obtain a diameter and geometric albedo of D = 3.46±0.32 km, and pV = 0.059±0.011. We also obtain similar results when we apply this best-fitting thermal model to single-band mid-IR photometry reported by Campins et al. (1995, P&SS, 43, 733), Kraemer et al. (2005, AJ, 130, 2363) and Reach et al. (2007, Icarus, 191, 298). Conclusions: The albedo of 4015 Wilson-Harrington is low, consistent with those of comet nuclei and primitive C-, P-, D-type asteorids. We establish a rough lower limit for the thermal inertia of W-H of 60 Jm-2s-0.5 K-1 when it is at r = 1 AU, which is slightly over the limit of 30 Jm-2 s-0.5 K-1 derived by Groussin et al. (2009, Icarus, 199, 568) for the thermal inertia of the nucleus of comet 22P/Kopff.


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In open-shell atoms and ions, processes such as photoionization, combination (Raman) scattering, electron scattering, and recombination are often mediated by many-electron compound resonances. We show that their interference (neglected in the independent-resonance approximation) leads to a coherent contribution, which determines the energy-averaged total cross sections of electron- and photon-induced reactions obtained using the optical theorem. In contrast, the partial cross sections (e.g., electron recombination or photon Raman scattering) are dominated by the stochastic contributions. Thus, the optical theorem provides a link between the stochastic and coherent contributions of the compound resonances. Similar conclusions are valid for reactions via compound states in molecules and nuclei.


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The Fe unresolved transition arrays (UTAs) produce prominent features in the 15-17 Å wavelength range in the spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here, we present new calculations of the energies and oscillator strengths of inner-shell lines from Fe XIV, Fe XV, and Fe XVI. These are crucial ions since they are dominant at inflection points in the gas thermal stability curve, and UTA excitation followed by autoionization is an important ionization mechanism for these species. We incorporate these, and data reported in previous papers, into the plasma simulation code Cloudy. This updated physics is subsequently employed to reconsider the thermally stable phases in absorbing media in AGNs. We show how the absorption profile of the Fe XIV UTA depends on density, due to the changing populations of levels within the ground configuration. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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We present a novel method for the light-curve characterization of Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey (PS1 MDS) extragalactic sources into stochastic variables (SVs) and burst-like (BL) transients, using multi-band image-differencing time-series data. We select detections in difference images associated with galaxy hosts using a star/galaxy catalog extracted from the deep PS1 MDS stacked images, and adopt a maximum a posteriori formulation to model their difference-flux time-series in four Pan-STARRS1 photometric bands gP1, rP1, iP1, and zP1. We use three deterministic light-curve models to fit BL transients; a Gaussian, a Gamma distribution, and an analytic supernova (SN) model, and one stochastic light-curve model, the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, in order to fit variability that is characteristic of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We assess the quality of fit of the models band-wise and source-wise, using their estimated leave-out-one cross-validation likelihoods and corrected Akaike information criteria. We then apply a K-means clustering algorithm on these statistics, to determine the source classification in each band. The final source classification is derived as a combination of the individual filter classifications, resulting in two measures of classification quality, from the averages across the photometric filters of (1) the classifications determined from the closest K-means cluster centers, and (2) the square distances from the clustering centers in the K-means clustering spaces. For a verification set of AGNs and SNe, we show that SV and BL occupy distinct regions in the plane constituted by these measures. We use our clustering method to characterize 4361 extragalactic image difference detected sources, in the first 2.5 yr of the PS1 MDS, into 1529 BL, and 2262 SV, with a purity of 95.00% for AGNs, and 90.97% for SN based on our verification sets. We combine our light-curve classifications with their nuclear or off-nuclear host galaxy offsets, to define a robust photometric sample of 1233 AGNs and 812 SNe. With these two samples, we characterize their variability and host galaxy properties, and identify simple photometric priors that would enable their real-time identification in future wide-field synoptic surveys.