887 resultados para Random sample


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A technique is developed to study random vibration of nonlinear systems. The method is based on the assumption that the joint probability density function of the response variables and input variables is Gaussian. It is shown that this method is more general than the statistical linearization technique in that it can handle non-Gaussian excitations and amplitude-limited responses. As an example a bilinear hysteretic system under white noise excitation is analyzed. The prediction of various response statistics by this technique is in good agreement with other available results.


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First, the non-linear response of a gyrostabilized platform to a small constant input torque is analyzed in respect to the effect of the time delay (inherent or deliberately introduced) in the correction torque supplied by the servomotor, which itself may be non-linear to a certain extent. The equation of motion of the platform system is a third order nonlinear non-homogeneous differential equation. An approximate analytical method of solution of this equation is utilized. The value of the delay at which the platform response becomes unstable has been calculated by using this approximate analytical method. The procedure is illustrated by means of a numerical example. Second, the non-linear response of the platform to a random input has been obtained. The effects of several types of non-linearity on reducing the level of the mean square response have been investigated, by applying the technique of equivalent linearization and solving the resulting integral equations by using laguerre or Gaussian integration techniques. The mean square responses to white noise and band limited white noise, for various values of the non-linear parameter and for different types of non-linearity function, have been obtained. For positive values of the non-linear parameter the levels of the non-linear mean square responses to both white noise and band-limited white noise are low as compared to the linear mean square response. For negative values of the non-linear parameter the level of the non-linear mean square response at first increases slowly with increasing values of the non-linear parameter and then suddenly jumps to a high level, at a certain value of the non-linearity parameter.


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The k-colouring problem is to colour a given k-colourable graph with k colours. This problem is known to be NP-hard even for fixed k greater than or equal to 3. The best known polynomial time approximation algorithms require n(delta) (for a positive constant delta depending on k) colours to colour an arbitrary k-colourable n-vertex graph. The situation is entirely different if we look at the average performance of an algorithm rather than its worst-case performance. It is well known that a k-colourable graph drawn from certain classes of distributions can be ii-coloured almost surely in polynomial time. In this paper, we present further results in this direction. We consider k-colourable graphs drawn from the random model in which each allowed edge is chosen independently with probability p(n) after initially partitioning the vertex set into ii colour classes. We present polynomial time algorithms of two different types. The first type of algorithm always runs in polynomial time and succeeds almost surely. Algorithms of this type have been proposed before, but our algorithms have provably exponentially small failure probabilities. The second type of algorithm always succeeds and has polynomial running time on average. Such algorithms are more useful and more difficult to obtain than the first type of algorithms. Our algorithms work as long as p(n) greater than or equal to n(-1+is an element of) where is an element of is a constant greater than 1/4.


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The probability distribution of the eigenvalues of a second-order stochastic boundary value problem is considered. The solution is characterized in terms of the zeros of an associated initial value problem. It is further shown that the probability distribution is related to the solution of a first-order nonlinear stochastic differential equation. Solutions of this equation based on the theory of Markov processes and also on the closure approximation are presented. A string with stochastic mass distribution is considered as an example for numerical work. The theoretical probability distribution functions are compared with digital simulation results. The comparison is found to be reasonably good.


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Random walks describe diffusion processes, where movement at every time step is restricted to only the neighboring locations. We construct a quantum random walk algorithm, based on discretization of the Dirac evolution operator inspired by staggered lattice fermions. We use it to investigate the spatial search problem, that is, to find a marked vertex on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The restriction on movement hardly matters for d > 2, and scaling behavior close to Grover's optimal algorithm (which has no restriction on movement) can be achieved. Using numerical simulations, we optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior, and demonstrate the approach to that for Grover's algorithm (equivalent to the mean-field theory or the d -> infinity limit). In particular, the scaling behavior for d = 3 is only about 25% higher than the optimal d -> infinity value.


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We investigate the spatial search problem on the two-dimensional square lattice, using the Dirac evolution operator discretized according to the staggered lattice fermion formalism. d = 2 is the critical dimension for the spatial search problem, where infrared divergence of the evolution operator leads to logarithmic factors in the scaling behavior. As a result, the construction used in our accompanying article A. Patel and M. A. Rahaman, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032330 (2010)] provides an O(root N ln N) algorithm, which is not optimal. The scaling behavior can be improved to O(root N ln N) by cleverly controlling the massless Dirac evolution operator by an ancilla qubit, as proposed by Tulsi Phys. Rev. A 78, 012310 (2008)]. We reinterpret the ancilla control as introduction of an effective mass at the marked vertex, and optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior of the algorithm by numerically tuning the parameters.


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Ever since its initial introduction some fifty years ago, the rational expectations paradigm has dominated the way economic theory handles uncertainty. The main assertion made by John F. Muth (1961), seen by many as the father of the paradigm, is that expectations of rational economic agents should essentially be equal to the predictions of relevant economic theory, since rational agents should use information available to them in an optimal way. This assumption often has important consequences on the results and interpretations of the models where it is applied. Although the rational expectations assumption can be applied to virtually any economic theory, the focus in this thesis is on macroeconomic theories of consumption, especially the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis proposed by Robert E. Hall in 1978. The much-debated theory suggests that, assuming that agents have rational expectations on their future income, consumption decisions should follow a random walk, and the best forecast of future consumption level is the current consumption level. Then, changes in consumption are unforecastable. This thesis constructs an empirical test for the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis using Finnish Consumer Survey data as well as various Finnish macroeconomic data. The data sample covers the years 1995–2010. Consumer survey data may be interpreted to directly represent household expectations, which makes it an interesting tool for this particular test. The variable to be predicted is the growth of total household consumption expenditure. The main empirical result is that the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), a balance figure computed from the most important consumer survey responses, does have statistically significant predictive power over the change in total consumption expenditure. The history of consumption expenditure growth itself, however, fails to predict its own future values. This indicates that the CCI contains some information that the history of consumption decisions does not, and that the consumption decisions are not optimal in the theoretical context. However, when conditioned on various macroeconomic variables, the CCI loses its predictive ability. This finding suggests that the index is merely a (partial) summary of macroeconomic information, and does not contain any significant private information on consumption intentions of households not directly deductible from the objective economic variables. In conclusion, the Rational Expectations–Permanent Income Hypothesis is strongly rejected by the empirical results in this thesis. This result is in accordance with most earlier studies conducted on the topic.


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Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the density f(x) = A(d)e(-lambda parallel to x parallel to alpha), lambda, alpha > 0, x is an element of R-d, d >= 2. Let d(n) be the longest edge length of the nearest-neighbor graph on these points. We show that (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n) - b(n) converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution, where b(n) similar to ((d - 1)/lambda alpha) log log n. We also prove the following strong law for the normalized nearest-neighbor distance (d) over tilde (n) = (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n)/log log n: (d - 1)/alpha lambda <= lim inf(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= lim sup(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= d/alpha lambda almost surely. Thus, the exponential rate of decay alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that, for alpha > 1, d(n) -> 0, whereas, for alpha <= 1, d(n) -> infinity almost surely as n -> infinity.


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Modern sample surveys started to spread after statistician at the U.S. Bureau of the Census in the 1940s had developed a sampling design for the Current Population Survey (CPS). A significant factor was also that digital computers became available for statisticians. In the beginning of 1950s, the theory was documented in textbooks on survey sampling. This thesis is about the development of the statistical inference for sample surveys. For the first time the idea of statistical inference was enunciated by a French scientist, P. S. Laplace. In 1781, he published a plan for a partial investigation in which he determined the sample size needed to reach the desired accuracy in estimation. The plan was based on Laplace s Principle of Inverse Probability and on his derivation of the Central Limit Theorem. They were published in a memoir in 1774 which is one of the origins of statistical inference. Laplace s inference model was based on Bernoulli trials and binominal probabilities. He assumed that populations were changing constantly. It was depicted by assuming a priori distributions for parameters. Laplace s inference model dominated statistical thinking for a century. Sample selection in Laplace s investigations was purposive. In 1894 in the International Statistical Institute meeting, Norwegian Anders Kiaer presented the idea of the Representative Method to draw samples. Its idea was that the sample would be a miniature of the population. It is still prevailing. The virtues of random sampling were known but practical problems of sample selection and data collection hindered its use. Arhtur Bowley realized the potentials of Kiaer s method and in the beginning of the 20th century carried out several surveys in the UK. He also developed the theory of statistical inference for finite populations. It was based on Laplace s inference model. R. A. Fisher contributions in the 1920 s constitute a watershed in the statistical science He revolutionized the theory of statistics. In addition, he introduced a new statistical inference model which is still the prevailing paradigm. The essential idea is to draw repeatedly samples from the same population and the assumption that population parameters are constants. Fisher s theory did not include a priori probabilities. Jerzy Neyman adopted Fisher s inference model and applied it to finite populations with the difference that Neyman s inference model does not include any assumptions of the distributions of the study variables. Applying Fisher s fiducial argument he developed the theory for confidence intervals. Neyman s last contribution to survey sampling presented a theory for double sampling. This gave the central idea for statisticians at the U.S. Census Bureau to develop the complex survey design for the CPS. Important criterion was to have a method in which the costs of data collection were acceptable, and which provided approximately equal interviewer workloads, besides sufficient accuracy in estimation.


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The electrical switching behavior of amorphous Al23Te77 thin film devices, deposited by flash evaporation, has been studied in co-planar geometry. It is found that these samples exhibit memory type electrical switching. Scanning Electron Microscopic studies show the formation of a crystalline filament in the electrode region which is responsible for switching of the device from high resistance OFF state to low resistance ON state. It is also found that the switching behavior of thin film Al-Te samples is similar to that of bulk samples, with the threshold fields of bulk samples being higher. This has been understood on the basis of higher thermal conductance in bulk, which reduces the Joule heating and temperature rise in the electrode region. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The response of the Van der Pol oscillator to stationary narrowband Gaussian excitation is considered. The central frequency of excitation is taken to be in the neighborhood of the system limit cycle frequency. The solution is obtained using a non-Gaussian closure approximation on the probability density function of the response. The validity of the solution is examined with the help of a stochastic stability analysis. Solution based on Stratonovich''s quasistatic averaging technique is also obtained. The comparison of the theoretical solutions with the digital simulations shows that the theoretical estimates are reasonably good.


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The response of a rigid rectangular block resting on a rigid foundation and acted upon simultaneously by a horizontal and a vertical random white-noise excitation is considered. In the equation of motion, the energy dissipation is modeled through a viscous damping term. Under the assumption that the body does not topple, the steady-state joint probability density function of the rotation and the rotational velocity is obtained using the Fokker-Planck equation approach. Closed form solution is obtained for a specific combination of system parameters. A more general but approximate solution to the joint probability density function based on the method of equivalent non-linearization is also presented. Further, the problem of overturning of the block is approached in the framework of the diffusion methods for first passage failure studies. The overturning of the block is deemed incipient when the response trajectories in the phase plane cross the separatrix of the conservative unforced system. Expressions for the moments of first passage time are obtained via a series solution to the governing generalized Pontriagin-Vitt equations. Numerical results illustra- tive of the theoretical solutions are presented and their validity is examined through limited amount of digital simulations.


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For resonant column tests conducted in the flexure mode of excitation, a new methodology has been proposed to find the elastic modulus and associated axial strain of a cylindrical sample. The proposed method is an improvement over the existing one, and it does not require the assumption of either the mode shape or zero bending moment condition at the top of the sample. A stepwise procedure is given to perform the necessary calculations. From a number of resonant column experiments on aluminum bars and dry sand samples, it has been observed that the present method as compared with the one available in literature provides approximately (i) 5.9%-7.3% higher values of the elastic modulus and (ii) 6.5%-7.3% higher values of the associated axial strains.


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A new analytical model has been suggested for the hysteretic behaviour of beams. The model can be directly used in a response analysis without bothering to locate the precise point where the unloading commences. The model can efficiently simulate several types of realistic softening hysteretic loops. This is demonstrated by computing the response of cantilever beams under sinusoidal and random loadings. Results are presented in the form of graphs for maximum deflection, bending moment and shear


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In this paper a new method is presented for generating earthquake accelerograms which have pre-established response spectra. The non-stationary random nature and other salient features of the accelerograms can be taken care of by the procedure developed. The method leads to a sample spectrum which lies above the given spectrum. The generation of records to suit several spectra simultaneously can also be handled by this approach. The method is detailed first. This is followed by several numerical examples.