Key tenets of modern biology are the central place of protein in cell regulation and the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that genomes are much more complex than hitherto thought with remarkably complex regulatory systems. The notion that the fraction of the genome involved in coding protein is all that matters is increasingly being questioned as the roles of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) in cellular systems becomes recognised. The RNA world, including microRNA (miRNA), small inhibitory RNA (siRNA) and other RNA species, are now recognised as being crucial for the regulation of chromatin structure, gene expression, mRNA processing and splicing, mRNA stability and translational control. Furthermore such ncRNA systems may be perturbed in disease states and most notably in neoplasia, including in haematological malignancies. Here the burgeoning evidence for a role of miRNA in neoplasia is reviewed and the importance of understanding the RNA world emphasised. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) replicase gene-encoded nonstructural protein 13 (nsp13) contains an N-terminal zinc-binding domain and a C-terminal superfamily 1 helicase domain. A histidine-tagged form of nsp13, which was expressed in insect cells and purified, is reported to unwind efficiently both partial-duplex RNA and DNA of up to several hundred base pairs. Characterization of the nsp13-associated nucleoside triphosphatase (NTPase) activities revealed that all natural ribonucleotides and nucleotides are substrates of nsp13, with ATP, dATP, and GTP being hydrolyzed most efficiently. Using the NTPase active site, HCoV-229E nsp13 also mediates RNA 5'-triphosphatase activity, which may be involved in the capping of viral RNAs.
The human coronavirus 229E replicase gene encodes a protein, p66HEL, that contains a putative zinc finger structure linked to a putative superfamily (SF) 1 helicase. A histidine-tagged form of this protein, HEL, was expressed using baculovirus vectors in insect cells. The purified recombinant protein had in vitro ATPase activity that was strongly stimulated by poly(U), poly(dT), poly(C), and poly(dA), but not by poly(G). The recombinant protein also had both RNA and DNA duplex-unwinding activities with 5'-to-3' polarity. The DNA helicase activity of the enzyme preferentially unwound 5'-oligopyrimidine-tailed, partial-duplex substrates and required a tail length of at least 10 nucleotides for effective unwinding. The combined data suggest that the coronaviral SF1 helicase functionally differs from the previously characterized RNA virus SF2 helicases.
The 67LR (67 kDa laminin receptor) is a cell-surface receptor with high affinity for its primary ligand. Its role as a laminin receptor makes it an important molecule both in cell adhesion to the basement membrane and in signalling transduction following this binding event. The protein also plays critical roles in the metastasis of tumour cells. Isolation of the protein from either normal or cancerous cells results in a product with an approx. molecular mass of 67 kDa. This protein is believed to be derived from a smaller precursor, the 37LRP (37 kDa laminin receptor precursor). However, the precise mechanism by which cytoplasmic 37LRP becomes cell-membrane-embedded 67LR is unclear. The process may involve post-translational fatty acylation of the protein combined with either homo- or hetero-dimerization, possibly with a galectin-3-epitope-containing partner. Furthermore, it has become clear that acting as a receptor for laminin is not the only function of this protein. 67LR also acts as a receptor for viruses, such as Sindbis virus and dengue virus, and is involved with internalization of the prion protein. Interestingly, unmodified 37LRP is a ribosomal component and homologues of this protein are found in all five kingdoms. In addition, it appears to be strongly associated with histones in the eukaryotic cell nucleus, although the precise role of these interactions is not clear. Here we review the current understanding of the structure and function of this molecule, as well as highlighting areas requiring further research.
Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE) is the most commonly used method worldwide for tissue storage. This method preserves the tissue integrity but causes extensive damage to nucleic acids stored within the tissue. As methods for measuring gene expression such as RT-PCR and microarray are adopted into clinical practice there is an increasing necessity to access the wealth of information locked in the Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding archives. This paper reviews the progress in this field and discusses the unique opportunities that exist for the application of these techniques in the development of personalized medicine.
The effect of flavor amplification on sensory-specfic satiety was investigated. Nineteen young adults (mean age = 25 years) and 19 elderly adults (mean age = 72 years) rated the sensory properties of six foods, and were then asked to consume normal-flavored or flavor-amplified strawberry yogurt until comfortably full. The participants then re-rated the sensory properties of the six foods. There were no cl differences in the amount of yogurt consumed in either age group. Moreover flavor-fortifying the yogurt had no effect on the amount consumed in either age group. The consumption of both yogurts caused a reduction in rated pleasantness of the yogurt among young adults, but no change in the rated pleasantness of the uneaten foods. However, the elderly did not show a decrease in the rated pleasantness of any of the foods contained in the taste trays This study indicates that sensations of sensory-specific satiety were significantly reduced in the elderly, and these sensations were not induced by the addition of strawberry flavor to the yogurt.