969 resultados para RI State Council on the Arts


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A tese busca examinar dois desenvolvimentos de grandes conseqüências na América Latina nas últimas três décadas do século XX. Ela procura testar as teorias sobre políticas distributivas examinando os efeitos da democracia e da globalização no estado de bem-estar na América Latina utilizando dados de séries temporais para 15 países entre 1973 e 2000.


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A model of overlapping generations in continuous time is composed. IndividuaIs pass through two distinct time periods during their life times. During the first period, they work, save and have a death probability equal to zero. During the second, from the periods T after birth, their probability of death changes to p and then they retire. Capital stock and the stationary state in come are calculated for two situations: in the first, people live from their accumulated capital after retirementj in the second, they live from a state transfer payment through income taxo To simplify matters, in this preliminary version, it is supposed that there is no population growth and that the instantaneous elasticity substitution of consumption is unitary.


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As empresas estatais são freqüentemente consideradas como componentes cruciais da economia de um país. Eles são responsáveis pela criação de vários postos de trabalho e proveem serviços essenciais que exigem um grande investimento de capital. Porém, em países com instituições fracas, onde a responsabilidade dos políticos é limitada e a gestão dos recursos financeiros das empresas estatais sofre pouco controle, os funcionários são muitas vezes tentados pela corrupção. Enormes quantidades de fundos públicos são facilmente desviados, e dinheiro que deveria ter sido investido nas despesas de capital, no pagamento de dívida da empresa ou no aumento do retorno para os acionistas, é usado para aumentar a riqueza privada de indivíduos ou para financiar ilegalmente partidos políticos. O desempenho da empresa sofre com essas alienações visto que parte dos lucros da empresa não são reinvestidos na empresa e dado que incentivos dos gestores estão desalinhados com os interesses dos acionistas. Petrobras, a maior empresa da América Latina em termos de ativos e receitas anuais, sofreu em 2014 e 2015 um escândalo de corrupção imenso, cujo impacto económico foi considerável, levando ao enfraquecimento da confiança de muitos investidores no Brasil após o evento. O escândalo expôs um extenso esquema de corrupção através do qual os contratantes foram conspirando para aumentar os preços de contratos de construção, com a aprovação da administração da Petrobras que pediu em troca ganhos pessoais ou fundos para o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). A exposição do escândalo na imprensa brasileira teve um grande impacto sobre a credibilidade da Petrobras: as contas da empresa estavam escondendo imensas irregularidades dado que a empresa tinha pago demais para os contratos de construção que não foram precificados no valor do mercado. Ao longo deste estudo, usamos o exemplo da Petrobras para ilustrar como a corrupção dentro empresas estatais prejudica o desempenho da empresa e como ela afeta as várias partes interessadas da empresa.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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INTRODUÇÃO: Leptospirose é uma zoonose que tem como hospedeiros pririos os animais silvestres, sinantrópicos e domésticos. Os humanos comportam-se como hospedeiros terminais e acidentais. Sua prevalência depende dos animais portadores que disseminam o agente, de sua sobrevivência ambiental e do contato de pessoas susceptíveis. Cada sorovar tem um ou mais hospedeiros com diferentes níveis de adaptação. Os focos de leptospirose devem-se aos animais infectados, doentes e assintomáticos, considerados como fontes de infecção ambiental. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar áreas de risco da infecção leptospírica em cães errantes e pacientes com diagnóstico de leptospirose nos anos de 2006 a 2008, em Maringá, Estado do Paraná, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 335 cães errantes e 25 pacientes. Os soros, tanto dos animais como dos pacientes, foram examinados pela prova de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), para pesquisa de anticorpos antileptospíricos. Para determinar áreas de risco e a distribuição espacial da doença foram elaborados mapas temáticos. RESULTADOS: Foram observados 41(12,2%) cães positivos para um ou mais sorovares de leptospiras, e os mais frequentes foram: Pyrogenes (43,9%), Canícola (21,9%) e Copennhageni (19,5%). Nos humanos, a positividade foi de 2 (8%) para os sorovares, Pyrogenes e Hardjo Prajitno e, Pyrogenes e Cynopteri. CONCLUSÕES: A análise espacial revelou que o risco de cães e humanos, no município de Maringá, se infectar com leptospiras está presente tanto em áreas centrais como periricas, fato que reforça a relevância deste estudo e de ações contínuas de vigilância epidemiológica e ambiental para o controle da doença tanto nos animais como no homem.


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Crotoxin B (CB or Cdt PLA(2)) is a basic Asp49-PLA(2) found in the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus and it is one of the subunits that constitute the crotoxin (Cro). This heterodimeric toxin, main component of the C. d. terrificus venom, is completed by an acidic, nontoxic, and nonenzymatic component (crotoxin A, CA or crotapotin), and it is related to important envenomation effects such as neurological disorders, myotoxicity, and renal failure. Although Cro has been crystallized since 1938, no crystal structure of this toxin or its subunits is currently available. In this work, the authors present the crystal structure of novel tetrameric complex formed by two dimers of crotoxin B isoforms (CB1 and CB2). The results suggest that these assemblies are stable in solution and show that Ser1 and Glu92 of CB1 and CB2, respectively, play an important role in the oligomerization. The tetrameric and dimeric conformations resulting from the association of the isoforms may increase the neurotoxicity of the toxin CB by the creation of new binding sites, which could improve the affinity of the molecular complexes to the presynaptic membrane.


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The brachyuran community of the coast of São Paulo State is represented by about 188 species of crabs inhabiting different kinds of coastal marine environments. The biodiversity of brachyurans found on non-consolidated sublittoral bottom was investigated. The Ubatuba region (Ubatumirim, Ubatuba and Mar Virado bays, Couves and Mar Virado Islands, offshore region) was sampled for 3 years (1998-2000), at depths of 2-40 m. All sampling was performed using a fishing boat equipped with two double-rig nets. We collected 79 brachyuran species representing 9 superfamilies (4 Dromioidea, 1 Homoloidea, 2 Calappoidea, 5 Leucosioidea, 20 Majoidea, 7 Parthenopoidea, 17 Portunoidea, 18 Xanthoidea, and 5 Pinnotheroidea) and 41 genera. Ubatuba bay showed the greatest species richness with 50 species, followed by Ubatumirim with 45 and Mar Virado with 29. The number of species collected represents about 57% of the known species of crabs already reported for the shore of São Paulo State. It is worth noticing that this percentage is restricted only to non-consolidated sublittoral bottom. This fact indicates a great biodiversity of the habitat in this studied region, probably one to the diversity of habitat types present in the bays.


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The present study aimed to determine the ecological distribution of Loxopagurus loxochelis as a function of selected environmental factors, as well as its reproductive period based on the combined analysis of the presence of ovigerous females and the development of the gonad. The collections were carried out monthly from January to December 2000 in the region of Ubatuba (SP), using a fishing boat equipped with two double rig nets, in isobaths of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 m, at which depths samples of sediment and water were collected. The cephalothoracic shield length and sex of the animals were determined; the abdomen was dissected to verify gonad development stages. A total of 334 individuals was obtained ( 196 males, 48 ovigerous females and 90 non-ovigerous females) with sizes varying from 3.0 to 8.6 mm (5.7 +/- 1.0 mm). A greater abundance of L. loxochelis (95.2%) was observed at depths of 20 and 25 m. These sites mainly revealed a substratum stable with a very fine sand fraction, which facilitates the habit of embedding shown by this hermit. With regard to gonadal analysis, it was possible to classify four gonad development stages for each sex: immature, rudimentary, developing and developed. It was observed that in the winter months about 71% of the females had gonads either developing or developed and 67% were ovigerous. Therefore, the winter period can be considered the peak of reproduction for this species, characterizing a typical seasonal-continuous reproduction.


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The abundance and ecologic distribution of the shrimp R. constrictus were compared among three different embayments within the northern coast of São Paulo State (23degreesS, 45degreesW); i.e. Mar Virado (MV), Ubatuba (UBA) and Ubatumirim (UBM). Key environmental factors were monitored for a better understanding of the distributional patterns of this species, namely temperature, salinity, depth, organic matter content and texture of sediments. In each bay, six transects were delimited, four parallel to the coastline and the other two in areas adjacent to rocky shores. Monthly samples were taken over a 2-year period (1998 and 1999), using a shrimp fishing boat equipped with double-rig nets. Abundance data were treated separately according to environmental characteristics. A total of 4978 specimens was obtained; 921 at MV, 1948 at UBA and 2109 at UBM. The spatial distribution of R. constrictus differed among bays. Higher abundance values were recorded at areas where silt and clay comprised less than 70% of the sediment. A more diversified sediment at UBM and UBA apparently favours the establishment of this species in the region. Its abundance also followed a seasonal trend, higher during spring and summer when intrusions of cold South Atlantic Coastal Waters (SACW) are frequent, promoting the migration of this shrimp to more sheltered areas. These results suggest that sediment type and temperature are the most important variables affecting the spatial and seasonal distribution of this species.


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A morphometric study of the xanthoid crab Hexapanopeus schmitti was carried out, using the allometric method. Samples were taken monthly for two years (1998-1999) in the Ubatuba region, northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Sex and size were assessed for each specimen, and all crabs were measured to obtain their carapace width (CW) and length (CL), abdomen width (AW) of females, major cheliped propodus length and height (PL and PH), and gonopod length (GL) of males. A total of 301 crabs were analyzed, 209 males and 92 females. The CWs of the crabs ranged from 2.5 to 9.8 mm for males and from 2.8 to 9.4 mm for females. The relative growth equation (y=ax(b)) based on the relationship between GL and CW suggested that males reach their morphological sexual maturity near 6.1 mm CW. In females, the estimated size at 50 % maturity was 4.8 mm CW, based on the relationship of AW vs. CW. Males reach larger sizes than females, which probably favors their ability to guard the females during courtship. In approximately 83 % of the crabs (n= 371), disregarding sex, the right cheliped was larger.


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The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is the highest blood lactate concentration that can be identified as maintaining a steady state during a prolonged submaximal constant workload. The objective of the present study was to analyze the influence of the aerobic capacity on the validity of anaerobic threshold (AT) to estimate the exercise intensity at MLSS (MLSS intensity) during cycling. Ten untrained males (UC) and 9 male endurance cyclists (EC) matched for age, weight and height performed one incremental maximal load test to determine AT and two to four 30-min constant submaximal load tests on a mechanically braked cycle ergometer to determine MLSS and MLSS intensity. AT was determined as the intensity corresponding to 3.5 mM blood lactate. MLSS intensity was defined as the highest workload at which blood lactate concentration did not increase by more than 1 mM between minutes 10 and 30 of the constant workload. MLSS intensity (EC = 282.1 ± 23.8 W; UC = 180.2 ± 24.5 W) and AT (EC = 274.8 ± 24.9 W; UC = 187.2 ± 28.0 W) were significantly higher in trained group. However, there was no significant difference in MLSS between EC (5.0 ± 1.2 mM) and UC (4.9 ± 1.7 mM). The MLSS intensity and AT were not different and significantly correlated in both groups (EC: r = 0.77; UC: r = 0.81). We conclude that MLSS and the validity of AT to estimate MLSS intensity during cycling, analyzed in a cross-sectional design (trained x sedentary), do not depend on the aerobic capacity.