1000 resultados para R. equi
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho e as atividades das enzimas digestivas de girinos de rã-touro, alimentados com ração comercial durante 60 dias, com um girino por litro, em caixas com 30 L de água. Os parâmetros medidos quinzenalmente foram: sobrevivência, comprimento, peso final, consumo de ração, e a atividade de amilase, lipase e tripsina. O maior crescimento dos girinos foi do 15º ao 45º dia - 20,61 mm. Durante os primeiros 15 dias, os girinos apresentaram a maior taxa de crescimento especÃfico, 16,73% por dia. Do 45º ao 60º dia, os girinos apresentaram o maior ganho de peso, 3,98±0,73 g, o maior consumo de ração, 14,40±1,14 g, e a melhor conversão alimentar, 3,67:1,0±0,18. Houve aumento significativo da atividade enzimática depois do 30º dia. Observaram-se relações entre as atividades especÃficas das enzimas e os distintos estágios de desenvolvimento dos girinos.
On August 3, 2009, a road safety audit was initiated for the intersection of IA 1 and County Road F-67 in Johnson County, Iowa. Due to the high volume of traffic accessing the cheese producing plant (Twin County Dairy, Inc.), a grocery store east of the intersection, and a large Amish community with horse-drawn wagons and carriages frequently sharing the roads with motorized vehicles, this intersection has developed a crash history that concerns the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Iowa State Patrol, and local agencies. Considering this, Johnson County and the Iowa DOT requested that a road safety audit be conducted to address the safety concerns and recommend possible mitigation strategies.
This article aims to analyze the different impact that some factors may exert on the probability that a small young firm invests intensively in R&D. Recently, an increasing amount of the literature makes reference to the vital role played by a small number of young firms in generating jobs and increasing efficiency levels. However, not all new firms invest in R&D. Departing from the definition of YICs (firms younger than 6 years old, fewer than 250 employees and with more than 15% of their revenues invested in R&D activities), and with an extensive sample of the Spanish Community Innovation Survey between 2004- 2010, we try to determine: i) those factors that cause firms to become YICs (innovative young small firms) or YNICs (moderately innovative young small firms); ii) what is the difference in the impact of those factors between YICs and YNICs. Our results show that factors such as initial innovation capacity and cooperation in R&D projects enhance the probability of becoming a YIC. Nevertheless, factors such as export potential and market uncertainty may influence the decision to invest moderately and become a YNIC. Keywords: Innovation, Policy, YICs. JEL Classifications: O31, D21
Abstrakti: "Sukulaisten kanssa on loputtomasti ongelmia": hoitohenkilökunnan ambivalenssi vanhusten aikuisten lasten suhteen